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Critics' Christmas choices
Howard, Jane & Batchelor, John Calvin & McCormmach, Russell & Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton & Hage, Richard E. & Shannon, Elizabeth & May, William F. & Ponsot, Marie & Horowitz, Irving Louis & Miles, Margaret R.
lapses, she assumes the farm's leadership. Her strength is not just outer but inner: Lange convincingly plays Jewell as a powerful introvert whose spiritual resources make her a still center in a...
...Whatever the explanation, the fact seems to be th~at social science and moral discourse have rediscovered each other -- to the greater glory of literary style and substance...
...Jessica Lange, however much she overreaches here, has come a long way from her role in King Kong...
...This political economy of cultural goods is blessedly devoid of the sort of snobbism and elitism one might associate with the title...
...Eco, with his scholarly knowledge of medieval philosophy and theology, has placed the religious and political ferment of fourteenth-century Italy in these conversations...
...The first is the increased availability of information based on research into women's development...
...Box 5719, Baltimore, MD 21208...
...The Return of Martin Guerre and The Cheese and the Worms document their sources carefully and discuss throughout their methods of discovery and interpretation...
...Johns Hopkins, $25, $8.95 paper, 244 pp...
...Department of Commerce, which supplies information on methods and techniques of economic development to states and local areas...
...How is it possible that a given group of workers (physicians), who have not themselves provided the funds for the facilities, equipment, research, and operating costs of the institutions in which they largely work (the hospital), nevertheless remained owners of the product of their labor (medical services), instead of ending up the employees of any of several sponsoring bodies--the government, foundations, insurance companies, corporations, universities, or unions...
...In describing those events, Patricia O'Toole tells of "a kind of philandering complete with generous payoffs to salve hurt feelings when the romance is over...
...Finally, I move beyond the development focus to recommend The War over the Family: Capturing the Middle Ground (Doubleday Anchor, $7.95, ix & 252 pp...
...Heaney does them all justice, as in the famous passage in praise of trees ("The holly rears its windbreak/a door in winter's face...
...the lives that famish for your look of love . . . the world you could have sheltered in your s k i r t s . . . " Nothing in these poems is skimped or skimmed...
...From the Puritans forward we have tended to fear the stranger as a hemorrhage in an already established universe--whether that stranger appeared under the form of the Native American, the Black, the East European, the Jew, the Vietnamese, the next generation across the breakfast table, or the kid at high school with a funny accent...
...In the same category is Peter C. Sederberg's The Politics of Meaning: Power and Explanation in the Construction of Social Reality (University of Arizona, $22.50, 294 pp...
...she makes the challenging argument that the earnings of advanced cities are being diverted through capital exports to inert regional and national economies...
...This medieval story of a seventh-century king cursed to madness for killing an acolyte moves in dialogue, monologue, narrative -- stanzaic or free -- bridged by prose...
...Galston ably argues that a society cannot afford to ignore the question of the contents of the pie--the goods which men and women ought to pursue-however disposed a consumerist society may be to neglect the issue...
...Marie Ponsot f MARIE PONSOT is the author of a collection of poems, Admit Impediment (g, nopjg, and, with Rosemary Deen, of The Common Sense, which Boynton/Cook will publish this spring...
...A nuclear arsenal that is militarily useless and diplomatically pointless...
...A variety of lifestyles was represented: women who had not married as well as married women and those recently divorced...
...The perceptions come from an exceptionally observant nine-year-old named Tommy McAllister, who has two much older brothers, a devoted but sometimes distracted mother, a father who is a model of capitalist rectitude, and growing doubts that things are what they seem...
...Baruch and Barnett examined the "sense of well-being" in three-hundred women between the ages of thirty-five and fiftyfive...
...John A. Wall, Vocations Director, 300 Cardinal Gibbons Dr., Raleigh, North Carolina 27606...
...Curiously enough, with Shklar, no less than Sederberg and Bourdieu, one detects a grudging respect for liberalism -- living with uncertainty and anti-systems, rather than creating perfect futures...
...Among its other virtues, this winner of the National Book Award offers an excellent case study for issues in distributive justice...
...they rely on a single principle to govern all questions of justice...
...Ginzburg traces the sources of his religious ideas in popular devotional texts, oral tradition, visual images, and the Travels of Sir John Mandeville, a midfourteenth century travelogue...
...Richard E. Hage RICHARD E. HAGE is the coordinator of national technical assistance programs in the Economic Development Administration, U.S...
...In her latest book, Citie~s'and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life (Random House, $17.95,257 pp...
...And a new one: H.D.'s Collected Poems 1912-1944 (New Directions, 1983, $35, 629 pp...
...Her latest book, a biography of Margaret Mead, appeared this fall...
...The mind wanders, fantasizes, daydreams...
...Here are some books that have come to my rescue in 1984...
...has developed in me an abiding respect for the unknown in a human lifetime and a sense of where to look for the threads, how to follow, how to connect, find in the thick of the tangle what clear line persists...
...Here as elsewhere Heaney's language has kinetic power, vowels and consonants that swell and jostle, moving words in the mind and the throat too...
...Strobe Talbott is a first-rate patriot...
...Two of the finest recent efforts of synthesis have been provided by psychologists themselves involved in notable theoretical work...
...At the time it aroused the wrath of most city-planners, but changed their appreciation (and ~e public's) for the fine.grained reality of large cities...
...As an immigrant, and perpetually migrant nation, America, more than most countries, must reckon with the moral issue of membership, a problem that goes deeper than bare citizenship... essential, always astonishing American voice ("Image of light, adieu/thanks for the interview...
...What has this country created...
...or call, Days: 919-8210350 -- Evenings: 919-851-7949...
...The final book I recommend is Thomas C. Schelling's Choice and Consequence (Harvard University, $20.00, 363 pp...
...They are too weighty for that...
...Erik Erikson offers a readable review and up-date of his influential theory of personality development through the life span, giving particular consideration to the significance of mature age...
...It's a funny, fast-paced satire which makes the Cold War look, for once, just plain silly...
...and the world following World War II was coming to an end by the time he stepped down from power in 1969...
...Planners of today may take exception to her definition of development as "An improvisational drift into unprecedented kinds of work that carry unprecedented problems, then drifting into improvised solutions, which carry unprecedented work carrying unprecedented problems . . . . " I think this opens another debate, this time on economics, and it will be useful to have the mayors joining the argument with the economists...
...John Gardner is said to have completed his work on this retranslation just weeks before his death in 1982...
...The art is that the pleasure of this, like Heaney's wit, is never for its own sake but serves -- to extend and discover, to give us back our language fit to use...
...Order from Orbis Books, Box AY, Maryknoll, NY 10545...
...Dimitri is sent to the U.S...
...winks at the question of the goods which each in his liberty pursues, as long as one does not interfere with the similar liberty of others...
...Her book is candid and lively, and filled with fascinating details of important events...
...A book of extraordinary intelligence is Pierre Bourdieu's Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (Harvard University, $29.50,613 pp...
...His work is also glaringly fragmented, but what fragments...
...which tells of another prosperous society on the brink of disorder: the American Upper Midwest in 1939...
...In our family," his title story begins, "there was no clear line between religion and fly-fishing...
...They remind us that the society that is harboring and abetting racism in one form or another, in one place or another, is one in which we too play a role...
...Moore's context is global rather than national...
...In the 1970s Louisiana setting of his story, however, the white woman's love can only be fell as patronizing protectiveness, which hei black foster father must reject...
...Marius 'writes boldy and colorfully, .and with a talent that brings the tension of the novel to a story one had thought was polished into apocrypha by four centuries of sycophants...
...Robert Nozick's libertarianism (Anarchy, State and Utopia, Basic Books, $9.95, 367 pp...
...She lives in Boston...
...But then he was falling toward earth, where her sympathies apparently so strongly lie...
...since by segregating out anthologies, texts, readers, reprints, workbooks, and the like, the remaining "good pile" shrinks with astonishing rapidity...
...Robert Kegan presents a comprehensive theory of personal development that overcomes the conventional dichotomies of thinking and feeling, individual and group, continuity and change...
...The strands are all there . . . . " Nobody untangles these threads and strands better than Nadine Goldimer, whose sixteenth book Something Out There (Viking, $15.95,203 pp...
...She was criticized (wrongly, I though0 for playing too obtrusive a role in her husband's administration...
...Catholic T r i v i a We will pay one dollar for each question relating to padsh life or "growing up Catholic...
...They confabulate poems that are clear, coherent, and true to what we all know of mental life where there is no categorical hiatus between inner and outer vision...
...In The Return of Martin Guerre (Harvard University, $5.95 paper, 162 pp...
...Judith N. Shklar's Ordinary Vices (Harvard University, $16.50...
...women with children and those without...
...Alas, Nationalists and Unionists in' Northern Irelhnd have never been famous for making mutual concessions...
...Please contact Rev...
...He has written a book that will become a classic...
...While the book is rich in tables, appendices, and figures, ultimately the full weight of the book rests on the relationships between economic and social conditions and the universe of life styles such conditions generate...
...It may be that lumping the developing countries together is a disservice to our understanding, for it hides the much less significant progress of the regions of sub-Sahara Africa and the subcontinent of India...
...A similar sign of the problem is evident in Wilford Brimley's role as Jewell Ivy's father...
...Brigitte Berger and Peter Berger's provocative analysis of the social forces that have tamed "the family" into a public issue capable of polarizing the nation...
...He is portrayed in South African Churches in a Revoluffonary Situaffon...
...Yet it is good reading as was Caro's first work, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York...
...His path to national power was well paved with dams, roads, military installations, and rural electrification...
...and Image as Insight: A Hermeneutie of Visual Understanding (forthcoming in 1985, Beacon Press...
...This is an elegant series of reappraisals, well worth pondering... be authoritative yet readable and imaginative...
...L ITERATURE that holds up to light one of the darkest sides of our century, racism, has recently received three eloquent additions...
...12.95 MAGI BOOKS, INC...
...that they come from intelligent economic policies and a few entrepreneurs and their "animal spirits...
...Appropriately enough, 1984 has been the year in which social sciences rediscovered the moral sciences...
...The end, a world of ethical action in the absence of moral absolutes, is a bit thin...
...Priesthood Desire Priesthood...
...An addition to the sources of valuable information on the personal life-style and ideals of twentieth century intellectuals...
...Elizabeth Shannon I ELIZABETH SHANNON i$ the author of Up in the Park (Atheneum), a diary of her four years in Ireland while her husband served there as the U.S.Xmbassador...
...But through it all, Moore's concerns are quite modern: the technological threat to privacy, and the bureaucratic threat to dignity...
...10012, $5.95, 71 pp...
...The Harvard group is perhaps too fixated on particular forms of ambiguous maladies, i.e., lying, cheating, despair...
...The subject of these works is somber, but the books are graced with the literary artistry of the three writers, with compassion and humor, and above all with their deep, moral concern for our times...
...She could -- like so many glamorous Hollywood stars -- be doing much worse...
...Legal procedures, property and inheritance laws, customs, and religious ideas and attitudes are discussed extensively...
...monthly in advance for more than three times...
...O'Malley, Irish-born and educated, living now in Boston, juxtaposes interviews with Irish leaders on both sides of the border with his own analyses...
...Each offers a great deal of instruction in historiography and hermeneutics, but the reader is not aware of being instructed...
...An abandoned wife, a soldier who returns after many years claiming to be her husband, and a second man who returns and is recognized, albeit reluctantly, as the disagreeable and impotent Martin Guerre: these are the main characters in this poignant drama...
...Her next book of poetry, Love is not Love, is forthcoming...
...One might say that the subject of racism demands of writers that they present their characters not only through their inner and private lives, but also in their relationships to their community and the larger society... is a heady relief to rediscover other approaches to human mysteries...
...His brief overview of the period from World War II to the end of the 1960s and his description of the interMargaret R. Miles MARGARET R. MILES is associate professor of historical theology and Chair of the Department of Theology, Harvard Divinity School...
...I have tried to feel nothing but hunger and fear and Commonweal: 662 don't see how a fish could grow to six inches if that were all he ever felt...
...Moreover, we are all too aware that during this period, other nations such as Japan were growing and in some areas, surpassing the U.S...
...Together these three booksreprcsent a new kind of historical writing...
...but here they seem contrived in order to give Lange the role of prime non-mover...
...In Time After Time (Alfred A. Knopf, $13.95, 249 pp...
...Indeed, underneath the plethora of distinctions and stratifications is an old-fashioned American-type populism -- one which must be terribly new in Mitterrand's France...
...John Maier, a lecturer in theology and an Assyriologist, has included an excellent introduction to the text, in which he discusses not only the scholarly work here, but also the emotional effort necessary to carry on with this worthy project after Gardner's death...
...MAY never rid political talk of e cosmetic persuasiveness that ects our ears...
...30 November 1984:671...
...The human will was formerly an embarrassment to the social scientists...
...The work shows how we endow our political polarities with meaning...
...Write Fr...
...breaks with both the libertarian Nozick and the egalitarian Rawls who, though opposed to each other, concur in bracketing the question of human good...
...her book clearly shows a woman with keen political insight, fierce loyalty, and an intellectual curiosity that: would never be satisfied on the tea-party, bridge-game circuit...
...The task is easier than it m~ght seem at first...
...What are the warrants, political, philosophical, and theological for remaining open to the stranger...
...Earlier attempts to deal with this diversity frequently took the form of "they are really saying the same thing...
...But in the second half, he has to turn surly, get drunk, and start bashing his children...
...Not since the great European contributions of Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Roberto Michels, Georges Sorel, Weber and the like, have we seen so many new books focus sharply and unashamedly on moral consequences and social causes...
...employed women and homemakers...
...His only significant statement is to accuse Shepherd of mismanaging the land, a claim made by no one else, not even the bureaucrats, who know the villain is the weather...
...has had an overwhelming response since its publication in English in 1983...
...We do not have to wait for Caro's next volumes on Johnson to know that the era of unprecedented growth for the U.S...
...She is the author of Augustine on the Body (Scholar's Press...
...There remain significant gaps between the developed and the developing nations, but there has also been remarkable progress...
...Irving Louis Horowitz IRVING LOUIS HOROWITZ is Hannah Arendt professor of sociology and political science at Rutgers University, and editor-in-chief of Transaction/Society...
...they happily retreat back into the softer shadows of their twilight lives, where they let reality gently pass them by...
...and Norman Maclean's A River Runs Through It and Other Stories (University of Chicago Press, 1976, $6.95, 217 pp...
...To save language from it, the remedy of choice is poetry: real ideas undivided from the speaker's real voice expressing them...
...Box 668NL, Essex, CT 06426...
...Those working for synthesis today are more cautious...
...In The Life Cycle Completed (Norton, $10.95, 108 pp...
...She has just finished a mystery novel and is at work on another book about Ireland...
...Showing how intractable both sides of the population' of Northern Ireland are in their demands, O'Malley outlines possible compromise positions... easily the most exciting book of the year...
...But they are storytellers, not preachers: to engage us in their concerns, they portray human experience and character in all their variety...
...Here H.D., the worst-anthologized modernist poet, shows her stuff...
...Boland addresses "The Mimic Muse" in one of them: " . . . You fled the housework and the battering...
...As for the poem itelf, the story is amazing, and this is certainly the way for one to reacquaint CommonweaL" 664 oneself as well as introduce oneself to the oldest existing heroic tragedy...
...Certainly, Arthur Rosenthai, the peripatetic director of Harvard Press, deserves credit for knowing a good book- and a joyful read...
...The lives of these women call into question much of what passes for fact in both the stereotypes of "common sense" and the prevailing categories of developmental theory, An additional benefit, the book is a delight to read...
...Lillian Rubin continues her already substantial contribution to our understanding of the lives of normal women (and men...
...Country is a topical, gritty protest...
...It is shocking like nothing one has seen fill IIIIIIII I since the Pentagon Papers...
...10.50 postpaid...
...The third work, Schindler's List (Penguin Books, paperback, $5.95, 398 pp...
...Late medieval cloistered monks are an unlikely subject for a best-seller, but Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose (Warner Books, $4.95 paper, 611 pp...
...New types of documentary evidence are combed in order to finq information about historical people who were undistinguished in intellectual or political achievement, the common people of history...
...What I offer you here," Davis writes in the Introduction, "is in part my invention, but held tightly in check by the voices of the past...
...A second trend is the effort to make connections among the diverse theoretical perspectives that currently ,ground development research...
...Relative to the rest of the United States, the people are still poor...
...Absolutistic illusions and ideological opposites survive as sanctions for the decline of meaning...
...The First Lady From Plains (Houghton Mifflin, $17.95, 357 pp...
...A set of "Tirades" is especially fine, rampant, and complex...
...Domenico Scandella, called Menocchio, was a sixteenth century Italian miller, the father of eleven children, literate, and a voracious reader...
...The pathos of Menocchio's curiosity and courage, his mental and physical pain, and his lengthy process toward condemnation and execution make this book anything but an intellectual exercise in understanding Menocchio's ideas, even though the reader learns a great deal about popular sixteenth-century intellectual life in Italy...
...They show her mind and its reach, her brave spirit, and what she knew of the world that required her to persist in courage...
...The Name of the Rose is more novelistic, omitting documentation, but it too presents the author's prodigious knowledge of medieval literature...
...Boland's range is broad and 30 November 1984:665 canny...
...Founded to ransom slaves, our small community of men have grounded our lives and our work of liberation in fratemily, prayer, and the Bible for over 800 years...
...God has permitted Armand Hammer many things," O'Toole writes of one of her corporate subjects, "and anyone gauche enough to suggest that immortality is not among them should be reminded of the astonishing events of 1976... the detailed account of the Reagan administration's four-year effort in nuclear areas comrol...
...Racism, whether it is state policy as it was in Nazi Germany and still is in South Africa, or whether it survives only in the attitudes and behavior of certain groups in a society such as ours, by its intrusive, dehumanizing nature links the public world with the private...
...Classified payable with order...
...Sharpe, $25.00, 328 pp...
...The dark underside of fading AngloIrish aristocracy is re-created in gentle and humorous prose by Molly Keane in the second novel of her "second period...
...He finds them too "monarchical...
...but there has not been much economic development that is indigenous and permanent...
...And a situation in which the hard-liners in Washington have more in common with their opposite numbers in Moscow than they do with the so-called peaceniks in New York or Europe...
...Starr's extended historical narrative across one hundred and fifty years closes with recent indications of a rapid, imminent decline in the physician's power...
...Books Bishop Tutu: Do you want to know more about the 1984 Nobel Peace Pdze winner...
...Gradually the findings of these pioneer studies are making their way beyond a limited professional audience to the general reader...
...But it is Shklar's great virtue to get beyond easy slogans of "private vices and public virtues" and s e e how, in the larger polity what in individuals is held to be abhorrent behavior becomes perfectly acceptable and even sanctioned behavior in the commonweal...
...This is not a man for all seasons, but rather a man who excelled in his own time, who served his king and his country with the same vigor with which he honored his faith, and who must stand today as one of the central windows through which we can see the sixteenth century...
...In such a world, of individuation and atomization, Sederberg argues the case for a humane approach to politics, art, and culture, without forgetting the coercive features of culture...
...John Calvin Batchelor I JOHN CALVIN BATCHELOR is the author of The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica, a novel...
...written by researchers Grace Baruch and Rosalind Barnett with journalist Caryl Rivers...
...Iv July's People, the liberal, white, formel employers of the black servant July arc made to recognize that it is not they who are his "people," but his family and fellow villagers...
...His most recent works are Winners and Losers, and C. Wright Mills: An American Utopian...
...Scenes in which the son hides love letters his mother gets from another man, and goes with his father to investigate an accident at the plant, are especially affecting...
...Caro gives a great deal of space to describing the causes and conditions of the poverty of Johnson's native hill country, and one is struck that so much of the United States was so recently like the poorer regions of today's developing countries...
...Each author also focuses on the intricate relationships and communities that form the social context of the individuals they discuss...
...I could never be talked into believing," he writes, "that all a fish knows is hunger and fear...
...The human mind becomes a source of his new liberalism: filled with annoying dissonances, at least it is trying to help...
...Religious Community Considedng Religious Life...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...There was, most notably, the total reliance on human and animal power to do the plowing and the wash...
...Rawls insists only that everyone get a fair share of the pie, whatever that pie may be...
...The light is too bright...
...So is William McPherson's, in his affecting first novel Testing the Current, (Simon & Schuster, $15.95, 348 pp...
...There are no footnotes, so the reader is never sure when the conversations are composed of quotations from actual historical authors and when they are devised by Eco to represent a medieval monk's knowledge and interests...
...Nor will I ever be able to take "Communist intrigue" quite so seriously again, after getting to know Dimitri, an engaging young Communist with strong Capitalist leanings and a passion f~r the Brooklyn Dodgers...
...There is ready acknowledgment that, while research within the discipline is focused on the same phenomenon -- i.e., the process of human maturation and change, researchers proceed from significantly different starting points in the pursuit of significantly different questions...
...Perhaps Jane Jacobs would have something to say about such a region...
...These capital exports are what she calls the "transactions of decline...
...63r six times...
...I I I William F. May I I WILLIAM F. MAY i8 Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., professor of Christian Ethics at Georgetown's Kennedy Institute of Ethics...
...It is for every informed citizen...
...In working from this assumption, they depart from traditional historiography and present exciting new ways of communicating historical understanding...
...John Rawls's egalitarian (A Theory of Justice, Harvard University $9.95, 607 pp...
...Each of these books provides a rich reading experience, an experience that requires for full enjoyment a cold winter evening, a comfortable chair before a blazing fire, and a glass of wine...
...Moore, too, after years of wandering about radical outposts, comes down hard and clear and on the side of pluralism, liberalism, and moral judgment in a world of choices...
...Anyone seriously interested in the dilemma of Northern Ireland should read Padraig O'Malley's The Uncivil Wars: Ireland Today (Houghton Mifflin, $20, 15 pp., now available in paper with an added afterword by the author bringing events up to date...
...The section that deals with the minute-by-minute negotiations of the Camp David peace talks has the breathtaking suspense of a mystery novel...
...33 Buckingham Dr...
...TOM O'BRIEN Books: CRITICS' CHRISTMAS CHOICES Jane Howard I I _ JANE HOWARD is the author of Families and A Different Woman...
...I found Jacques Loup's Can the Third World Survive...
...Fullness of Life: Historical Foundations for a New Asceticism (Westminster...
...Though poetry is barely advertised, rarely reviewed, and scarce in bookstores, I hunt it out, for its dearest freshness restores words to meaning...
...T HESE recommendations won't suit you if you want to curl up with a confection on a snowy winter's holiday...
...Natalie Zemon Davis weaves a compelling tale of the puzzling case of Martin Guerre from court records and from a popular book written by one of the judges of the case...
...Principles of justice should vary according to the spheres in which distributions of goods take place...
...Carlo Ginzburg's The Cheese and the Worms (Penguin, $15.85 paper, 177 pp...
...Far from being annoyed at these descripCommonweal: 670 tions, however, the reader is eager to learn whatever enables him/her to understand the human drama of the story...
...With my residue of negative feelings from the 1960s, I had trouble picking up Robert A. Cain's The Path to Power, the fwst of a planned three-volume work, The Years of Lyndon Johnson (Alfred A. Knopf, $19.95, $9.95 paper, 882 pp...
...Even that movie she distinguished by her last words, a plaintive "Kooooong," to the beast (after all, he did love her), just before he took the plunge...
...He places a heavy load of responsibility on the people in the Republic for their refusal to consider seriously changes in the Irish constitution which the people of the North would find less threatening to their Protestantism...
...Gaines, Gordimer, and Keneally are not easy on their readers...
...A significant contribution here is Life Prints (New American Library, $8.95, xii & 29 ! pp...
...Her perception, her notions, her questions move together...
...and yes, moral causes and social consequences...
...They cannot appeal to a principle of distributive justice for relief in meeting basic needs... aging dandy and gourmet cook, Jasper Swift, shares his crumbling country estate with his three dotty sisters...
...Through Whitehead Associates, she and her husband, theologian James D. Whitehead, serve as consultants in education and ministry...
...She portrays the tensions of her world through the eyes both of wretched blacks whose houses are "arranged inside and out to hold the number of people the ingenuity of necessity provides for" and an overprivileged "generation of white South Africans in the know, dumped by their elders with the deadly task of defending a life they haven't chosen for themselves, the singular heritage of their whiteness...
...A COMMON, shared experience among people who receive many books is to separate quickly, and often accurately, the nuggets of gold from mounds of stone...
...Walzer's book also poses for Americans the moral problem of the stranger...
...The poor can, at best, hope for charity from their fellows...
...Now it is seen as its crowning achievement...
...She also challenges the private sector which she charges with draining the capital of prospering cities through investment in non-dynamic areas...
...It is true that the center of gravity has shifted from strict formal treatises within well-established sub-fields, to wild and at times innovative cross-overs...
...Here is the consumate gamesman of the New Frontier coming to terms with all there is beyond the game: ethics Commonweal: 666 of policy, contest for self-command, inflicting costs willfully, and a panoply of pieces on nuclear conflict...
...268 pp...
...Quarterly Money-back Offer: Send $10 for a year's subscription to VERBATIM, The Language Quarterly...
...From these voices, she reconstructs a tale of mistaken identity, intense conflict in a sixteenth-century community, strong emotions, and cruelly difficult choices...
...Two of these are novels: in A Gathering of Old Men (Vintage Books, paperback, $3.95,216 pp...
...her syllabic interplay and exploitation of line-breaks teach us to listen, to value each word as it speeds or impedes lines full of dramatic movement...
...A war between the State Department and the Defense Department...
...Michael Walzer criticizes Nozick and Rawls for a different reason...
...If, however, you have grown fired of the debate on justice in philosophical circles between the libertarians and egalitarians, you might be interested in one of the following authors--two of whom are in their thirties...
...66r three times...
...He now realizes that policy judgments are easier to come by the farther we are from our goals...
...But he has not been given much to do in Country except stand around as an icon of authenticity...
...The systematic study of normal women is relatively recent, but the past decade has seen a number of serious projects brought to completion...
...What we may be more dimly aware of is that the developing countries were doing just that: developing...
...or in his version of the lines framing the poem's best-known image: "The heart's needle is an only daughter...
...or call Collect (301) 484-2250...
...Injustice results chiefly from the tyrannous attempt to dominate one arena through the principles and powers appropriate to another...
...Of course, such things do happen... July's People (Viking Press, $10.95,160 pp...
...similarly undertakes to use historical Classified RATES: 70r a word, one time...
...Her thesis discomforts both the Commonweal: 668 right and the left: decline results from a nation's unremitting and heavy military production, and from unremitting grants and subsidies by a nation to poorer regions...
...and is perhaps to be worked out later...
...Access to radical sources of such deep-structured Irish fluency widened this year, with Seamus Heaney's Sweeney Astray, a Version from the Irish (Farrar, Straus, Giroux, $13.95,85 pp...
...When he pulled your hands off his arm . . . . he was setting both of you free...
...Relationships between blacks and whites, even where they are good, are tainted, maybe even ultimately impossible... the Australian writer Thomas KeneaUy, a factual account written as fiction, takes us to Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II, into a Jewish community undergoing physical annihilation...
...But at least the book is on the right track...
...Russell McCormmach Illll II I RUSSELL Mr author of Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist (Harvard University Press), is a free-lance historian and writer living in Eugene, Oregon...
...Their most recent book is Seasons of Strength: New Visions of Adult Christian Maturing (Doubleday...
...Writing fiction," as Eudora Welty says in her beguiling collection of three lectures One Writer's Beginnings (Harvard, $10,104 pp...
...While he is not sanguine about the future, he does think the "miracles" of places such as Korea are replicable...
...For example: distributions in the marketplace, based on the cash nexus, should not spill over into other spheres--political, artistic, and sexual...
...served her four years in the White House The private diaries and reminiscences of this eminent philosopher, starting at adolescence,: continuing through his marriage to Raissa until advanced age...
...In these selections from Boland's several recent books, the strong Irish current that invigorates all English literature breaks free...
...Loups takes the position that there is no dichotomy between the goals of growth and those of social justice, and argues for pursuing goals of improving productivity over welfare...
...Her eye for detail is masterly...
...The mystery is fascinating, and the discussions of philosophy, politics, and theology are interwoven so skillfully with the progression of the plot that the reader is drawn into these discussions in order to understand the plot...
...Over 30...
...Drawing from both case material and psychological theory, she explores critical sexrole and gender differences that can lead to strains in relationships between men and women...
...John Gardner and John Maier's Gilgamesh (Knopf, $18.95, 304 pp...
...I can't remember laughing so hard for so long as I did while reading the first chapter of The Commissar's Report, a second novel by Martyn Burke (Houghton Mifflin, $14.95, 315 pp...
...I note that this volume contains over 300 pages from unpublished manuscripts and books long out of print...
...Norman Maclean's classic memoir of his young manhood in Montana was published after his retirement from the University of Chicago's English department...
...the South African writer Nadine Gordimer looks to a future in which South African whites, seeking refuge from a black armed revolution in a small, rural black community, can no longer find refuge from the destructive effects of racial injustice on human relationships and on self-perception and self-esteem...
...Bill Axe, The Trinitarian Friars, P.O...
...breaks with this rich man's philosophy and insists on fairness as the pre-eminent principle of justice, but once again largely brackets the question of the goods pursued...
...By the age of thirty-two, in 1940, Johnson had achieved real power, coupling New Deal Washington with his Congressional district and by 1940, all of Texas...
...Evelyn Eaton Whitehead EVELYN EATON WHITEHEAD is a developmental psychologist...
...T HE BOOKS that stimulated my thinking this past year have to do with economic development, urban creativity, and personal power...
...The problem is that Gil's breakdown is simply unbelievable -- forced, it seems, to fit the movie's need for matriarchal heroism...
...includes an analysis of the contributions of Erik Erikson, Carol Gilligan, and Daniel Levinson as part of the application of his own theory of faith development to the Christian experience...
...RATEG, Suite 132, 3400 W. 111th St., Chicago, IL 60655...
...its defects are only evident in the second half...
...Barrington Moore's Privacy: Studies and Cultural History (M.E...
...An English Franciscan, Brother William of Baskerviile, and his young scribe and disciple, Adso of Melk, have long conversations about everything from metaphysics to food in the course of investigating a series of gruesome murders in a wealthy Italian Benedictine abbey...
...rather she/he is abnational economic and political turmoil since then is informative and insightful...
...His new novel, American Falls, will be published next fall...
...Maybe young people today aren't voting with these issues of distributive justice in mind, but a few younger scholars are contributing richly to the discussion...
...A NTHROPOLOGICAL literature is all very well, sometimes, but after more than five years of research in that realm (as background for Margaret Mead: A Life, Simon & Schuster, $19.95, 527 pp...
...Her strength is not just outer but inner: Lange convincingly plays Jewell as a powerful introvert whose spiritual resources make her a still center in a chaotic world...
...Her case for personal concerns strengthens as public concern informs them...
...It provides a framework and supplement t o his wife's previously published diary, Raissa's Journal (ISBN 0-87343-041-7...
...Very different, and equally salutory, is the smashing new Introducing Eavan Boland: Poems (Persea Books, 225 Lafayette St., N.Y...
...Many have moved from importsubstitution strategies to exporting, not only labor-intensive goods, but also the internationally competitive capitalintensive goods...
...Using the perspectives of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg as his starting points, in The Evolving Self (Harvard University Press, $10.95, xv & 318 pp...
...An old favorite: the Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson (Little, Brown, 1960, $15,770 pp...
...And this book is astonishing in its ability to present a portrait of Thomas More that is of equal weight and beauty with the one by Holbein in the Frick Collection Strobe Talbott's Deadly Gambits (Knopf, $17.93, 380 pp...
...Looking over these selections, I note with astonishment that three of the five titles are published by Harvard, and a fourth author, Barrington Moore, is lecturer emeritus at Harvard...
...Completed B.A...
...A Presbyterian minister's son, Maclean also kept youthful company with an assortment of cartographers, lumberjacks, card sharks, pimps, cowboys, and warmhearted waitresses...
...That three of today's finest writers from three continents have devoted their talents to the subject points not only to the universality of racism, but as well to a universal acknowledgment of the evil -and, for this reason, to hope...
...This is the most painless historical instruction one could imagine...
...The texture of this writing, no less than in its substance, also adds up to a kind of literature of grace and manners that has, to put it mildly, not always been the stock in trade in social science writing...
...Brimley has become one of the major supporting actors in film recently: in The China Syndrome, Absence of Malice, Tender Mercies, and The Natural, he has become a symbol of middle-American shrewdness and kindness -- with his firepump body, his no-nonsense demeanor, and his aw-shucks integrity...
...that is, through the widest possible experience... with an exception to the Marxist theory of alienated labor...
...Jane Jacobs was unabashedly iconoclastic in her first major work, some twenty years ago, The Death and Life of Great American Cities...
...In his Spheres of Justice (Basic Books, $9.95, 345 pp...
...On busy mornings and even languid ones I tend to toss aside the business and sports sections of the Ti~es unread, but this year I came across two books that made me wonder what this habit has cost me: Patricia O'Toole's Corporate Messiah: The Hiring and Firing of MillionDollar Managers (Morrow, $15.95,320 pp...
...flexible and rounded, he even displays a sense of humor...
...There is no aspect of the life of the victim of racism, public or private, that is not violated...
...The physical improvements, particularly electricity, have of course eased life in the hill country...
...They reveal the preoccupatiers, attitudes, and terrors of this volatile time...
...his own skill and natural talent for playing the stock market get him into even deeper trouble with his bosses back in Red Square...
...In the case of the social sciences, forewarnings of impending doom have proven to be quite in error...
...Gaines' novel turns on what would under different circumstances have been the love of a young white woman for her black foster father...
...In Intimate Strangers (Harper Colophon, $5.95, xi & 222 pp...
...Like the books described above, The Name of the Rose instructs while entertaining...
...Betrayal and trust, coercion and consen: sus, all commingle in a plural moral world of subcultures...
...James Fowler's new book Becoming Adult, Becoming Christian (Harper and Row, $11.95, 128 pp...
...He insists that membership in a society is the first and preeminent issue in distributive justice, not simply because membership conditions the receipt of other goods, but because belonging is itself an intrinsic good...
...If un (or dis)satisfied after first issue, refund in full...
...Albany, New York 12208 during the same period my husband served President Carter as Ambassador to Ireland, so I read Mrs...
...set in a small community in the post-segregation South of the 1970s, the American writer Ernest J. Gaines exposes the deep scars and the lingering hatreds inflicted by racism, but also the quiet gains since its legal defeats in the 1960s...
...In the course of telling their story, Davis gives a great deal of information about a sixteenth century French Basque village... spy for the Kremlin, and his troubles begin when his wife insists on opening a charge account at Bergdorf's...
...Under the extreme conditions of the ghetto and the concentration camps that Keneally describes, the Jews could scarcely be said to have private lives, and their public lives were reduced to the precarious existence conveyed by their slogan, "An hour of life is still life...
...Hers is an ear more subtle than Pound's, Moore's, or Yeats's...
...This i~ neither the place nor time to explain this localism -- perhaps the impact of Rawls, Nozick, and Bok has had a more immediate than a global impact...
...We are finally getring a fine-tuned social examination of moral choices and dilemmas... a collection of nine stories and a novella about her native South Africa...
...T WO trends enliven the conversation among developmental psychologists these days and invite the reader's interest as well...
...Miss Keane resumed her career as a novelist in 1981, after having published 30 November 1984:663 several successful novels in the 1930's under the pen name M. J. Farrell...
...They are the real thing...
...Also it is not only for experts, or scholars, or the mailing list of Foreign Affairs magazine... a "ramble through a moral minefield" of the social and political functions of "cruelty, hypocrisy, snobbery, and treachery...
...William Galston's Justice and the Human Good (University of Chicago, 1980, $20.00, 324 pp...
...And, if anything, the negative feelings are reinforced...
...She was the kind of helpmate that many wives of public figures try to be, rejoicing over victory, agonizing over decisions, angry over defeat...
...The appearance o f a cousin, long thought to be dead, changes their lives and forces them, briefly, to face reality...
...Moreover, whether the focus is on the social and cultural surroundings or the intellectual sources of the ideas of ordinary people, each of these authors assumes that the only adequate context of historical ideas is the human lives in which these ideas were found attractive and compelling...
...That old man is free of you now," she is told...
...Shepherd, who had been in danger of making understatement into overacting in The Right Stuff, actually comes across as quite human in the first half of Country...
...His most recent book is The Physician's Covenant (Westminster...
...Gil Ivy has to be blamed, however, to raise Jewell's value...
...Everything, themselves ineluded, is worn out, used up, faded, and out-of-date, but they try desperately to live up to the standards of their youth and Mummie...
...Schelling's book is infused with philosophical wisdom, not whiz kid aphorisms...
...sorbed, along with the author, in untangling the complex human situations presented...
...Imposing is the chief of sins...
...ISBN 0-87343-050,6...
...1-800-633-2252, Father Nigro, Gonzaga University, Spokane 99258, Interested in learning more about becoming a pdest in the Missionary Dioces of Raleigh, North Camllna...
...evidence ~ten ignored by historians in order to reconstruct the complex religious and metaphysical ideas of an ordinary person...
...Thomas More was heroic, despite the times, despite himself, and despite some bizarre bad luck...
...T HREE superb books combine educated historical imagination with scholarly interpretation of historical documents to present lively narratives of "ordinary" (for lack of a better word) historical people...
...Paul Starr's The Social Transformation of American Medicine (Basic Books, $11.95, 514 pp... vintage Moore: history made modern through our identifiable issues: public and private in classical Athens, ancient Chinese notions of the public and private...
...Carter's memoirs with nostalgia...
...Ginzburg works within the history of ideas on a historical subject whose ideas historians have not previously considered interesting or important enough to explore: a man who was burned as a heretic for the peculiar ideas he held...
...They dress for dinner each evening, compliment Jasper on his elegant and original repasts (sometimes Jasper's delicate casseroles have to be stretched out with the dog's food), and they close their eyes to the old hurts and traumas of their childhood...
...Readers will come away from it with their hopes dashed for a quick, easy, or simple solution...
...T WO quite different books about Ireland top my list of this year's reading...
...R ICHARD MARIUS'S biography, Thomas More (Knopf, $22.95, 562 pp... a curiosity that greatly enhances one's reading of all extant myth...
...And it reads like a grand Russian novel, without heroes and heroines...
...Schelling is not sure whether mind or body is in charge, and ends by caring less...
Vol. 111 • November 1984 • No. 21
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