Week by Week

30 THE COMMONWEAL May 15, 1929 WEEK BY WEEK A PPARENTLY the McNary bill, affording as much farm relief as the President feels is consistent with the general welfare of the country, is...

...Today the issue has been nowhere more effectively decided than in France...
...Chesterton will return to the attack...
...that these concentrations in turn may be further amalgamated by holdingcompany tactics...
...May 15, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 31 ARE the methods of Herr Hugenberg entering into the affairs of United States journalism...
...But no matter...
...Approximately 170 groups with more than twelve hundred actors in their casts participated in a state-wide tournament, the finals of which were held in Madison...
...Grimes, the independents have easily held their own with the great bogy...
...The Conservatives are generally Britons believed to be dwelling under a cloud...
...We cannot quite escape the feeling, therefore, that it would set a better example to the country at large, and perhaps enhance the popular regard for college athletics, if, instead of releasing sports from economic pressure, Harvard were to use the healthy income from sports to release its lecture halls from a really stringent economic want...
...Company, assured the Federal Trade Commission that the capital stock of fourteen important journals had been heavily bought into by a concern vitally interested in what is called "public utilities propaganda...
...Much real work remains to be done there, of course, as elsewhere in the world...
...Chesterton makes this point grimly clear by appending a long list of the victims of judicial crimes, all of whom illustrate the truth of his contention that, "when those who build the sepulchre are really and truly the representatives or inheritors of those who threw the stones, it [the building] does not generally happen for hundreds of years...
...Whether the two men actually jumped their bail in El Paso, and whether the $750,000 found in their possession actually was stolen from the Chihuahua public treasury, as the World assumes...
...The really arresting thing about the editorial is the reminder it gives the reader of the strange principle upon which this genuinely liberal newspaper continues to place its sympathies in the struggle going on to the south of us...
...INEVITABLY—also fortunately—the announced plan of the Harvard Corporation to build up a $10,000,000 endowment fund for athRings on ^et^c PurP0Ses will stir up rabid discusrpi . rp sion in circles wider than purely academic ones...
...It is probthe Navy's able that he resented the slight cast Guns...
...THE NEW YORK WORLD comments editorially upon the arrest in New York of Salvador Ateca, a wealthy Spaniard, and Antonio Gomez Plunder Maquero, his secretary, on the charge Here and of attempting to smuggle arms to the There Mexican rebel army...
...Looking back over the two years represented in the publishers' summary, one recalls three or four "philosophical" and "religious" books which had a combined circulation of several millions, but not one of which made the least contribution to philosophy and religion, or did the least service for their purchasers...
...and he must have resented the implied suspicion of himself as an officer whose control of his men was to be investigated, not by his superiors, but by the coast guard...
...Churchill's final budget, upon which great hopes had been placed, manifested some progress, it contained nothing more exciting than the abolition of the tax on tea...
...But the country will, in all likelihood, soon proceed to witness a great and colorful senatorial combat which may end in a triumphant acquisition by the farmer of nothing at all...
...To LE CORRESPONDANT, about which the Abbe Klein writes in this issue, we extend our sincere felicitations for the centenary obserLe Cor- vance which has focused the attention , . of France upon its oldest review...
...As it is he put the doubters in a very sorry light, nor would they have appeared much less ridiculous if they had managed to pick up a bottle of Scotch...
...The most striking declaration is probably the stand "for control of the Bank of England by a public corporation, including representatives of the Treasury, the Board of Trade, industry, labor and the cooperative movement...
...George Duncan was named captain of this year's Ryder Cup team, much progress had already been made...
...Though his economics are dismissed by staunch Baldwinites as "faking," they apparently have tremendous publicity value which is being utilized through hook-ups and so forth...
...The result is an essay in a recent Salient of the sort that we have been hoping to see...
...Enthusiasm was general, and it has been predicted that next winter will see the number of companies and players doubled, at least...
...Watson's May-day address was, no doubt, a valiant and significant endeavor to halt this tide...
...Walter Hagen, asked to explain the overwhelming success of the Americans in the British Open which had just ended, declared that Englishmen were too lazy to make winning golfers...
...Books in this classi0 oo s fication increased 80 percent over 1925, while the total volume of publishing increased only 13 percent...
...It depends upon how seriously they believe in their own work...
...Despite The the contrary assurance of dates and Morality figures, the match was lost to us long of Golf before it was played...
...The wholesaler and independent retailer can more than match in economy, efficiency and merchandizing ability any other system—if they put aside all false pride, theories and ideas and work together...
...CAPTAIN OSTERHAUS of the United States cruiser Richmond is to be congratulated for permitting the liquor-questing coast guard to What Spikes board and search his ship...
...1 HE value of the kindly word has never, in sports, been more amply demonstrated than in the defeat of the American Ryder Cup team...
...Compston had practised for the match...
...The company appears to have been interested in making good investments and in providing a market for its newsprint—an item which it has not been able to dispose of at a profit...
...When Le Correspondant began to appear in 1829, a line of battle was still tautly drawn between those who identified the Catholic faith with old political regimes, and those who felt that the newest democratic forms of government which had developed out of an era of revolution were realities which the Church could safely accept...
...Hagen in place he went stale...
...The whole history of prohibition offers no spectacle sillier than this of enforcement agents examining every inch of a vessel of the fleet, even peering into the muzzles of the guns...
...SUMMARIES for 1927 just announced by the National Association of Book Publishers show that one-tenth of the 227,495,544 copies The Making published in that year were on religion , „ , and philosophy...
...and for ourselves we wish no better fate than to stand and work by its side...
...He became a slave-driver...
...J. Frank Grimes, president of the Independent Grocers' Alliance of America...
...Though this argument was not without its strong points, Senator Fess buttressed it with a lengthy defense of the McNary bill, in which the relief problem was boiled down to this question: how can the farmer get better prices without burdening the consumer too heavily...
...When Mr...
...And it is rumored that he addressed an imaginary reporter: "The Americans are a lazy lot...
...Speaking as majority floor leader, the Senator declared bluntly that the debenture plan would neither be accepted by the House nor signed by the President...
...The vigilance of the American authorities in the matter of arms shipments," so runs the comment, "has been a constant grievance to Mexican rebels...
...and that pressing on one button may eventually write a thousand editorials...
...And it will be difficult to declare yourself, even in England, as the representative of the party which accomplished the momentous stunt of removing tuppence from the price of orange pekoe...
...Though Mr...
...Further, one comes to the conviction that an old order of travel has been restored in America, for those, at least, who are hardy enough to avail themselves of it...
...Practice must be the order of the day...
...Britain had been shown the way to revenge...
...Wherever this has been done, according to Mr...
...It must be that suffering discomforts in common eventually establishes between them a sort of spiritual rapport, and one would think that they would begin to regale each other with confidences and stories whenever a stop was made for lunch, much in the manner of Chaucer's pilgrims...
...coaches, too, came from the University to direct rehearsals...
...Finally the Labor party has appeared with a "moderately Socialistic" program, in the fashioning of which Mr...
...One is impressed by the fact that Mr...
...One may be pardoned for surmising that this inquiry is too complex to be answered with such a simple response as the new bill makes...
...MacDonald has had the lion's share...
...The snowfall was heavier than in any year since Wisconsin I9I2> tne temperature dropped, at Winter times, to forty degrees below zero, the roads were almost impassable, and an epidemic of influenza in December and January forced schools and movie theatres in many sections to close their doors...
...In other words, his best chances for remaining an independent are to adopt the methods of the chain...
...So far, however, the incident reveals nothing that should cause serious alarm...
...He Leads notes that, while she is often, and justly, praised for going slow, she should occasionally, with equal justice, be praised for going fast...
...Hagen's kidding...
...The gain, of course, has not been all to the good...
...or whether Ateca is simply being deviled at the instigation of the Mexican Vice-Consul here for his known sympathies with the Mexican rebels, as his indignant attorney charges— must be left for legal inquiry to determine...
...IT HAS often struck us as curious that the far-faring autobus has not been generally adopted by travel writers, not only as a means of getting The Auto- mto rather more intimate touch with bus—Its the countryside than the train affords, Literature but also for what it offers, in itself, as copy...
...As things are now, however, it may be well to reflect, with the New York World, upon the immediate problems of journalistic independence which grow out of social, political and personal relations...
...Oakley was never very comfortable ; that on several occasions he was uneasy, and that his trip lasted two days and a half...
...They will not admit the necessity of practice...
...Certainly the fact that the World is committed to the defense of the epical looters who are in the saddle in Mexico City need not lead it into ineptitude...
...He therefore concluded, with typical Hoosier wisdom, that the thing to do was to shower such blessings upon agriculture as were available...
...30 THE COMMONWEAL May 15, 1929 WEEK BY WEEK A PPARENTLY the McNary bill, affording as much farm relief as the President feels is consistent with the general welfare of the country, is headed for trouble...
...No wonder President Glenn Frank of the State University is optimistic for the "development of a folk-theatre and a folk-drama that will sink its roots in the soil of Wisconsin...
...Competitions were held between the various societies of each county, and many villages, having seen the productions of their own players, exchanged companies and programs with other villages...
...The present plan seems calculated to dampen the ardor of those who are asked repeatedly to give for educational needs...
...A strong and organized body of independents will always assure continued competition to the chains, and the consumer, who has overwhelmingly approved the advantages of cash-and-carry marketing, will be in less fear of falling one day in the hands of a monopoly...
...Every day his stalwarts must practise, every day cultivate the will to win...
...He adopts the cash-and-carry system or its logical development, the self-service plan...
...He says not merely that he will "relieve" this malady, but states precisely what the cure will be and how it will work...
...Lloyd George has galvanized the Liberal party back into vigorous existence by concentrating upon unemployment...
...Perhaps when the Great American Novel is written, it will shape into The Tales of an Autobus Lunch Room...
...It is true that the Church property of Mexico has furnished Calles and Company with pickings beside which the alleged boodle of Serior Ateca pales into pocket money...
...The maintenance of independence against these subtler influences," says the World, "depends at last upon the personal and professional self-respect of newspapermen themselves...
...It was perhaps as a gesture of defiance against such winters that amateur dramatic societies were organized all over the rural districts of the state on a scale which has probably never been attempted before in this country...
...They are also too cocky...
...History abounds with instances of it...
...if it is to be supplemented by an equal vigilance regarding loot, they will feel keenly hurt...
...upon the navy...
...Newspaper headlines reporting that the cruiser had been boarded and searched were startling enough to look at over a Sunday morning breakfast, but it was a small surprise compared to that which lurked in the statement that the search had been ordered by the prohibition office on no information more reliable, on no charges more trustworthy, than those contained in an anonymous letter...
...A.S IN other states along the northern border, the past winter was felt severely in Wisconsin...
...There was an explanation...
...APPARENTLY the chain store is not so dangerous a threat to the existence of the independent grocer as has been generally supposed...
...The testimony of A. R. Graustein, president of Black on tne International Paper and Power ^r...
...Back of the plan lies the apparent motive of rendering sports independent of gate receipts...
...But Captain Duncan was not satisfied...
...JdRITISH voters face a very exciting campaign, in which the candidates of three rival parties will raise their voices in denunciation and prophHow Shall eCy...
...But there ought to be some more subtle method of leading the reader away from the suggested comparison than by pointing excitedly in the opposite direction at an opera bouffe figure enjoying his exile "on the Riviera, in Madrid or in Paris...
...Manuscripts were furnished by the Extension Division of the University and the State Traveling Library...
...Within the bus ride twenty or thirty people...
...It is not as if Harvard faced an acute economic crisis in its athletic activities...
...32 THE COMMONWEAL May 15, 1929 The income from a $10,000,000 endowment would pay the salaries of approximately one hundred professors...
...Then, too, it is cheaper than rail, which was the reason Mr...
...We are sure that Le Correspondant will continue to aid valiantly in the performance of this task...
...It took courage and skill to make the case for a new conciliation of liberty and authority...
...From respondant ., , . .r £ . the beginning or our own enterprise, the example of the literary effort sponsored by Montalembert, the Comte de Mun and their friends has meant inspiring guidance...
...It has been more than self-supporting, whereas, if we are to believe the many appeals of the Harvard Fund Council, the academic needs of the university demand a constant flow of fresh funds...
...The Harvard Athletic Association has a healthy surplus...
...The problem can hardly be handled as a purely internal affair...
...It would be interesting to see this whole thesis of the forehandedness of the Church worked out in detail...
...Archie Compston...
...even more effective than this, he standardizes his lines and cooperates with other independent units for buying...
...If he had turned back the boarding party under these circumstances, there is no doubt that public opinion would have backed him to the hilt...
...But this will hardly be enough to reassure those who still believe, quaintly enough, that such paltry academic needs as increased teachers' salaries and better lecture-hall and laboratory facilities should take precedence over the advertising medium which college sports have largely become...
...If we go back to the very beginning of a story," he says, "we very often find that the Church did actually do something which her foes ignored and even her friends forgot...
...If it is easier to find a publisher for work of substantial merit, it is easier, also, to provide the dignity of print for comment of the street-corner variety disguised as religious or philosophical, sometimes by no more than a title...
...Britain did not take kindly to Mr...
...They cannot stroll about, as on a train or boat...
...The Senate has, it is clear, Farming and giyen considerable support to a debenthe Se ate ture scneme wmcn it wished to append to the bill, partly in order to satisfy more vehement demands for relief and partly to embarrass the White House...
...He had brought his game to such a peak of perfection that after putting Mr...
...There is, for example, the case of Saint Joan of Arc, whose condemnation the May 15, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 33 Pope reversed in the lifetime of her contemporariei "about as soon as anybody could have expected anything of the sort to be reversed...
...It was lost two summers ago when Mr...
...And of course they succeeded...
...A step of this sort creates a fad which other colleges are apt to follow, and a public impression which may not reflect happily on our national attitude toward higher education...
...Into the Channel with laziness...
...Hagen reestablished himself personally in the graces of golfers overseas by taking with great good nature the worst drubbing a champion has ever received at the hands of Mr...
...Nevertheless Mr...
...IN A recent issue of the Universe, Mr...
...Hagen, Farrell, Sarazen, Watrous, Turnesa—all these great men went down in the name of an aroused Britain...
...Chesterton turns the startling common sense which has produced the highest average of quotability in When our time upon a little-considered aspect the Church of the Church's universal Tightness...
...They had the ability, he intimated, but were sadly lacking in the will to practise and the will to win...
...Captain Duncan received the cup...
...The success of these books may be put down to the appeal which advertisements of them made to the curious, but curiosity alone will not explain the other 18,000,000 books...
...But there is significance in the possibility that journals of opinion may ultimately be bound up with huge concentrations of industrially employed capital...
...In the last analysis, the report must be interpreted as one more sign of the reawakening of modern America's interest in religion and philosophy...
...We hope that Mr...
...By this action, Callistus III not only beat secular and humanitarian historians by something like five centuries in the case of that particular saint, but also set a general example which the rest of humanity has not precisely tumbled over itself to follow...
...There follow jocose and telling details about the inevitable connection between patriotism and plunder in the typical "leader of a Latin-American uprising," with a concluding picture of the swag being transported abroad to serve as "consolation for an exile on the Riviera, in Madrid or in Paris...
...He discussed a number of ways in which the independent is meeting the competition of the chains...
...At least The this was the drift of remarks addressed Independent to the National Chamber of Commerce Grocer by Mr...
...Oakley Johnson decided for it this past winter when he found it necessary to make a journey from Detroit to New York...

Vol. 10 • May 1929 • No. 2

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