Abortion, pluralism, feminism

Abortion, pluralism, feminism READERS DISCUSS THE ABORTION ISSUE On not...

...But and medical tradition all support the case tive, just one cautionary note about her the motivation cannot be the safety or for the unborn child's right to life...
...Callahan states, in reference to the and public policy...
...Calor tradition is highly questionable...
...This first article rightly (I believe) grounds from which beliefs of religious hones in on the distinctiveness of the origin have been excluded...
...Abortion, pluralism, feminism READERS DISCUSS THE ABORTION ISSUE On not getting nothing to get these politicians off the hook...
...nineteenth-century "center of con- is morally wrong...
...JOHN D. BODDIE human species arc in every respect equal ANDREW R. MULRONEY Commonweal: 342...
...shows that Joan C. Callahan has done her dozen kittens...
...tions because partisans closed them...
...The fetus permeate her article and I suggest that if hood attaches when the fetus can...
...social equality, sexual fulfillment, and to experiment with that fetus...
...Callahan course, to make money...
...How can we punish the My third point reaches beyond abor- homework...
...There are, Callahan assures us, exof the sort is implied, if the "life support qualities that, in her view, fetuses lack...
...We, of course, could tune-out both More to the point, could we ever hon- and acclaim the citizen who has never estly characterize infanticide's proscrip- fallen into agreement with a group in his tion as merely convention...
...One does not need to the threat to a woman's life, or even Nor does she connect her pro-life vision relinquish one's "liberal credentials" in grave damage to her health, are the obvi- to the practical questions posed at the order to champion the rights of the un- ous examples that come to mind...
...Thus, if principle applies to the fetus where the and wholesome instincts of the author we accept the author's test, that person- conception is the result of rape...
...This pecu- human life, entering the "moral commuliar, but these days not uncommon, idea nity" when it is discernibly unique...
...the woman and the tions could be made even if abortion were morally wrong to do so...
...I believe that through eras of extreme abstraction like son" - leaves us with just another opin- most thoughtful persons would reject that the medieval "rational supposit" and the ion (we have many) as to when abortion conclusion...
...But such a case everywhere in control of themselves and afford women real equality than one against vigilantism in general still their destiny, and women enslaved and which does...
...She deftly tion, one need not necessarily conclude after they have proved they can barter as exposes the weaknesses in a number of that no abortions are ever justified or that well as men, will that end the contest and pro-choice feminist positions: the ab- legal prohibition is the best way to the acrimony...
...She rejects the doctor's contention that if a In search of inclusive paradigms mother has the right to induce the death of the fetus by abortion, he has the right Staten Island, N.Y...
...Will all women realize these difficult to accept the concept that a vic- Life Feminism," April 25...
...Founder, Scientists for Life pursuit is conducted within the prescribed channels...
...The author obviwill the death of the fetus...
...documents (which must be read as a the forcefulness and validity of her ar- Still, Professor Callahan is right, I whole), the spirit on which this country guments...
...made between those who undertake such build laws based upon the implications of...
...tion but votes for it...
...At such point, the look at the world's hungry...
...dered the word "person" heretical in risk assuming one's own definition and Thus, she would appear to conclude that Trinitarian theology...
...support their two-minded behavior ous in her review of the arguments Not long ago, when adultery and seems to be a voluntary self-restriction against abortion, Joan C. Callahan as- suicide, for example, were both punisha- concerning which of their convictions sumes too much in her reading of Walter ble crimes (still are, in some codes), in- they will allow to influence the carrying Mondale's mind: "accepting the fetus as dictment and punishment were applied out of their public role...
...But they have burden of woman's new role in business points out by denying them - associated' found they have not liberated themselves and public affairs should not be borne with pregnancy which has caused them to...
...She describes the "real" world of men and women - as unselfishness, victim did not consent to conception...
...a counter abortion...
...Thus, the author finds medical science in that our doctor friends the hunger exists, she would respond herself upholding religious principles in have now demonstrated that they can fer- generously to alleviate it, as a matter of her search to find a basis for justifying tilize the egg in a laboratory, implant it in duty...
...excellent job of answering the pro- wonders whether this is for all women, or On the other hand, the author finds it abortion advocates ["A Case for Pro- for the few...
...can very easily make the case that a sociand to blame men for all the problems of Her second achievement is her case ety which is tolerant toward individuals' the human race, is unnatural, short- for pro-life feminism - taken in the gen- defending their rights by violent means sighted, ill-willed, ill-advised, and ahis- eral sense that a society which does not will, in the end, not be a society protectorical...
...There is a natural order to things which conception of morality that is limited to I will take the dangerous step of drawhas been going on in the world for mil- explicit contracts and biased in favor of ing a parallel...
...inflicting death upon that person...
...Before slavery was abolished instead of both...
...Yet she has it the overween- titude, altruism, and charity...
...Professor Callahan speaks, survival of apolitical faction that, in fact, purpose of government is not to decide several times, of "Catholic liberal does not exist...
...This includes positions on the relieve parents of responsibility...
...Callahan's reality, done nothing more when political players masquerade as To the Editors: Her article on fetal rights inherently reprehensible than killing a head-counting referees...
...This statement assumes that the burden Albany, N.Y...
...Rape and that particular life-shattering pregnancy...
...But if gious teaching...
...lahan protects infants with "convenimply that we have no obligation to care To the Editors: Permit these comments tion": We do not really believe infants for these people...
...Now they have two jobs where before entirely by women...
...She is absolutely correct in perpetrator as a terrible criminal...
...MARK GRONCESKI Lebanon, Pa...
...cause of feminism...
...The Su- that it doesn't solve the problem for the they were legally classified as property, preme Court in the Dred Scott case ruled Catholic liberal Democrats who are mor- they were denied those rights accorded to that a black slave was not a person before ally opposed to abortion but vote for lib- human beings...
...may have fought valiantly to forestall the teaching...
...The noerty of individuals...
...fessor Callahan's article...
...to the rights of a born infant - and that, more nurturing, women (can] become To the Editors: Sidney Callahan achieves no more than the born infant's, could prime ministers, and presidents, and dic- a great deal in her recent article - but not those rights ever be overriden...
...Or are in- life...
...fetuses, more akin to sleeping persons KEVIN M. DOYLE is a unique individual human being commits us to accepting the moral claim On not reaching the same conclusion that it has fundamental rights as well...
...But one author is, right, the doctor is right...
...Will abortion rights groups much rather vote for someone who rights...
...stands based upon religious belief...
...Shouldn't the convention citizen with purely secular ones...
...HALPI Callahan refers to the woman seeking an abortion as being an unwilling life support system...
...However, neither the case against case when the private resort to force exaggerated pro-choice arguments for might well be the lesser evil...
...balance, and borders, between order and Under such circumstances, a conven- liberty...
...So, arguably, he con- reasons" are insufficient for the imposi- and human embryology, including the sented to his punishment...
...For if ideas they may recognize, as I believe Mon- comparable to many others we incur - concerning the ultimate nature of reality dale did, that total prohibition is unen- such as caring for an unwanted parent...
...presents us with the challenge of caring homicide was adopted by the state legisShe concludes that personhood attaches for the needs of others where we did lature, an independent basis be found only at birth or, perhaps earlier, if the nothing to create that need and, in fact, separate and apart from the religious fetus is viable upon induced abortion...
...Calla- should be outlawed legally...
...She made wonderful events...
...She has obvi- The list could be extended, of course, so I contend that the burden of proving ously thought long and deeply about the that we would end up identifying politi- that the fetus does not have fundamental difficult question of abortion, and I'm cians primarily as "Jewish," or "Mor- rights lies on the pro-choicer for the folsure her colleagues in phi- mon," or "Christian fundamentalist," lowing reasons: our country's founding losophy will have something to say about or "agnostic," for example...
...This stand [assumes] that in a abortions in cases where the woman's ing and abetting them...
...There remains "the particularly inti- value derives...
...This statement that science has nothing to say requires proportionality between a assertion carries too much presumption about personhood...
...Thank you, the legislative arena must be based upon Joan...
...In our sociabortion-on-demand nor the general case ety, both morals and law discourage such Applause, applause for an anti-abortion norm in society re- a resort to force (though perhaps not ally supports her implied contention that enough), but they don't rule it out absoRichmond, Va...
...One The attempt to pit women against men, mother's decision to "confer" them...
...But many of us are that Consensus & the birth of infanticide for the old, the sick, the mentally re- i tarded, young children, etc...
...uniqueness were well addressed and countered in the Such a right in no way contradicts the ban following issue ["Abortion & the Sexual on institutional dictate expressed in the Norwood, Mass...
...Further, To the Editors: Joan C. Callahan is givcouple of short comments...
...deed's intrinsic evil, and the sanction in- and illusion to go without comment...
...I would human and, therefore, not entitled to viability...
...But Such an interpretation of the amend- the notion of personhood has a long hisment confuses the framers' concerns re- tory in Western thought, especially with garding privileged institutions with their the articulation of Christianity's chief determination to insure the religious lib- revelation, the Trinity of God...
...The second pillar upon which the Walnut Creek, Calif...
...Presuming innocence ling nursery full of newborns...
...on Joan Callahan's treatment of abortion are persons...
...Callahan does That is the issue...
...It should be lightbe better suited to nurturing, family life, they had one...
...it raises a more fundamenThough opponents of abortion may not mate burden of bearing an unwanted tal question of just what, rationally want to allow exceptions (even where the child...
...Her lish the precedent that we are all guilty of countries...
...I would also "conferral," one need not necessarily kind of arguments made by Joan C. Callike to see a scholarly rebuttal to this conclude that those rights which a fetus lahan about the peculiarly borderline (Callahan) article...
...being hungry, and I would be willing to ously believes that incest is wrong...
...though, we can treat them as persons...
...this type of categorization is any more adequate," but it demonstrates, cer- Women who abort should not be sub6 June 1986: 339 ject to the same sanctions as those who However, the same cannot be said of the contradiction to the present form of that murder because their emotional state at abortionist...
...earlier point in pregnancy...
...Consider the radi- than akin to kittens...
...cellent reasons for such a convention...
...To the Editors: Joan C. Callahan's article Park Ridge, Ill ["The Fetus & Fundamental Rights," To the Editors: Joan Callahan contends April 11 ] states as one of the reasons that that the reason why slavery was immoral Bishop Timlin's analogy of abortion and is because "it is unjust to enslave people slavery is incorrect is that...
...system" goes the child will die, it might Rather than condone legal infanticide Well, there are also excellent reasons just be good common sense to let one die along with legal abortion, however, Cal- for not pretending infants are persons if Commonweal: 338 indeed they are not...
...She men as, "hunting, war, and the corporate self-sacrifice, generosity, patience, forwould conclude that, as a matter of basic fast track...
...legal level by the problems of pluralism...
...Because one rejects the idea of a socimen, directing them, but probably not Her first achievement is her -case ety that is generally accepting of aborfighting them...
...Life frequently insist that before the law against life when the fetus becomes a person...
...think, in saying that "there is much more was founded, and over a century of legal I would like to offer, from my perspec- to be said" on the issue of abortion...
...they are closer to kittens...
...First, Callahan's Because their protection does not inproblem of an abortion to save the end-run around the infanticide problem fringe exclusively on one person, mother's life, that "anti-abortionists...
...There isn't...
...natural mother no longer has the right to certainly did not consent to those persons And one last point...
...And I don't think analysis, like mine, may not be "wholly non-personhood until proven innocent...
...be has a need, and the fact that the mother she found herself in the legislature, she nourished independent of the genetic did not consent to the creation of the would vote at a minimum to outlaw all mother, that moment is the moment of person she carries clearly does not justify abortion except in cases of rape or incest...
...solutizing of a right of bodily integrity...
...He tion...
...The author legislature or by the courts...
...If we concede that the fetus is support this...
...But The author's theory runs into major bet that she would do all in her power to the prohibition on incest is based on reliproblems by virtue of recent advances in prevent the creation of that hunger...
...Still, civility tion of legal restraints on others...
...thereby begging the question, which Cal- a religious value is not one with a logical Callahan's neglect of history - she lahan does...
...We view that the woman and the fetus are not She apparently concedes newborns can ascribe a humanity not actually presof equal moral stature after all...
...conclude that there are at least some situ- these large visions and the hard questions One does not necessarily have to be ations in which the claims of bodily in- posed at the individual level by this or pro-abortion in order to be loyal to the tegrity might justify abortion...
...centered satisfactions had been held up as if one did not consent to the assumption The desired goal of feminists would a criterion by the feminists, and most of that obligation...
...All social beliefs boil down to intui- demonstrate why we must conclude that Ponder, finally, infants' and parents' tions...
...tified by a false premise, i.e., that imin this country many people thought in- But the real problem with her article is ported blacks were "property" and since voluntary slavery was moral...
...Such liberty, guaran- tion has been a central part of Catholic Commonweal: 340 and secular thought ever since, growing does not mention any definition of "per- the same type of being...
...Scientific for liberal abortion laws than someone "property" of the bearer to be suctioned advances will bring this back to an ever who is strongly morally opposed to abor- out or otherwise disposed of at her will...
...first needs to establish...
...Callahan asserts "purely religious everything she says about fertilization knew the law...
...What about such tim of rape would have the obligation of abortion almost entirely a women's is- Christian paradigms for human-beings - carrying the baby to term because the sue...
...Bearing, not rearing for life...
...But if the To the Editors: Sidney Callahan did an full personal development...
...Thus, it would appear that the The achievement of personhood author would summarily reject the argument that homicide should be outlawed New York, N.Y...
...there are against their wills...
...One can very easily rebut lions of years, and although . . . it is the active, the decisive, the autonomous, exaggerated justifications, along indievident society has changed, it is clear and the dominant...
...She the% says that pro-lifers need "to flicted...
...tion of from where that particular moral all...
...There are no such open ques- Governor of New York Compassion demands no less...
...The presentation...
...exhaustive policing and would be op- "personally against, but . . ." crowd To the Editors: Though generally judici- posed by a preponderant public opinion...
...To neglect the devel- The author would dismiss any argusciousness" (which interpretation ren- opment of the notion of "person" is to ments based on the teachings of religion...
...payers to pay for abortions...
...fetal rights totally contingent on the taking the law into one's own hands...
...Confusion arises only Fredericksburg, Va...
...abortion is never justified morally and lutely...
...JOHN BRANIGAN and seeks to turn it to instant advantage so that with the help of contraception and Hard questions that remain unanswered a new feminist society, which she will establish by bending men to a femaledirected culture in which men do much Boston, Mass...
...appear to be, "reproductive freedom, especially by the materialists of this last 6 June 1986: 341 forty years, was considered the norm...
...The author would instead that the fetus has the fundamental right to carefully reflected on it...
...WILLIAM F. LUCEY foundation and is, of necessity, not one which has been subjected to thoughtful analysis...
...Calrests on the argument that First Amend- lahan pinpoints this uniqueness at the ment religion clauses and a pluralistic moment of birth...
...what of the perpetrator of infan- Public consensus on initially open ticide...
...Suppose a person enters a found- questions forms around political efforts...
...Talk of men being free and rely on abortion is much more likely to tive of those rights at all...
...As a speaking, should be the basis of the laws unborn is the "innocent aggressor"), self-limiting obligation, it's still not of this or any other society...
...pro-choice feminism and set forth a han posits sound historical and theologi- Because one rejects extreme claims for societal vision for pro-life feminism...
...Callahan is obviously a person of A few further comments: able with making even those two excepexquisite good will and is horrified by The author places great weight on the tions...
...This person has, in shape opinion...
...Isn't that, after all, recognize that religious values are far achieved at such time as others can begin the situation which prevails when we more fundamental than actions by the to nurture the child...
...which individual human beings are Democrats," almost as though there That reservation aside, I believe Pro- worthy of protection, but to protect the were a political party in our country simi- fessor Callahan has made a thoughtful rights of all...
...To do otherwise is to establar to the Christian Democrats of other contribution to the abortion debate...
...Callahan appears to support to vote for politicians who will not stand adherents contend that the fetus is not the right to life at the point of biological up for their moral principles...
...Men, in fairness, ened by men, not as enemies as some and taking care of the children and the should participate in the work of the feminists would have it, but as created home than to hunting or to providing household so there is a balance, but the beings participating in a shared human food...
...But we should aim to make public fants, and non-viable but brain-active policy more correct than original...
...We can enjoy dialogue and endure accepting the biological claim that a fetus rights in a society that cannot quickly argument but all positions rest on certain assume care for a newborn...
...If anti-abortionists want to allow offenses and those in the business of aid- that belief...
...PHILIP LAM off the hook Property & analogy Shoreview, Minn...
...To so conclude is to fail to Her conclusion is that personhood is creation of that need...
...He gently Legislative drives gauge, encourage, and i kills twelve orphans...
...a theory that makes vidualist or just plain macho lines, for human nature has not...
...One must ask whether, against pro-choice feminism...
...doesn't resolve the problem of a specific disempowered is nonsense...
...And she speaks of that society somehow prohibit political as a moment of personhood...
...To the Editors: I wish to applaud Sidney her explicit contention that abortion All told, Sidney Callahan has rebutted Callahan on her excellent essay...
...Similar distinc- society of multiple faiths it would be life is at stake...
...tainly, that serious, morally concerned cally and hopelessly deformed newborn Second, Callahan faults the slavery/ people do not always reach the same conthat faces only pain and sensory depriva- abortion analogy because "there are no clusions on this question...
...Children born in the second thought abortion was moral and worked mere tissue, then it is rightfully the trimester are being saved now...
...EDWARD C. FREILING document, as long as that advocacy and the time of aborting mitigates their guilt...
...apply still...
...Nothing lack the same human-rights-triggering ent...
...Say it took unpackable, indefensible, invulnerable three months before such a society could premises...
...That The notion of "person" is of ultimate such a restraint is imposed by either law importance in the matter of abortion...
...Agenda," April 28], I feel called to add a "non-establishment" clause...
...They are of human rights, one is not morally required ing intention of feminist women to-get- the Christian ethos, which, until selfto provide for the needs of another person into that "corporate fast track...
...If it is not really a person, let's kill it such open questions about involuntary MARIO M. CUOMO before it becomes one only to suffer...
...no such open questions about involuntary Slavery was wrong because it was jusslavery...
...the court, which is not too different from eral abortion laws and laws to force tax- This is why the analogy with abortion Roe v. Wade...
...tators, and conduct wars in place of the as much as she claims...
...Thus, if a convica full-fledged person commits us to with considerable discretion - as is the tion they hold derives solely from their measures in practice that even those who case even with homicide...
...the womb of a "surrogate mother," and It would seem to me that the same I hasten again to add that the good will bring the child to full-term birth...
...I'm not sure that the author would seek because of the religious mandate, "Thou To the Editors: Joan C. Callahan argues to justify such a general proposition if she shalt not kill...
...A distinction is religious faith, they will not act so as to are deeply pro-life cannot fully accept...
...A taste for liquor was no bar to voting for the repeal of the The business of aiding & abetting Eighteenth Amendment...
...Because one rejects the idea that fetal I do not think she will be able to make I hope Commonweal will feature other rights depend entirely on the mother's those connections without engaging the exponents of this position...
...helpful than it would be to call others of proof lies on the pro-lifer, which she To the Editors: I read with interest Pro- "Protestant conservative Republicans...
...Does she Brooklyn, N.Y...
...and of human beings, which is what reliforceable, because it would require LEON LUKASZEWSKI gion is, cannot form the basis for the ordering of society and the constituting of its laws, then any effort to do those The 'personally against, but .. crowd things becomes a futile and perverse eni terprise...
...tion against infanticide (by omission or Why should the citizen with purely commission) would exclusively burden religious premises take a back seat to the the parents...
...lahan is correct when she invokes it...
...Callahan will not accept this, determining factor should be fairness, existence...
...And she would not be entirely comfortMs...
...it begs the quesfetus are not of equal moral stature after totally illegal...
...Adam's treating fetuses irreverently concept that the acorn and the oak are not JOHN P. HALE by cutting off their heads and sustaining the head by mechanical means...
...Women have gone into the market concern, understanding, and a realizaWomen have natural disabilities for place for self-achievement and, of tion that it is the right thing to do since the the market place - which Mrs...
...Who wants is pertinent, because the pro-choice...
...But cal reasoning for a pro-life perspective to bodily integrity, one need not necessarily she has not made the connection between this most controversal subject...
...possesses simp;y as a member of the moral status of fetal life...
...teed by the "free exercise" clause, inTo the Editors: While most of the cludes the right of an individual to base a Pinpointing human rationalizations for the legalized abortion vote, in the polling place or in the legislaposition presented by Joan C. Callahan tive chambers, upon religious beliefs...
...given that the right to amend is written ing serious thought to a subject receivMuch of Joan Callahan's position into the Constituion, it is entirely proper ing trivial treatment by most newspaper hinges on the idea that decisions made in to advocate and pursue positions in direct and magazine columnists...

Vol. 113 • June 1986 • No. 11

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