Index to Vol. CXIX

Index to Volume CXIX January 17,1992, to December 18,1992 Articles and Poetry Aaron, Scott................The Choice in 'choose life' Altbach, Philip G. and Lewis, Lionel...

...12:6 Je 19...
...11:2 Je 5; 13:3 Jl I7;14:2 Ag 14...
...2:2, 31 Ja 31...
...14:3 Ag 14...
...2:45 Ja 31...
...8:21 Ap24...
...20:31 N 20...
...2:44 Ja 31...
...Hovda, Robert, 7:5 Ap 10 Human rights, 8:30 Ap 24...
...Laundromat.....................19:21 N6 Pericles.................................3:19F 14 Sarah and Abraham ...............7:19 Ap 10 Sight Unseen ........................4:20 F 28 Struck Dumb ........................1:18 Ja 17 Taking Control .....................19:20 N 6 Tania ..............................14:27 Ag 14 Tubes.................................5:24 Mr 13 Two Trains Running ...............11:18 Je 5 Unidentified Human Remains...
...9:2 My 8; 9:28-31 My 8; 11:2 Je5...
...11:5 Je 5; 12;7 Je 19...
...10:31 My 22...
...14:4 Ag 14...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...17:9 0 9 Medicine, 6:12 Mr 27...
...15:11-39S 11;17:2 0 9; 17...
...7:29 Ap 10...
...21:8D4 gay marriage, 1:2 26 Ja 17'91...
...19:2 N 6 Media, 7:8 Ap 10...
...Elie, Paul......................Waugh discovers America The boy in the velveteen suit Critics' choices for Christmas Elshtain, Eric P................................Summer work Engelke, Jane Lewis.............Read my lips: tax me Englund, Steven................Getting a take on Jesus Fandel, John.................................Pentecost: poem Finn, Molly.............Critics' choices for Christmas Fitzmeyer, Joseph A. .................................What they found in the caves Forest, Jim.....................Writes poems, will travel Franck, Frederick...Critics' choices for Christmas Garvey, John......................An eye on the sparrow None of the above Nostalgia for what...
...12:7 Je 19...
...12:6 Je 19;12:7 Je 19...
...A choice in Rhode Island Moral cockroach Blame the message The business of being Perot Quayle says it right Sit down & shut up 4:15 F 28 7:14Ap 10 21:25D4 9:6 My 8 17:7 0 9 19:7 N 6 14:27 Ag 14 1:9 Ja 17 11:5 Je 5 17:6 0 9 4:5 F 28 8:4 Ap 24 12:5 Je 19 19:4 N 6 21:5D4 21:28D4 6:6 Mr 27 21:6D4 2:5Ja31 8:5 Ap 24 13:4 Jl 17 9:5 My 8 13:9 Jl 17 14:7 Ag 14 15:19 S 11 10:5 My 22 15:15 S 11 8:6 Ap 24 5:9 Mr 13 19:11 N6 16:16 S 25 1:8 Ja 17 3:6 F 14 5:10Mr 13 7:6 Ap 10 9:9 My 8 11:11 Je 5 13:12 Jl 17 14:10 Ag 14 Key lo Citations Issue number page IT f 4:15 F 28 date Lessons from November Carraro, Robert J..............Ambiguity & hierarchy Chapin, Jim.....................................Bush faltering Chapman, Michael.........Whose world is rougher...
...Index to Volume CXIX January 17,1992, to December 18,1992 Articles and Poetry Aaron, Scott................The Choice in 'choose life' Altbach, Philip G. and Lewis, Lionel S. ...........................................................Not to worry Alvare, Helen ......Critics' choices for Christmas Anderson, Chris.........He who rides a wildcat...
...9:3 My 8; 12:3 Je 19...
...18:5O23 politics, 1:3 Ja 17...
...16:9 S 25...
...16:6 S 25...
...l4:10Ag 14...
...22:30 D 18 Ducker, Bruce, 7:30 Ap 10 Easter, 8:11 Ap 24 Eastern Europe, 9:5 My 8; 11:30 Je 5; 13:9 Jl 17...
...Greeley, Father Andrew, 14:18 Ag 14...
...15:2 S 11...
...21:6 D 4 Capital punishment, 11:3 Je 5 Carlin, David, 8:2 Ap 24...
...Sherman: By William Tecumseh Sherman ...................................................Gerald Weales Men Astutely Trained: By Peter McDonough..................David Toolan Monday Connection, The: By William E. Diehl...............Karen Sue Smith Moral Vision of Dorothy Day, The: By June E. O'Connor.....................David Scott Moving Crucifixes in Modern Spain: By William A. Christian, Jr...
...5:9 Mr 13...
...Martin's: would you send your kid...
...15:8 S II...
...13:6 Jl 17...
...16:11 S 25 •; 18:2 0 23...
...10:2 My 22...
...20:2 N 20 Heroes, I 1:10 Je 5 History, 1:6 Ja 17...
...4:9 F 28...
...6:2 Mr 27 King, Rodney, 10:3 My 22...
...17:5 O 9; 20:4 N 20...
...18:29 O 23 Tuberculosis, 10:4 My 22 United Nations, 1:9 Ja 17...
...15:2 S 11...
...6:20 Mr 27...
...14:18 Ag 14...
...15:2 S 11...
...13:2 Jl 17...
...12:11 Je 19...
...18:6 O 23 Imbelli, Robert P..............................Lenten books 5:27 Mr 13 Jolson, Alfred J......................A bishop's concerns 13:7 Jl 17 Jordan, Bill............................A different drummer 21:8 D 4 Jordan, Patrick.......................'Civilta' has spoken 2:5 Ja 31 Clarence T & camp J 6:5 Mr 27 Breeding a killer 10:4 My 22 Plastic or principle...
...12:2 Je 19...
...7:10 Ap 10...
...8:2 Ap 24...
...20:3 N 20 saints, 18:14 O 23...
...11:31 Je 5 Violence, 5:4 Mr 13 , 6:5 Mr 27...
...Chesterton's Brown & Greeley's Blackie 14:18 Ag 14 Snyder, Margaret.................Malcolm after Mecca 22:6 D 18 Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien...........Mario...please 1:5 Ja 17 ........................................................Why they died 5:4 Mr 13 ...........................................................Rights 'R us 9:4 My 8 ..................................................Shifting the center 16:4 S 25 ...................................................Safe, legal & rare 20:4 N 20 Steinfels, Peter..................CELAM & the Vatican 20:5 N 20 Toolan, David...............................The male agony 20:13 N 20 Ty Mam Duw Community.....The buck stops here 1:12 Ja 17 Weakland, Rembert G......................Lenten books 5:28 Mr 13 Westerfield, Nancy G...........Go Dancing: a poem 21:14 D 4 .......................................Motion Sickness: apoem 21:14 D 4 White, Patrick ....Two stories from the West Bank 2:22 Ja 31 Wilber, Charles K................How we lost our shirt 12:11 Je 19 ................................Bread, butter & infrastructure 17:11 09 .........................................................H.Ross Perot 17:15 0 9 Winter, Art.......................................Lenten books 5:29 Mr 13 Wycliff, Don..........Critics' choices for Christmas 21:22 D4 Commonweal 18 December 1992: 25 Active Life, The: By Parker Palmer...................Karen Sue Smith After Henry: By Joan Didion.................................Lee Siegel All the Pretty Horses: By Cormac McCarthy...................Irving Malin America in 1492: Edited by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...17:11 O9...
...Neuberger's Dead ............19:21 N 6 Oleanna ..............................21:15 D 4 The Outside Story..................12:22 Je 19 P.C...
...12:2 Jel9;13:10J117;14:8Agl4 City College, 5:4 Mr 13...
...17:15 O 9; 22:7 D 18 Peru, 13:21 Jl 17...
...19:2 N 6; 21:2 D 4 Guam, 2:5 Ja 31 Gulf war, 1:3 Ja 17...
...18:5 O 23 Ponsot, Marie...................................Even: a poem 8:9 Ap 24 Porter, Anne....................Autumn Crocus: a poem 17:23 O 9 Pulcini, Theodore.............The alternative is worse 1:12 Ja 17 Quade, Quentin L.................Prochoice on schools 7:5 Ap 10 Ranly, Ernest W.....A spirituality for the end-time 13:21 Jl 17 Raymo, Chet...........Critics' choices for Christmas 21:24 D4 Redmond, Rosanne Haggerty...........Lenten books 5:29 Mr 13 Reidy, Jennifer........................Torture for a healer 3:5 F 14 Sellner, Ed..........................................On your feet 15:17 S 11 Rewak, William J. ...........................Easter: has it made a difference...
...20:10 N 20...
...2:6 Ja 31...
...5:7 Mr 13...
...8:30 Ap 24...
...14:13 Ag 14...
...14:13 Ag 14...
...14:10Ag 14...
...14:37 Ag 14 Africa, 19:3 N 6 Anti-Semitism, 7:6 Ap 10 Banco Nationale del Lavoro, 11:5 Je 5 Bosnia, 9:5 My 8; 13:9 Jl 17...
...19:11 N 6; 22:2 D 18 Freedom, 10:7 My 22 Freedom rides, 14:13 Ag 14 Gates of Ivory, 18:31 0 23 Gore, Al, 14:4 Ag 14 Gray moor Prize, 1:12 Ja 17...
...4:3 F 28 Haring, Bernard, 2:17 Ja 31 Hayes, Robert, 16:30 S 25 Health care, 6:3 Mr 27...
...14:37 Ag 14 ; 14:39 Ag 14...
...17:7 O 9 Euthanasia, 16:16 S 25...
...22:30 D 18 Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM), 20:5 N 20...
...14:39 Ag 14...
...17:6 0 9 Family values, 13:12 Jl 17...
...8:6 Ap 24...
...2:5 Ja 31...
...18:9 0 23...
...4:5 F 28...
...14:13 Ag 14...
...Commonweal 18 December 1992: 29 Howard's End........................4:19 F 28 Husbands and Wives...............18:16 0 23 JFK ....................................3:17 F 14 Last of the Mohicans...............22:16 D 18 A League of Their Own............15:41 S 11 Madame Bovary .....................4:18 F 28 Meeting Venus .....................7:16 Ap 10 PatriotGames .....................15:40S 11 ThePlayboys .....................12:20Je 19 The Player ...........................11:19 Je 5 Prospero's Books ..................2:25 Ja 31 The Rapture ........................5:22 Mr 13 Secret Friends .....................6:24 Mr 27 Shadows and Fog ..................8:19 My 8 The Unforgiven .....................17:21 0 9 Van Gogh ...........................19:18 N 6 Stage, by Gerald Weales Amphigorey .....................14:28 Ag 14 AnnaKarenina .....................17:22 0 9 Baltimore Waltz ..................8:18 Ap 24 Beau Jest..............................4:21 F 28 Before It Hits Home...............8:19 Ap 24 Closer ..............................8:19Ap24 Conversations with My Father...
...CaU toll-free 800-521-3044...
...11:2 Je 5 Ong, Walter J., 20:13 N 20 Palestinians, 2:22 Ja 31...
...17:5 O9;18:6O 23...
...8:2 Ap 24-, n-.m An 24 Civil Rights Movement, 14:13 Ag 14 Clinton, Bill, 4:6 F 28...
...18:5 O23 foreign policy, 1:3 17 Jan 91...
...15:4 S 11;21:3D4 U.S...
...17:3O 9; 17:6 0 9; 18:7 0 23 Fascism, 8:15 Ap 24 ¦ Feminism, 1:8 Ja 17...
...10:2 My 22...
...11:29 Je 5 Bush Administration, 1:9 Ja 17...
...4:8 F 28...
...9:11 My 8 Just-War theory, 2:5 Ja 31...
...15:2 S 11...
...14:6 Ag 14...
...22:tk D 18 Racism, 10:3 My 22...
...8:2 Ap 24...
...culture, 5:12 Mr 13;7:14Ap 10...
...8:2 Ap 24...
...20:7 N 20...
...13:4 Jl 17...
...4:2 F 28...
...4:3 F 28...
...6:2 Mr 27...
...13:7 Jl 17...
...4:30 F 28...
...15:6 S 11 Pittsburgh Press, 15:9 S 11 The Player, 13:30 Jl 17 PLO3:5F 14...
...5:20 Mr 13...
...4:31 F28 Buchanan, Pat, 1:3 Ja 17'91...
...12:9 Je 19...
...20:10 N20;21:3D4 Eastern Orthodox church, 14:11 Ag 14...
...7:3 Ap 10...
...16:31 S 25...
...7:5 Ap 10 Hunt, George W.....Critics'choices for Christmas 21:21 D 4 Hunt, Michael J................Contradiction in terms...
...What the Orthodox say Appalling, depressing, revolting Community is not an aggregate Missing the point We are all foreigners Gibbons, Russell W. ............................Stopping the press in Pittsburgh Greeley Andrew M...........................Lenten books Gross, Pamela.............................Bowline: a poem Cow Hitch/Lark's Head: a poem Grumbach, Doris...Critics' choices for Christmas Haegel, Nancy M........................Eureka moments Hallie, Philip P...........Mortal terror, grateful hope Haring, Bernard .......................Setting aside my choice to be silent 22:7 D 18 ll:7Je :5 5:6 Mr 13 4:7 F 28 15:6 S 11 22:15 D 18 20:7 N 20 20:10N 20 5:7 Mr 13 14:13 Ag 14 12:15 Je 19 5:28 Mr 13 5:20 Mr 13 15:18 S 11 10:9 My 22 19:17N6 13:13 Jl 17 14:5 Ag 14 22:5 D 18 21:27D4 15:22 S 11 3:18 F 14 4:22 F 28 1:4 Ja 17 5:13 Mr 13 14:32 Ag 14 15:21 S 11 21:26D4 14:8 Ag 14 15:41 S 11 15:20 S 11 8:26 Ap 24 21:23D4 22:13 D 18 10:6 My 22 2L29D4 2:7 Ja 31 4:9 F 28 6:7 Mr 27 10:7 My 22 12:9Je 19 14:11 Ag 14 16:9 S 25 18:7 0 23 20:11 N 20 22:8 D 18 15:9 S 11 5:27 Mr 13 11:20 Je 5 11:19 Je 5 21:21 I 34 11:13 Je5 8:15 Ap 24 2:17 Ja 31 24: 18 December 1992 Commonweal Hassenger, Robert...............True multiculturalism 7:10 Ap 10 Hehir, J. Bryan.................................James Reston 1:6 Ja 17 Just cause?Yes 4:8 F 28 Saying no to slaughter 8:9 Ap 24 Hitting the high Cs 12:7 Je 19 World of faultlines 16:8 S 25 Hertzberg, Arthur............Waiting for the Messiah 9:11 My 8 Higgins, George G............John Tracy Ellis...
...9:4 My 8; 9:8 My 8; 9:9 My 8; 11:11 Je5...
...19:2 N 6; 19:43 N 6 Chesterton, G.K., 14:18 Ag 14 Chicago Declaration of Christian Concern 15:12-14 S 11...
...21:2 D 4 USSR collapse, 1:9 Ja 17...
...15:2 S II Rospigliosi, Giulio, 11:16 Je 5 Science, 1 1:13 Je 5 Shining Path, 13:21 Jl 17...
...9:16 My 8 Viacrucis, 6:14 Mr 27...
...14:4 Ag 14...
...10:3 My 22...
...21:3 D 4 Brodsky, Joseph, 10:6 My 22 Brusselmans, Christiane, 2:19 Ja 31...
...4:30 F 28...
...8:30 Ap 24 laity and the life of faith...
...McGarvey's thirteen rules 15:20 S 11 McKenna, Edward J....When Catholics could sing 11:16 Je 5 McMahon, Franklin and Irene...............Via crucis 6:14 Mr 27 McSorley, Richard................Apologies all around 2:6 Ja 31 McWilliams, Wilson Carey .........................................What Clinton should do 13:4 Jl 17 Mead, S.E....................Dreamland U.S.A: a poem 12:23 Je 19 Michel, Vicki and Capron, Alexander Morgan ..................................Be sure to read the fine print 16:16 S 25 Moritz, A.F.......................In Puerto Rico: a poem 19:24 N 6 TheCanapoem 19:24N6 Streetcar: a poem 19:24 N 6 Murnion, Philip J. ................The laity & the shape of things to come 15:23 S 11 Murphy, Francis P.........................Let's start over 16:11 S 25 Murphy, Peter E....................The Tuning: a poem 13:16 Jl 17 Murray, Les..............Poetry and Religion: a poem 10:11 My 22 ....................................Incorrigible Grace: a poem 10:12 My 22 Myers, Joan Rohr.........Women's Studies: a poem 10:16 My 22 Nixon, John Jr...................Second Primer: a poem 16:21 S 25 In Purple Ink: a poem 21:12 D 4 O'Halloran, Ruth L. ...In twenty-seven short years 4:11 F 28 Parke, Nancy ............Sister Mary Harmonica in Transit: a poem 7:12 Ap 10 Parker, James ...The mother of Christian initiation 2:19 Ja 31 Pavlich, Walter ....................The Blessing of the Animals: a poem 5:19 Mr 13 Perrault, John.................Palace of Justice: a poem 9:20 My 8 ....................................................Ethiopia: apoem 14:15 Ag 14 Pierce, Gregory F. Augustine......Off your butts...
...6:2 Mr 27...
...8:9 Ap 24 Hussein, Saddam, 11:5 Je 5; 15:4 S 11 Impellizzeri, Irene, 18:7 O 23 Ireland, 5:3 Mr 13...
...5:6 Mrl3;5:9Mrl3;6:6Mr27;ll:5Je5;17:3 09 But Was It Just?, 2:5 Ja 31 California Proposition 161, 16:16 S 25...
...15:8 S 11 Privacy, 3:14 F 14 Quindlen, Anna, 3:9 F 14...
...19:4647 N 6 Education, 7:5 Ap 10...
...22:4 D4 Campaign, 1:3 Ja 17...
...In Michigan, Alaska and Hawaii call collect 313-761-4700...
...12:2Je 19...
...2:14 Ja 31...
...Where's the party...
...6:8 Mr 27...
...Ducker, Bruce .........................The Frying Pan in Winter: a poem Fragment: a poem Egan, Harvey F. ....................All you need to know to thrive in '92 Egan, Robert J....Who's doing Catholic theology...
...14:37-38 Ag 14...
...14:2 Ag 14...
...9:2 My 8; 9:28-31 My 8; 12:30 Je 19...
...Political correctness, 7:14 Ap 10 Pope John Paul II, 20:7 N 20...
...18:5 O 23...
...Or mail inquiry to: University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106...
...9:3 My 8; 9:4 My 8; 9:8 My 8; 9:9 My 8; 11:30 Je 5; 11:5 Je 5; 11:11 Je5;12:6Je 19...
...13:21 Jl 17...
...3:3 F 14...
...Commonweal .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:40 N 6 Mystic Chords of Memory: 17:24 O 9 By Michael Kammen ................................Wilson Carey McWilliams 7:20 Ap 10 18:23 O 23 Myth of the Independent Voter, The: By Bruce E. Keith, David B. Magleby, et al...
...17:2 O 9; 20:31 N 20 Children, 9:4 My S: 11:8 Je 5; 12:2Je 19...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...21:30 D 4 U.S...
...14:5 Ag 14...
...5:13 Mr 13...
...6:3 Mr 27...
...22:30 D 18 A League of Their Own, 19:2 N 6 Lear, Norman, 17:17 O 9 Lent, 8:4 Ap 24 Life Itself 12:24Je 19:14:39 Ag 14 London, Jack, 21:11 D4 McBrien, Richard P., 16:4 S 25...
...19:9 N6;21:2D4 presidential race, 3:3 F 14...
...3:5 F 14...
...4:6 F 28...
...bishops' pastoral on women, 11:2 Je 5; 13:6 Jl 17...
...5:7 Mr 13...
...5:6 Mr 13...
...3:3 F 14...
...9:8 My 8; 9:9 My 8; 13:4 Jl 17...
...15:17 S 11 Polner, Murray........................The threat of peace 9:16 My 8 ................................................Will jobs go south...
...15:4 S II...
...21:5D4 fetal tissue research, 12:3 Je 19 Judaism and, 4:15 F 28...
...9:3 My 8; 9:4 My 8;9:16 My 8; 10:2 My 22...
...4:9 F 28...
...22:30 D 18 Population control, 3:2 F 14 The Practice of the Presence of God, 2:7 Ja 31 Prison, 4:7 F 28...
...19:2 N 6; 20:2 N 20 bishops, 2:3 Ja 31...
...17:3 O 9; 17:9 O 9 Cold War, 1:9 Ja 17...
...20:10N 20...
...8:5 Ap 24...
...2:17 Ja 31 ;5:44 Mr 13...
...13:2 Jl 17 education, 7:5 Ap 10...
...18:31 O 23 Malcolm X, 22:6 D 18 Mandela, Nelson, 7:3 Ap 10 Marciniak, Virginia Volini, 20:2 N 20 A Marginal Jew, 10:30 My 22 Marriage, 1:2 Ja 17...
...22:31 D 18 De Lubac, Henri, 2:14 Ja 31...
...21:4 D 4 Family, ll:8Je5...
...18 December 1992 Book Reviews By Nancy Scheper-Hughes.......Joseph A. Page 16:24 S 25 15:37 S 11 Deluge, The: By Henryk Sienkiewicz...........Mark O'Connor 8:24 My 8 1824 O 23 De-Valuing of America, The: By William J. Bennett..........William G. Mayer 8:25 My 8 1629 S 25 Divine Dramatist, The: By Harry S. Stout.....................Arthur J.Moore 5:36 Mr 13 Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church: 13:26 Jl 17 By Stuart G. Hall.....Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:40 N 6 Doing Well and Doing Good: 1623 S 25 By Richard John Neuhaus .......................................Rembert G. Weakland 19:30 N 6 1026 My 22 End of Equality, The: By Mickey Kaus.....Wilson Carey McWilliams 18:20 0 23 End of History and the Last Man, The: 20:28 N 20 By Francis Fukuyama............Patrick J. Deneen 12:25 Je 19 Erasmus: 10:15 My 22 By James McConica .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 4:29 F 28 19:33 N 6 Evangelist of Desire, The: By Henry Abelove...................Arthur J.Moore 5:36 Mr 13 8:15 Ap 24 Evelyn Waugh: By Martin Stannard.........Robert Murray Davis 14:32 Ag 14 A Far Glory: 3:23F14 By Peter L. Berger.................Robert Wuthnow 19:35N6 Flying Buttresses, Entropy, and O-Rings: 6:28 Mr 27 By James L. Adams...............Nancy M, Haegel 8:28 Ap 24 Foolscap: 10:20 My 22 By Michael Malone.............................Paul Elie 3:27 F 14 Foundations of Mysticism, The: 10:17 My 22 By Bernard McGinn .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 5:44 Mr 13 14:35 Ag 14 Fundamentalism Observed: Edited by Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby 1539 S 11 .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 18:28 0 23 Gates of Ivory, The: 17:29 0 9 By Margaret Drabble..................Suzanne Keen 14:30 Ag 14 Generous Lives: 2-38 Ja 31 By Jane Redmont....................Patricia Windsor 22:20 D 18 God of Life, The: 2:42 Ja 31 By Gustavo Gutierrez .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 18:27 O 23 God Speaks in the Night: 11:27 Je 5 Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 4:28 F 28 19:33 N 6 Gospel on Campus, The: Edited by Michael Galligan-Stierle 22:18 D 18 ....................................................Paul E. Dinter 15:32 S 11 Grand Illusions: By John Judis...............................Francis Flaherty 17:26 O 9 5:40 Mr 13 Gustave Weigel: By Patrick W. Collins 15:30 S 11 .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 18:28 0 23 Heightened Consciousness: 8:27 Ap 24 By David Granfield .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 2:43 Ja 31 2:44 Ja 31 Hispanic Devotional Piety: By C. Gilbert Romero .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 4:30 F 28 4:30 F 28 Historical Jesus, The: By John Dominic Crossan 19:40 N 6 ......................................Luke Timothy Johnson 8:24 Ap 24 Holy Siege: 20:22 N 20 By Kenneth A. Briggs...................John C. Cort 19:37 N6 Hope of the Early Church, The: By Brian E. Daley ....Lawrence S. Cunningham 5:43 Mr 13 1625 S 25 How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents: By Julia Alvarez.............................Ilan Stavans 7:23 Ap 10 Idea of the University, The: 120Ja 17 By Jaroslav Pelikan..................Dennis O'Brien 16:28 S 25 Interior Castle, The: By Ann Hubert..............................Irving Malin 14:31 Ag 14 Commonweal International Banks and the Environment: By Raymond Mikesell and Lawrence Williams .........................................................John Feffer Is Anyone Responsible?: By Shanto Iyengar..................Timothy S. Prinz Isaac Hecker: By David J. O'Brien............George G. Higgins Jean Vanier & L'Arche: By Kathryn Spink ....Lawrence S. Cunningham Jesus: By John Bowden..........Luke Timothy Johnson Jesus the Christ: By Brennan Hill.......Lawrence S. Cunningham John Gray: By Jerusha Hull McCormack .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham John Wesley's Sermons: Edited by Albert C. Outler and Richard P. Heitzenrater.............................Arthur J. Moore Jocoserious Joyce: By Robert H. Bell.......Mark Patrick Hederman Judean Desert Monasteries in the Byzantine Period, By Yizhar Hirschfield .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Killing the Wizards: By Alan Cowell.....................Madeline Marget Koop: By C. Everett Koop.....................Howard Spiro Let Justice Roll Down: By Bruce C. Birch .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Letters to Dolcidia: By Carlo Carretto.....Lawrence S. Cunningham Liberal Purposes: By William A. Galston .............................................R...
...7:8 Ap 10...
...19:7 N 6; 19:11 N 6; 21:9 D 4; 21:1 1 D 4; 22:2 D 18 Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2:6 Ja 31 Homelessness, 16:30 S 25 Homosexuality, gay marriage, 1:2 26 Ja 17...
...18:9 O 23...
...Bette S. Weidman American Girl: By Mary Cantwell................Abigail McCarthy American Religion, The: By Harold Bloom...................Edward T. Oakes Anchor Bible Dictionary, The: Edited by David Noel Freedman .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham At Weddings and Wakes: By Alice McDermott..................Paul Baumann Beginning with My Streets: By Czeslaw Milosz.....................Suzanne Keen Benevolence and Betrayal: By Alexander Stille...................Philip P. Hallie Bernard Shaw: By Michael Holroyd ....................................Mark Patrick Hederman Best American Poetry 1991, The: Edited by Mark Strand................Suzanne Keen Billie Dyer and Other Stories: By William Maxwell.....Rand Richards Cooper Blue Calhoun: By Reynolds Price................Elizabeth Beverly Care of the Soul: By Thomas Moore.....................James Neafsey Caretakers of Creation: Edited by Patrick Slattery.......Karen Sue Smith Carnival Culture: By James B. Twitchell........Michael O. Garvey Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Theory: By Mary E. Hobgood..............Nancy S. Barrett Christ at the Centre: By Dermot Lane.......Lawrence S. Cunningham Christology and Spirituality: By William M. Thompson .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Collected Poems, The: By Czeslaw Milosz.....................Suzanne Keen Complicated War, A: By William Finnegan....Rand Richards Cooper Conflict in Luke: By Jack Dean Kingsbury .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Conscience First: By Patrick H. McNamara..........James R. Kelly Consciousness Explained: By Daniel C. Dennett...............Dennis O'Brien Contemporary Theologians: By James Bacik........Lawrence S. Cunningham Contesting the Sacred: Edited by John Eade and Michael J. Sallnow .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Craft of Theology, The: By Avery Dulles......Lawrence S. Cunningham Crossing the Postmodern Divide: By Albert Borgmann............Christopher Lasch Culture of Contentment, The: By John Kenneth Galbraith ..............................................Christopher Lasch Death and the Future Life in Victorian Literature and Theology: By Michael Wheeler.............Elizabeth Beverly Death without Weeping: 26...
...4:6 F 28...
...1:5 Ja 17...
...9:16 My 8; 21:8D4 Coleman, Robert Keith, 11:3 Je 5 28: 18 December 1992 Commonweal Columbus, Christopher, 19:11 N 6 Comedy, 18:4 0 23 Community service, 8:6 Ap 24 Corruption, 5:10 Mr 13...
...18:3 O 23...
...16:6 S 25...
...12:30Je 19...
...17:5 O 9 The good fight 21:4D4 Kelly, James R. .................St...
...13:6 Jl 17...
...14:10 Ag 14...
...8:2 Ap 24...
...14:36 Ag 14 Term limits, 3:6 F 14 Thomas, Justice Clarence, 6:5 Mr 27...
...11:18 Je 5 Death and the Maiden ............8:21 My 8 Dividends ...........................4:20 F 28 Falsettos ..............................17:22 0 9 Four Baboons Adoring the Sun ...8:21 My 8 Goodnight Desdemona ............21:20D4 Guys and Dolls ..................10:12 My 22 Herringbone .....................14:28 Ag 14 The Home Show Pieces .........5:24 Mr 13 The Inside Story ..................12:21 Je 19 Jake's Women........................17:23 0 9 Marriage Play .....................7:18 Ap 10 Marvin's Room .....................2:27 Ja 31 A Midsummer Night's Dream......3:20 F 14 A Midsummer Night's Dream...
...16:11 S25;18:2O23...
...Freedom to obey Wunerful, wunerful...
...8:9 Ap 24...
...8:15 Ap24...
...20:7 N 20...
...17:17 O 9 Law, Ishmael.......Loose planks in party platforms 18:9 O 23 Le Compte, Kendall ....The Bird in Flight: a poem 4:12 F 28 Leady, Dave.................Mother and Child: a poem 12:23 Je 19 Leckey, Dolores.............................How we saw it 15:14 S 11 Lewis, Lionel S. and Altbach, Philip G. ...........................................................Not to worry 7:14 Ap 10 Lowery, Joanne ..Crossing to Capernaum: a poem 2:30 Ja 31 Lynch, John...........................Becoming a statistic 6:20 Mr 27 Mahon, Robert Lee............The Specialist: a poem 6:23 Mr 27 Mapp, Erica.........................The Bouquet: a poem 22:11 D 18 Marciniak, Ed..............................Why we wrote it 15:12 S 11 Marciniak, Virginia Volini..............Untitled poem 18:12 O 23 Marcus, Aliza.................The other Kurdish revolt 20:9 N 20 Marget, Madeline.........The need to preserve hope 6:12 Mr 27 Marquez, Monica M.......Kugichagulia & kuumba 16:6 S 25 Mayer, William G..........Do you take this man...
...19:2 N 6; 19:43 N 6; 20:5 N 20...
...15:23-28 S 11...
...7:8 Ap 10...
...7:14 Ap 10...
...15:16-18 S 11...
...16:9 S 25...
...12:11 Je 19...
...11:7 Je 5; 14:38 Ag 14 Jocoserious Joyce, 10:2 My 22 Judaism, 4:15 F 28...
...14:4 Ag 14...
...11:13 Je 5; 14:3738 Ag 14...
...18:3 0 23...
...12:15 Je 19...
...12:9 Je 19...
...18:5 O 23...
...2:27 Ja 31 Media, by Frank McConnell Cathedral to Octoplex............10:13 My 22 TheChatShow .....................3:18F 14 ComicRelief ........................4:21 F28 Eric Clapton's Genius ............5:25 Mr 13 Frank & Celeste & Dan............13:19 Jl 17 Perfect Fools........................18:18 0 23 A Perfect Match.....................16:21 S 25 Young for His Age ...............20:19 N 20 Art, by Lee Siegel Nude Is Lewd?........................3:20 F 14 Round & Round We Go.........14:25 Ag 14 The Vision of Mantegna .........12:18 Je 19 30: 18 December 1992...
...9:13 My 8; 15:6 S 11...
...homosexuality, 8:5 Ap 24 Humanaevitae,2:11 Ja3\;7:2Ap \0\20:2 N20 Ireland, 5:20 Mr 13...
...15:30 S 11 Kirby, Mark.....Autumn: Evening Tennis: a poem 20:21 N 20 Kirp, David L........................A metaphor for trust 6:26 Mr 27 Singular brush strokes 6:25 Mr 27 Koller, Christopher F..........The myth of no limits 6:9 Mr 27 Komonchak, Joseph A. ...............................Recapturing the great tradition 2:14 Ja 31 The coldness of clarity, the warmth of love 14:16 Ag 14 Kownacki, Mary Lou.......................Lenten books 5:28 Mr 13 Lamb, B.C., and Sipe, A.W.R...
...4:31 F 28...
...14:18 Agl4;16:2S25 corpus 2:46 Ja 31...
...8:30 Ap24 Israel, 2:22, Ja 31..., 3:2 F 14 and politics, 18:6 O 23...
...6:9 Mr 27...
...12:31 Je 19...
...8:9 Ap 24...
...14:2Ag 14...
...6:6 Mr 27...
...Burkhart, Marian ...........................Blurring the lines is fine with me Byrne, Katharine...............The Perkins Lady/Man Where the gospel lives or dies Byron, William J................Renewing community Callahan, David.....................Bush's ambivalence Cantor, Norman F. .................The idea of a Christian commonwealth Capron, Alexander Morgan and Michel, Vicki ..................................Be sure to read the fine print Carlin, David R...............I'm not a feminist, but...
...6:2 Mr 27...
...15:43 S 11 .......................................................Dotty Lynch 10:24 My 22 Nature of Development, The: 4:29 F 28 By Roger Stone...............................John Feffer 17:24 O 9 New Directions in Mission and Evangelization I: 2:28 Ja 31 Edited by James A. Scherer and Stephan B. Bevans......................Lawrence S. Cunningham 20:29 N 20 5:42 Mr 13 New Handbook of Christian Theology, A: Edited by Donald Musser and Joseph L. Price ...................................Lawrence S. Cunnigham 20:29 N 20 4:28 F 28 Newman and His Age: By Sheridan Gilley........Joseph A. Komonchak 20:26 N 20 Of Human Hands: 5:36 Mr 13 Edited by Gregory F. Augustine Pierce ....................................................Karen Sue Smith 15:39 S 11 5:38 Mr 13 Oldest Vocation, The: The: By Clarissa Atkinson ......................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 11:28 Je 5 18:29 0 23 Our Age: By Noel Annan.....................David Castronovo 1:22 Ja 17 14:34 Ag 14 Over the Edge: By Martha R. Burt..................Robert M. Hayes 10:22 My 22 6:30 Mr 27 Owen Lattimore and the "Loss" of China: By Robert P. Newman......Nicholas R. Clifford 10:18 My 22 Paradise News: 18:27 0 23 By David Lodge.................Edward T. Wheeler 10:23 My 22 Parents Forever: 19:42 N 6 By Sidney Callahan......Kenneth L. Woodward 20:24 N 20 Pilgrim in the Ruins: By Jay Tolson...............................Robert Coles 19:23 N 6 13:23 Jl 17 Place Where Souls Are Born, The: By Thomas Keneally.................Thomas Swick 11:22 Je 5 Point Blank: 12:24 Je 19 By Gary Kleck..............................Kevin Doyle 11:19 Je 5 Portable Beat Reader, The: 19:38 N 6 Edited by Ann Charters................Harold Isbell 8:26 My 8 Poverty and Compassion: 22:22 D 18 By Gertrude Himmelfarb ................................Wilson Carey McWilliams 3:24 F 14 1:24 Ja 17 Prison Notebooks of Ricardo Flores Magon, The: By Douglas Day.............................Ilan Stavans 13:27 Jl 17 Protestants: 11:29 Je 5 By Steven Ozment .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 18:29 O 23 2:41 Ja 31 Provinces: By Czeslaw Milosz.....................Suzanne Keen 19:33 N 6 Race: 8:24 Ap 24 By Studs Turkel.............................Don Wycliff 11:21 Je 5 Rational Public, The: 12:26 Je 19 By Benjamin I. Page and Robert Y. Shapiro ..............................................William G. Mayer 18:21 O 23 4:23 F 28 Readings in Her Story: Edited by Barbara J. MacHaffie 4:23 F 28 .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 20:30 N 20 Reconciliation: 4:23 F 28 By Robert Schreiter.................Ernest W. Ranly 13:21 Jl 17 Religious World of Jesus, The: 16:26 S 25 By Frederick J. Murphy .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 5:41 Mr 13 Remembering Reinhold Niebuhr: 16:26 S 25 Edited by Ursula M. Niebuhr .....................................Richard Wightman Fox 2:34 Ja 31 2:31 Ja 31 Reviving the American Dream: By Alice Rivlin...............................Fred Siegel 17:28 O 9 15:38 S 11 Savage Inequalities: By Jonathon Kozol....................Barbara Roche 7:22 Ap 10 5:34 Mr 13 Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being: By Ted Hughes......................Frank McConnell 19:31 N6 Social Catholicism in Europe: 18 December 1992: 21 By Paul Misner......................John A. Coleman Spirituality and History: By Philip Sheldrake .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Spirituality of Work, The: ACTA.....................................Karen Sue Smith Strange Weather: By Andrew Ross.......................James T. Fisher Struggles for Justice: By Alan Dawley...................Christopher Lasch Systematic Theology: Edited by Francis Schiissler Fiorenza and John P. Galvin..................Lawrence S. Cunningham Talking It Over: By Julian Barnes................Edward T. Wheeler That They Be One: By Michael J. Schuck............John A. Coleman Theological Hermeneutics: By Werner G. Jeanrond .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Theology of the Johannine Epistles, The: By Judith Lieu..........Lawrence S. Cunningham Theology of the Second Letter to the Corinthians, The: By Jerome Murphy-O'Connor .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Thomas Merton: Edited by Patrick Hart .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Time and Tide: By Edna O'Brien............Robert E. Hosmer, Jr...
...16:5 S 25...
...14:5 Ag 14...
...Chauvin, Lucien.........................Peru deconstructs Clancy, Joseph P. ................The Resurrection of the Words: a poem Cleary, Edward L...............John Paul cried 'wolf Cochran, Clarke E...................Religion & politics Connors, Russell B.............The church's teaching Cooper, William B....................They had a dream Cottle, Thomas J..............When you stop, you die Craighead, Meinrad..........................Lenten books Cunneen, Joseph...................Nearer than the door Cunneen, Sally...............God's maternal presence Daniel, Missy............................Poetry is presence de Vito, E.B.................Make No Mistake: a poem Di Canzio, William.............A summer pilgrimage Dionne, E.J., Jr...................Hey, the '80s are over Doyle, Brian.................................Waiting for Lily Doyle, Dennis.........Critics' choices for Christmas Doyle, Kevin................Who lives in the Vatican...
...16:5 S 25...
...8:2 Ap 24...
...20:4 N 20 Clinton, Hillary, 12:2Je 19...
...4:2 F 28...
...17:11 O9...
...18:7O23;21:8D4 economy, 3:3 F 14...
...16:8 S 25...
...3:5 F 14...
...12:5 Je 19 Kurds, 20:9 N 20 Labor, 15:2 S 11 Latin America, 8:3 Ap 24...
...14:5 Ag 14...
...8:2 Ap 24 Crime, 4:7 F 28...
...9:16 My 8 Pearl Harbor, 2:6 Ja 31 People for the American Way, 17:17 O 9 Perot, Ross, 11:11 Je5...
...2:17 Ja31...
...5:2 Mr 13...
...16:9 S 25...
...13:2 Jl 17...
...Bruce Douglass Life Itself: By Roger Rosenblatt ...............................Margaret O'Brien Steinfels Live from Golgotha: By Gore Vidal...............................Irving Malin Loose Canons: By Henry Louis Gates, Jr.....David Castronovo Make No Law By Anthony Lewis...................Francis Flaherty Making of a Saint, The: By Catia Galatariotou .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham Marginal Jew, A: By John P. Meier.....Lawrence S. Cunningham Marginal Jew...
...Designing a stream Go look it up Baker, June Frankland...............Coquinas: a poem Barnard, Patrick ........................The burdensome costs of 'victory' Arming Saddam Hussein Bates, Timothy D.......................Paying for values Baumann, Paul................Anna Quindlen's church Liturgical gridlock Such, such were the joys Now it can be told Fetal positions Bayne, Jessica........Critics' choices for Christmas Bishop, Jordan...........................Bush vs...
...6:6 Mr 27...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...10:3 My 22...
...6:12 Mr 27...
...14:37 Ag 14 World Book, 19:7 N 6 World War II, 2:5 Ja 31...
...8:2 Ap 24...
...15:6 S 11...
...7:28 Ap 10...
...7:14 Ap 10...
...6:2 Mr 27...
...18:7 O 23...
...2:6 Ja 31 Xenophobia, 1:3 Ja 17 Screen, by Richard Alleva Alien 3 ..............................13:18 Jl 17 Basic Instinct........................8:19 Ap 24 Batman Returns ..................14:28 Ag 14 The Best Intentions ...............16:20 S 25 Black Robe...........................1:17 Ja 17 Bram Stoker's Dracula............22:17 D 18 Bugsy .................................3:17 F 14 Final Analysis .....................6:25 Mr 27 1492 .................................20:20N20 Hear My Song .....................7:16 Ap 10 Hook .................................2:26 Ja 31 This publication is available in microform from University Microfilms International...
...20:7 N20 media, 8:8 Ap 24 National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 11:30 Je 5 pedophilia, 20:3 N 20 priesthood,2:46Ja31;4:2F28;13:2J117...
...Buddy Lee Perriman Reflects on the Persian Gulf Crisis, Day 15: a poem 2:24 Ja 31 McGarvey, William H., Jr...
...10:3 My 22...
...16:11 S 2518:2 0 23...
...13:7 Jl 17...
...13:10 Jl 17...
...14:13 Ag 14 Reston, James, 1:6 Ja 17 Rosenblatt, Roger, 12:24 Je 19;14:39Ag 14...
...19:2N6 Casablanca, 11:10 Je 5 Catholic church/Catholicism, and abortion, 5:3 Mr 13...
...13:2 Jl 17...
...2:45 Ja 31...
...A: By John P. Meier ......................................Luke Timothy Johnson Mariette in Ecstasy: - -^.yRqgJJaiisea...._....,............Elizabeth Beverly Martin Scorsese: * By Mary Pat Kelly......................Richard Blake Maus, A Survivor's Tale, I: By Art Spiegelman..........................Molly Finn Maus, A Survivor's Tale, II: By Art Spiegelman...........................Molly Finn Memoirs and Selected Letters: Bv Ulysses S. Grant...................Gerald Weales Memoirs of General W.T...
...6:9 Mr 27...
...16:2 S 25...
...17:11 O 9; 18:3023...
...3:9 F 14 New Yorker, 21:5 D 4 North American Free Trade Act, 18:5 O 23 O'Halloran, Maura-san, 4:11 F 28...
...22:2 D 18 theology/church history, 2:9 Ja 31...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...3:6 F 14...
...15:42 S 11 Mothers Have Nine Lives .........19:21 N 6 The Most Happy Fella .........10:13 My 22 Mrs...
...10:31 My 22...
...Time of Awakening, A: By Mary Irene Zotti............Mary O'Neil Good Transforming Mission: By David J. Bosch ...Lawrence S. Cunningham Truing of Christianity, The: By John C. Meagher.....Luke Timothy Johnson Turn, The: 2:37 Ja 31 11:27 Je 5 15:39 S 11 4:26 F 28 3:25 F 14 3:30 F 14 8:22 My 8 2:37 Ja 31 19:41 N6 5:40 Mr 13 5:40 Mr 13 19:42 N 6 18:25 O 23 15:36 S 11 2:42 Ja 31 2:28 Ja 31 By Don Oberdorfer...................David Callahan 4:24 F 28 Two Nations: By Andrew Hacker........................Don Wycliff 11:21 Je 5 Unquiet Days: By Thomas Swick.......Christopher A. Shannon 3:28 F 14 Upon this Rock: By Tim Unsworth...................Karen Sue Smith 15:39 S 11 Very Old Bones: By William Kennedy..........................Paul Elie 10:28 My 22 Virgin Time: By Patricia Hampl...............................Paul Elie 19:27 N 6 Virtuous Life in Business, A: Edited by Oliver F. Williams and John W. Houck ................................................Karen Sue Smith 15:38 S 11 Vladimir Nabokov: By Brian Boyd..................................Lee Siegel 11:23 Je 5 What Are They Saying About John?: By Gerard S. Sloyan .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 2:41 Ja 31 What Does the Lord Require?: By Stephen Hart................Kenneth P. Jameson 12:28 Je 19 What Is to Be Done: Edited by Merton J. Peck and Thomas J. Richardson.......................................John Feffer 6:27 Mr 27 Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs: By Wallace Stegner...............Nancy M. Haegel 20:25 N 20 Wisdom's Daughter: By Joan M. Nuth......Lawrence S. Cunningham 11:27 Je 5 Women of Helfta, The: By Mary Jeremy Finnegan ................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 11:28 Je 5 Wound of Knowledge, The: By Rowan Williams .................................Lawrence S. Cunningham 19:42 N 6 WLT: By Garrison Keillor..............Elizabeth Beverly 7:26 Ap 102 Index of Principal Subjects in Articles, Editorials, and Letters Abortion,9:3My8;13:29J117;13:3JH7;14:2 Ag 14...
...8:9 Ap 24...
...14:16Ag 14...
...2:22 Ja 31...
...12:5 Je 19...
...2:2, 31 Ja 31...
...5:47 Mr 13...
...6:20 Mr 27...
...4:30 F 28 Dickinson, Emily, 21:11 D 4 Doing Well and Doing Good,22:2D 18...
...16:4 S 25...
...10:4 My 22...
...4:8 F 28...
...6:12 Mr 27...
...18:30 0 23...
...14:2Ag 14...
...4:8 F 28...
...I6:9S 25...
...Canada, 6:6 Mr 27...
...8:2 Ap 24...
...22:31 D 18 Supreme Court, 14:2 Ag 14...
...14:2 Ag 14 domestic issues, 5:4 Mr 13...
...7:6 Ap 10 Buddhism, 4:11 F 28...
...8:11 Ap 24 ...........................................................Three graves 21:11 D 4 Rittner, Carol....................................Lenten books 5:27 Mr 13 Rondeau, Mark.................................Wayne's way 8:8 Ap 24 Santora, Alexander M. ..............Anna Quindlen:from the '60s to the '90s 3:9 F 14 Schroth, Raymond A............UN sanctions in Iraq 15:4 S 11 Shea, John.............................................Wise guys 22:10 D 18 Shea, William M. ........................Dual loyalties in Catholic theology 2:9 Ja 31 Sipe, A.W.R., and Lamb, B.C...
...14:10 Ag 14...
...15:3S 11...
...4:6 F 28 Mazziotta, Richard .......................When the saints went marching out 18:14 O 23 McCarthy, Abigail.........................1492 & all that 3:7 F 14 Small changes, big losses 5:12 Mr 13 The empty tube 7:8AplO The character issue 9:8 My 8 'Of all the gin joints' 11:10 Je 5 The news from Wabasha 13:10 Jl 17 Crimes & punishments 15:8 S 11 They just don't get it 17:9 O 9 A school for the elected 19:9 N 6 The real lesson of history 21:9 D 4 McCullough, L.E...
...6:20 Mr 27...
...5:6 Mr 13...
...14:2 Ag 14...
...19:5 N 6; 20:13 NjJO .^ . women, 11:2 Jsf 5; 16":3*S 25...
...16:8 S 25...
...19:44 N 6; 20:2 N 20;20:31N20;20:llN20 La Civilta Cattolica, 2:5 Ja 31 Latin America, 9:13 My 8; 20:5 N 20...
...5:9 Mr 13...
...Bishop Glennon, 3:4 F 14...
...12:5 Je 19...
...12:2 Je 19...
...8:30 Ap 24 Peacemakers, 8:3 Ap 24...
...22:31 D 18 birth control, 3:4 F 14...
...11:4 Je5...
...2:44 Ja 31...
...5:46 Mr 13...
...19:2 N 6; 19:43 N 6 celibacy 2:46 Ja'31;4:?F28...
...12:15 Je 19...
...17:3 O 9; 17:9 0 9; 17:11 0 9; 18:3 O 23...
...12:31 Je 19...
...1:9 Ja 17...
...15:6 S 11 Somalia, 21:3 D 4; 22:3 D 18 South Africa, 7:3 Ap 10 Sudan, 19:3 N 6 Supreme Court, 6:5 Mr 27...
...18:30 0 23...
...14:6 Ag 14...
...14:3 Ag 14...
...15:4 S 11 Haiti, 3:2 F 14...
...13:4 Jl 17...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...5:2 Mr 13 Flavin...
...5:10 Mr 13...
...20:2 N20 Middle East, 2:22 Ja 31...
...the facts I'd say that's a 'NO' Blaz, Ben.....................................Ohari's question Bowman, Jim...........................Lavender & purple The first ten years Broun, Janice...................Europe's scrambled egg The next explosion Is Macedonia next...
...7:4 Ap 10 Japan, 2:5 Ja 31...
...8:15 Ap 24...
...16:31 S 25 Race, 7:3 Ap 10...
...5:45 Mr 13...
...21:8 D 4 Egypt, 3:5 F 14 Eliot, T.S., 21:11 D4 Ellis, John Tracy, 19:5 N 6; 21:2 D 4 Environment, 9:6 My 8; 14:4 Ag 14...
...18:30 0 23 Cuomo, Mario, 1:5 Ja 17...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...Chesterton's Brown & Greeley's Blackie 14:18 Ag 14 Landy, Thomas M. .........................What's missing from this picture...
...7:2 Ap 10...
...11:16 Je5...
...2:19 Ja31 '92;4:2F28...
...16:8 S 25...
...19:5 N 6 Higgins, Thomas...................Rationing in Oregon 16:5 S 25 Hodor, Timothy........The Narcissus Bone: a poem 6:19 Mr 27 The Meaning of the Meadow: a poem 20:18 N 20 Horowitz, Irving Louis.....Waiting for Perot—not 12:6 Je 19 Houghton, William J....................Legends live on 11:8 Je 5 Hovda, Robert W......................Lenten books 5:29 Mr 13 Howard, Richard A.............A wounded church 9:13 My 8 Hoyt, Robert G..........The Catholic conscience 3:4 F 14 The land is holy 7:4AplO 'Kennedy calling' 11:4 Je 5 The ultimate ordeal 18:4 O 23 Dewey remembered 22:4 D 18 Huck, Gabe...........................Robert Hovda, R.I.P...
...5:7 Mr 13...
...18:30 0 23 Waugh, Evelyn, 14:32 Ag 14 Women, 1:8 17 Jan 91...
...15:4 S II Multiculturalism, 7:10 Ap 10 Murphy, Peter E., 16:31 S 25 • Murray, John Courtney, 14:16 Ag 14 Murray, Les, 10:9 My 22 New world order, 16:8 S 25 ¦ New York Times, 1:6 Ja 17...
...11:2 Je 5; 11:29 Je 5; 11:4 Je 5; 13:10 Jl 17...
...9:2 My 8; 9:28-31 My 8; 12:31 Je 19 1492, 3:7 F 14...

Vol. 119 • December 1992 • No. 22

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