
Andrews, B.A. St.

cal control and confessional exclusiveness as well as the perils cure which would be the outcome of the sharp separation of of uncritical secularization are real. Trustees, administrators, ...

...Surely, too, the leaders in Catholic cities and seared flesh stole higher education must translate their...
...and (4) the church's intellectual life in its parishes remains relatively poor B. A. St...
...Once and only once supporting, and rewarding scholars who seek to work within the Catholic tradition and define their research and teaching at upon a time he leapt aboard the Ship least in part in response to the needs of the American church...
...There is plenty about today's church that inspires hope: its Charred bag beneath ash knuckles he turn toward the poor, its defense of human rights, the rich stalked where shadows cowered pluralism of its theological scholarship, the challenge of the against still crumbling walls...
...of State: on and on he sailed And, finally, organizations of Catholic scholars and intellec- toward foreign shores: shores tuals should try to make their hitherto modest efforts at cooper- which did not recognize .themselves...
...2) Catholic higher education has failed to achieve excellence...
...ation strategic and programmatic...
...Then, like any Ulysses, emergence of our national episcopal conference, providing for he returned to the faithful wife, the first time in a hundred years the organizational capability to the... control and confessional exclusiveness as well as the perils cure which would be the outcome of the sharp separation of of uncritical secularization are real...
...all fall down...
...Another is for academic leaders to boyishly and held "Stardust Memories" cooperate with bishops in reforming seminary education and ministry training, emphasizing high academic standards, seri- dear long after the stench of collapsed ous study, and research...
...If the experiment represented by the pastorals is to part they pass the buck, blame each other, and settle in practice work, if the middle way of Cardinal Newman and Monsignor for policies which allow them to muddle through...
...russet-faced children, the usual engage in serious dialogue with Rome and sister churches while giving a long-needed focus for the church's public desperadoes: himself in exile... four central points: (1) many Catholics are now successfully engaged in the intellectual professions...
...He whistled "I'll tical leaders to recognize the need to affirm and support Catho- be with you in apple-blossom time" lic thinkers and creators...
...high sounding words the precise scent of apples from his about Catholic identity into effective strategies for attracting, imaginary garden...
...The flip side of misguided Roman gathered his shattered atoms and arose: interventions into American church affairs is the struggling Dr...
...Still presence beyond simply the efforts of individuals and those of he whistled as charred steaks hissed local parishes...
...The question seems relatively clear: Will Catholic scholars, writers, and artists be persuaded to partici- Long after Ulysses and his passion pate more energetically and constructively in the church's for upheaval were extinguished public life and ministry and thereby develop a network of Catholic intellectuals in many fields and disciplines who will and long after Virgil sang arms share in the task of making the church's contribution to Ameri- and heroes into flame, my father can culture more creative and effective...
...Trustees, administrators, religion from secular life championed by Catholic neoconserfaculty, and benefactors all share responsibility...
...Ellis is to remain a viable option, Catholic scholars must Thus the debate over Catholic intellectual life comes down decide to make it so...
...the injustices visited upon American sisters is the astonishing vitality of Catholic women..., specifically to the intellectual life of the church, its cultural enrichment, and its dialogue with the larger society...
...The flip side of amidst bone, he knelt in stardust...
...Andrews as does the church's engagement in the wider institutions of The Hall-Life of Ulysses everyday existence...
...for the most vatives...
...Nagasaki... flame and only shivered when children Yet, these promising movements will bear fruit in the sang (their voices frail as wind United States only if serious people, mature enough to ride out the tensions and ambiguities present in our moment in history, chimes in the slanting August light) decide to devote a portion of their talent and energy to the Ashes...
...The recent pastoral letters represent an effort to avoid the twin shoals of the sectarian isolation championed by radicals of left and right, and the final accommodation to contemporary cul6 June 1986: 337...
...3) there is a separation of religious identity and mission from much of the research and teaching in Catholic institutions...
...Rubble recent pastoral letters of the American bishops...
...lived nor was he carried home Surely one answer to this pressing question is for ecclesias- upon his shieid...

Vol. 113 • June 1986 • No. 11

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