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Correspondence Cheering the reflexes Logansport, Ind. To the Editors: Periodically Commonweal publishes an article that makes me want to stand up and cheer. John Garvey's "Religion and...
...It is in this latter spirit th~tt I have raised my questions...
...Tracy, reluctant to debate, seemed to say thatCatholic theologians do differ with one,another, and that whatever they find--or do not find out--about the Jesus of "history" it has no necessary effect on their Christ of faith...
...Since we have been some considerable time coming to this impasse andit appears will be sometime working it out, it may be that one is looking more for a greater illumination of the issues at present than a solution... forcing one theological method, one kind of ecclesiastical self-understanding upon a living and evolving organism which draws its strength precisely from the multiplicity of God-in-self and self-in-God revelation and casts its rationallyintuitive insights in analogical language...
...The revelation (tradition, symbols, stories) is not the hypothesis...
...But whose experience are we talking about...
...We are being asked to " t r u s t " the theological methodologies to correct, reform, and reinterpret the tradition, the church and the Magisterium...
...6. Names and addresses of ptthlisber, editor and managing edito...
...HITN commissioned b y The Canon Law S o c i e t y o f America e d i t e d b y James A . Coriden Thomas J. Green...
...With regard to the first, the church has never accepted the proposition that the tradition, the Magisterium, or the church herself ar e obliged to submit to the methods of theologians...
...I like Hans Ki~ng, both in the book Sheehan reviewed (Eternal Life...
...Must reading for those exploring the frontiers of contemporary theology...
...The second of these points seems, on its own merits, sufficient to refute Sheehan, until one reads further: "What is new in modern Catholic theology is a greater recognition that the tradition which is fundamentally trusted as the mediator of this faith is also, like all traditions, ambiguous and thereby in constant need of correction and self-reform" (428...
...But Sheehan raised a valid issue for discussion that goes beyond a concern for Catholics...
...Examples of this Polish reverse-play: the Poland of 1772 comprised such a heterogeneous conglomeration of territories that less than half its population was ethnically Polish...
...I think it is especially important for any advocacy stance not to rely primarily upon the uniqueness or righteousness of the experience underlying its advocacy, but to engage in discourse, and to take into account the criticisms brought against it, FRANCIS SCHOSSLER FIORENZA Class act South Bend, Ind...
...He offers no detailed social analysis of Peruvian society nor of any other Latin American society...
...The analogy which Greeley employs, comparing Catholic symbols and stories to scientific hypotheses, reveals the flaw in his thinking...
...The faith may not die if the biblical base is eroded, but it needs more of a foundation than contemporary theology, either Catholic ui riotestant is developing...
...Greeley would apparently have us believe that the uniqueness of Catholicism liesin its ability to spin a better story than anyone else...
...8. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding I per cent or mole of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities...
...These persons who preach total trust of one's emotions are the same ones who are contemptuous of our reflex responses...
...B. Annual subscriptions price: $24...
...It is this kind of public disputation which gives me renewed faith in the continued vitality of the Ecclesia semper reformanda...
...Donald E. H e i n t s c h e l * a u t h o r i t a t i v e commentary b y o v e r 20 o f t h e l e a d i n g e x p e r t s i n t h e f i e l d o f canon l a w . i n c l u d i n g p e r t i n e n t i n t r o d u c t o r y remarks and s i g n i f i c a n t b i o g r a p h i c a l m a t e r i a l s * c o m p l e t e . NCCB-approved E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e o f f i c i a l L a t i n t e x t o f t h e Code * concordance o f 1917 and 1983 Codes * t a b l e s o f c e r t a i n Code m a t t e r s f o r q u i c k r e f e r e n c e , u s e f u l , c r o s s - r e f e r e n c e d i n d e x 8~ x 11 Price: $39.95...
...Indeed neither directly addressed his point or the significance of it...
...B. Paid Circulation: I. Sides through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: 1,720...
...Actual number of copies of a single issue published nearest to filing date: Total number copies printed (Net Press Run): 20,500...
...And, in a fallen world (supposing, of course, that the world is historically and concretely fallen), how reliable is experience...
...Nor has Guti~rrez taken over "class struggle" in the Marxist sense of the word...
...To the Editors: This is to urge you to continue an interest in dialogue with Thomas Sheehan and his argument [August 10] that Catholic theologians are posing problems for the faith...
...He exposes the biblical sources of liberation theology.., highly recommended...
...Such a dismantling of Catholicism by Catholic theologians needs to be stated clearly, if only because it seems notto be understood at all by either David Tracy or Andrew Greeley...
...They were proposed a long time ago, prior to Gunder Frank, by the Canadian political scientist Harold Innis, a liberal with no sympathy for left-wing politics, who accounted for the historical reality of Canadian society in terms of its economi.c dependencies on the colonial-powers...
...Furthermore, we are forced, as Tracy says, to look outside the tradition for sources which can be brought to bear on correcting or reforming it...
...14.95 Paperback THE IDOLS OF DEATH AND THE GOD OF LIFE A Theology by PABLO RICHARD, et aI "Liberation theology is no fad but a revolution in the very terms of theological work...
...He must know that faith operates in situations where, in the nature of the case, one never gets all the data in...
...His books include Language, Logic, and God, recently reissued by the University of Chicago Press...
...Maongmg Editor, Anne Ro~rtson, 232 Madison Ave...
...Garvey and'similar apostles of sanity, we may hopefully have the courage to reclaim the devotional practices that will allow our faith to survive and flourish in these difficult times...
...To raise questions and to tender criticisms can appear to support the institutional violence against liberation theologians rather than to dialogue with them to develop, to modify, and to defend their positions in the public forum...
...There are a host of methodologies which the theologian can tap in interpreting "the various authorities in church and tradition" and in reinterpreting the tradition itself (429...
...With regard to the second, the Magisterium has traditioaally and formally held that the task of interpreting the tradition resides solely with the Magisterium and is not shared with the theological academy...
...Guti~rrez abstracts from the debate among the theorists...
...p. 527, Mitro, Ta Nea, Greece...
...Whether or not the story speaks to experience is what really matters...
...I have become increasingly uncomfortable with the staged religious experience that is artfully designed to produce a "spiritual experience...
...Richard Barnet, Senior Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies, author of The Alliance, will speak on "U.S...
...t, 1924, to cun~nt issues available through University Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Mi...
...48106 and on Microfiche from Bell & Howell, Wooster Ohio 44691...
...It was very true that when Poland was weak and its neighbors strong (as at the end of the eighteenth century, and in 1939) the latter partitioned its territory...
...According to some news reports, Ratzinger sought not only to raise questions, but also to use institutional and coercive force against several theologians by removing them from teaching positions...
...But if the New Testament gets eviscerated from any historical ground for the faith, the tradition must look for some other on which to validate itself...
...Chauvinism and imperialistic expansion was not the monopoly of any one nation as Mr...
...Commonweal: 514 tion, poor historical craftsmanship, and sometimes thoughtless bravado, remains a mentor to later ages in his conviction that rebuttal and intellectual fisticuffs can be effective ways of loving and serving both the truth and those who seek it with a sincere heart...
...Catherine and Commonweal was a class requirement...
...His final colloquial declaration that God damn well better be maternal, may be a ringing appeal to some constituency or another, but it was no argument...
...Mail subscriptions: 15.954...
...At least to those who are not fundamentalists...
...Except for a few lean years, I have subscribed as a long-time reader and friend...
...Vatican 1I was a clean, fresh wind that revitalized the church, but in our enthusiasms we threw out some vitally important "babies" with the bath water...
...D. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means, sample complimentary and other free copies: 985...
...He shakes off the christological dust of centuries so that we can hear the words that Jesus spoke...
...If professors Tracy and Greeley (despite the latter's modest disclaimer) are examples of the maligned "liberal consensus," more power to them...
...Nevertheless, there are some differences...
...8.95 Paperback A t your bookstore ( ~ or from the publisher ORBIS BOOKS lqaryknoll, NY 10545 5 October 1984:543...
...Tracy's response seems to consist of two parts...
...12.95 Paperback HERALDS OF A NEW REFORMATION The Poor o f South and North Amerlcs by RICHARD SHAULL "'Richard $haull has drawn his considerable and deepening missionary...
...Since then dependency theory has taken on many different forms, some of which take into account only economic factors while others rely as well on cultural factors, including the ethical dimension...
...MARJORIE SHELLEY Scholarly erosion Silver Spring, Md...
...We find it in Puebla's Final Document...
...John Garvey's "Religion and Reflex" [June 1] succinctly and beautifully presented an issue that has been nagging at me for many years...
...There is nothing in it to revive a faith or convert a skeptic...
...I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete...
...The latter claim is a much stronger claim...
...I. Title of publication: COMMONWEAL...
...If so, that will be a help...
...Illustrations: Cover, p. 524, Tachydromos, Greece...
...From a different perspective, Harvey Cox makes a similar point in Religion in the Secular City...
...or call Collect (301) 484-2250...
...That question is distinct from the preferential option for the poor...
...He makes use of dependency theory only in a generalized way...
...Wdte Fr...
...In any case, Sheehan was not frivolous...
...And Greeley, after insisting that faith is not a scientific matter, unaccountably kept opting for a scientific mode of justifying faith--as an option that takes care of more of the data...
...Apart from the sacramental worship of the church, what "experience" can we trust...
...BILL McTAGGART The Mussdsm question Toronto, Canada To the Editors: Please, allow me to disagree with the opinion my dear friend Francis Schiissler Fiorenza expressed in his article, "Guti~rrez and Ratzinger" [June 15...
...Polish nationalists were never content with the legitimate Polish ethnic area, but always made " h i s t o r i c " claims to huge chunks of ethnically non-Polish land, on the east, west, and north...
...theological, biblical, and personal commitments and convictions together in this clear, quiet, evocative, challenging, and persuasive report on trying to be a Christian and a citizen of the United States at the same time: in th~s time...
...2. Returns from n~ws agems: 1,102...
...And we are being asked to accept the theologian as interpreter and reinterpreter of tradition...
...E. Total distribution (sum of C and D): 18.482...
...We find it in the Medellin Conclusions, especially in the section entitled "Peace...
...I was then a student in Abigail Quigley McCarthy's English class at the College of St...
...S6.95 Paperback THE POWER OF THE POOR IN HISTORY by GUSTAVO GUTIERREZ Gutierrez "continues to articulate the faith and personal experience of faceless, exploited masses...
...monthly in advance for more than three times...
...G. Total (sum of E and F should equal net press run shown in A): 20,459...
...Thanks to Mr...
...cloth bound 5 October 1984:541 am sure you can find someone with the scholarship and temperament to do it...
...Join us and become part of an ongoing group which is ecumenical in every dimension...
...Classified payable with order...
...ALFRED T. HENNELLY, Woodstock Center 368pp...
...That is most unfortunate, For instead of using his office to teach and to raise questions, he is resorting to institutional power...
...I raise this issue not to deny the existence of relations of dependency, but to emphasize that autonomy is much more than the overcoming of relations of dependency, and that the task of liberation theology is consequently much more complex...
...63r six times...
...That ignores Sheehan's point ~bout circularity which will not permit such an easy defense of faith...
...Wilson has shouldered his task well...
...To reduce the Christian revelation to a model, subject to "the criteria of religious model fitting" (433) is to dehis(Continued on page 543) Classified I RATES: 70r a word, one time...
...The issue simply is that in pursuing fully modern biblical scholarship, Catholic theologians--like Protestants earlier--have eroded radically one of the primary grounds for faith: the Bible, and particularly the New Testament...
...CHARLES W. PHILLIPS A dismantle piece Houston, Tex...
...What are the sources we can trust...
...copies printnd (Net Press Run): 20,459...
...Francis, forgive me, but this is an awful exaggeration...
...The historical accuracy of the story is, according to Greeley, beside the point (432...
...The dismal nationality conflicts in east-central Europe witnessed mistakes, injustices, crimes, and much that can only be called childish stupidity on all sides...
...JOYCE A. LITTLE One kind word Chickasha, Okla...
...p. 519 & p. 520, Valetry...
...He introduced the vocabulary of "hinterland" and "metropolis," and shows in detail how the various regions of Canada as hinterland were effected by their dependency on the economic and political power of the metropolis, first Great Britain, and later the United States...
...Founded to ransom slaves, our small community of men have grounded our lives and our _9 work of liberation in fraternity, prayer, and the Bible for over 800 years...
...If Catholic tradition is "Like all traditions," i.e., "ambiguous" and in need of correction and reform, then we are able to trust it only to the degree to which we are able to trust any other tradition...
...He did not need European neoMarxists to tell him that a theory which made the proletariat the principal agent of social change did not fit into Latin America where the great masses constitute a subproletariat, Marx's "Lurepen," and where the industrial workers, a relatively small sector, are divided in their loyalties...
...of issues published annually: 22...
...There is only one sure way, I suspect, to kill offCatholicism once and for all: by confusing the models of science and religion...
...He prevailed against two, and has allegedly sought the same fate for Gutitrrez...
...Liberation theologians are threatened by death squads or by expulsion from their homeland...
...NY 10016...
...None, 10...
...To argue that others, liberals, neo-Marxists, and even churchmen, have pointed to the negative relations of dependency does not respond to the crucial issue: whether it would be necessary for liberation theology to take into account criticisms of the theory of dependency as an adequate theoretical explanation...
...I am not a Catholic...
...What follows from this for Guti~rrez is the need for self-reliant development...
...First, the so-called liberal consensus does not agree, as Sheehan supposes, on what method(s) theologians ought to employ...
...To the Editors: Jerzy Krzyzanowski's review of Czeslaw Milosz's The History of Polish Literature [August 10] repeats the standard Polish accusation about "Poland's geographical location between Germany and R u s s i a . . . whose aggressive appetites spelt doom for Poland...
...That, at least, is what Catholicism has traditionally understood to be the case...
...But there are others, Tracy hastens to add...
...Second-class postage paidat NewYork, N.Y...
...Religious Community Considering Religious Life...
...Kirkridge Gathering The Company at Kirkddge, a supportive network for contemporary Christians will meet July 6, 7, 8, 1984 at Chruch of the Savior Retreat Center, "Wellspdng" outside Washington, D.C...
...PAUL LEHMANN in The Foreword |60pp...
...It is no mean task to take on the life of a man who in 1910 published a long essay under the title On Everything...
...Starting in the '60s, we allowed ourselves to be bullied by the "'relevant and meaningful" crowd, but 1 submit that many of us became closet conservatives and practiced our devotions privately...
...Two problems are immediately apparent...
...WALTER WINK, Auburn Theological Seminary 256pp...
...I concur with Baum's imp mant points that Gutitrrez's use of Marxist social analysis is very generic and is certainly subservient to his Christian ideals, for it transforms such analyses...
...Catholic tradition does not enjoy a unique trustworthiness...
...4. Location of known office of publication: 232 Madsion Ave., New York, NY 10016.5...
...the revelation itself is not...
...Publisher, Edward S. Skillin, 232 Madison Ave...
...This theory of preferential solidarity is also found in the documents of Medellin and l~ebla...
...p. 529, Origone, Italy...
...New York...
...Gutidrrez's use of "class struggle," if one wants to use this term, is not Marxist at all...
...Sheehan was not arguing for any return to a fundamentalism, or for Catholic theologians to go back into any previous state of inhibited scholarship...
...Fiorenza claims that Gutidrrez has "taken over several key concepts of Marxist analysis" and that he has not taken into account "the neo-Marxist critique of orthodox Marxism...
...I contend that Gutitrrez's social analysis would become much more nuanced if he would take into account two very specific neo-Marxist critiques of traditional Marxism: Bloch's retrieval of the bourgeois culture, in particular, the significance of rights language, and Habermas's reconstruction of the traditional Marxist conception of historical development...
...We find it in several Canadian pastoral letters, in particular in the 1979 pastoral statement of the Catholic bishops of the Canadian Atlantic Provinces, "To Establish a Kingdom of Justice...
...I I \ \ h " \ , ' ~)~ .~N%II...
...The question of the relation of the basic communities to the unix~ersal church is raised by Ratzinger's letter -theologically significant and legitimate...
...Wilson's biography brings this lesson effectively forward, while manifesting for all to see the complexities and caveats associated with the life and thought of Hilaire Belloc...
...66r three times...
...Well, historicocritical method, for one...
...1 o f Jesus o f Nazareth Yesterdag amf TodaB by JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO, S.J...
...Commonweal: 542 toricize our faith, in short, to dimantle Catholicism...
...Choice 240pp...
...2. Date of filing: September 27, 1984.3...
...Krzyzanowski implies...
...I would add that the reflex action also places one automatically in a receptive, prayerful state and makes possible a spiritual communication that no amount of self-conscious manipulation can produce...
...2. Returns from news agents: 8:50...
...PAUL W. HATZFELDT SALVATION AND LIBERATION by LEONARDO and CLODOVIS BOFF The Boff brothers clarify the theological and political meanings of liberation and the hard questions of the relationship between faith and politics, between evangelization and human advancement, between historical struggles and salvation in Jesus Christ...
...In this generalized sense, this is accepted by all political scientists who study colonization from the viewpoint of the colonized...
...7. Owner (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding I per cent or more of total amount of stock): Commonweal Foundation, 232 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016...
...and most important and least understood and observed of all, not in idealist theorizing but in historical praxis...
...F. 1. Office use, IeR over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: 696...
...I therefore wholeheartedly subscribe to the Concilium statement that Baum, my wife Elisabeth, and others have authored and signed...
...These are issues of moment that ask for thoughful reflections, not simplistic defensiveness or parochial apologetics...
...I have argued elsewhere that his theological effort was so successful that the key concepts of his theology of liberation have been received in the church's official teaching in Latin America--and in Canada...
...It was no less true that when Poland was strong and its neighbors weak, the process was reversed...
...According to John Paul II, the church itself must be in solidarity with the poor struggling for integral liberation...
...C. Total paid circulation: 17,228...
...When this theory was first proposed by Gunder Frank, as Francis knows well, it was in opposition to orthodox Marxism...
...Mr~ Garvey writes of the value of reflex actions as "when you don't have to think of something, you have learned it...
...GREGORY BAUM The author r e p l i e s Gregory Baum letter emphasizes points on which I betleve we are in basic agreement, despite differences in detail...
...Such actions place those of tts sympathetic to liberation theology in a difficult situation...
...To the Editors: The question posed by Thomas Sheehan [August 10] with regard to contemporary Catholic theology is not that of whether Catholicism has been dismantled by the historico-critical method, but that of whether Catholicism is being dismantled by method per se...
...To the Editors: I would like you to know that I have read/subscribed to Commonweal since 1943...
...Milosz, has sympathized with the problems of contemporary Catholic theologians in adjusting across a whoel broad spectrum of scientific scholarship and what it has wrought on culture, but feels that the response has been weak and one of retreat, in the language of socialists of 100 years ago, to a position of Opposing materialism only by a leap to some future through political action... is an ethical achievement, it demands conversion, it unites the poor and members of other classes who are committed to justice...
...Box 5719, Baltimore, MD 21208...
...Frequency of issue...
...It is, on the contrary, strikingly exemplified in both of their responses to Sheehan...
...It locates the ultimate questions not in meaning but survival: not feeling justified bdt in doing justice...
...He uses dependency theory only to show that dependency has gravely harmed society economically, culturally, psychologically, and ultimately spiritually...
...He thinks the church should be behind people's self-reliant development because it affects not only their economic well-being but also their cultural, psychological, and spiritual reality...
...INGRID H. SHAFER Shared e r r o r s Gaitbersburg, Md...
...not in belief in God but in the critique of idolatry...
...Theological syntheses are hypothetical and subject to change...
...FATHER CLYDE F . CREWS recently published English Catholic Modernism (University of Notre Dame Press), and chairs the department of theology at Louisville's BeUarmine College...
...III III Correspondence IIIIIIIIIIIIH IIIIII I III (Continued from page 514) which acknowledges the workers and, in the third world the poor, as the dynamic element of modem society and hence calls for "the solidarity of workers and with workers" and, in the same paragraph, for "the solidarity of the poor and with the poor...
...New York...
...Serials Data program No.: ISSN 0010-330...
...8) (Continued on page 540) Commonweal is indexed in Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index, Index of American Periodical Verse, Book Review Digest and Book Review Index...
...B. Paid Circulation: I. Sides through dealers and canters, street vendors and counter sales: 1,274.2...
...I have praised Gutitrrez's theology for its anti-Marxism since it displays the antiideological nature of Christianity...
...Poland, as restored after World War I, though less geographically grandiose, was still no less than one-third non-Polish (Ukrainian, Byelorussian, German, Jewish, Lithuanian...
...To the Editors: Thank you for providing a forum for articles of the caliber of David Tracy's and Andrew M. Greeley's responses to Thomas Sheehan's pessimistic attack on the imaginary monolith he calls "liberal consensus...
...IllllllllllllllIHll[ Ill l [ Illllllllllllll Illl REVIEWERS FREDERICK FERRI~ is the head of the department of philosophy and religion at the University of Georgia...
...It is, moreover, endorsed in John Paul ll's Laborem exercens (n...
...Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months: A. Total no...
...D. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means, sample complimentary and other free copies: 1,254...
...To say that in making use of the theory of dependency Gutidrrez has taken over a key concept of Marxist analysis is an exaggeration...
...Edward S. Sklllin, Publisher...
...NY 10016...
...Microfilm from VoI...
...Bill Axe, The Trinitarian Friars, P.O...
...E. Total dismbution (sum of C and D): 18,954...
...It is no new idea that the church wrote the book by which it authenticates itself but this circularity does not make much difference if one can believe that the church has indeed recovered, with whatever variations in emphasis or separate perspective of witnesses, enough of the "true" history to be authentic in establishing Jesus Christ as one who can be considered a " d i v i n e " spokesman with a divine, and hence trustworthy, promise...
...10.95 Paperback FAITH AND IDEOLOGIES Vol...
...C. Total paid circulation: 17,969...
...The theory of dependency and the call for self-reliant development are common in Canadian political science...
...Location ofthe beadqu~ers of general business offices of the publishers: 232 Madison Ave...
...Post-World War II Poland exhibited its own aggressive appetitt, incorporating one-fifth of Germany, displacing nine million German inhabitants (including three million German Catholics...
...The social analysis that we find in Gutidrrez's A Theology of Liberation is a generalized version of the theory of de2 pendency...
...New York, NY 10016...
...Commonweal: 540 and also others...
...So give it another go...
...After reading these two responses to Thomas Sheehan, we are well within our rights to ask--David Tracy and Andrew Greeley, won't you please come home...
...p. 533, Cork...
...Greeley was, and Tracy was just pedantic...
...The revelation is the datum...
...Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code...
...His struggle is defined not in economic terms by people's relation to production, but in political terms by the solidarity of the poor, joined by the solidarity of all who love justice, This solidarity struggle against oppressive structures is not simply defined by people's collective self-interest...
...2. Mail subscriptions: 16,249...
...While one need not-not I anyway--accept all of Professor Cox's theses in this volume, his indictment of the liberal scholarship of academe (theological, i. e.) as anemic, is a fair caricature...
...In his monumental Jesus of Nazareth Yesterday and Today, Juan Luis Segundo attempts to place the person and message of Jesus before us all, believer and unbeliever alike...
...Editor, Peter $tninfcls, 232 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016...
...Once again, in Greeley, we see how the tradition (story) is forced to submit to an external criterion (generic human experience...
...Total (sum of E and F should equal net press run shown in A): 20,500...
...Neither David Tracy nor Andrew Greeley handled Sheehan well at all...
...G. I. Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: 875...
...For more information contact Anthony Ciccadello, 520 W. Gray St., Elmira, N.Y...
...It rightfully takes seriously the social conditioning of knowledge...
...Second: a difference exists between the preferential option for the poor and the claim that the oppressed have some special epistemological status or hermeneutical privilege...
...In his liberation theory Gutitrrez has been in dialogue with Marxism and made use of some analytical tools derived from Marxism, but he has significantly transformed these notions and created an original Catholic approach...
...Copyright _9 1984Commonweai Foundation...
...Second, Catholic theologians trust tradition as the principal mediator of faith...
...In this generalized sense, the theory of dependency has been adopted in many ecclesiastical documents...
...In a much broader context, the lay Catholic and Nobel Laureate, Czeslaw THE CODE OF CANON LA - ,.X TEXT, C :C).X I'.X II...
...Yet it raises the question of how the experience and knowledge of a particular group relates to the wider society...
...Politics: New Oportunities for Chdstian Involvement...
...Biweekly, except monthly Christmas-New Years and July and August_9 A. No...
...It is, moreover, an exaggeration that could do Gutitrrez serious harm...
...It is one that applies to "Christians" generally...
...Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (act of August 12, 1970...
Vol. 111 • October 1984 • No. 17
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