
McGuire, Harry & Bregy, Katherine & Crowley, Paul & Kerwin, Jerome G. & McCormick, John F. & Fiske, A. Longfellow & Fitzpatrick, Edward A. & jr., James W. Lane & Bandini, Albert R.

October z, i9z 9 THE COMMONWEAL S65 BOOKS Business and Civilization Frontiers of Trade, by Julius Klein. New York: The Gen- tury Company. $a.5o. HE author of this work has been for...

...And, fittingly, the word "beauty" runs like a strong warp through the Navajo songs, those stately prayers and paeans addressed to the spirits that watch over the earth...
...The chief motive of the author seems to have been to re-create the times of Our Lord, and to make Him live for us as the human yet divine Saviour... sponsors pilgrimages, educational tours, summer resorts, athletic events...
...He enjoyed the insouciance of refusing to verify a quotation because "the weather has turned fine again and I am in no mood for research...
...Belloc lets it do its own preaching, with merely a hint of joy that such things could be, of pain that such things should be allowed to slip away from mankind...
...This is especially evident in the footnotes, which, in the main, are of an interpretative character rather than a pious comment, to which latter purpose are generally directed Dr...
...JEROME G. KERwI~r...
...A CONVERSATION WITH AN ANGEL has, perhaps, the most beguiling title of this collection, but in point of fact it is scarcely the most beguiling essay...
...Klein bowing low before an admiring world and awaiting the applause of the competing nations...
...Its erudition, we believe, while not obtrusive, will be discerned by the scholar...
...There is a lack of critical evaluation of certain performances of the United States in the field of world trade...
...le Is tile MOUNT WASHINGTON, MARYLAND author of A Living Wage...
...So beautiful and noble is their tale that, in my memory at least, the company of Romeo and Juliet has now been joined by Laughing Boy and Slim Girl...
...A large part of the praise of American business genius is justified, but a little less of it would do...
...The treatment of chronology is interesting and well-reasoned...
...Klein, a grave difficulty when European tariff schedules are subject to change by the issuance of executive decrees, but there is evidently no possibility of difficulty with the so-called "flexible provisions" of our own tariffs, past and present...
...It is by far the simplest thing in the book, the most beautiful, the one which he has himself fdt most deeply...
...And in such an achievement--if there be quite such another in captivitymas Getting Rid of People, it is at once devastating and enchanting...
...His subject is so important that the student ought, at least, to glance at this volume...
...New York: The Gentury Company...
...Aims in Teaching Religion...
...The old virtues of self-control, of decreasing one's wants to increase one's satisfactions, have gone, and in their stead is the sophist cry of modern big business (when it is not too conscientious) to make the worse appear the better reason... ddt,0m yee m M spSs'~m~ ~ for the PropapUon of .the F.aith, and Director of the Bureau of Cathohn I Charities, Ri~, Vtrgtma...
...The book is a story of two Navajo lovers on the trail of beauty...
...Although experimentation with theme and form 133rd Street and Cony, at Avenue, N,w YeSk result, in Mr...
...Her work has been so carefully done, is at once so loving and so self-effacing, that one feels entirely the solid value of its materials, and very largely the absorbing charm of its subject...
...WagCOLLEGB OF TI-IB SACRBD I-IBART ner's writing...
...Aim similar yolders containing fist pttW going taR, returning water, tad via I"hvtm~ if i~.xpe,u/ye ~/ps...
...HE Navajo Indians of the Southwest are creators of beautiful things--Navajo blankets, fine pottery, jewelry for both horse and man in hammered silver studded with turquoise...
...translated by Henry Longan Stuart...
...It is "new" because the version has been made ex novo and also because no Italian Bible had been published so far t in this particular form--under Catholic auspices...
...They [the makers of phonograph horns] bombarded the Department of Commerce with requests for outlets overseas, and it was not long before careful searching in the newly prospering oil districts in Latin America and rubber plantations of the far East revealed an abundance of extra wages combined with not too sensitive and discriminating ears for music which soon provided the desired outlet...
...For the formula, "Man has a soul," he would substitute, "Man is a soul...
...For parti~l, rs dad in/ormation write t& FARLEY TRAVEL AGENCY ,3, mh ^--,~ N. Y. Phames Murray Hill 8390-8391...
...In fact everything dark, mysterious, backward and semi-civilized is mediaeval to Dr...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Gompany, Incorporated...
...New York: A= Sss~m School with Wm~m~ Vi~p~ A Notth~ School ~ SoUtlM~naumm Coward-McCann, Incorporated...
...we must not retard them because if we do, the cost of production will rise and goods will be more expensive...
...CULLEN BII.ATTAIN is a Washington writer...
...he might get to like them, he might even come to respect them...
...With portraits and other illustrations...
...This has been made possible . . . particularly through the natural flowering of national genius and character...
...It is just the description of the Christmas feast as it is still kept in an old English home by an English Catholic family, with a11 its wealth of traditional piety and mirth and good-fellowship...
...Though the purpose is first of G ORI-IAM all to show how much of "early human tradition" is present Fifth Avenue at 47th Street, New York in the Scriptures, the result is abundant evidence regarding the universality of fundamental religious intuitions...
...We are all now familiar with the case: about twenty-five years ago American industry, trammeled by a bizarre European philosophy of utilitarianism, adopted the theory that high wages were limited only by inferior productivity of labor and that profit should be pure surplus...
...Nor is it sufficient for so rich a topic as, for instance, Poverty...
...And as to the nature of the soul he goes back, he tells us, to primitive man and the preCartesian philosophy to identify the soul with life...
...HE author of this work has been for several years director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in the United States Department of Commerce...
...But in a very ditterent mood has he approached the coneluding essay on A Remaining Christmas...
...aria wamingm n srriv...
...At this stage one pictures Dr...
...The needs of the present day are perhaps better served by the Italian Bible's method...
...A wide knowledge of Jewish lore adds to the contour of a chronicle deftly rearranged...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Incorporated...
...Dom Maur Sablayrolles of the French Congregation of Benedictine...
...A~sx B~cxw~ PAY~ is a North Carolina PO...
...The book, with all its clipped dogmatism, is writtenmmuch more powerfully than appears on its surface--in the spirit of those advertisements of certain bakeries which say: "Eat More Bread...
...JAMS$ W. L~lq]g ~x.., is a general critic of literature r~iding in Nqw York...
...He belittles the fact that our souls are imperiled as we tame the wild energies of gas and electricity, compounded in machines...
...It may not be the greatest of biographies, but it is truly a valuable contribution to the world's Christological literature...
...I think it exhibits a tendency toward a liberality of interpretationmI mean that it seems to take advantage of all the latitude allowed by strict orthodoxy...
...There is prodigious learning not displayed but implied in the little essay entitled If...
...and Social Reconstruction...
...Garrett's way of thinking, a matter of overproduction and ought to make a nation prosperous...
...The book is divided into four parts: The Field of Religion Methods...
...A~^u DAY ha been a ne .wspape~ ,.~.rresponde~t tot several years, specializin~ in foreign and nattonal politics...
...The new version has been made by six priests and one layman, under the general direction of the Reverend Giovanni Castoldi, following a policy outlined in the short preface: "This version is from the Latin text of the Vulgate, except in those passages where the Vulgate fails to correspond to the Hebrew or Greek original...
...Belloc Converses A Conversation with an Angel and Other Essays, by Hilaire Belloc...
...All the annoying details of tariff administration in Europe came in for a very just condemnation, but only passing notice without condemnation is given to the Fordney-McCumber Act which provides that foreign goods may be denied entry into this country unless the American Treasury Department is allowed to examine the books of the exporters to ascertain the costs of production...
...Also, The Farewell Supper, Anguish and Agony, The Tragic Day, are written with remarkable faithfulness to detail and reveal an intimate knowledge as well as sympathy...
...Garrett admits that there is no profit in industry as a whole and says that the profit-makers are the low-cost producers...
...A VOLUMINOUS sensibility is a matter of the soul and can produce a great poet or saint or philosopher...
...The chapter Hosannah makes Our Lord's triumphal entry into Jerusalem as real and vivid as the portrayal of a thrilling, climactic incident in a modern novel...
...A good many of us seem not to mind machines, and we have not been rendered unamiable by them, whether they are cars or planes...
...A voluminous industry is, according to Mr...
...October 2, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 567 Artless Fragrance 14Zho Then Is This ManT, by M~lanie Marnas...
...The author has arranged an orderly, logical sequence of events in the life of Christ without doing injury to the Four" Gospels...
...It is too good to be true... the Mountain Song "On a trail of beauty with a god I walk...
...RAIL and MOTOR tug New York Sunday evening, Nov...
...New York: Houghton Mi~lin Company...
...Klein walks the "straight and narrow" to avoid the controversial issues of domestic politics...
...New York: GORHAM The Oxford University Press...
...But as for overproduction, it bears about as much relation to the satisfactions of life', which depend upon a voluminous sensibility, as the tuning of a piano does to the playing of a masterpiece...
...and .Limt~ic...
...J~aou~ G. K~wls is a member of the department of political science and public law at the University of Chicago...
...The most ambitious effort of the Cardinal Ferrari in the publishing line is, of course, the production of the new Italian Bible...
...Today those glorified horns of plenty are piercing the quiet jungles and workmen's barracks in the tropics all around the world...
...30 lire...
...A~tehamt the patterns and themes that are the conventions of poetry, a Cho~ Couducu...
...5.oo at all bookstores CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 9 NEW YORK many volumes and with great abundance of notes, some of them not quite in keeping with modern views...
...Acc~dit~d High School Depar~nenc i F.~w~,a~ A. Fx~z~Taxcx, dean of the Graduate School, Marquette /MMACULATB HEART COLLEGE University, editor of the Catholic School Journal and the Marquette Hollywood, California Monographs on Education, ss the author of ~veral books on educatxon and economtc.s...
...but somehow, neither wit nor even a quite exquisite irony seems sufficient for a subject so steeped in poetry, in fancy, in pathos...
...jects of controversy...
...If nationhood is to produce choice, distinctive, and "racy" individuals, as Salvador de Madariaga holds, we on the contrary would sell that birthright to business for its mess of pottage...
...and Poets and Pil,8~rims...
...and, finally, i t is engaged in a vast movement of propaganda through the printed word by means of two daily papers, many weeklies, magazines and circulating libraries...
...Klein really thinks of our own tariff barriers to trade set up to protect such lusty infants of industry as the steel and aluminum interests...
...Particularly must he have enjoyed disposing of the literary seer who announced that the world would end next summer, by his terse conclusionw"I don't believe it...
...In beauty it is finished...
...This book is a poem in prose based on the realities, instead of the usual bizarre fictions, of those who find life good in smoky hogans, in racing horses, in planting a bit of corn and tending some sheep...
...We m~f Prepare Ym~ ~ Fm H/~ Sd~o~--Rxcc.Anno SAVtSX writes c~ Italian affairs...
...This, he recognizes, is a reversion to Aristotle, and he is even willing to use the word, "entelechy," meaning thereby "something which contains an aim within itself, a purposive, unitary process...
...The experts will in time appraise the new Bible's exegetical value...
...HE credit for this publication goes to the famous Opera Cardinal Ferrari which is now in Italy a tremendous force for Catholic Action...
...I must add that many editions of the Latin Vulgate have been available in Italy (any educated Italian would be able to use them) and that partial vernacular translations have been quite numerous--those of the New Testament in particular...
...The author is a French writer, and her style, while not as we say "journalistic," still is realistic...
...Clmt't~l Institution for the Higher Education of Wom~m H,~tnv McGux~ is the edttor of Outdoor Ltf~ A. LOS~I~JA~OW FXSKg, a convert to Catholicism, was formerly pastor Four-year College Course leading to Collegiata Degree of Be~a~n Presbyterian Church, Omaha, Nebraska...
...It operates schools, shops, hotels, asylums for all human miseries...
...The narrative moves rapidly as she follows Our Lord through His public ministry on to His sacrificial death and resurrection...
...It is therefore an epitome and needs to be supplemented...
...Yet Mr...
...Josph's Church, Cotati, Caltforuia, and author of aterea rlma translation of Dante's Inferno...
...lice Meynell's writing daughter has done her work well...
...There are certain "high spots" in the book that lift and inspire the soul...
...the young man an almost idealized type of primitive, his young wife as fine a type as he, but tarnished by her past as the result of six years in schools under American "guardianship...
...A Fine First Novel Laughing Boy, by Oliver La Farge...
...Here the concept of the formal cause seems to fade out into a mere echo of Bergson...
...Business is carried on in ways more honest and just since it has "emerged from the darkness of mediaevalism...
...Their successful struggle to lead the calm true life of their people comes to a dramatic climax after the husband discovers that a white man has continued in his wife's life through the two years of their idyllic marriage...
...Besides, the language of the Martini version, though quite "pure," sounds a little stilted to modern ears...
...The writer does not wish to be listed among those who condemn the catechetical methods in the catechism... Garet Garrett...
...JAMI~S W. LANE, JR...
...and at the end of each of the exquisite hymns, the Night Chants, there comes the repeated cry, "In beauty it is finished...
...Garrett does not consider all that of which, despite the socialness of modern business, standardization and industrial education have bereft modern man...
...The style is good and quite free of the technical verbiage which makes more dismal the reading of most works in the dismal science of economics...
...The value of his judgment on certain phases of international trade is impaired by his too careful regard for the pet theories of those politicians who believe the American tariff policy has been divinely revealed to Payne, Aldrich, Fordney, McCumber, Hawley and Smoot...
...But the plot, fine as it is, does not matter vitally in this book...
...Garrett tells us that the machines of big business must be kept going at ideal capacity...
...New York: Alfred A. Knop...
...Astley has succeeded particularly well, one feels, in his discussion of rest days, religious dances and primitive sacramentalism...
...In the Protection Song there is "the beautiful trail of old age...
...This doctrine of overproduction in big business is the theme of The American Omen, and the presentation of it offers little or no challenge to the modern mind...
...He implies something still more fundamental in attacking false historlans--the fault of not understanding "the spiritual state of those whom one describes" --and the modern fetish of false or half-baked "science," with "other magical words divorced from reason and used as talismans" first by journalists, then by the man in the street...
...The book is therefore a useful compendium, and serves the purpose of making way for a more critical and pedagogically sounder discussion...
...HIS is an effort to bring together comprehensively a great deal of information regarding the aims and methods of teaching religion, and more particularly, of the catechism...
...Consequently, there must be both prior devices and supplementary material...
...The author in his preface describes rather accurately his purpose and his accomplishment: "In some respects the book breaks new ground, and therefore is offered with some timidity...
...But no edition was available except in 568 THE COMMONWEAL October 2, I9z9 The Catholic University School of Liturgical Music THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C. Date of Opening September 24 Courses Offered: Justine Ward Method of Teaching School Music, I, IX, HL IV (Sdfegglo) Gregorian Chant, m Elementary and advanced Courses Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue, Polyphony Training and Conducting Boy's Choir Private and Ensemble Lessous,--Vocal, Organ, Piano Gregorian Chant to be taught by Rev...
...wherewith his argu566 THE COMMONWEAL October 2, I929 ment for overproduction, or the increased power of per capita production, fails flat...
...Readers will be especially interested in the first two parts and particularly in the second which is perhaps the best part of the book...
...Klein is so lavish in his allotment of credit to trade that one is left with little to say in behalf of priest, scholar and explorer...
...What really makes this one of the most significant first novels of our generation is its accurate and sympathetic portrayal of Indian life...
...Belloc can imply a whole philosophy of criticism while conversing about the books he does not intend to read or the authors who "get right into the souls of people who do not interest" him...
...So the process of making the catechism the be-all and end-aU of instruction, its sole content and the memorization of it the net result is condemned by inference if not by direct statement...
...its simple style adapted with perfect harmony to the naive speech and the rhythm of existence of the Navajos...
...Klein is quite enthusiastic over the contributions to modern civilization of business and the business man...
...That is a hint of the plot...
...The reader himself must make an appraisal of this material...
...The only complete Catholic Bible in Italian which has had a somewhat wide distribution is that translated and annotated by Monsignor A. Martini, archbishop of Florence, in the last quarter of the eighteenth century...
...And above this artful picture of a nomadic, pastoral people, so little understood by our age, there looms the romance of two tragic lovers, haunting the imagination and touching the heart with strange, sweet sadness...
...Father Sharp expects that others will come along and build on his foundation, for he says, among other things, "more questions have been raised than answered...
...So too, in his appraisal of the contributions of commerce to civilization, Dr...
...dlrtetor ?t the 8o~1 .Aett oQ I MOUNT COUHTRY FOR BOYS[ CONTRIBUTORSWASHINGTON SCHOOL Lsepartment , o~ fJ~te ~atsonaJ ~tllol~ We/tare Uonterence...
...Not all other versions have paid attention to this (which seems to me the case with our current Douay-Rheims text) though the necessity for it, of course, is a question of literary taste...
...The New Italian Bible La Sacra Bibbia...
...But Mr...
...New York: Benziger Brothers...
...But Mr...
...So vivid is the gospel of the day that Mr...
...And by the same token it is the one any sensitive reader will feel most deeply, too...
...October z, i9z 9 THE COMMONWEAL S65 BOOKS Business and Civilization Frontiers of Trade, by Julius Klein...
...He enjoyed that sudden vision of sky, of sea, of waterfall, which ends his talk on Laughter...
...The review of the history of the catechism is interesting became of the emphasis on the fact that it is a book that was originally intended for the teacher, and its form consequently is too abstract and too condensed for children...
...17--A ddigh.~.u[ $eml [or descriptive two weeks' Autumn trip at moderate mat...
...There is hardly any social activity that the company has not taken under its wings...
...There is in it a remarkable unity in spite of its multiple authorship and the consideration which has been given the separate literary categories of the original books... such cases the original has been followed in the body of the translation and the text translated from the Vulgate has been given in a footnote...
...WAL~ ~. tqorr Is a dtocesan mrector oz tug ronti~caJ ~oct.~.y Itmeavedem LtJt~Feam .t...
...Address The Secretary ALICE ME YNE L A Memoir by her daughter Viola A4eynell The record of the literary activities which established the fame of Alice Meynell as poet and essayist...
...HARRY MeGrim...
...Viola Meynell has rifled her rich family archives for us and we are very grateful...
...Astley's Medah Vr Triptyda book is neither consecutive nor firm enough to invite full confidence, and of course his position is so radically different from Altar Appointments--Church Der our own that we should like to make a hundred points subMmaict--Tableu--,Stained Ghu Window...
...Challoner's notes in our current English editions...
...Nearer the Bone, by Charles .4...
...It is a clarion appeal for consumption, perhaps overconsumption, as alone yielding satisfaction...
...2, teturnlng st close nf meetings bF rail ~t...
...There are numerous highly interesting and often amusing accounts of activities in the field of world trade...
...The least satisfactory part of the book is that one which is called The Tools of Teaching Religion, where the lesson plans are made to fit into the mold of the Herbartlan steps, and where there is no critical evaluation of the dubious graphic illustrations which are so freely given in the book...
...translated from the German by Bernard elall... Gibbon...
...The work is well worth a careful reading...
...It is," says Father Sharp, "therefore freely admitted that of itself the catechism is not suited to the image-loving, senseminded and wondering child...
...HIS, as the author tells us, is not a systematic treatise, but rather a series of essays dealing with questions of the soul...
...HERE is a certain realism as well as naturalness characterizing this book, which is not at all compendious but is a story told succinctly and in a spirit of reverence and faith...
...But how triumphant is the play of this particular Belloc brand of irony, with its pitiless precision, its neighborly malice, its apt allusiveness, when it gallops into a discussion of Epigrams, or of Academic Hate, of Speech-Making or that "gratuitous, cheerful and complete mendacity" which he charitably charges up to The Creative Muse...
...He is evidently very close to the concept of the formal cause, but does not quite grasp it...
...It is not metaphysics, it is not theology, and the critical method of treatment is almost entirely lacking...
...DL J'oas A. RYAN is prof~aor of mm'al theology apd iadu~rial ethics the Catholic.Univ_eJ2si~ of A m~'w.~., .and...
...We see Him as the Jesus of flesh and blood moving about among His Disciples, the pharisees, and the multitudes whom He addressed and with whom He freely mingled...
...Every beginning is difficult, and the author is painfully aware of defects in an attempt that should engage our very best minds...
...GItI~m~SBURG~ PA...
...It is all of a "most ingenious wit...
...Thunder is "the voice that beautifies the land...
...Business must be guided by the scientific control of economic circumstances...
...Aristotle, moreover, would refuse to go with him in his 57 THE COMMONWEAL October 2, x929 Briefer Mention Biblical `4nthropolog~, by H. J. D. Astle...
...In the Daylight Songs the word is echoed again and again...
...AJ~.~T R. BASVINI is pastor of St...
...And, although a serious situation in cotton developed early this year, we have decreased strikes and lock-outs and improved the standards of living of industrial employees...
...The learned author should meet a few professors socially and professionally...
...As I turned the last page of this glorious novel by Oliver La Farge, that refrain hung with me, an indelible motif...
...Why overproduce if there is to be no profit anyway...
...oRs F. McCotMxcx, S.J., profeseor of philosophy at MarquetteUniverssty, is the president o~ the American Catholic Philosophical AssociationMeetings of National Conference Catholic Charities and Society of St...
...If one is to see business genius at its best, one is to look to these United States "where we can pay the American workman two or three times as much as our competitors, and yet undersell our rivals in the market of the world...
...Klein does not cite this as an example of the civilizing influence of business...
...A. LONGFI~LLOW FISKIL How to Teach Souls Aims and Methods in Teaching Religion, by John K. Sharp...
...Stalling masculine concision of thought and image less widely estranged Thooty~ ear t~ might ea~dmg, molody writing . . . lqr~,moay, M'W[~mr-~n~httlou C~omt . . ~-otypneey from the province of poetry than the tinkling strains to which L88s~ ilt Vocal Ptod~o~, ~ .Viol~ ]Piaao, pt'leatoly o~ tn cllms most of these pages are devoted...
...For starting with the sun-dial angel at Chartres, Mr...
...For some of this activity, however, we should penitently ask forgiveness of the civilized world... the suggestive paper on Translation...
...Machine Idealism The American Omen...
...The great service of this book is the fact that it brings together from a great range of sources a great deal of knowledge about the teaching of religion...
...Well, we attempt to be scientific nowadays...
...Of these essays the first, which he calls a chapter of metaphysics, is in many respects the best worked out and the most interesting...
...It is, according to Dr... has introduced a new and very effective method of missions...
...The Child to Whom We Teach Religion...
...One wonders, too, what such an able authority as Dr...
...Altogether, one knows this is the sort of book the author has enjoyed writing: and luckily for us, joy is contagious...
...Consequently, little that is original will be found in these pages, except the attempt to gather in one place the best that has been said upon this subject by competent authorities...
...Firenze: Libreria EditHce Fiorentlna...
...New York: Harper and Brothers... fact, she has skilfully constructed a "synoptic gospel" that includes Saint John and Saint Mark...
...the following passage is offered in explanation: "What becomes of the old-fashioned phonograph hornslthose lovely pale blue or radiant crimson and gold morning-glory contraptions...
...One Plea for Spiritualism Mysteries of the Soul, by Richard Miiller Freien[els...
...I mean that the classical poetry of the Psalms, for instance, and the simple narrative of the Synoptics are properly rendered with a different language tonality...
...Angtunnnel unarteston, ~. t...
...its rare insight into the beauties in the soul of the most essentially spiritual human being in North America, the Indian...
...ECCLESIASTICAL PRODUCTIONS THw rdigions implications of anthropological science are attracting much attention, and will doubtless prove an imRo~ Candl~ck_, Vue~ C, mdfim Ommoria P,/m ~ Oil Stoda portant consideration in future apologetic...
...We may not have become from standardization and mass production the mindless automata that some prophets of doom heralded, but our free will has been noticeably diminished...
...and while few moderns, save impoverished Orientals or Arabs or suppressed Jews like things done with stint, a more economical frame of mind might befit modern business...
...It is a woman, one feels convinced after closing Who Then Is This Man?, who has given us the most artless and fragrant story of the Redemption that ever came from a believing heart...
...The chapters on certain phases of the work of the Department of Commerce deserve special praise...
...Wagner's hands, mainly in the commonplace, AUTUMN AND WINTEE SESSION there are to be found in verses that more strictly adhere to Jwtino Ward Method, Cmmms I, If, Ill Gt~a Oust G,ngo~i...
...and The Tools of Teaching Religion...
...Yet the soul is "not a thing, but a happening, a continuity of activities of an extremely complicated kind...
...The narrative palpitates with feeling and sympathy, and after reading the book through, and particularly the last vivid chapter, Marvel on Marvel, the reader is inclined to agree with the translator, the late Henry Longan Stuart: "It was a woman, her heart aflame with love and sorrow, who once poured the balm of her ointment on the Saviour's feet and hair...
...The Commonweal...
...IMMACULATE HEART COLLEGE F~T~XeZ~Z B~d~Y, critic and poet, is the author o~ The Poet's HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA Chantry...
...Vincent De Paul At New Orleans, Nov...
...One wonders," he writes, "what would have been the fate of latent genius in all the fields of art and letters throughout the ages had it not been for the continued and still continuing patronage of these 'mercenary magnates' whom the present-day literati delight to lampoon...
...That it makes Our Lord live, and His times real, and increases one's faith, is perhaps the greatest tribute of appreciation that we can give to it...
...And so on through the introduction and the interesting chapter on Commerce and Civilization...
...9 to 14 FALL TOURS ^ ~dn~ ~ .ill leave New York b, New Steam*~ DIXIE Nov...
...Business has exploited backward peoples, but that was generally due to the governmental or political forces with which it was allied...
...True this clause has recently been slightly modified because of the protests of the French government...
...It deserves a wide reading, and both scholar and ordinary layman will find the book fascinating...
...I feel confident that Bible scholars will find the result not only beautiful for its language and style but important in the exegetical sense...
...C~/q~ Wo~ F~om l~s/mmm $ta*, . PImb " :. INDIFFERENT editing has caused to be hidden among verses that remind one of polite valentines and greeting cards, wall mottoes and newspaper lyrics, those felicities of phrase, PlUS X SCHOOL OF LITURGICAL MUSIC verse or stanza that are sometimes to be found in Mr...
...Even so, it is a well-informed, suggestive and fascinating book...
...Belloc trots off in a vein of characteristic irony--not to say hilarity--to dispose of sun-dial mottoes in general...
...There resulted the modern business phenomena of combining the processes of manufacture, of rapid turnover in production, of profits, of higher wages, of higher consumption power, and of a higher standard of living...
...He has gathered his materials from many sources, and has found gold in unexpected places...
...During these years he has been closely associated with Herbert Hoover, who supplies a foreword for the present work...
...Here certainly is a very beautiful and reverential tribute of a devout woman to the Christ...
...but the fact remains that statistical standards of existence are spiritually crippling to the vitality of men...
...Therefore he thinks of llfe as a force, not in the mechanical sense, but in the sense of a cause, as, in fact, "the unitary cause which we must accept for the formation and maintenance of an organism...

Vol. 10 • October 1929 • No. 22

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