Christian Spirituality; Japanese Society
Steinfels, Peter
a nymph whipping a man with her long wet blond hair. And what is left is Mr. Herbert's ver- sion of the common people, whom he calls "muck." Poor "muck" is in the cheap seats of this melodrama,...
...Herbert amuses when he reduces humanity's problems to a dia- logue worthy of a corporate strategy meeting for a new fast food chain empire: "To those out there," says a loathsome one, "a great issue is: 'Will I eat today?' 'Do I have shelter tonight that will not be invaded by attackers or vermin?' Lux- ury...
...Five lectures at Yale: a critique of Protestant"guilt piety...
...Luxury is the possession of a drug or a member of the opposite sex who can, for a time, keep the beast at bay...
...Count Tolstoy did the Dune series's delightful core of salvation history much better in his fate- of-the-universe thriller, War And Peace, but then, Frank Herbert has stripped away all that annoyingly ambivalent ver- isimilitude in order to provide diverting, chatty, skimmable romanticism...
...CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY, by WolJhart Pannenberg...
...Fellini himself has written: "Professor Costello, with his accurate and suggestive book, has made me want to go and see some of the films he writes about so well...
...One either believes that the history books are all, or one does not quite, and playfully takes to fiction...
...Fellini's films are consciously au-tobiographical...
...In brief FELLINI'S ROAD, by Donald P. Costello...
...The columns began in September 1905 and ended with Chesterton's death in June 1936...
...They so artistically pro- ject the interconnected realms of reality, dream, fantasy, and memory that Cos- tello states: "The complexity that results Correction In identifying reviewer William M. Sul- livan in the 10 August 1984 issue, we inadvertently altered his name...
...We teach," says an evil one, "that new knowledge is non-survival...
...This is a book for the beach, where one has no greater curiosity outside of Mr...
...It is unironic good versus prosaic evil for the control of dimwitted mankind, then, and Mr...
...His films give the appear- ance of spontaneity but are constructed on layers of metaphor, staged with sure craftsmanship...
...He uses interviews with Fellini and published screenplays...
...Notre Dame, $16.95, $9.95 paper, 214 PP...
...One will find generous insight and self-enlightenment in these pages...
...on the other topics, his deep knowledge and rigorous examination of Protestant thought strike a shower of intellectual sparks...
...In response, the hero thinks, "And you are the beast...
...Names of major contributors (over $100) will be printed in this edition of the GKC columns...
...Checks should be made out to the Chesterton Fund...
...Westminster Press, $8.95 paper, 120 pp...
...Chesteron's col- umns from the Illustrated London News, two-thirds of which have never begn reprinted before...
...He has a faultless sense of Fellini's images, an intense grasp of his cinematographic languages, and a love and gift for exegesis...
...a comparison of ChriStian and Buddhist quests for the true self...
...T he Midwest Chesterton Society has just received an offer from the University Press of America to publish all of G.K...
...Pannenberg sim- ply has little "feel" for liberation theol- ogy, and his critique suffers accordingly...
...Four stars...
...This book nearly belies Fellini's statement that, "A film cannot be described in words...
...THE EDITORS stuns us with its likeness to the deeper reality which we all know...
...Fellini paints "a fresco of the society we live in...
...However, the cost of secretarial help and indexing for this project will be approximately $20,000 and the Society is urgently seeking funds...
...a discussion of faith and politics sharply "rejecting liberation theology...
...Contributions will be fully tax deductible...
...Poor "muck" is in the cheap seats of this melodrama, and is obliged to endure frequent lectures about how it is not to be trusted with intelli- gence...
...Herbert sketches this paranoid fan- tasy as well as one can, given that Dos- toyevsky's Grand Inquisitor has become a stylized television personality always changinig costumes for all those anach- ronistic historical mini-series...
...Every month, it seems, Americans are beaten about the head with two or three new books on Japan...
...We are, as the au- thor of this book observes, "clearly made uneasy and insecure by Japanese successes... argument for a new Protestant "Eucharist piety...
...Each is a quest for self- discovery, a journey...
...He combines imagery with parody, gro-tesque sophistication with irony, humor, and pathos...
...Cambridge University Press, $19.95, 188 pp...
...However, it is also a novel of ideas, and if they are half-baked like everyone on that beach, there is in this ponderous unraveling of the mystery of the big worms, a snappy acknowledgement of the central conceit of all novels of ideas, "The writing of history is a process of diversion: Most historical accounts divert attention from the secret influences around the recorded events...
...This book by Donald P. Costello is a guide through Federico Fellini's com-plex major films La Strada, La Dolce IOta, 8.89 and Juliet of the Spirits...
...Profes-sor Costello, chairman of the department of Communication Arts at Notre Dame, is a sure-footed Theseus, deftly threading his way through labyrinths of celluloid...
...Those in-terested in helping should write to: Frank A. Petta Midwest Chesterton Society Box 353 Carpenterville, IL 60110 Herbert's thrills than for the sunburnt beauties going by...
...Unable to digest the idea that very different societies could achieve similar technical and economic powers --and yet remain very different societies --we keep wondering whether Japan hasn't stolen some Western secret and made even better use of it than we have, or we keep waiting for the other shoe to fall and Japan to awaken to all the Commonweal: 476...
...Costello seems familiar with each frame of the film in question...
...a reflec-tion on the theme of God's "death" 'or "absence" in contemporary culture...
...We apologize for our error...
Vol. 111 • September 1984 • No. 15