Week by Week

WEEK BY WEEK CONSUMMATE magnificence enshrined the recep-tion accorded the Italian royal family by the newly constituted papal city. All that historic custom and renaissance art have bequeathed of...

...To the Church one looks for sovereign expression of all the virtues of humanity, as these are strong with Divine grace...
...It will be recalled that in his testimony to the lobbying investigators, Mr...
...It may not be a very complete answer, but in view of the fact that Mr...
...Now, however, religious differences between Belgium and Holland are considerably lessened, while the strife between Walloons and Flemings must act to turn Flemish sympathies toward the Dutch...
...IT IS a recurring pleasure for The Commonweal to announce to its readers the successive exhibitions of the Saint Hilda Guild...
...The specially notable work completed during the year will be shown, including orders for churches and chapels, both here and abroad, and as a piece de resistance, a copy of Charlemagne's coronation robe, the original of which is now in the Vatican City Treasury...
...One would have said, however, that those traditions which ascribe some particular Middle- monopoly of qualities to some particular western geographic group as, hospitality, honWomen esty, laziness, charm tend to be less and less believed as more and more people get about and observe the very average distribution of these characteristics over the face of the continent...
...The relics of the martyrs are now encased in the universal Catholic altar, mute testimonials to an everlasting and sorrowful campaign to redeem the world...
...This is, of course, a magnificent record...
...He says further that the "adroit politicians" arranging for the unopposed renomination of President Hoover, are responsible for Dwight Morrow's entrance into the Senate...
...The people can cope with such things...
...THE approach of the hundredth anniversary of Belgium's secession from Holland lends a rather special emphasis to certain developHo11and and ment in modern Belgium which may . yet prove of the greatest significance Belgium to rest of Europe...
...On these points, Chairman Legge's letter of explanation was most emphatic...
...How utterly stupid this theory is has long since been evident to those who have familiarized themselves, in a measure, with the evidence...
...and surely the hour when justice is victorious, when amicable peace has once again been restored between the powers which govern the race, has an illustrious virtue of its own...
...In handling the eternally vague Duke and the indefatigably scientific Reverend Cyril Smith, Mr...
...From time to time the press carries thrilling accounts of arduous trips made by plane and dog sleds, to bring such a common antitoxin as that against diphtheria into some isolated camp or settlement...
...Glaseman urges his American fellows to protest vigorously and directly...
...J. H. Barnes and the commission grain dealers having served chiefly to endear the Board to the various farm organizations...
...And while the Czechs gathered in their great Prague cathedral to venerate his memory, the Holy Father addressed to them a commemorative letter some words from which may well serve as a conclusion to these remarks: "He was therefore a witness to the Christian faith placing, according to the words of Aquinas, 'little value on the things which are seen' so that he might receive treasures undiscerned...
...It may be that American psychology manifests a Falling tendency toward extremes of bliss and woe that whereas everybody was Barometers doing lip-service to prosperity a year ago, the same everybody is now committed to unrelieved gloom...
...But if the unit of the first is as hard to seize upon as the unit of the second recently proved to be, perhaps it is a fairer division of worry to let the British do it.rhaps it is a fairer division of worry to let the British do it...
...A NEWLY invented noise meter is just now engaging the attention of the British public...
...All too frequently the situation is dismissed with a simple reference to some one fact which is held to explain everything...
...In view of these facts the expedition which is described as "the flying clinics of the Pan-American Medical Association" sets a precedent which is almost epochal...
...Defending the Board To DATE the severest critics of the Federal Farm Board have proved its very best friends...
...The answer was, in every case, "The Middle-West...
...MacDonald is not...
...One may well think it high time that the whole world protested...
...On the whole he has done more good than harm, even to the causes for which he reserves his most smoky sentiments, and perhaps that is why, among many of the champions of those causes, he is an object of good-will, even affection...
...the remarks of Mr...
...Glaseman feels not only that the official attitude toward religion could hardly be worse, but that the situation in which Russian Jews find themselves is particularly grave...
...JVJ.ANY important discoveries in the last fifty years have added tremendously to the knowledge of medical scientists, but the effort to make the Winded results of these findings more widely available to mankind has been less sucClinics cessful...
...All that historic custom and renaissance art have bequeathed of Triumph and rneans to symbolize authority was em-Suffering in ployed for an occasion which marked the Review final step in reconquered friendliness between the Vatican and the Quirinal...
...Those hopes and aspirations refer, of course, to a third term, and Senator Harrison's concern to see them green and flourishing must be prompted by a thought of the dissensions they might create, the embarrassments which they might cause the Republican party...
...We RUBBED our eyes the other day over the news that Mr...
...Very probably Senator Harrison was speaking in jest, for it is hard to see how the presidential prospects of Mr...
...But who was not conscious of the meaning of their story...
...But why, one is asked, this downpour of lavish display and tinsel...
...At the time of secession, Flemings and Walloons, despite the most pronounced linguistic and cultural differences, acted as Belgians and as Catholics resenting the domination of Protestant Holland...
...But perhaps the sectional balance is more nearly redressed than might at first be apparent by the fact casually recorded in one of the answers returned to the World's investigator: "Southern girls know how to get along with men in business...
...Few would deny the importance of the event, which offset so pertinently the storming of Rome nearly sixty years ago...
...SIGNIFICANTLY enough the general attitude toward business remains frankly pessimistic...
...In a demonstration before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, it was described as a device Measuring "which it is hoped will enable a noise to Noise be analyzed and measured in one minute...
...What interests us primarily is another matter entirely...
...Barnes appeared to be taking credit for precautionary admonitions which had persuaded the Board to give the grain dealers a hearing before arriving at any important decision, and to require the farm marketing organizations to pay the standard commercial interest rate on government loans...
...Advertising, journalism, promotion, merchandising what one agency director called "the big-league jobs" in the business world have an ever larger contingent of women born and brought up between Ohio and the Dakotas...
...Rumor also has it that there has been a marked decline from the normal Christmas trade, and the point is supported by considerable evidence regarding the status of commerce as a whole...
...This experiment in modern medical research and education will set out from Miami this month with a personnel and equipment for demonstrations, lectures and even operations in eleven Central and South American republics...
...The effect of such a visit must necessarily be incalculably great...
...WE SHALL always have sectional traditions, of course...
...THE decision of the Democratic Committee of Alabama to bar from the party primaries all who bolted the presidential ticket in 1928 has re-The ceived more praise than reproach, alCommittee though from this distance we can see and Heflin cause for neither...
...the resolution was introduced by a prohibitionist, and a number of wets voted against it...
...But we have just read a copy of the address delivered by Mr...
...1 HOUGH much in the following excerpt from the address could be applied equally well to Catholic and Protestant groups, it will enable us primarily to realize the desperation with which Russian Jews confront the present and the future: "It is a totally new, different and very formidable set of circumstances that faces the Jew in Soviet Russia...
...In a moment, even in less than the twinkling of an eye, the Church is wrapped in the desolation of mourning, bare and terrible as the Cross of Golgotha...
...This invokes the parallel memory of Mr...
...These last must face not merely the opposition of the Moscow authorities but also the fury of the Yevsektzia, as the group of renegade Communist Jews is called...
...Noise and navies equally should be kept down, for our peace...
...It is nevertheless evident that some aspects of the situation are genuinely disturbing...
...A moral wall is being erected between the children and the parents...
...For the first Rome was generous with festive symbols designed to express the honor which accrues to the English race for having reared so stalwart a company of the faithful...
...The mind leaps at once, of course, to make the connection between this interesting possibility and the recently organized campaign for quiet on our own side of the Atlantic...
...We are carrying out the provisions of the act which created the Board in what we believe to be the best interests of the American farmer, for whose benefit the legislation was passed...
...A hundred years more, and the world may be coupling Belgium with Holland instead of with France...
...The commissions executed by the Guild combine liturgical correctness with a beauty of design and a skill of workmanship recalling the high days of needlecraft, often they actually embody the unique patterns of a vanished time, reviving for general inspiration and delight colors and lines which have a classic value and which would otherwise live on only in museum pieces...
...This writer canvassed some of the city's chief employment agencies with the query, What part of the country furnishes New York with its most successful women workers...
...Thus out of the past there looms up an array of prisons and gallows where death was swallowed up in victory a victory concealed from the gaze, however, by the progressive estrangement of England from a Catholic culture it once held dearer than life itself, and the subsequent progressive secularization which all but dried up its religious energy...
...The chief purpose of the speaker, whose years in Russia have educated him well, was to oppose the "ridiculous policy of silent diplomacy and leniency toward the Soviet government" which seems to have been adopted by various groups of Jews and Christians resident in other countries...
...I'll say that for them...
...Work so choice and special will never be as widely multiplied as might be wished, but the Guild's fame has become much more than national, and it exercises an educational and artistic influence proportionately great...
...The liquidation of synagogues and yeshivas is not in itself the most dangerous fact...
...Doubtless the Committee, being a party committee, has done well to withhold the party privileges from all who are unreliable according to the party's point of view, and doubtless the most notable of the bolters, Senator Heflin, has done well to proclaim his candidacy as an independent...
...And between these two extremes there are the appointed places of all other spiritual states serene joy and hard work, penitence and meditation...
...Hoover brings allaying considerations...
...The Farm Board will not require the cooperative organizations to pay the full commercial interest rate, and "the Board will not submit its policies to the grain trade before action...
...Here at last was an item almost too A Marrow good to be true, gleaming in a list of Bone items unfortunately too true...
...WHETHER Mr...
...When a synagogue is converted into a workers' club, the Jews arrange to conduct their services in some private house...
...For then it could be written that in a given year a given President disposed of a given rival by luring him to Washington and clapping him into the senatorial dungeon...
...but the growing number of white-collar employees out of a job in various large cities is both well attested to and difficult to explain...
...Educational weapons are effectively supplemented with physical terrorism and intimidation...
...France was naturally their ally, more because of a brotherhood in faith than because French was the mother tongue of the Walloons...
...The weakness of the automotive trade has caused some of this, no doubt...
...It may be that here and there in a world grown singularly plain in its conception of human relations this ceremonial was looked upon with an unfriendly eye...
...When Magic was written, people believed that if you wanted to be a symbolist, you had to be like Maeterlinck...
...The answer is simple...
...children whose parents are discovered eating matzoth are expelled from school...
...It is surely a time when critical consciousness, which not long ago seemed to have deserted us as a people, is coming back into favor...
...As we understand it, personal prejudices did not enter into the decision...
...It is difficult not to feel a certain chagrin at being beaten by the British at our own technological game particularly as our President is an engineer, and Mr...
...Hoover's famous and as yet non-existent naval yardstick...
...Chesterton's Magic had been revived at one of the smaller New York theatres...
...Centuries before Wenceslas, so beloved to the English that his name recurs in their ballads, bore witness to the same truth...
...Barnes had nothing to say about un-constitutionality at the time of the Board's creation, and that his present objections seem made to fit a situation which must be disappointing to him, it is fair enough...
...that if you insisted upon being a realist, Pinero was your man...
...Regarding Mr...
...Often the sick must make long journeys to the centres for skilled care...
...We can understand that Senator Heflin could not allow a committee's verdict to end his political career...
...and there are many cases where the parents deliberately choose to abandon the Jewish practices, because they realize but too well the possible and probable consequences of loyalty...
...Barnes intended it or not, this was the interpretation generally put upon his remarks, and the result has been a very ardent defense of Chairman Legge and the Farm Board by farm relief leaders both in Congress and on the outside...
...Eventually the Flemish are bound to win in their demands for a full recognition of their own language, and the chance to maintain Flemish culture, for they are the majority in Belgium...
...We recommend the exhibition to students of ecclesiastical art and lovers of the beautiful...
...But before, say, a riveter, a siren and a truck could be put upon the ratio of 5 5 3, a unit of noise would obviously have to be determined on in a word, a yardstick...
...And it is a fair bet that when Maeterlinck has been forgotten, when Pinero has faded out of the record and Shaw is being read with the help of a glossary, citizens will still crowd a little theatre to obtain a glimpse of magic...
...This condition applies even more tragically to the surgical and medical specialist...
...One hundred and thirty-six priests, laymen and women, selected from three hundred named in the records, gave their lives under Tudor and Stuart kings rather than abjure even a fragment of their belief...
...We are willing to be judged by what we do...
...Barnes intended to convey this impression...
...Chesterton sat down and, almost in the twinkling of an eye, was all three...
...NOTICE, for instance, the beatification of the English martyrs and the observance of the thousandth anniversary of Saint Wenceslas, king of the Czechs, both of which events were nearly contemporary with the visit of the Italian sovereigns...
...Morrow, at least, have been injured by his transfer from Mexico City to Washington...
...Among such references Jews in Rassia none has been more popular than the statement that Sovietism is the creature of Jews, who use it as a weapon against Christianity...
...The forthcoming exhibition will be held at the Guild rooms, 131 East 47th Street, Manhattan, on January 22, 23, 24 and 25, from ten o'clock in the morning until six in the evening...
...It was strictly a disciplinary measure...
...Parents whose children are discovered eating matzoth are discharged from their positions...
...Of course not everybody will agree that the author of so many books carved his masterpiece in miniature...
...and to whichever one of many conjectural factors it may be due co-education, the middle-western "booster spirit," the happy middle-western racial amalgam, or the proud middle-western aloofness from the effete conditions of the eastern seaboard it deserves unstinted praise...
...That, after all, is the lesson inherent in every symbol...
...Not often does the time for such outcries of triumph arrive...
...This is done with the aid of destructive methods, such as have never been employed on so large a scale in any other country...
...Barnes's criticism of the constitutionality of the Farm Board's proceedings, Chairman Legge made the obvious comment that such a quarrel should be with Congress, not with the Board...
...it is to be hoped that it will be so successful that many other associations will be moved to follow its example in the future...
...However, the thought of Mr...
...If the constituent clamors of the universal din in which we live were to be regularly analyzed and measured, it could only be with the idea of using the results as a basis for rationing out corresponding maximums of sound...
...In other words, specialization was the thing, despite the element of artificiality involved...
...So far as we know, the Noise Abatement Commission which is officially seeing to the matter over here is still measuring noises by the old-fashioned expedient of estimating, through the mere medium of the consciousness, the crepitations upon the hammer, anvil and stirrup bones...
...The dangerous element in the situation lies in the fact that the Soviet government, through the Yevsektzia, is setting the new generation against the old, son against father, child against parent...
...Leo M. Glase-man, prominent correspondent for a Jewish news agency, to the recent American Jewish Congress...
...The real significance of the episode is in its demonstration that the Farm Board has already acquired a considerable support in the circles where that is most desirable...
...But Mr...
...He added, "I do not think Mr...
...SENATOR HARRISON hopes that Mr...
...In other states it will not matter greatly whether the voters of Alabama decide with the committee or with the Senator...
...and that if you were bent on poking fun at errant humanity it was absolutely necessary to be cold and brilliant like Wilde or Shaw...
...Coolidge will not be persuaded to enter the Senate, to "bury his hopes and aspirations in this august body...
...The crash in stocks coincided with the usual annual decline in production, and one must not be accepted too confidently as the cause of the other...
...Chesterton is a greater satirist than he has ever managed to be again...
...P URTHER light on the condition of religion in Russia is desirable...
...we can understand, too, that a reputable Democrat of Alabama might feel relief to unshoulder responsibility for Senator Heflin...
...This associaSaint Hilda tion was founded in New York fifteen years ago "to raise the standard of church art," especially as that applies to vestures, linens and embroideries, and has fulfilled its purpose with impressive and increasing success...
...Employment has fallen off, and the disposition to refuse inexperienced help is increasing...
...Thus some color would be given to present-day politics which differ from the ancient principally in that they have the intrigue without the adventure...
...Modern development of the airplane will make possible a journey over 6,000 miles of sea and mountains in only thirteen days...
...Such dismal facts cannot be offset entirely by dwelling on the good effect which tax reduction and public building programs are likely to have...
...But we almost wish it were possible to consider the Senate in every case as the cemetery of White House aspirations...
...Even some very large cities, as we learn from mortality statistics, have none of the serum needed against a virulent form of pneumonia...
...in analyzing youthful love and the shock of the mysterious, he is a better poet of fantasy than he has ever managed to be again...
...This is not only the greatest modern mystery play (in old and new senses of the term) but a digest of the excellences of its author which merits absorbing over and over again...
...Thus one is a little startled to come upon the monopoly theory stated quite seriously, and with a considerable backing of statistics, by a special writer in the New York World...

Vol. 11 • January 1930 • No. 9

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