Porter, Anne
Anne Porter C;iimnirields of ripe wheat 'Xriifi&JB the bcitrt id' France . n fuoi from Paris '$$& fiamcdible stones $&tbi kl wave of the Sabbqth f$Jittt vflla gathered around it Wis jj crowded...
...it's you especially "Vtiom 1 have cttne to sec You are our father in faith lfis knapsack i mj-back IJj bringing you all the deadis 1 ian't utidersund d not the deaths alone BM also the pain deaths l'nwi all fhe-jjss tjijun hol(K-U and war id every unjust death Of the iiKcm and the humble...
...Wrrc was ik ram Amt I Jay down all these deathsi it Jiiy iherp down at your feet So ttiat you cm kopp them for me Smcp by rnyseli qmterstand them...
...Imidefhc portal a young fiirl t'ttti a nearby farm, a girl Sligftf as a tninnow Jugs at Ok heavy K-mpu tit sfltout the Angclus She has -to lift her bore t'ect oft' this HaBics...
...vay fipnt the village -It' a sutfae of Mary Life Mnicthing made by a child And on Mary's altar In ajdr of witlcr There was a bunch irf daisies Which someone must tuivt- j>itthcrcd That same morning And in the rough shell Oi the whitewashed nave There was a stone coolness And a m)stenous tragruc That light bitlci tragrancc Of the rural Churches of France It could be a scent of hops Of some hidden yeast or liehen...
...Anne Porter C;iimnirields of ripe wheat 'Xriifi&JB the bcitrt id' France . n fuoi from Paris '$$& fiamcdible stones $&tbi kl wave of the Sabbqth f$Jittt vflla gathered around it Wis jj crowded with prpphete-Hhrjjatrtfrdu and with martyrs 2fflift i %" long folds lfieirsiven rohes...
...1-cafttc a little church That for same reason Whs deep in the fields yid...
...and thnm her hfiul Vik,her long brown braids & swaging bnckwards "flii high atc her b4easgy with tiie T.itaacwqt bell obeys her Offfa-P&MKtt Ital Mve in the towers mf u into the sky flip tqr rotis and trembles Altd the slew notes of the bell Open ijnlntt sky Ti ftey lose Iheijsselves in the air And'iinik down into the wheat Antf thcpoppif andcomtloweis Beside the sklark's neftt...
...Intake the place of ilw child (aac there was a ram Bjlfw all trfflio othert...
...Rut I don't know It's the Ncent of a nsxrtl world A secret of the fields That's hcic mo in the porvhes 01 Our Lady of Charircs We've pone through the leather dotti We've enlcied the torcsl ot praise Then: m the hidi half dailnt-ss We sec its constellations We see the glowing embers Of d (kirk fire We sec the lancet windows And the great Ninth Rose Whose blue is blue As blood is red Whoik- red is radiant I alhei ou h tvc :tlioed us Tor once you have permitted, us To m.ikc a thing so beautiful As to be no less beautiful fhun your own Creation...
...W Abraham Hfe.£0&4iand hc:s holding the knife sih-ly cupping the check .. . i! Isaac, his little son &ef a Vk of calm die fate h little son T& ram.who will takt his place LA...
...victirt oi'saenfu-e "Afifilhatn...
Vol. 116 • February 1989 • No. 3