Religious booknotes

Gerhart, Mary

Religious booknotes Conversing with the Bible Mary GerMri -book is polfeiateal, tite ,<p«^»ai'sfee. raise's about die pMlosophfeal oagJor of raMmite interpretive methods,...

...yive gradually superseded the ques- - Jitm k how to be faithful to the raero* tof fee Aposfles...
...concerned with what, the twentieth . century reader does with the revelatit«i of the differences aaics% the aaiwers...
...preface, Handelman writes that she is not a structuralist nor a "member of any one of the contemporary *hermenetttical mafias.' " She describes her book, which is an attempt to retrieve flue rabbinic view of language, as a "Mttd of midrash...
...Job & Jonah: Questioning the Hidden, (hi,¦•% Bnfpe Vawter, Pauiist Press, $4JS, 126gp...
...Such interpretation would be infranmedby aheraienetttitcs of bo^i s»spicion and retrieval and would enlist any explanatory methods helpful to a tejlogical understanding of toe text, Sttsaa A, Handelman's The Slayers i/ffifosts...
...Stendahi writes in Msp«face,for«xample,"It...
...Meanings: The Bible as Document and as Gmde, by &rig?ter Stendahi, Fortress , ,fmsf $14»«S j^per, 244 pp...
...l^'i¦¦"'"'.'''""''•'"'"' "' ......'""""".......' ¦'¦""""¦'"""•""¦'T \pt&tms(»0i the * 'answer' * each te%t .,;^»l>e coasted to make...
...Vawter wishes to identify with those who search the scriptures "for a summons to reexamine their pret< mises" rather than with those who Idol "for confirmation of their prel oases... David L. Barr and Nieholas^iedtscalzi, Fortress Press/Scholars Press, $12.95 cloth, 204 pp...
...The headnotes also oftea rev^ the author in the act of gainingl^fet...
...A collection of seventeen essays, written over thirty years, Krister StendaHTs Meanings: The Bible as Document and as Guide is also a selfconscious recollection of change of mai and laeifeod...
...W&*%- Mytamd E.' tte«*» ¦¦&$* nates the last one-third of flw-ftst,OSJ1tury - when most of tie CliirisiaB... Ws /« Fmgmtnt&'r The ^ Aphorism (f Jesus, John Dominie Crossan occasionally alludes to a second wtoae, to follow this, his first book-length foray into the aphorisms, ors^narrative "sayings,** of lestis* Nevertheless, this book "tastes a proper beginning...
...deat(M KmM) *o *!%*i^«d^|'-||it MejAlsto's advice i^ym^'p^l verbal text/* Brace Vmtm^Uim-'' duces his literary and theological study, Job & Jonah: Questioning the Hidden God, by calling attention, |Q those two major impulses which are experienced by any reader of a biblical text...
...t.....t, ; ^ ^ '¦'¦" '" '"'¦ '.................iMi.i.Dm,,!.i,.,t.,.i^j11io,.Vir-utJ.0...
...Qeossan is not concerned with ihe faestioft of.''the...
...133 aphorisms in Mark and Q, togetfaerwiththeiriodef^deatvemons anywhere else and their dependent versionfin Matthew and Luke...
...Cttiaf iie attettift #^l«i»*l...
...original version of the text asfee was M Ms earliest work on parable, Here the ' 'problem of the historical Jesus" has translated itself into the "problem of the hermeneutical Jesus.*' With a few well-chosen, salient comparisons between secular and biblical aphorisms, Crossan develops Ms model carefully and selectively on a "data base" of in Fmgtftenm The Aphorisms qfJeM$i by John Dominic Crossan, Harper & Row, $24.95,389 pp...
...The value of the model is most deatty seen in ilie last chapter where Crossan...
...For the rabbis, however, Handelatan claims that the primary reality was linguistic...
...Three-quarters of the text is historical-biblical theology X^wtit), The coaeladjjjg fourth is interpjet«tio» theory^ with,$mlast chapter offering a ."prospect and:retrospect" for theological interpretation bf the scriptures in the church (Tracy...
...For example, in the note prece^ig "Hate, Nonretaliation, andHLioye: Coals of Fire," he obsferyes IktL^k was not until the last moment of witting that it dawned on me that love a$iS nonretaliation may not be thjS .Sa|^ thing...
...distinguishes between "hermeheutic , ^pow«"'lnd-4*Biii»esiciio,wej<'VWith Commonweal: 54 WHAT does it mean to interpret •¦ the Bible in an age that is particularly conscious of its own historicity...
...The Emergence $&abbteic i'ft&rpretaiion in Modern literary fhmry is a first of its kind...
...pfa£^tkeApmttesi^0eMnd, by '¦ iljjjy^.-pipefy' l$& pj^ ,______ - .,•• r ¦ ;. -"ygstament was being written — as the '¦^*^iib<«A|ta«toHc Period," During this' \ "m$0&, ftie qaestion of wheAer or aot ¦fP'CJir|'stia» comnniaities would sur...
...Vawter also implies a herraeneutic when he notices that these two books function as "minority reports filed against the dominant religious orthodoxy" of postexilic Judaism...
...lite book was origl'iwffity puWi^d in 1948 by Robert Nl Grant as The Bible in the ChMrch, and jivas reissued under the present title in '^^mt&ammt mchesMtm»emimPmU' gion, and Uteraturc mMobm and William 'SIM Colleges in Geneva, New York...
...w^s»-,,&e Iajer4epwl«i» of jtwo, '^fsMizUtiim- -'CWilkaV...
...Her thesis is that the Greeks caused a disjunction between word and being...
...Brown systematically inquires into the strengths and A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible, by Robert M. Cram with David Tracy (second edition, revised and en...
...University of New Y«rk Press, tm, $39,00 clofe,$l3,9$pap»>167...
...In her The Slayers of Moses: The Emergence of Rabbinic Interpretation in Modern Liter-' ^ry.nmry, by Susan A. H»lelnia«, State...
...There is also a sad irony in the passing of the Bible as a potential source of consensus to a oatjor f&m «£ dissent...
...v . , " . • j The Bible in 'American Education: from Source Book to Textbook, edited by David L. Barr and Nicholas PiediscaJzi, is the fifth of six publications in The Bible in American Education, ed...
...Thisis a ground-breaking piece of work — a solid piece of scholarship that sets up a generic model for subsequent studies...
...He Is also...
...In this essay...
...For the authors of the books reviewed here, it means to articulate one's own sense of history and ^0tf£$m p^awses on how to peo...
...Prom the wealth of information in this book, other books could be written...
...Although sixteen of the essays were published ; elsewhere and ®t& here unreyt^d...
...i$ ~&xm$m &$®c& , tion to t920|< The, test es^ frevides a $t>in«ry of the $triife«i~&ji<i ' pedagogical status of the BibieiBpiblie education today...
...n4, philosophical theology) is made , e^cit in imik _felfy «n4 m ,t«Wee» tion on scriptures...
...Brown's iaterpreptineijte is that Uie "positive em- . ¦Jfffeisiof atextj is [best] applied asaa Utowef to a speeiflc question** — in ' this case,, as different answers by each of* seven sub-apostolic witnesses to fljf question of survival after the 'Jf^frgeiiffiWiiott "apostolic guides or heroes" 'had died...
...the Society of Biblical Literature centenniai series on the Bible in Ameri;" c^wta»»-W,CS«*«l^ft*fep8ite 'y&fcti*aaft wv&tfak^^ ftpe la colonial education isifottowea by five , studies (biblical images in nineteentb-century schoolbooks, the Bible and private schools, the Bible and Sunday School, the Bible in higher education, and the changing, itti© of m bjw...
...Handelman intends to deal with differences rather than similarities, AMlough her^ the tetter tern* Crossan refers to the "aphorism's power of provoking others to create aphorisms for themselves...
...He is, nevertheless a shrewd comparative reader and elicits striking insights torn wei«w« texts...
...hits the hard that I have thought of myself as sensitive to tiie question of inclusive language, . , . Now I see that inclusive language did not enter my consciousness until I was awakened by the women of the Harvard Divinity School io the 1970s...
...He is awestruck at die unre;fl#eti¥e confidesce of many who clafea » know the designs of God by means of die scriptures ~- confidence which, he notices, "makes Ate claims of the Romas Pontiff seem rather timid by comparison.'' Just which contemporary minority positions or which "BiMe-Christians" Vawter ' has in mind, he does not say...
...A Short History of the interpretation cfthe Bible has a aotewotfey Ms$a$y of its own...
...vThis kind of hoo^^o^p explicit t» h<ennefietitica|u^A^KEach of these book^isj^^^E pectation and a reaiizatioB o0«|^p means to converse with rt^-j^p^text...
...headnotes reconstruct the'ori^^ context of the composition ofeH^i' These headnote* give vevidenc^F: Stendahrs efforts to be ecamm^i, lit "1lK...
...Swedenborgian, Christian Science...
...This disjunction in turn gave rise to aa instmaientalist understanding of language, an understanding whkh has dominated Western culture ever since...
...In turn, meir readens m> ffi^i the Bible, and of themselves...
...For them, as for their successors — Freud, Lacan, Derrida, and Bloom — word and thing, speech and thought, discourse and thought, constitute an original unity...
...r;_t»i«4)* Fortress Press, $10.95 pipsr, 213 ' ¦r'W>*...-ro ,,-,„,;........,.„ ..., ......,.....,„„........,,,i,iMr,i...
...raise's about die pMlosophfeal oagJor of raMmite interpretive methods, of deconstructionism and, by implication, of o&er literary fte^rfes as wett* call for further conslderaticm...
...Sermon m *e Mooflt^l Third Nephi in the Book of-M^Tr mon," for example, he regards;'^* "laws of creative interpreta^tfiy which we analyze material &^^ first and second Christian cettturi^if*', as being *'significantly elucidated % works like the Book of Mormon or by other writings of revelatory character...
...Stendablatt«apts to do an exegesis of the Book of Marmon...
...Enlarged in this 1984 edition by the addition of three c|»pters by ©tfejfct Tracy.».!*&%$& lepi^seitis ttie kin^i of collaboration that one wishes ^«lgoo»«U &«$«: lfe*e»iio^ef...

Vol. 112 • January 1985 • No. 2

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