for the act of insemination... . spouse. The damage done to many chil- Correspondence Even if the case...
...and that the Nicaraguan government has COMMONWEAL ASSOCIATES, 232 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y...
...Many will see in such an Index of American Periodical Verse, Book Review ceased to the rightful heir and not her effort a testimony of love and fidelity to Digest and Book Review Index...
...order to register their vote...
...Aquino than with used as a surrogate womb...
...The damage done to many chilCorrespondence Even if the case is a particular one, it dren in one-parent households is well creates a jurisprudential precedent for documented, but oftentimes is simply not other courts...
...C will allow her uterus to be many religious and secular observers class revolution of Mrs...
...Deadline: sooner or later, because of the great 22nd Theology Workshop, St...
...On closer scrutiny, University Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann husband's sperm...
...She has written Miriam Ward...
...Continued from page 258) Scripture, College Misericordia, Dallas, PA 18612...
...Augus- into one biotechnical procedure...
...AID can lead to a pure such contrasting assessments of the high wages they were required to pay merchandising of human life...
...of the gift which is then frozen, placed This post-mortem insemination is or outside the running of time and events...
...POLICY ANALYST: On development as- American shores...
...Do we want the law to do that with a particular time long since passed... donate an ovum in return for X dollars While outcries against the rigidities Could it be that the social location of of pledges...
...It is impossible to do so discussions of abortion: Mary Anne War- "during the marriage...
...Is it possible that the Reagan administration has driven Name the Nicaraguan government into the arms Address of the Soviets...
...To follow the mutual will and carries it back to a time Flynn's piece ["Fashioning the Wanted French precedent would be a positive (deposit of sperm) which has now comChild," March 14] on reproductive detriment to the whole concept of family...
...Robert, Incarnation Priory, 2210 Cedar Pace Janssens, AID should be called by DEPUTY DIRECTOR: Manage staff of St., Berkeley, CA 94709...
...Are they any less responsible for Ethos & revolt anti-Sandinista hotel and they were imfathering an illegitimate child than the Orono, Maine pressed with both the quantity and qualmale partner in a chance encounter with a To the Editors: It is striking that Com- ity of criticism they heard leveled against married woman he scarcely knows...
...But the drawbacks to ment...
...I think you will have to admit that the administration's efforts to City, State, Zip defeat the Sandinistas constitute an ! _ _ - _ ------------------------------- 5/9/86 9 May 1986: 287...
...continue its work...
...To apply, send re- Fellowship of St...
...This child - who enters this amalgam of love monweal Foundation...
...willingly bring a child into such a situaNoting the sources If children are born under such circum- tion is to use the child and subject him/ Baton Rouge, La...
...Free balanced presentation of pro and con posiHermetic esoteric spirituality...
...SubWaukesha, WI 53186...
...Gnosis Staff Openings Magazine, Box 14217-C, San Francisco, the Wanted Child," March 14], Mrs...
...263, 270, & 280, Paul her doctor who is himself under the pro- seems to be used as a means and not an Valerry...
...Moreover, a child conceived germinal cells and places them outside of original manuscript...
...consider these repressions outside the a revolution more closely allied with the D can have the baby if they fulfill a pledge historical situation of the Sandinista gov- poorest classes...
...Young vigorous males on an emergency...
...Glover's Causing Death and Saving Lives, Chapter 12...
...Like all of us, he is grateful nual Workshop for those working in protextbooks which "take over" a course for that occasional warm letter from a grams for the aging in religious comand impede real teaching...
...pletely changed...
...It would be an honor Sacred Scripture grams, evaluating staff and programs, fi- to buy him a beer...
...PETER J. RIGA Pheme Perkins: The Social and Moral sistance issues...
...The limits of the question There are other problems associated Commonweal is indexed in Reader's Guide to were set by the court: the issue was the with this whole process of post-mortem Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index, return of inheritable property of the de- insemination...
...Such an act now would technologies...
...Chief among these were Perhaps she too wanted a baby and simply "Haggling Pro & Con," March 14] has complaints of coffee growers about the used his seed...
...Deadline: May 16...
...Gregory and St...
...201 W. Laflin tions...
...Nicaragua recently (and who was subfunds is not part of my question...
...fed-up with the "cancer" of of the spirit...
...Write: Sister Publication leen Flynn is well known...
...Serials Data program No.: ISSN 0010-3330...
...However, you seem to overlook the • Patron Member $200 or more • Full amount enclosed fact that the Reagan administration has • Charter Member $100 • Half the full amount enclosed...
...Benedict T. Viviano, OP...
...tion required...
...stances, what is their legal status... the question of non-coital insemination...
...It is a techCommonweal: 286 nique of procreation which can entail no emergency for them...
...19th Annual Institute on Sacred Scripture nancial management and policy analysis August 3-8, 1986...
...In this end: The means of solidifying love and 273 & 274, Arturo Kemchs, Mexico...
...number of sperm banks, will reach lege, Moraga, CA 94575, June 16-20...
...Strong skills in communiWorld of St...
...You associate yourselves with the Reagan administration's argument that -----------------------------------the Sandinistas have moved closer to the Membership Fonn Soviets (receiving military aid, etc...
...on hunger are required...
...Her essays Newsletter Inner Traditions...
...Washington, D.C...
...Ninth An- profession...
...Her reference to the Par- This is not simply the product of a wild be morally dubious because one of the palaix case is interesting because this imagination...
...Can we really legislation...
...system "at the forefront of the battle to with order...
...sion, if followed in the U.S., would be a before courts begin to set public policy in The judgment deserves some com- profound body blow to the protection of this uncharted area...
...At the end of the day he munities...
...Strong skills and experience in goal row, then maybe goes to the local tavern setting, planning and coordinating pro- with some friends...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 City college, there is plenty of evidence responsible society...
...Carolyn Osiek, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS: Strong skills and experience in editing, Correspondence RSCJ...
...and Nancy Davis's would be a direct legal encouragement How is all this possible...
...Staff salaries are based on need...
...retried to do everything in its power to • Sustaining Member $50 mind me of the balance in 6 months...
...Married couple...
...Most American because time goes on to change everyren's "On the Moral and Legal Status of jurisdictions would have to change their thing, attitudes included...
...To the Editors: My article ["The Fetus ican jurisdictions (e.g., Texas) approve Do we have the moral right to do this...
...Amer- her to potential, indeed, probable harm...
...Others were angry that For example, during a TV promotion even though both were popular revolts they had to attend so many meetings in program, beautiful talented Miss A offers against brutal dictatorships...
...Riverdale, N.Y...
...peared without references to other au- Donor) if the husband gives his written The freezing of sperm takes these thors who were cited as sources in the approval...
...Philippine and Nicaraguan revolutions, their workers...
...In fact, the child News Service photos...
...The distinction is fine however, we should ask ourselves what Arbor, MI 48106 and on Microfiche from Bell & but important in law because in that way, kind of love could this be...
...Classified payable yard" works with mine...
...p. 277, way, the court rejects the responsibility fidelity between the woman and a dead Mitro, Ta Nea, Greece...
...Eliot does not conAging Religious: Our campus with the presence of a generous, sider himself a great teacher...
...clearly on a wide spectrum of questions Gnosis Magazine: Journal of Western ranging from abortion to war...
...has considered the matter of the frozen sells sperm to any woman, married, un- All these reasons necessitate a social sperm of a dead man belonging to any- married, or lesbian...
...monweal ["Heart of the Matter" and the government...
...Stipend To the Editors: To those who keep a21st Biblical Institute, Trinity College, Burlington, VT 05401, June 15-20, 1986...
...Copyright © 1986 Comact of post-mortem insemination...
...Magic and Tradition" $5 postpaid...
...Issue #2: sample...
...To the Editors: Your editorial, "Haggl- Patron Member $200 or more ing Pro & Con" [March 14], was Charter Member $100 Sustaining Member $50 thoughtful, factual, reasonable, objective, and informative - with one excep- Your Membership in the Associates is tax-deductible...
...There is the Howell, Wooster, Ohio 44691...
...Since these authors of a marriage, but where the father dies history, suspended between the past and are entitled to acknowledgment of their before its birth, is presumed legitimate...
...and Roman Catholic Churches...
...What we are "Abortion and Self-Defense," in for some unmarried women to voluntar- really dealing with is illusion, or what we Philosophy and Public Affairs 13:3 ily bring a child into the world without a think the deceased would have wanted at (1984...
...Deadline: May 16...
...What use they make of such in diplomacy and at the bargaining table...
...Before we do this, there are "freeze" the will of the donor at the time Abortion," in Richard Wasserstrom's Today's Moral Problems...
...happen if American jurisdictions follow mortem insemination destroys this To the Editors: I thoroughly enjoyed Ms...
...overthrow the Sandinistas... his book that he would enrich any He is also humble...
...Microfilm from Vol...
...640, six times...
...openness they find in Nicaraguan socicollege campuses report to sperm banks to Nevertheless, happily, you came to ety...
...680, three "Elegy Written in a Country Church- wrong, and determined to put the school times...
...p. 268, Bas., Tachydromos, Greece...
...For brochure contact Sr...
...What ANTHONY J. DiSTEFANO sequently instrumental in keeping the parental and supportive relationships they Maine National Guard out of Honduras...
...Write Fr...
...Or call (717) 675-3862...
...Mary's Col- May 16...
...10016 taken some repressive measures, including the reinstatement of "emergency" Please enroll me as a member of the Associates to enable Commonweal to powers...
...fessional rules of his profession...
...It is adultery...
...ternal sources...
...The judgment is not one which the family owed by the state and the the processes are so stark that as a society directly legitimizes a post-mortem in- courts...
...monthly in advance for more Whatever Eliot would do in a Jersey create a more sensitive, responsive, and than three times...
...As and Fundamental Rights," April 11J ap- of AID (Artificial Insemination by a people, should we legally permit this...
...Deadline: breast with contemporary thought and May 16...
...Sharon Pauling, Personnel Di- prayer, work and study dedicated to the different areas of theological acceptance, rector, Bread for the World, 802 Rhode organic union in diversity of the Anglican but this does not seem to be a central issue Island Ave., N.E...
...Superstar B will supply sperm and excesses of the Sandinista govern- many in the church makes it easier for for Y dollars, and for Z contributions, ment have been legion, it is also true that them to identify with the upper middleshapely Ms... unknown future - no matter what work when it appears in another publica- Mrs...
...writing in the field of new and challenging Faculty: Donald Senior, Carolyn Osiek, Roland Murphy, Bruce Metzger, Reginald moral and ethical issues, the name of EiFuller, Joseph Cunneen...
...An international communion of point out that these two processes fall into to: Ms...
...One-year commitment required...
...But to knowingly and post-mortem inseminations be honored...
...A journal of the caliber for N dollars...
...JOAN C. CALLAHAN father...
...Write: Br...
...However, in her article ["Fashioning scription: $15/4 issues...
...Distinguished Faculty...
...By definition, postHouston, Tex...
...Parpalaix would have given birth to events unfold in time...
...But how truly to in the article came from several excellent Family Code says conception must occur determine this...
...1, 1924, to current issues available through right to be inseminated by her deceased the other spouse...
...Timothy cation, research, writing and administraMcCarthy...
...incur toward a child conceived from their She and her group were put up in an loins is...
...A recent example is the report of a earn a financial payment for an ejaculated the right conclusion: that the solution lies Maine state legislator who visited deposit...
...Will other requests for the fault of anyone...
...Professor, Religious Studies Manhattan College BECOME A 1986 COMMONWEAL ASSOCIATE Pro & contras Alexandria, Va...
...Flynn seems to meld AIH (Artificial InBread for the World, a Christian citizens semination by Husband) and AID (Artifilobby on food and hunger issues, seeks to Fellowship cial Insemination by Donor) fertilizations fill the following openings...
...and health benefits provided...
...convinced Classified and that this approach works with these that certain behavior, like the selfish destudents - perhaps even better than struction of the environment, is clearly RATES: 750 a word, one time...
...ernment which, since its inception, has (and with the origins) of Commonweal Why not...
...ORGANIZING INTERNSHIP: To or- Calling it by name Biblical Institute ganize and service member churches...
...latter decision, said the court, "depends and fidelity and his/her interests are sim- Illustrations: Cover & pp...
...Commonweal: 258 he teaches literature in his other courses dents, not pandering to them...
...Continued on pare 286) semination...
...WRITER/EDITOR/MEDIA STAFF AS- we ought to hesitate to give legal and SOCIATE: Strong skills and experience in moral sanction to this reality which Theology Workshop editing and media required...
...That is exactly what will circumstances...
...Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...Already in San Francisco couple is not now present to assume such case is the first time that a (French) court there is the Woman's Free Clinic which a grave responsibility...
...the desire of the deceased...
...And liberalization In spite of this, other observers are human love relationship or parental re- measures don't usually take place during continually amazed at the amount of sponsibility...
...She does sum6 and three professional references tine...
...Second-class postage the law is not giving legal sanction to the evident problem of a third person - the paid at New York, N.Y..., budget management and staff Noel Keller, RSM, Institute on Sacred administration required...
...CA 94114...
...Steven Davies, Ph.D...
...Intelligent and lively expand books are characterized by an even, loration of Judeo-Christian- IslamicComputer Newsletter for Ministry...
...265 & 266, Religious only on the conscience of the widow and ply not considered at all...
...the French precedent...
...The only justification, I feel I need to point out to your an illegitimate child in Texas because the tion for such conception is a substituted readers that some of the arguments used sperm was of her former husband...
...MARY E. HOBGOOD Brother B. Albert Clark, F.S.C...
...Deadline: June 2. Carroll Stuhimueller, CP...
...pushing stu- former student...
...The French deci- reflection on post-mortem insemination one, including a former wife...
...He invests Responsibility highly intelligent, intensely moral man his passion in his work, but will not "let - impatient with the dead wood in his his failures with students lead to a suicide Workshop: June 22-27, 1986...
...The all of the emotional and psychological will to conceive a child is always depentrauma which this entails for many of dent, morally, on the "now," on all the Issue & issues these childen...
...its true name...
...For brochure contact: Thomas O'Neill, Institute of Gerontology, College goes home exhausted to his log cabin, Misericordia, Dallas, PA 18612...
...Or call marks today's papers to return tomor(717) 675-3862...
...Jonathon serious questions to consider...
...Church Bytes, Inc...
...Louis Janssens says it may be had its very existence threatened by ex- should delve more deeply into this issue...
Vol. 113 • May 1986 • No. 9