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The Naked Public Square
Sullivan, William M.
all over the prince's kingdom is not missed. The cat, who is ordinary material seem made of finer stuff than is actually the Cinderella's only friend and confidant, seems to be more case. So far...
...Failure might have the accepted practice in the Soviet Union where a text is seen as threatened the company's entire existence...
...In each of the cities in which benefit performances sisters try to stuff grossly unsuitable feet into its tiny confines...
...Dances devised for the Struggling free of a major burden of debt by assuming the costs principals axe consistently less interesting and inventive...
...beautifully timed, and imaginative...
...of "Cinderella" were given, box office response was gratifyThe choreography at this character level is well shaped, ingly substantial, as well as for all other performances...
...The two performing success...
...So far this has not been so with "Cinderella...
...He has been proven right, but at a price...
...gious militancy is often not a substantive Commonweal: 4#0...
...naked square, a sandy arena of contend- ceived as a sacred enterprise...
...I have dominant, alternating between kittenish behavior and semi- seen three casts of principals: Megali Messac and Patrick human posturing...
...Again and again the slipper proves in intent...
...Jerry friendship...
...States is or ought to be a wholly secular argument...
...Instead, the pure- an opportunity for exercising individual display...
...This develops an interpretation of the recent context distinguishes The Naked Public political militancy of traditionalist Chris- Falwell and his compatriots finds its sig- Square from the already considerable lit- tianity which, while in disagreement nificance in a larger, longer-term proc- erature on the political significance of with the thrust of that movement, is dis- cess...
...Neuhaus For Neuhaus the uproar over the public ing interests bereft of any ties of civic notes that the opposition to the new reli- role of religion sparked by Rev...
...This is the development of a prac- traditional religious militancy, and tinctly at odds with the disdainful anxiety tice and understanding of public life Neuhaus's judgment of the value of the familiar in much contemporary discus- premised on the notion that the United religious right develops out of the larger sion of the fundamentalist resurgence...
...The cat, who is ordinary material seem made of finer stuff than is actually the Cinderella's only friend and confidant, seems to be more case...
...sisters, played en travestie by men, axe reliable knockabout Despite the glitter of the dtcor, the sumptuousness-- some-clowns exploited to the fullest, both at home and at the ball...
...The Naked Public Square with highly destructive potential...
...They have found it ambiguous the Prince visits their home...
...Just after comforting Cinderella who has Bissel, Marianna Tcherkassky and Danilo Rdojevic, and been berated by her domineering sisters, the cat suddenly Cheryl Yeager and Ross Stretton...
...been a success...
...into the scene of this production which takes advantage of Despite this lack of brilliance at the center, the ballet has every opportunity for humor...
...The cat seems to fit right assorted hangers-on...
...Only a tap on the shoulder by going to be a success, it would be a company, not a personal one of his soldiers makes them aware of his presence...
...The reaction of the public has been anything but irresistibly humorous as first the stepmother and then the ambiguous...
...If it were subjects facing the wrong way...
...developed star presences in the Soviet Union quite often make DON McDONAGH Books: AGAINST THE SECULAR PROJECT [ T HE SUDDEN APPEARANCE of a potent TBE NAEED PUBLIC SQUABE Neuhaus's book is an extended argu- religious new right on the American RELIGION AND DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA ment against the notion that American political scene just prior to the 1980 elec- Richard John Nenhaus democracy can survive in a purely secu- tion, and its continuing importance, pro- Eerclmans, $16.95, 280 pp...
...Cops' foolishness whenever possible...
...Neuhaus maintains that by de- The positive significance of the reli- which opens up the whole tangled matter nuding the public forum of religious gious new right is that "it is forcing to the of the relation between religion and meaning and references this secularist forefront the question of 'religious American public life and the beating of philosophy is destroying an irreplaceable America' --the ways in which the Amer- the relationship on a host of contempo- inheritance, leaving only a bleak and ican experiment is appropriately con-rary controversies...
...Three young women all Perhaps Baryshnikov and Anastos are correct in their but turn themselves inside out trying to fit into the slipper when analysis of the Prokofiev score...
...He is not a raphy so dutifully, as is the custom in the West, they found standard character in the story, but was introduced by Michael themselves pallid in comparison to the cat, stepsisters, and Fokine in a 1938 London production...
...Before starting work on the piece Baryshnikov The first entrance of the Prince to the ball finds all of his made it clear that he was not going to appear in it...
...All followed the choreog- pounces playfully at the bristles of her broom...
...lax society, a proposition which he re- vides Richard John Neuhaus with a gards as a poor though currently popular highly topical starting point for an impor- reading of our national identity and one William M. Sullivan tant argument...
...They of the most expensive production it has ever mounted, ABT almost cry out for the sort of movement ornamentation that is has made a courageous act of faith...
...Powerfully hearted scullion has saved the day...
...times oversumptuousness --of the costumes, and the wit, The four soldiers in the Prince's retinue tend to a Keystone there is an emotional lack in the ballet...
...But Neuhaus has a larger story to tell society...
Vol. 111 • August 1984 • No. 14
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