Week by Week
WEEK BY WEEK First Action at London WE SEE no reason for the disappointment over Secretary Stimson's statement abandoning all hope of further reduction in cruiser strength. It was not unexpected....
...If this be true-Catholics assuredly do not admit that it is-there should be no distinctions made between the rich and the poor...
...In it he made some reference to the attempted assassination of President Ortiz Rubio, and threats which have been uttered against his own person...
...It has long been known," its editorial declares, "that the rate of broken marriages is high in good times and falls in periods of economic depression...
...Professor Daniel Voelter, of Amsterdam, who succeeded in deciphering the inscriptions, proves that these are only relatively ancient and conserve the alphabet of a Semitic people which wandered into France about 700 B.C...
...The French government finally appointed an international commission of inquiry, which reported its findings during January of last year...
...But sentiment is, alas, a tender plant...
...Yet from the standpoint of our entire Latin-American relations, intervention, however justified, is not desirable...
...Heflin has shortened it...
...Meanwhile the desire for reduction is recognized in the proposal to scrap three American and five British battleships immediately, which will mean a saving of $100,000,000 to the two nations by 1936...
...One hopes for good government in Mexico, but it is hard to believe that it will be secured through a mere process of elimination in which target practice is the chief factor...
...Such acts-as witness the very similar incident of the Obregon assassination-are never done on personal initiative...
...He was not without followers...
...Consider-able storm, both within and without the government, centered around the presence of United States marines in Nicaragua where for many years it was impossible to release the bear's tail safely...
...Hoover has treated the prohibition problem since his election...
...It was then seen that the bone of contention was really the series of inscriptions, which Reinach considered the most ancient script in France and which others could not identify with so distant a geological era...
...The working out of this illustrious act, has to be sure, become a matter the mar-velousness of which is beyond understanding...
...Instead of 305,000 tons we shall have 327,000...
...His new record, 525 for January, displaced his old, 513 for the preceding month...
...The Mexican President escaped death by a hair, under a hail of bullets fired by a veritable boy who knew that he would be caught...
...Such wholesale dissolution of the civil ties of marriage obviously cannot be achieved with sufficient consideration of the merits of individual cases...
...In spite of all talk to the contrary, the country has recently bristled with plots and miniature rebellions impossible to trace to any single source...
...in the face of unwillingness elsewhere to do away with the battleship altogether, Mr...
...It is a juicy conundrum...
...Even in this country it [divorce] is not an indulgence within the reach of the average income, and in Europe it is virtually prohibitive for the mass of the population...
...Nevertheless once this stabilization corporation commences to function as a direct activity of the Farm Board, the desired benefit to the grower would not be far behind...
...More Shooting in Mexico THOUGH abundant rumors had asserted that the inauguration of Ortiz Rubio would not be an entirely peaceful affair, one was hardly pre-pared for the attempted assassination...
...British agricultural views are compounded of ten metaphysical systems at war with one another...
...They are written by various hands at varying times, and belong definitely to a bygone age...
...In a situation of this kind there is really no answer, no explanation, which can be made...
...Prohibition is first of all a matter of prosecuting throngs of guilty souls, and so the Attorney-General might rightly take over the enterprise...
...The French housing and agricultural acts, for example, are drawn up with admirable clarity and they work...
...Now it is a long way from New York to Alabama as the crow flies, but Mr...
...No one in the island whose opinion carries weight hesitates to predict that premature withdrawal would be followed by political and economic chaos...
...Four years on the campus seemed to him wasted unless one ended by acquiring some ability to think and some understanding of the virtues of a gentleman...
...and the peace of the world is not likely to be endangered by 22,000 tons...
...He had great faith in adequate training in the liberal arts which, he thought, could help young people to decide intelligently what part in the complex drama of modern life they might play with honor and success...
...The New York Times, quoting statistics of its own, draws the conclusions that the number of divorces are in direct proportion to prosperity and predicts that Chicago will have less divorce in 1930...
...There is, for instance, the lamentable condition of Alabama, where democracy will offer for the senatorial elections this year the name of a candidate other than Thomas Heflin...
...He likewise held to a distinction between the masculine and feminine personalities, holding that both could not flourish equally in the same atmosphere...
...But the humiliation of the Filipinos is not lessened however California as a whole may disclaim the offenders as representative...
...English Cheese IMPOSING a fine of ten shillings upon a merchant who had violated the Shops Early Closing Act by selling a cheese during prohibited hours, a British magistrate ironically remarked that here was a serious offense, indeed...
...President Hoover has moved promptly to disarm such criticism...
...MacDonald's statement favors "a reduction in size from 35,000 tons to 25,000 tons and of guns from sixteen inches to twelve inches...
...It would have been difficult to find a more reasonable educator...
...Indecency in California WE ARE in complete sympathy with the Filipino Nationalists who indignantly declare that so long as they remain under the flag of the United States they will not suffer being treated as aliens in this country...
...Heflin to worry about than the sorry systems of New York...
...If we have any decency left we can only admit our shame, and apologize...
...In so far as point two of the report is concerned, we are doubtless in for a great deal of talk about juryless trials...
...A parallel situation exists today in Haiti...
...Confronting an indebtedness of some thousands, Mr...
...To refuse might have been to lose the only opportunity for limitation of any kind...
...And with this source of friction eliminated, in the next five or ten years we may be able to see our way clear to an actual reduction of cruiser strength...
...That is something...
...The proposal is not likely to be received with enthusiasm in our navy, not so ready as the British government to relinquish the battleship idea, and our admirals have been quoted as believing that to reduce a battleship below 30,000 tons is largely to destroy its effectiveness as a battleship...
...The Dark Menace FOR months Senator Heflin of Alabama has been comparatively quiet, but we are pleased to learn that he has lost none of his eloquence, or ingenuity...
...I do not know," said the Senator, "What my fate will be...
...After all, Mr...
...The chronic revolutionary disorder breaks out afresh on various parts of the body politic, and such a thing as complete civic health appears to be well-nigh impossible...
...Filipinos about Santa Cruz are not competing with white labor...
...In his manners and in his way of living the typical Filipino is one of the most satisfactory products of modern civilization...
...This again is an indirect, but powerful, argument against divorce as it is now legally practised for it has always been justified on the grounds that two people who cannot live happily together in wedlock should be freed from their marriage contract...
...And yet, over a long period of time, the English system appears to have worked better than the French...
...Years ago Admiral Sir Percy Scott began to preach the futility of battleships...
...But while Britons have theorized sagely on both subjects, what they accomplish is reminiscent of nothing so much as a bad housewife...
...Few men more justly deserved to be termed "liberal," for his was a tolerance which remained unremittingly self-critical even while it was patient and charitable with the views of others...
...If there were anything bizarre in the Filipino's manners, or uncouth in his way of living, we might try to understand (although even in this case certainly not to condone) the outburst...
...Indeed, one is not far from surmising that the President was greatly relieved by the chance to turn everything over to Mr...
...The chief himself reports that he has received "a drastic but healthy education in business management, which, one has learned, is an art as delicate as any of the more aesthetic employments...
...May one take a cue from a Morley literary favorite and hope that the rich uncle will turn up soon...
...The out-rageous persecution of their fellow-countrymen in California is not a matter which we, so far removed from the scene, can hope to affect...
...Faunce served as president of Brown University during thirty years and so wedded his native common sense to a vast amount of experience...
...When the first excavations at this little, sleepy town in the department of Allier, France, brought to light objects which seemed to hail from a remote epoch, there was much furious and excited discussion...
...Sincerely devoted to his own Baptist convictions, he was frankly appalled by the evidence for religious prejudice and did his part to denounce the evils brought to light during the Smith campaign...
...During the most recent of past seasons veritable mobs of the young and old have jammed the Hoboken ferries, eager to enjoy peanuts, lager and drama...
...But what really inspired him was his knowledge of "the open and notorious social equality policy" between Negroes and whites in New York state...
...In the present instance the cause is assumed to be that sponsored by Jose Vasconcelos, whose followers charge that the election in which he was defeated was a simple hoax...
...This last was unearthed from the past by Mr...
...Adventures in Occupation AMERICAN history seems to indicate that it is far easier to send troops to pacify a country than to withdraw an occupational force...
...Practically everything, it was declared, must be considered spurious...
...Empowered by Congress, he has announced his intention of appointing a commission of inquiry to determine "when and how we are to withdraw" and "what we shall do in the meantime...
...The trouble in California arose from an antipathy inspired and fed by the wildest kind of rumors...
...According to all reports the entertainment afforded was excellent, the brew available in the neighborhood comparable to the products of yore, and Hoboken itself "a slice of yesterday...
...Leading House wets declare, however, that they are supporting the transfer of Volsteadian authority to the Department of Justice solely in order to demonstrate that drought is impossible under any circumstances...
...The campaign is just beginning...
...British fondness for individuality conjures up inside the framework of a given statute an almost indefinite number of exceptions...
...Nor is it made more palatable to the Haitians by accusations directed against General Russell, the high commissioner, and his investigators, who are believed to be allied with President Borno's government to the detriment of the people's interest...
...Wickersham does not have to run the Republican party...
...Of course at this time of year there are other things for Mr...
...Always the difference seems to lie in contrasted conceptions of liberty...
...Thus the American Cotton Cooperative Association, aided by Farm Board loans, would actually serve as a stabilization corporation...
...They presuppose a cause which has brought many together for a common purpose and which has aroused intense enthusiasm...
...No modern forgerer, however learned in Semitic languages he might be, could have produced such inscriptions," says the Amsterdam authority...
...British housing reposes upon a multitude of conflicting provisions...
...Their religious life was highly developed, although they had customs not in vogue among the Israelites of Palestine...
...There a judge, doubt-less inspired by such phenomena as marathon dances, has set the "high" for divorce decrees...
...And if a Frenchman desired to help shop clerks get more sleep, he would doubtless propose that they toil forty-eight hours a week...
...The difference between the figures suggested during the Hoover-MacDonald conversations and what we now propose is not great enough to get excited about...
...Though the constitutionality of such a step may be less questionable than Senator Wagner, of New York, thinks it is, subsequent political effects might be ominously important...
...We are also told that there can be no question of the genuineness of the inscriptions...
...Since little more than 5 percent of the 1929 crop remains in the hands of the growers, Senator George of Georgia correctly concludes that "a stabilization corporation to operate widely during the remaining months of this season would benefit not so much the growers as the present holders of cotton...
...Faunce WE OF The Commonweal had more than one opportunity to appreciate the character of Dr...
...If the affair had its roots in an economic resentment, we might at least attempt an explanation to the Islands...
...In effect what the British plan would accomplish is to do away with battleships as they are now known, and replace them with battle cruisers, a class which has been practically non-existent since the Washington conference...
...Our soldiers are in command under the terms of a treaty which does not expire until 1936...
...We do not think it is an especially inspired plan...
...What Dr...
...Closing quotations, which were a frac-tion below the ad valorem basis on which the board approves loans to cotton operatives, indicated a loss on the product which would mount into the millions...
...It is a particularly local demonstration, probably confined to wholly irresponsible and objectionable elements in the California population...
...Science and Glozel THE honor of science has emerged trim and debonair from the dust of Glozel...
...Even advocates of divorce might be expected to protest that the machine-like precision of Chicago's mill travesties the law...
...GREAT BRITAIN, of course, would be pleased to go further, since it is not closely wedded to the big-ship idea anyhow...
...If the French and Italian differences can be adjusted so that this understanding between Britain and America can become part of the general treaty, we shall have put an end to cruiser competition, and have achieved a theoretical parity by giving either country the option of duplicating exactly the cruiser fleet of the other...
...The airplane and submarine had proved their effectiveness as weapons of offense and to the airplane or submarine, the bigger the ship, the better the target...
...They were Hebrews for the most part, who had originally been brought as captives from the copper mines of Sinai to a Phoenician colony on the Rhone, whence they later moved farther westward...
...A New "High" in Divorce INFERENTIALLY one of the saddest commen-tories on divorce is provided by a recent news item from Chicago...
...Saving King Cotton COORDINATION between the Federal Farm Board and the various state cooperative marketing associations has recently been effected in an attempt to stabilize the cotton market...
...Newspapers and even scientific journals accepted the verdict without question, and a great deal of scorn was devoted to the sponsors of Glozel...
...The despatch continued to prophesy optimistically that the year 1930 will set a new divorce record for Chicago, where the last year's figure was 10,336...
...In Memoriam:Dr...
...Morley's enterprise has reluctantly (and one hopes temporarily) gone hunting for a receiver...
...Thus a discussion is brought to a close which scientists and their friends can applaud, and which can harm no one...
...for the French, liberty and equality seem inextricably combined...
...From this point of view the Senator's address is a memorable document, outlining as it does the caution with which Mr...
...Around the Decanter POINT one scored by the Wickersham Law Enforcement report is apparently headed for congressional approval...
...His recent speech in the Senate on the critical question of preserving the integrity and supremacy of the white race in the United States will probably go down in history as the first great oration of the post-war period...
...The cotton farmer may have his money for the 1929 crop, but what the market does now will have an immediate effect on the valuation to be placed on the 1930 pickings...
...It has been obvious for months that the British would not do with less than fifty cruisers, and that if we wished parity in this class we must accept their minimum...
...As a matter of fact, little is to be hoped for from the change besides a victory for logic...
...other savants talked of what might be termed fossil-faking...
...But diverse authorities were not convinced and succeeded in promoting the appointment of a new commission which eventually contradicted what its predecessor had averred and assigned the articles unearthed to the neolithic period...
...But it has not...
...Christopher Morley finds himself would overwhelm us...
...Professors Reinach and Morlet argued that the fragments of vessels and the inscriptions dated from the reindeer age...
...Most of the campaign promises have gone by the boards...
...Rejected by his party, the watchdog of white supremacy will run as an independent...
...This development leads one to contemplate a sovereign curiosity of modern life-the circumstance that the French, saddled with one of the worst conceivable forms of government, are getting things done with despatch, while the English (supremely fortunate in their constitution) potter about interminably...
...Meanwhile one remembers him gratefully for his own sterling personal worth...
...Little by little a series of "exceptions" has been introduced, so that at present the task of distinguishing between what can and cannot be purchased after curfew would consume the energies of an American tariff expert...
...W. H. P. Faunce, whose death at the age of seventy-one was announced last week...
...Professor Voelter credits them with an interesting record, which shows that in addition to being competent workmen and traders in bronze wares, they taught their children reading and writing...
...THIS riddle has now been solved, strangely enough, by a professor of theology...
...Obviously some of the elements of an experiment cling to the farm board's plan but the prospects of its ultimate success are good...
...if the battleship is obsolete, so is the battle cruiser...
...We do not believe that the proposal can be written into law without important modifications...
...The Farm Board's assurance to southern senators that it would not alter its loan basis was followed by its prompt endorsement of the arrangement made by the American Cotton Cooperative Association to take over all the marketing activities of the various state organizations...
...Really like tatting or painting on cherrystones, we should say...
...What is needed is a genuinely honest election-and we are not far from believing that some day the United States will be compelled to guarantee one...
...Appearances must, however, never be taken at their face value in Mexico...
...But there is not...
...He was hard pressed, however, by a rival judge who ran up 513 for January...
...These ideas have had some influence on the government...
...One hopes that this commission will recommend speedy education of the Haitians in democratic government so that the first disqualification for self-rule will be removed...
...Morley, who loves such plays as After Dark, and served to the public in a theatre which was modern enough to support a heavy mortgage...
...Business Despite Beer IF WE had time to be more than usually melancholy, the straits in which Mr...
...Faunce wrote on educational topics is, indeed, likely to be of permanent value, because it is both abreast of modernity and yet not subservient to mere innovating theory...
Vol. 11 • February 1930 • No. 16