
Correspondence On past laurels Brooklyn, N.Y. To the Editors: Gordon Zahn's "Viet- nam --A Memorial Day Postscript" [July 13] offered an insightful analysis of President Reagan's...

...At the same time we have an unemployment rate of 11 percent and have not recovered from the recent recession (caused in great part by Reagan's first two years in govern- ment...
...To the Editors: The salient distinction between "people who are homeless" and "homelessness" is that the former are real, while the latter is merely an abstraction...
...cloth bound v .' Going , , onsO HELP THE CAUSE BECONE A 1984 CONNONWEAL ASSOCIATE Patron Member $200 or more Charter Member $100 Sustaining Member $50 Commonweal Associates, 232 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y...
...Yet "unemployment" is listed by the authors among the four major causes of homelessness...
...Religious Community Considering Religious Life...
...In reality, most of the poor have always lived in housing vacated by those who have moved to better-quality shelter, which, in turn, has been vacated by those whose incomes are a few notches higher, and so forth...
...Kirkridge Gathering The Company at Kirkridge, a supportive network for contemporary Christians will meet October 26, 27, 28, 1984 at Kir- kridge, Bangor, PA...
...Perhaps the pending elections in .both our coun- tries will see a significant change in lead- ership...
...MAR.lOP-dE HOPE AND JAMES YOUNG Canada wry Thunder Bay, Ont...
...To the Editors: Gordon Zahn's "Vietnam --A Memorial Day Postscript" [July 13] offered an insightful analysis of President Reagan's "attempt at revisionist history...
...This especially holds for Central Americans...
...Recognizing that my own Liberal gov- ernment has not curbed its own spending sufficiently, Mr...
...Rest assured that I will con- tinue to enjoy the island of sanity and hope that Commonweal never lets me forget exists in your country...
...Hope and Young seem to think that there is something called "'low-income housing" which the government must fi- nance if the poor are to be housed...
...For more information contact Anthony Ciccariello, 520 W. Gray St., Elmira, NY 14905...
...THE CODE OF CANON LAW / A complete one-volume .\ TEXT ,\,~ ( ]( ).~ I.~ I I'NT.~ commentary on the revised I\\11 " \ , ~q{ll~i \ ] CODE OF CANON LAW I)i* ~\1\~ I ,,l{i P \ commissioned by The Canon Law Society of America edited by James A. Coriden Thomas J. Green, Donald E. Heintschel * authoritative commentary by over 20 of the leading experts in the field of canon law, including pertinent introductory remarks and significant biographical materials * complete...
...will stir you to talk with God...
...But the elegiac last paragraph leads me to ask whether some effort should not be made to gather the testimonies of people who participated in those Catholic Ac- tion movements -- before it is too late, as it is for Dorothy Dohen...
...Obvi-ously, displacement does not necessarily result in homelessness, but we never learn how many of the displaced actually become homeless, or the average length of time they remain so...
...In New York City alone, thousands of struc- turally sound buildings have been aban- doned a~ liabilities by owners caught be- tween increased taxes, utilities, and maintenance costs on the one hand, and rent control and non-paying tenants exploiting the legal system to delay evic- tion on the other...
...p. 462, Feggo...
...Commonweal: 450 its public policy -- denial of $60 million to rehabilitate and operate shelters -- that would mean denying each homeless person, on average, the exorbitant sum of $200...
...To the Editors: Thank you for printing the graceful and moving tribute to Dorothy Dohen by Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, S.J...
...Some of them are inclined to think that nothing was right before Vatican II, and so are bound, I think, to misunderstand the Council...
...This situation is that much more exasperating when one reads that much of your economic re- covery and low:ering of the unemployCommonweal: 478 merit ~te to 8 percent rests on increased defense and arms expenditures...
...1, 1924, to current issues available through University Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Mi...
...Is there an editor or a publisher who might wish to gather and preserve them...
...The Journey Tapes are meditation tools laced with music for per- sonal reflection time...
...They were and are a precious legacy, and their witness should not be lost...
...And central planning in- cludes planning to prevent social disas- ters like homelessness...
...Given their view that Americans must "change their basic social philosophy (Continued on page 477) Commonweal is indexed in Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index, Index of American Periodical Verse, Book Review Digest and Book Review Index...
...For example, we are told that one of the "most widespread factors in homelessness" is "displacement" which "afflicts 2.5 million Americans annually...
...JOHN A BORST Losing a legacy...
...unemployment was over 10 percent... enterprise...
...The point is that Sweden combines central planning with Books Still looking for a book...
...They come to the United States of America...
...L9H 4E5 Canada...
...May God continue to bless your efforts...
...In 1982, U.S...
...The process is, of course, impeded by the demolition, abandonment, and con- version of rental housing stock which the authors believe necessitates government intervention, but which are often, if not usually, attributable to some kind of gov- ernment action or policy...
...Petru Dumitriu, lay theologican and author of Incognito and to The Unknown God will speak on themes from those books...
...Some credit ought to be given to Wes- ley and his "Methodists" earlier on at Oxford whose spiritual revival helped to motivate the founders of the Oxford Movement...
...First add the postal surcharge...
...Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y...
...The authors state that the majority of the "chronically homeless" --whose number, if known, is not disclosed -are "simply unemployable in today's economy...
...p. 459, Bas., Tachydromos, Greece...
...Box 5719, Baltimore, MD 21208...
...Journal Journal-ers: The fresh Bible workbook, "Astonish Me, Yahweh...
...or call Collect (301) 484-2250...
...Reagan's policy of high interest rates, growing deficit financing, and artificially propped-up dollar, all caused in great measure by his madness to arm and defend, is becoming a threat to even the humble act of renewing American magazines...
...Church workers who offer sanctuary to refugees from political oppression and poverty are taken to court and prosecuted...
...When we toured Scandinavia in 1982 we could not find homeless people, except for a few alcoholics in train stations...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...Perhaps they could be invited to reflect on those days and on their lives since, especially since the Council...
...Rosemont Col- lege October 6, 9-4:30...
...Meeting WHAT DO WOMEN WANT...
...Over 30...
...Completed B.A...
...Urban renewal is more aptly termed "urban removal" because it typically destroys dwellings occupied by low-income individuals...
...Washington, D.C...
...Serials Data program No.: ISSN 0010-3330...
...Reagan on Independence Day...
...Letters of not more than 250 or 300 words naturally have a better chance of being published...
...Although its authors, Marjorie Hope and James Young, urge adoption of policies to prevent "homelessness," they seem more interested in excoriating "our militarized economic system" than in the analysis necessary to formulate effective social policy...
...monthly in advance for more than three times...
...I wonder what would happen to your number of sub- scriptions if Americans had to pay that rate...
...454, 461, Rita Corbin, p. 457, Michael Konopacki...
...Does Ms...
...Something is wrong with a president- ial message that rests on past laurels while ignoring the reality of current policies --policies more worthy of East Germany, or Cuba, or the Soviet Union...
...For free catalog con- tact LuraMedia, 10227 Autumnview Ln., Suite 2, San Diego, CA 92126...
...At this time the interest rate in Canada is not great enough to attract foreign invest- ment so the value of our dollar falls --right now to an all-time low...
...Or call (215) 477-1080...
...So-called "free enterprise" developers are constantly on the look-out for low-income subsidies...
...Hanna Newcombe, Co-editor Peace Research Abstracts, 25 Dundana Ave., Dundas, Ont...
...Illustrations: Cover, pp...
...How about some of the Nordic (EFTA) countries, which have far higher "welfare state" overheads...
...I still enjoy reading every issue of Com-monweal, however, the discrepancy be- tween $43 for two years and what-I actu- ally pay is getting rather large...
...then add the cur- rency exchange ($1.31...
...MICHAEL R. BECKER The homeless issue Stanford, Calif...
...June 1...
...It also recalled another emotional tribute spoken by Mr...
...Delaware Valley Catholic women will gather to gen- erate suggested input for Bishops' pastoral letter on women...
...None of these nations has reduced its welfare sector signifi- cantly...
...Sta., N.Y...
...Contact: Dr...
...Unfortunately, many people regard the movement simply as an attempt to ape nineteenth century Roman Catholic ceremonial practice, whereas the ritual aspect of it came later as a natural out- growth of the original concerns of the Tractarians...
...Classified payable with order...
...NCCB-approved English translation of the official Latin text of the Code * concordance of 1917 and 1983 Codes * tables of certain Code matters for quick reference * useful, cross-referenced index 8vt x 11 Price: $39.95...
...Ash's comments about unemployment in Western Europe in fact refer to the Common Market (EEC) countries...
...So much for a lesson on international economics...
...For public policy purposes, it is crucial to know the number of people whose lack of shelter is so prolonged as to endanger life or health, and the reasons they lack it...
...What kind of housing...
...Correspondence On past laurels Brooklyn, N.Y...
...Current immigration policy insists that illegal aliens from Los Angeles to New York City be hunted down, jailed, and deported...
...Books, Dept...
...Copyright .9 1984 Com...
...10016 7 September 1984:479...
...What Mr...
...1-800-633-2252, Father Nigro, Gonzaga University, Spokane 99258...
...I regularly teach a course on Vatican II, and each time I teach it I encounter fewer students who have personal memory of the church before the Council...
...funds --and you come up with $63.07... earn high interest...
...This imbalance occurs because inter- national money traders sell off Canadian dollars to buy American dollars...
...Ironically, much of the blame for this imbalance of funds is a result of your president's fiscal and arms policies...
...To the Editors: I very much enjoyed David Noble's article, "The Oxford leg- acy" [July 13...
...Ash suggest that we tolerate the slums described by Jacob Riis that led to tuberculosis, fires, and a host of other social hazards...
...p. 463, Salo...
...Not only do they give no evidence for this asssertion, they fail to say how any of the 8.7 million unem- ployed are, or have ever been, homeless...
...He's right...
...As you can expect, our govern- ment does not want to raise the interest rate which will stifle the slow recovery we are experiencing...
...Write Fr...
...Employ- ers who offer work to illegal immigrants stand in violation of the law...
...As an Anglican priest I greatly appreciated the accurate descrip- tion of the Oxford Movement, and the assessment of its influence within both the Anglican and Roman Communions...
...Eloquently and persuasively, he observed: "When people long for freedom, they don't climb over the wall into East Germany, or seek refuge in Cuba or the Soviet Union...
...then the bank transaction fee $1.50 --$2.50 if I just wrote a check saying U.S...
...I only hope the gap has closed by mid- 1986...
...I suppose it would please him to no end when it applies to foreign subscribers of Com-monweal...
...It wonderfully evokes a remarkable woman and draws needed at- tention to movements of spirit and of action too little known to many today...
...Arlene Swidler, 7501 Woodcrest, Philadelphia 19151...
...denial of the requisite permits commonly leads to de- terioration and, even, torching of the units...
...Peace Volunteers Needed volunteer-abstractors to sum-marize articles on war/peace issues and international affairs for a widely used re- search publication...
...Those of us who can remember both the beauties and the follies of the church before it was so transformed, not always for the better, have insights to offer that no later generation can have...
...Priesthood Desire Priesthood...
...monweai Foundation...
...Founded to ransom slaves, our small community of men have grounded our lives and our work of liberatiOn in fraternity, prayer, and the Bible for over 800 years...
...This information is not provided by "Sinking into Homclessness" [June 15...
...66r three times...
...467,468,473, Paul Valery...
...Free Search serv- ice...
...48106 and on Microfiche from Bell & Howell, Micro-Photo Division, Old Mansfield Road, Wooster Ohio 44691...
...While nations like Great Britain, France, and West Ger- many may be suffering from high unem- ployment, the primary reason is that the U.S...
...Our nation, "conceived in liberty," has a long reputation of offer- ing sanctuary to those who seek it...
...Reagan failed to say in his emotional message is that, under his administration, the welcome mat is being pulled in, bit by bit...
...To the Editors: Just a note to explain why it gets harder to renew Commonweal as the years pass...
...CAMILLE D'ARIENZO, RSM Oxford & Methodism Philadelphia, Pa...
...In 1982, NorClassified RATES: 70r a word, one time...
...As you probably know I have subscribed since the early sixties...
...However, we are also told that there are 2 million homeless and that one-third of them are the deinstitutionalized mentally ill...
...Unemploy- ment today in Sweden is 2.7 percent...
...CW, Box 1766, Madison Sq...
...This "trickle-up" process has been repeated in virtually every community, including Harlem, which has not always been predominantly black and/or poor...
...In the past, it is true, various ethnic groups recycled, the housing that trickled down to them from above...
...Bill Axe, The Trinitarian Friars, P.O...
...JOSEPH A. KOMONCHAK Catholic University Commonweal welcomes letters on subjects treated in its pages...
...Microfilm from Vol...
...63r six times...
...The fear that rent con- trol will further erode profit margins prompts many rental unit owners to seek condominium conversions...
...Ac- tually, 90 percent of Sweden's produc- tive forces are privately owned, a far higher proportion than in Britain, Italy, France, and South Africa, that bastion of free enterprise that the Reagan adminis- tration is fostering...
...The fact is that low-income housing has been unprofitable --on its own --for decades...
...has a strong dollar, which is attract- ing West European (EEC) money to the U.S...
...way's unemployment was 1.8 percent, Sweden's was 2.3 percent and Finland's was 4.1 percent...

Vol. 111 • September 1984 • No. 15

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