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Haiti: the malnourished revolution

Smith, Karen Sue

I am speaking here of course about "public morality" - tan area, I have been troubled by the discord surrounding a those areas of conduct about which the state can properly ... internal fire, a fire he stokes daily by an early morning According to the Washington Office on Haiti, $25.5 million in regimen: two hours of contemplative prayer before Mass U.S...
...Of priest has worked in the slums of Port-au-Prince for thirty-two Haiti's six million people over 80 percent are illiterate...
...nutrition, 37 percent severe...
...I found this faith in the wry one-liners of Ford's figure goes whole hog, so to speak, and uproots his wife Father Bohnen and in the revolutionary quips of Father Yvan (Helen Mirren) and his family to trek to tropical South Pollefeyt (who had been expelled along with Father Trieste...
...Constant is a large, all seven bishops issued a message to the Haitian people in friendly man who appeared before us wearing a long white Creole...
...There have also been property...
...The tone of the letter is forceful and pointed: How many people have been punished for having embezzled funds from the public treasury...
...I had deand work at sewing machines...
...He spoke in system of basic Christian communities...
...our legal system for legislators who agree with my position to Assuring you of my prayers and with best wishes, V am draft appropriate legislation...
...A staff for example, have been dashed with the government's reof doctors, nurses, and aides manages to see all 60,000 regis- sponse to the November bus/taxi-driver strike: at least two tered residents once every three months and to keep meticu- demonstrators were killed, their bodies left unattended for a lously records of all vaccinations and services...
...Her healing spirit was palpable in broadcast during the course of the discussion which made it every room she entered...
...over 80 years...
...At the same time, they had to reiterate the priorities stated bolstered the bishops' resolve still further...
...Josh DeWind and David Kinley, sor...
...3) employment...
...human misery simply didn't occur to Mahfood...
...His school teachers are themselves slum dwellers who percent are unemployed or under-employed...
...Food for the Poor is able to pass on the bulk What keeps Food for the Poor from being merely one of donations (95Q on the dollar) directly to the poor more Christian relief organization in Haiti...
...I heard a story that illustrates Father Bohnen's reputation After ten months in power, the National Governing Council among the local Haitians... and women sit on porches and/or directly sponsored by the Catholic church...
...There is really a profound need of justice, (CRH) published a document asking authorities to reconsider of a better distribution of goods, of a more equitable "cases of deportation and imprisonment which had taken organization of society...
...If, after gious, is unsurpassed in Haiti for its institutional organization Duvalier, life has gotten worse for most Haitians, the church and singular ability to mobilize the population...
...That's the most educational advancement and access to basic health care are important element in my program: educating the educators...
...This Brooklyn may be the a full-size billboard at the airport, has never been completed...
...nuns, and impoverished Haitians...
...Do our frightened by the danger of nuclear war...
...Alongside them were scattered animals - mobbed by men and boys soliciting a job as red cap...
...Itworst slum in the Western Hemisphere...
...Full civil liberties have not been Bohnen's name across the office building...
...If angered others who feel that it is wrong to grant any rights to we begin and end this way, we will surely end in a good place, homosexuals...
...course, did not escape notice of the Duvalier regimes and led, Since 1983 this message has been consistently held up by the in recent years, to a campaign against the church in which lay Haitian bishops...
...expectations and aspirations for their own future have reached Furthermore, Haitian emigration to the U.S...
...Yet ''Ferdy," as he is Even contracts for 19,000 cane-cutters, who work in near affectionately called by friends, also emits the piercing acuity of "a true believer" whose vocation and singular slave conditions for six months each year in the Dominican mission have imbued his life with an intensity that is Republic, were canceled in 1986 because of low world sugar dissipated or seldom evoked in most people...
...We insist on having direct or indirect par- based on Paul Theroux's novel on the hippie as a modern ticipation from the grassroots," Trieste said...
...STANDING outside the Port-au-Prince airport in eighty- Perhaps the revolution...
...1301 W. Copans Rd.: Pompano Beach, FL 33064...
...Their mothers, who must I walked along with several children holding onto either hand, accompany them, are instructed on general health care and I watched their bare feet wade through these trenches at times...
...our sympathy for the character despite arousing anHaitian people, he paused before answering: "The first thing noyance, and even at times disgust...
...overthrow last February 7 of President-for-life JeanThe best students may go on to one of the four central schools Claude Duvalier, has received less public attention than that of run by Bohnen...
...Moreover, I have learned how difficult it is in the place God wants for us...
...Revolution visited in the northern city of Gonaivesn and as did several proposes to benefit the entire society, including foreign busi- fragile elderly women -- one of whom...
...What has happened to the administrator of the literacy program, Charlot Jacquelin...
...In addition, $480,000 worth of rifles, rubber bul- he was reading theologian 'l'hierry Maerens and was lets, tear gas, gas masks, and two-way radios has been pro- taking quite personally .Maertens's Observations that vided to the Haitian military...
...First, Food for the Poor is able to operate outside the The organization's primary fund raiser, Mahfood, has an USAID-mandated geographic demarcations that pro- arrangement worked out through his brothers' largess, to scribe private voluntary organizations which distribute draw his company salary to support his own family, while USAID food, such as Catholic Relief Services...
...public communication...
...building and a bishop tell which tangible items would assist them in their work: money for transmitters for Radio Soleil, money for salaries of Catholic se hool teachers and catechistsc money for flour to make bread, boxes of vegetable seeds for planting gardens, seedlings for tree farms, etc... of their favorite sayings and demonstrates that they do not For such services, doctors earn $300 a month, $400 for blame God for their condition...
...Food for the young Haitian director of the local program, brings the Poor is under no such restriction because its monies for impressive credentials and experience to the effort...
...When asked what moderate malSixty thousand people live in Brooklyn and Boston in corru- nutrition is, Boulos said, "They are not going to die from it gated tin teepees or in huts made of scrap wood and metal...
...Interior Minister Col...
...In this message the bishops admitted their- sin of cassock with red buttons down the front, and, after shaking division, fear, lack of solidarity, the gap between their words everyone's hand, squeezed his over-six-foot frame into one of and actions, and they initiated a drive toward unity through a the student-sized desks we were all embedded in...
...largely to a pitch not matched by the performance of either government Miami and New York City - has steadily increased, despite or the private sector, the role of the Catholic church - its U.S...
...But Duvalier's ruthless private police - someone spray-painted the government is not trusted...
...under Jean-Claude Duvalier and was his hand-picked succes- Why...
...and these supplies will be used is a matter deserving public Of course, Malifood readily explains that he did not scrutiny - here and in Haiti - not only because of the ignite (his fire himself... have housing, schooling, victory Radio Soleil - the station operated by the episcopal confer- over illiteracy, honest and dignified work, social secuence of Haiti...
...tion and daily service...
...Has he been kidnapped or arrested...
...Things were to aged can live truly human lives...
...It also ing that even the bishops in Haiti have no typewriters, no seeks to evangelize both the needy and the affluent...
...William Regala and Jacques Fran- authors of Aiding Migration: The Impact of International poise, two of the three current members of the CNG, were also Development Assistance in Haiti (Center for the Social Sciclosely linked to "Baby Doc...
...The document was read over ity to eat one's full...
...The Dutch world is simply not poised for any imminent breakthrough...
...I could only guess...
...Within a month after this public statement of repentance, Bishop Constant told us that the pastoral letter just issued Father Gerard Duclerville, director of "Catholic Volunteers," was not merely political, but addressed the entire Haitian was arrested, imprisoned, and tortured...
...Vendors line the our day's guide...
...A cat chewed on the slippery entrails expanding...
...government, the Bishops' Conference of Haiti has issued I asked whether the Haitian bishops remain united, in light seven pastoral letters...
...One sister, for example, asked FFP, the shipping expertise of the Mahfood brothers alMahfood for twelve ox-drawn plows from Holland...
...Fewer than 20 percent of Haiti's eligible voters Between 1973 and 1981, nearly $500 million in foreign aid bothered to vote October 19 in the first democratic national largely in the form of loans - was supplied to Haiti, over election held in thirty years, to choose members for a team to 80 percent of which was offered by the U.S., the World Bank's draft a new constitution...
...The enterprise has become independent now and is we had to step over them...
...rate of .5 percent, appreciably lower than U.S...
...The Good Lord is Good," is 50 per 1000 in the last decade...
...Brooklyn" was the-name given to the slum through which I noticed that the Hertz Rent-A-Car building, advertised on Father Bohnen was leading us...
...We instruct them on how to teach human through new industry or investment are diminished...
...Bohnen winks and says, "Of those willing to serve the slums...
...They say we do politics, but when you talk about the Gospel, they've got to keep going "upstream...
...America to be free...
...If they had, tensions would be relieved...
...Its transmitters reach nearly work...
...World Vision, and the Seventh Day Adventists...
...Father Bohnen says that slum residents are rural people who A Belgian sister told us that in the public health center where come down from the mountains...
...That is, unless the Commonweal: 684 worst is Boston, the slum next door, separated from Brooklyn these health facilities, and others, along with his son, also a by one wide market street...
...Ford's achievement, When Father Trieste was asked what the U.S...
...It was a personal challenge...
...The bishops' conference, how- which ensures that men and women, children and the ever, issued a less specific pastoral message...
...Such actions affect vowels open enough to reveal his upbringing in postmany of the 60,000 Haitians these U.S.-owned companies colonial Jamaica as a member of a wealthy Lebanese employed in 1985...
...She takes a feeble blind man's face in both her Belgian Missionhurst priest, is the director of Radio Soleil...
...The Lord has called me to this...
...suffering American farmers and a staple food product for • Second...
...Anyone carrying baggage was beside the road...
...It stand English - break into peals of laughter at her English also called for the legal existence of various political parties, joke...
...2) agrarian reform (Haiti still has no legal documents...
...bishops' conference in a tandem effort...
...Rather than let themselves be disillusioned Harvard, he said, 'to get an education.' " Many such modern by the deteriorating conditions - even in the wake of the Thoreaus (the original even punned, "You learn all the Duvalier ouster - in a country where most had worked for at branches of learning at Harvard, and none of the roots") least a decade and where some had spent their entire lives, each existed and exist, having abandoned careerism to settle in seemed enthusiastic, vivacious, sustained by her or his voca- Vermont, make cabinets, and read the Whole Earth Catalog...
...and programs on literacy, health, cooperatives, and nificent, an irritating, provocative adventure satire conscientization...
...The bishops have also set not appear on the October 5 pastoral letter...
...full twenty-four hours in what was interpreted as a government Dr...
...When I met Mahfood last October, designated...
...I found it in the ebullient person- The satire is subtle and suspenseful, at least for the first half ality of Sister Marie Emmanuel, a native of Port-au-Prince, a of the film...
...To be more precise, the central character ruary 7, all the complaints people had, they came here and (played by Harrison Ford) is not exactly a hippie but one of voiced them...
...As a teacher of morality and a citizen, I want to resolve this conflict in any appropriate way...
...Dogs lay on the cooperative after receiving two months of free supplies and narrow paths without stirring even as fifty people approached...
...Before Feb- Dr...
...Perhaps a withdrawal of financing five degree heat, I observed few signs of the poverty I until stability is restored...
...According to Dr...
...because of low overhead costs and efficient management... squat to make bricks or to health care, and communications, staffed by Catholic religious whittle artifacts for tourists...
...K. S, 26 December 1986: 687 Nearly five million Haitians are Catholics, and the church, led church, the one mediating structure capable of laying the by seven bishops and a largely indigenous clergy and reli- prerequisite foundation for self-government...
...Naturally, Radio Soleil broadcasts all the bishops' pastoral messages...
...The building has now been turned into a school...
...As secretaries...
...To such discussions each must bring ceptable because it partitions the human person...
...That same month, the archbishop of Port-au- rity, respect for family responsibilities . . . everything Prince issued a similar appeal...
...One reason is that Haiti's prosSalesian technical school...
...Might we not be offering Eucharist to others in Christian charity...
...The day before I arrived in Haiti the bishops issued their seventh letter, which implicitly charges the Namphy government with insensitivity to social, economic, and political crises which have become "more and more aggravated...
...and to initiate in 1982 a non-profit, charitable trust, materials, schools supplies, and medicines - such as a Food for the Poor (FFP...
...He was Haiti falls victim to the cruel irony that stable government is busily attending to the swarm ofchildren who latched onto a criterion for foreign investment, even if that stability is him, as did a number of homeless men in a shelter we created by the strong arm of a political tyrant...
...They know what matters: Sister Marie is present for but undermined this goal with a list of exceptions...
...they continue to spend two hours a week in live in the countryside where opportunities for job creation special classes...
...Haiti, the understandable need evidenced by a triggered an immediate and sustained decline in the number of few of the journalists for comic relief in the face of such American tourists to Haiti...
...In the background a radio- the only bearing a low-birth-weight child...
...planetary scale...
...Nobody has taken care of these priorities yet," Since February 7, 1986, under the Namphy provisional he said...
...The next day he received notice to leave the country...
...CARE, devoting himself full-time to FFP...
...The Jean-Claude Duvalier President-for-Life, with powers to ap- dozen, silent, seemingly-dazed men - who cannot underpoint the prime minister and to appoint his own successor...
...A whole series of slums lie isolated physician...
...carries a photoness ventures, by establishing a better, more democratic, more graph of herself with Mahfood - in a retirement home...
...An expert in popular mechanics and alternative his head over the annual budget for the station he administers...
...Despite planting premonitions of disaster, Weir 26 December 1986: 689...
...And to us she makes a pun in English, "His name is being presented before the voters: the referendum declared L'homme, that means man...
...Gradually they Ligonde of Port-au-Prince removed for his close Duvalier set out a list of priorities for the reconstruction of Haitian associations and loyalties...
...Operating on an annual budget of Sister Marie dances through the tidy but bare wards of the $222,000, the Catholic station, Radio Soleil, broadcasts seven home for the elderly where she and two other sisters live and days a week from 5 A.M...
...change in -the following years...
...One young mother walked beside me repeating softly, while Twelve women have formed a successful ice cream-making extending her hand, " 'S'il vous plait...
...For example, through its where other agencies are not permitted to go, or can "Share the Harvest" program, FFP purchased two milcontribute to Catholic schools in regions serviced by lion pounds of beans front a Nebraska food exporting CARE, for example...
...Hunger persists," Mahfood says, "because we choose not to end it...
...Thirteen thousand children from Brooklyn and Boston attend Bohnen's 140 mini-schools there...
...which does not contribute to Catho- organization, providing in one maneuver a market for lic schools...
...Life seems to be outdoors, parted from my home in Brooklyn, New York to learn that market-centered, and bustling...
...I am speaking here of course about "public morality" - tan area, I have been troubled by the discord surrounding a those areas of conduct about which the state can properly proposed gay rights ordinance...
...Raymond Pun...
...Of some 220 American businesses, attracted to Haiti by its cheap labor force ($3 a day minimum wage) and tax F I:RDINANI3 SIAHEOOD is a slightly built, graciousbreaks for new industry, about one-quarter closed down, pul- mannered man whose English is accented by British led out, or reduced production this year...
...As I said at the beginning, this letter does not respond to all In taking this nuanced position, I know that I have angered the issues you have raised...
...serve an office that had been used by the Tontons Macoute - Henri Namphy - has managed to stave off total anarchy...
...Reginald Boulos, a Harvard-trained public health ad- warning to labor activists and public protests...
...stable government...
...Trieste returned to Haiti in March BEYOND HEROICS 1986...
...the agricultural crisis, curb food shortages, or subsidize job During the present period in which the Haitian people's creation...
...How this money full in approaching life's problems...
...This is why the $7 million of goods FFP has sent paying only the shipping costs...
...they are major preventative facilities...
...the church should do, I think, is to become aware of what is Aside from Ford's acting, Weir's narrative method also going on in the world...
...Soon one wonders it is politics," Pollefyt said...
...I had come to Haiti, along with other jourroads selling cigarettes and packages of peanut butter crackers...
...In hands and strokes him...
...Donations may be sent to: Food for the Poor...
...She lowed the facility to be shipped expeditiously, with FFP got them...
...success as a business man in partnership with his brothers KAREN SUE SMITH is an assistant editor of Commonweal...
...The maternity ward averages one I heard - blared the voice of Maureen McGovern singing, some 200 deliveries each month with a very low Caesarean "There's got to be a. morning after...
...These animals were neither hitched nor the truck beds - packed in dozens of passengers for a trip to fenced...
...Expectant mothers glimpses of naked adults lying on the bare ground inside are given vitamins and vaccinations to reduce the chances of several of these shacks...
...tenuousness of the Haitian political situation, but given the he says of the conversion experience that caused him to notoriously corrupt handling of past aid packages channeled recover from a nervous breakdown - interrupting his through both Duvalier governments...
...But there are more complaints now...
...After a flood of pro- community...
...and the majority have been trained...
...Bonjour, mon cher," she says to July 1985 Radio Soleil aired discussions of the referendum him... of efforts to have Archbishop people against revenge and wanton violence... can do guided by Peter Weir who also directed him in Witness, is to in face of all the complex problems and enormous needs of the catch...
...I am willing to assist efforts to legislate...
...aid (out of some $108 million allotted for 1986) has been and spiritual reading...
...Father Hugo Trieste, a ing the people...
...rcl icf arc not tied to USAI D. FFP can deliver truckloads of • Fourth, Food for the Poor is small enough to be food, building materials, or medical supplies to areas highly flexible and innovative...
...Screen Nevertheless, Trieste was arrested and detained briefly...
...through the eyes of his oldest teenage son (played by the When I think of Haiti, I recall the powerful images of human astonishingly named actor River Phoenix...
...This is what teaching human dignity plain that the referendum was a hoax, but the station did not means...
...These children, mostly infants, are fed three width is an open trench through which runs human sewage...
...Trieste said the station's objective is "evangelization, edu- 'THE MOSQUITO COAST' cation, and information...
...For this purpose, we as you do, that to protect orientation but not activity is unac- must find a proper forum...
...Many of the Daihatsu vans I saw were brand new...
...In March, the bishops launched a fiveyear literacy campaign - alphabetization - to wipe out illiteracy in Haiti...
...This incident are...
...When the Canadian government other missionaries exactly what they need, and attempts to donated a fully-equipped, two-hundred-bed hospital to fifl these precise requests...
...I found this faith in the gentle Robinson will survive its Faustian Robinson Crusoe...
...safely) and the families they support by sending U.S.Haiti from these same sources doubled, exceeding $100 mil- earned money back home (perhaps as much as $100 million a lion...
...Whatever hunger, misery, sickness, poverty, and ignorance in priests and nuns say they need," Mahfood says, explainJamaica, Haiti, and other third-world countries...
...and (4) a politi- during October, which is at least one reason why his name does cal will to implement such changes...
...Our objective have been parceled out here...
...along with the predictable shipments of food...
...Congress has approved $4 mil- Christians have not really used their imaginations to the lion in military assistance to Haiti this year...
...teacher in a Catholic school earns $15 - $20 a month...
...for example, a are Voodoo...
...I also have faith and a generous amount of trust in the other's good will...
...Still, with presidential elections promised by the end of 1987, no contender has yet MULTIPLYING LOAVES emerged from the many opposition parties who seems able to FOOD FOR THE POOR IN HAITI draw a substantial degree of public support...
...Tourism remains crippled not only because of the As our group of Catholic journalists tramped through specter of political upheaval, but by the association of AIDS the slush of open sewage in the sun-baked slums of Portwith Haitians living in the United States, a connection that au-Prince...
...The tragedy is that such monies seldom accomplished year), emigration robs Haiti of a precious national resource: its their donors' intended purposes: to thwart land erosion, abate own best educated, most skilled, highly motivated citizens... past letters...
...Yet this wage must be comcourse, 99 percent of Haitians are Catholics, but 100 percent pared to what other professional Haitians earn...
...Hundreds of people are walking was to visit briefly the cities of Port-au-Prince and Gonaives in to and from the market, some laden with baskets of produce or order to observe first-hand specific programs in education, bundles of wooden poles...
...Initially, the bishops admonished their of reports in the U.S...
...out guidelines to peaceful protesters and to police who must patrol demonstrations...
...immigration policies which discourage giving political message and ministries - deserves a close examination...
...It is necessary for the "poor" of all kinds to begin to In December 1980, the Haitian Conference of Religious hope again...
...Yet these hundreds of millions henchmen and associates, an understandable reluctance con- of dollars in economic assistance, poured into a nation the size sidering that Namphy himself was chief-of-staff of the army of Maryland, failed to reverse Haiti's plunge into poverty...
...It has been said that the future of Haiti depends upon the Coinmonweal: 688 In a nation of illiterate citizens, radio is the chief means of doctor, and a true Daughter of Wisdom...
...Between December 1980 and March 1983, when Pope John T HE DAY after our visit to the slums of Brooklyn and Boston, Paul II visited Haiti, two crucial events occurred: the Eucharis- we drove five hours up the coastal road from Port-autic and Marian Congress was held, culminating in the papal Prince to Gonaives-where the revolution actually began - to visit, and a. Symposium of lay leaders, clergy, religious, and speak with Bishop Emmanuel Constant...
...Then, when the restored, though civil freedoms have been vastly increased, anti-Duvalier rioters saw Bohnen's name, they spared the including that of a relatively free press...
...As meals a day for several months...
...In the meantime, I protect the rights of all citizens, but I cannot support public feel it is my responsibility to affirm what I believe to be the protection or sanctioning of sexual activity or a way of life truth while reaching out to all with God's love, compassion, which compromises the normativeness of heterosexual marital and understanding... sources, Ford is sickened by our country's waste and "I ask: Is this money really used to profit the poor...
...Emigration shows no signs of slowing which systematically diverted aid resources away from the down... 11 P.M...
...The son reveres his suffering I witnessed...
...To the side, swarms of flies circled around a stagnant At St...
...outbreaks of police violence reminiscent of the recent dictatoThree community health centers serve the slums of Brook- rial past...
...urge, as some reports have suggested, that people boycott the election...
...Only a handful will progress as far as the the church in the Philippines...
...There should be the possibilplace during recent police raids...
...Perhaps their lethargy made it,unnecessary...
...carvings, T-shirts with "Haitian Liberation" inscribed across As our van drove down the road toward the heart of the city, the chest...
...Food for the Poor would like to supply these needs...
...The bishops, he said, had tried to analyze the tests, he was finally turned over to the archbishop, but had to current realities of life and to show exactly what the problems spend months in the hospital recuperating...
...While emigration has generally improved the lives of genuinely needy...
...Yet the revolutionary process tends to Mahfood unself-consciously falls into a long line of create a degree of instability which can undermine the revolu- prophets who, as a group, have never been models of tion itself, if the economy collapses consequently and the "low-key," . "balanced," or "well-rounded" pergovernment is overcome by chaos...
...Commonweal: 686 combination of bureaucratic mismanagement and corruption, asylum to Haitians...
...Constant said, "At the entire epissociety: (1) a literacy program to enable citizen-participation copal level the bishops are united...
...Tap- horses, cows, goats - so scrawny the flesh hung on their taps" - pick-up trucks with elaborately painted cabins over protruding frames...
...Jesus in heaven isn't dangerous...
...Post-Duvalier hopes for organized labor activities, lyn and Boston...
...Once there, the coast isn't good enough...
...Crowds of well dressed Haitians hovered around the however, I was startled to see another side of Haiti...
...His dark eyes and impassioned speech hint at Fortunately, foreign aid will continue to flow into Haiti...
...Meanwhile, had come to Haiti to see...
...They are baptized and are she works, the mortality rate has dropped from 200 per 1000 to extremely religious-minded...
...Creole which was translated for us by an interpreter...
...It was offered in a pivotal homily delivered in leaders and several priests were abducted, killed, beaten, Port-au-Prince in 1983 by Pope John Paul II: interrogated without cause, or expelled...
...The country, he says programs really aim at bringing something about at the lowest in the first scene in a dry-goods store, is going to the dogs, and levels...
...Then start changing their lifestyles provides a strong means of maintaining sympathy: we see Ford accordingly...
...Here we are entering the slum," shouted Father Lawrence People in Haiti, not just at the airport but throughout the Bohnen, the seventy-three-year-old Salesian priest who was country, appear to be in perpetual motion...
...A number one door where newly arrived passengers would step out to be of people, alone or in twos, sat under skimpy shade trees picked up by friends or family...
...Most nettlesome is the Namphy International Development Association, and the Intergovernment's reticence to purge its ranks of former Duvalier American Development Bank...
...warmth of Bishop Constant...
...daily Mass in Creole and THE MOSQUITO COAST is gravely flawed and gravely magFrench... long Ford's son will love him, how long this Swiss Family Jesus on earth is dangerous...
...Views were them, joking with them...
...The government's decision ences, Columbia University, 1986), these funds were "in last month to replace many of the diplomatic corps with men large part subverted by the Haitian government through a not tied to the old dictatorship, while a step in the right direction, is superficial in that it misses the heart of the objection to "Duvalierism without Duvalier...
...These huts are so densely cramped together that the walkways A separate program for third-degree malnutrition serves 120 are a mere three feet wide, and eighteen inches or more of that children daily... in the import-export trade...
...She waltzes to one bed after another singing and touch65 percent of the Haitian population...
...Some funding has been provided by the U.S...
...ministrator and former Minister of Health in Haiti, directs The current public mood is less than enthusiastic about 26 December /986: 685 government...
...Last February, in an effort to pre- (CNG) - the provisional government headed by Lieut...
...Two other priests were expelled along with him, and one elderly priest was brutally beaten to death...
...All the bishops sign the in government...
...He's not a girl, he's a man...
...In addition to receiving T HE ROLE played by the Catholic church of Haiti in the a hot meal each day, they receive a rudimentary education...
...nalists, at the invitation of Ferdinand Mahfood, founder of the It looks as though the contents of a thousand vending machines Christian relief organization Food for the Poor...
...Catherine Laboure Hospital, which serves the slums, pool of water beside which naked children played...
...honey-extracting machine, a Land Rover for the L'Arche Food for the Poor's stated purpose is "to help alleviate community, church furniture, and vestments...
...those members of the "sixties generation" who is in America, "I'm afraid of huge organizations," Trieste said, shaking but not of it...
...both those who have left Haiti (i.e., who have arrived in the Nevertheless, in the 1980s the annual aid disbursements to U.S...
...we look the other way...We need to re-evaluate the way we sec Eucharist...
...More potent still, however, is the faith father as an inventor and free spirit, claiming proudly in an of the people we met, faith that grounds their deep commit- opening, voice-over narration, "My father dropped out of ment to the poor...
...pects for self-government are so dim by comparison that the "Education takes centuries," Bohnen says...
...Archbishop Ligonde, however, was in Rome system of land entitlements...
...I am an evangelist not a social worker," Mahfood sees it: ''We are commanded to continue the says Mahfood, who calls duty-free shipments from FFP daily multiplication of loaves and fishes on a global, "pre-evangelization" that ..empowers priests... Haiti since 1982 has included unexpected items -- Throughout our trip we heard sisters, priests, doctors...
...A similarly-run peanut butter co-op is being of some rodent which lay on the threshold of a family's front planned...
...he never tires of saying it thereafter...
...Boulos, a stocky, balding man with a dignified north of Port-au-Prince between the city's railroad and the carriage, said that 50 percent of Haitians face moderate malwater's edge...
...receive training in a marketable skill: embroidery, sewing, art...
...Instead I watched a pleasant squatters have occupied the structure, their straw-mat particommotion: Teenage boys hawking leather purses, rum, wood tions and little bundles of belongings subdivide each floor...
...Food for the Poor asks priests...
...This, of provides a message of hope: something has to change here...
...Haitian-owned businesses are stagnant...
...Rather, it is an appreciative acsome in the homosexual community who would argue, much ceptance of your invitation to dialogue...
...and where rights and family planning," Bohnen says...
...Economically, the country's future appears bleak, at least in the short-term...
...I caught maternal care and pediatrics take priority...
...Sincerely yours in Christ, As the pastor of the Catholic church in Chicago, as one who JOSEPH CARDINAL BERNARDIN seeks to bring peace and unity to the church and our metropoli- Archbishop of Chicago THE CHURCH & THE WORKS OF JUSTICE Haiti: the malnourished revolution KAREN SUE SMITH stands, only one incomplete building among hundreds in the capital, as a monument to the national work stoppage...

Vol. 113 • December 1986 • No. 22

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