
Sherwood, Grace H. & Boyd-Carpenter & McCormick, John F. & Hawks, Edward & Engels, Vincent & O'Sheel, Shaemas & Reilly, Joseph J. & Brunini, John Gilland

452 T H E C O M M O N W E A L September 4, I929 BOOKS Calvert Land The History of Maryland, by Matthew Page ~fndrews. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company. $7.e5. R. ANDREWS has...

...yoI<N F. McCoa~tlex, SJ., professor of 1~hilosophy at Marquette University, is the president of the American Catholic Philosophical Association...
...In this device a very full program of work is mapped out for the student...
...But these occasions are unfortunately too rare...
...The songs with which the masque is interspersed, however, are its shining merit...
...Jennie and Matthew remain as puppets who are jerked through situations which the author sedulously refuses to make dramatic...
...The Jesuits met him half way, as a perusal of the records will show...
...He is more or less clearly conscious of the purpose of getting an education, but how is he to find his way to that goal through the maze of the four-year program that is spread out before him...
...The story begins with a young Indian watching a boat round a bend in the Potomac, nearly three hundred years ago...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Incorporated...
...Had George Calvert not become a Catholic, it is doubtful if he would have established any colony in America...
...Beginning with the first Lord Baltimore's life and his colonization schemes, Newfoundland and, after its failure, Maryland, and ending with the last presidential election, it is comprehensive and up to date...
...The lines of morality, as well as those of politics, cannot be compared with the ideal lines of mathematics...
...CONCERNING RUTH PITTER deals with a writer upon whom Mr...
...ERE, while we can still enjoy good prose for its own sake, is a book to rejoice in...
...Those who thought him to be behind the times will find it difficult to understand how he could prophesy almost to a day, the beginning of the great world war, and how, when men were boasting of their intelligence, he should announce the present lawlessness of thought and action...
...EDWARD I-IAwzs is pastor of the ehurck of Saint Joan of Are, Philadelphia...
...Not to read it is to miss something of alert awareness of the threats against us and the grounds for hope and faith...
...Millin's overweening pains to be cryptic and bleak in narrative form...
...First, the field of knowledge is being opened up to him and his mind is presumably being broadened thereby...
...Again, a perusal of the records reveals that the first clergymen who declined to sit in the Maryland assembly when they were entitled to sit because they were freemen were Jesuits...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Incorporated...
...The compiler has too many friends among the publishers, who possibly soon will seek for the interpreter of facts and tendencies as a safer guide for humanity and it~ more troublesome problems...
...This reprint proves the tale itself to be possessed of genuine vitality and holding power...
...The book falls naturally into two almost equal parts...
...To read them is an experience not quickly forgotten...
...BOYD-CAa~VENT~m Happy at Sixty-Seven Youth[ul Old dye, by [/Falter M. Gallichan...
...They constantly admit of exceptions...
...Thalia is a fable of the infinite variety and generosity of nature...
...This is no doubt due to the many years which Miss Richmond spent as a social worker in Baltimore and Philadelphia, followed by her twenty years' association with the Russell Sage Foundation...
...To accomplish this aim a number of university professors have contributed chapters on their specialties...
...Bazln tells us that it was the express wish of Leo XIII that this should be so...
...The issue will also contain several distinguished reviews...
...Round its columns the light-armed troopers ride, picking off a stupid one now and then . . . but with or without them we go on where our humanity, not their reason, calls us...
...Finley uses them with a delight and an enthusiasm tempered by a deep poetic guile...
...Mencken's function as a critic, he concludes: "The lumbering march of democracy goes on, the mob and masters of the mob, toward what end who knows...
...whereas some of us still think that the degree of imaginative sweep and the quality of the writing are of prime importance, whether an author knows what century he is living in or imagines himself in some age long past...
...In the matter of the treatment of the Indians by the Marylanders some credit must go to the Church to which the Calverts belonged if the history of Maryland is to be fairly written...
...Except for such things as these, which disturb the Catholic reader who knows his Maryland history, the book is interesting, pleasantly written and a mine of latter-day information about Maryland... the author of They Knew the Vffashingtons...
...We expect such a Pope to be misunderstood...
...But this is written not in criticism, but in definition...
...New York: Houyhton Mifflin Company...
...Both books seek for standardization of the law for marriage and its dissolution...
...We believe that Americana are as wholesome and fascinating as ever...
...But they all point to the same fact: that while the Catholic proprietary was in possession of his rights, religious toleration existed for all...
...When this happens, history is made...
...Her worst, which occurred during the French and Indian Wars, were brought upon her, one might say, by the'treachery of John Penn, the son of William, toward the Indians...
...IT IS not alone the magnificent title of Mr...
...Hollis's book immensely...
...the author of High Road...
...Williams's sea story which has survived the years...
...We are glad to say that Gotham B. Munson, a critic well known in general magazine circles, will be introduced to Commonweal readers through an essay on a new English poet...
...often subtle in its rhythms, with the glint of the indefinable touch of style playing over it...
...THOMAS'S MANOR, by Ethel Roby Hay&n, is great...
...Canby throws no particular light upon phases of that problem which must concern those for whom the Church supplies an eternal background for the passing phenomena of time, is merely to say that he has wisely kept silent where he has no positive thought to offer...
...In an essay on Mr...
...September 4, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 453 "Yonder's a house where siren breakfast From the roof-pot woos with yearning"-that, we submit, is hammering the point rather heavily...
...However, Maryland's share in the Civil War, the temperateness of its people, the real facts in the episode of the firing upon the Massachusetts regiment on April I9, I861, Maryland's recovery from the effects of the Civil War, her political history since, are told in an interesting and detailed way which fully atone for passing over some other things with less detail...
...The animals, no doubt in the fashion of reviewers, find the play remarkable chiefly because the men eat watercress--"Oh, wondrous, oh, too wild," says Fox, "to hear what men name good" --and allow their repose to be troubled by imaginary dangers...
...He is himself the victim of that tendency which militates against popularity for his own writings...
...A feature of the book which is unusual and should prove useful is the questionnaire with reading references given at the end of each chapter...
...But not to press this point, the title itself sufficiently indicates the aim of the book, to set before the freshman student or the general reader the results of modern scientific investigation...
...New York: The Russell Sage Foundation...
...His subjects and his approach to them are essentially modern, yet his idiom and syntax are as fixed in the seventeenth century as though there had been no poets since John Fletcher, or--with proper hesitatlon--John Milton...
...too often modifications are sought, and these modifications are sought and granted, not by the rules of mathematical logic, but by the rules of prudence, because prudence ranks high among the virtues--because prudence in directing becomes the standard of them all...
...But for the most part the adaptation of an old language to a new manner is attended with success...
...But with each year a little more comfort, a little more power, a little more opportunity to be a fool, or a knave, or a civilized individual, comes to the average, commonplace man...
...Again, in his statement of the difficulties between Lord Baltimore and the Jesuits, Mr...
...Bazin shows how both estimates are absurdly false...
...SHAEMAS O'S~EEL... is almost certain that he would not have established one where religious toleration was to prevail and where his co-religionists could be free of the penalties and proscriptions of the English laws in regard to their faith...
...HE editor tells us in his foreword that "the central, uniting theme is man's outlook on life--the universe as seen from different angles by men of science...
...Moral and political laws are in their application broad, deep and long...
...Porcupine is first to recognize that "God makes us all to live varied in sense And each as he can doth con his little sky...
...We challenge any assertion that there could be a more delightful combination...
...Nor is the credit for an amicable settlement due entirely to Lord Baltimore...
...He is prone to judge a work according to the degree in which it seems to express our times...
...of 40@ act~, Tennis, hockey, riding and oth~ sporta...
...GEACE H. SHERWOOn is an authority on M, aryland history and the author of a monograph on that subject...
...It will be of particular interest because the writer is not a member of the Catholic Church...
...Johnson, by Christopher HoUis... Home I~.canomics and in Education-College Teacher's Certificate, Standard Certificate--Secondary and Elementary Schools, Certification of Tedcher Training Courses to teach and supervise Arb Music, Commercial Science end Library Science...
...In the first part, of 136 pages, a portrait is skilfully delineated which will be recognized as faithful...
...Finley's blank verse is flexible enough to permit a variety of effect...
...And this we may hope is all to the good...
...becomes openly the playboy...
...In consequence what they were, why they were and where they were dissolves in a vagueness which is the direct result of Mrs...
...The stupid woodchuck, light-headed but amiable rabbit, cynical fox and sage porcupine, cogitating upon themselves in relation to the universe, find each other ridiculous...
...It was the fruit of true humility and obedience to grace...
...It took only one glance to know that Plus X was a saint...
...Kgxs VAN HoEx is the London correspondent for De Tijd, Amsterdam, HENE'r MORTON RO~INSOU, former editor of Contemporary Verse, is the author of Buck Fever...
...If we recognize the liveliness in these antiquities it is because Mr...
...There are others as good...
...Even her minor characters are people who react to decidedly unusual situations and crises with an undisturbed acceptance which is not understandable merely because she has not paused to explain the causes of their emotionless departure from the common and recognizable norms of human behavior...
...But hence, too, it should be added, the need of not letting the student think that science is the whole field of knowledge...
...Finley is a scholar and a poet...
...Directtm, BETHANY HOUSE, Matyt-,,oll, N. Y. i I COLLEGE OF SAINT ELIZABETH MORRISTOWN, NEW' JERSEY A Catholle college fo~ women ofer~ng courses leedlng to ]Ssche~ de~'ees in arts, science and music...
...When he deceived them as to the extent of land he was acquiring from them for the Pennsylvania's frontier, they allied themselves with the French...
...Literature and the Machine American Estimates, by Henry 8eidel Canby...
...ROBERT STEWART is the dean of the College of _Agriculture of the University of Nevada...
...EQUALITY AND AUTHORITY, by the Reverend Selden P. Delaney, is a pertinent comment upon a question which bothers not a few Americans...
...We must all go along with the procession, willy-nilly, and it is the function of the cultured man to spread his culture, the duty of the civilized to soften the crudities, the opportunity of the critic to guide the direction of the great blundering mass...
...For one can go very far with Mr...
...More about Marriage Marriage and the State, by M. E. Richmond and F. S. Hall...
...Orienting the Student Modern Scientific Knowledge of Nature, Man, and Society, by Frederick d. Cleveland, with collaborators...
...XAVIER COLLEGE For Women 4928 COTTAGB GROVE AVENUE, CHICAGO, Cmuluct.d by the Si*ters of Mer,~ Liberal Arts Course, Pre-Medical, Music, /lrt Teachers' Promotional Credit Classes Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarton Setwl ,fOr" :lnneuncemenl have found the world war a sorry impediment to its unimpaired exposition...
...Those who called him a reactionary must explain his revolutionary reforms, especially in regard to the Holy Communion...
...Accordingly our editorial pleasure, in being able to announce OLD ST...
...again, it is used to imply the relationship existing between a husband and wife, often spoken of as the legal status which arises from the contract between them...
...This sage and meaty book is a part of the body of reading indispensable to anyone concerned with the living problems of llfe...
...I would sooner look upon mountain peaks, wreathed in mist, than at the noblest cathedral in Europe...
...Williams makes us believe in their bravery...
...The Indians' peacefulness cannot be attributed entirely to their tribal affinities nor to Maryland's climate...
...His latest book is Presidents I've Known and Two Near Presidents...
...Finley's Frolic Thalla, or A Country Day...
...Bazin tells in the simplest words the secret 454 THE COMMONWEAL September 4, I929 of his life if it can be called a secret...
...Far too many of our abler critical and creative minds have shirked the problem of how to maintain man's spiritual mastery over the machine which, completely altering our relation to the tangible universe, thrusts a shadow between the soul and the spiritual realities...
...But in his presentation of the problem of the machine, and in his picture of the problem of democracy, he is incisive, graphic, marvelously illuminating...
...This is good prose not only because it transcends the level of journalistic writing...
...LEON SRABIAN Hra~&LD, JOHN P. B&RTON and AuDI~Y WURDE~fANN are contemporary American poets...
...Such treatment of natives was unique among the colonies...
...The Simple Pope Pins X, by Ren~ Bazin...
...The mission school was an inevitable accompaniment of the Catholic settlement, whether French or Spanish...
...VINCENT ENGELS and JOItN GILLAND BRUNINI are members of The Commonweal stag...
...And his imagery, likewise...
...The second is to a large extent a summary of the pontifical acts which have made the reign of Plus X one of the greatest in the history of the Church...
...Course in Home Heonomi~ mad Music...
...R. ANDREWS has given us here the book foreshadowed by his Tercentenary History of Maryland published some years ago...
...It is sufficient to remark that these papers are interesting and that they have been written by a man with wide experience...
...BOYD-CARPENTER writes on oriental politics and literature...
...But in the second place he is being indoctrinated, and just how good this may be, if it can be said to be good at all, depends, of course, on the color that is being given to his thought...
...Marriage Laws and Decisions in the United States, by G. May...
...His life can be explained only by admitting the supernatural...
...New York: The Macmillan Company...
...Canby accept democracy...
...Once elected, he quickly demonstrated his knowIedge of human affairs...
...First the Puritans and afterward the Anglicans, when Maryland had become a royal province, deprived Catholics of the freedom to worship in their own way and even of their civil rights, despite the fact that religious toleration had been the door by which they had all entered Maryland and been given a voice in its affairs...
...Orientation courses is the answer to his quandary that is at present being attempted...
...As he accepts the machine, so does Mr...
...Whether the five sons of a sea-going family would really assess so high in valor as to warrant the pioud unvarying epitaph which stands after the account of each of their deaths in the family log, is a question for pedantic realists...
...And when we come to the passing of Mark, last but one of the Shores, killed in helping to put down the mutiny he himself had fomented on his youngest brother's ship, we have a genuine touch of that emotion which it is the business of skilled pens to evoke...
...J. and Pa...
...From his sadly sweet eyes darted that penetrating look of spiritual power and sense of authority which fascinated all who saw him...
...A Masque, by John Finley, jr...
...The night hawks, when the light beloved so well Is so soon quenched upon the western sky, Among the stars over the pasture fly And weave and sink again to where they dwell...
...An energetic curate to an infirm pastor for many years, an eloquent and sought-after preacher, the rector of an important parish gained by a competitive examination, a cathedral dignity, a seminary professor, an authority on Church music, a philosopher who understood the modern false doctrines better than those who defended them, the bishop of a difficult see...
...OUBTLESS many authors, having once worked out a An l~tern School with We~,~ V~o~ A Northern School with Southern Chm'm sequence of psychological development in their hero's character, Collel~ Wome~ From Eigt~tee~ Starts ~0e lt~utes from BBeadwa~, 4~ Miantes, hem Pimbm~lt BETHANY HOUSE (Coad~cted for Wome= b~ the Mar~io*ell Sisters} DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED AMONG TI4~ ~ESTCH~TER Spa~om Groand~--Modere St~ucture--Eacellent Tabls and Serdu Oaapel~Daiiy Ma~ Rarest #4.00 per d6~ ~td UO*~rd, l~lwUag l~eab St...
...He has a literary bent of mind, revealed at the outset in quotations from Montaigne and La Rochefoucauld and supported by as diverse an array as Whitman, Thoreau and Dr...
...Lord Baltimore, at the time, was thousands of miles away in England...
...We are in its shadow...
...I'DART of Mr...
...Howard Meriwether Lovett has been busy studying the life-story of FATHER RYAN OF THE SOUTH, and his essay contains a number of new and a number of forgotten facts...
...Whole pages could be quoted of as sound and revealing thought as are to be found in any book of these times...
...Those who like readable biography spiced with cheerful humor and pertinent criticism will enjoy Mr...
...One could wish that the boundary dispute with Penn had been given with more detail and that the growth of Baltimore Town had had a larger share of notice...
...JOHN BIINKER is the author of Shining Fields and Dark Towers...
...Yet one might wish that it had been more comprehensive still, and included more of the background of English and continental history which gave the settlement of Maryland unique features among the other colonies...
...It is significant of Maryland that even during this time, when the Assembly was voting money to aid Washington's campaign, it stipulated that some of the money was for the support of the wives and families of their Indian allies...
...New York: The Ronald Press...
...Hence the need of books that will help in supplying matter for such courses by extending the field of knowledge before the student and showing him something of the relations of this field to education and to life...
...The new interest in the Spanish missions of our own Southwest and the publication of the Relations of the Jesuits who accompanied the French to Quebec are unearthing a story full of moment for Americans--that the Catholic settler regarded the Indian not as a foe to be pushed back into the wilderness but a soul to be saved and a child to be educated...
...It is axiomatic to say that a Pope is a gift of Providence, but Providence does not always give the Church a saint as Pope...
...It was the Penal Laws of England, primarily, and not the hope of gain which were responsible for the colonization of Maryland...
...Hollis's discussion of the immortal Doctor is a crisp summary of the life, the works and the background... is good prose in an absolute sense, the utterance of one to whom words are docile...
...HE author of Youthful Old Age, subtitled How to Keep Young, an Englishman who boasts that he is happier at sixty-seven than he was at thirty, is no mere cautioner against the negligence and ignorance that lead to ill health...
...all these lesser positions he filled with honor before the ancient city of Venice welcomed him as patriarch...
...Louis: B. Herder Book Company...
...tll the Brothers Were Valiant, by Ben ~lmes Williams...
...The other part is comprised of homilies based upon Johnsonian traits or remarks...
...The easy, rapid and non-technical style combined with the numerous literary allusions and quotations, lend Youthful Old Age a charm rare in such a book...
...Father Copley contended with Lord Baltimore not as a Spaniard but as an Englishman, for the rights of the Church as they had been granted to her in England before the Reformation...
...that when he was dispossessed it vanished...
...MARYWOOD SEMINARY FOR GIRLS SARA ANSLEY O'ROURKE EDITH L. SMITH Spechliu in Westchester and Fairfield Country Homes ROOM zsso, SALMO~ TOWER 11 WEST 42nd STREBrF, NEW YORK C_,ITY Telephone Peansylvaaht 8762 Wr;te tar teta~ 9 ilba u/lb, 5Jn . CHURCH VESTMENTS, ALTAR LINEN Ecclesiastical Embroidery Conferences with reference to the adornment ot churches Old Embroidery Transferred 1}1 EAST 47th STREET NEW YORK Vanderbilt 8761 ST...
...Such interpretations are expressed in "decisions of courts on particular cases coming before them...
...The first is said to be based upon field studies made in some thirty states of the union to ascertain the present administration of marriage laws within the United States...
...458 THE COMMONWEAL September 4, 1929 Knight's Gambit, by Guy Pocock...
...It is no mere man of science but a mellow lover of life who writes: "I remember a magnificent sunset among the mountains of North Wales, which almost brought tears of rapture to my eyes...
...New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company...
...and The Intimate Life of the Last Tzarina...
...Two things may be happening to the student in his orientation course...
...And the test of this is that its charm is not entirely artificial...
...452 T H E C O M M O N W E A L September 4, I929 BOOKS Calvert Land The History of Maryland, by Matthew Page ~fndrews...
...There is plenty of shrewd observation and useful common sense, but also more than a little of glibness for its own sake...
...The word marriage has two general shades of meaning...
...MARY FLEMING LABAREE is a writer of short stories...
...Or does science even pretend to show man what he must hope to get from life, if life is to be really worth living for him...
...And only they their cares at evening tell, Save as from the dark vale the frogs reply And, in the field beneath the starlight high, The wakeful cow doth fret her nightly bell...
...Without wishing to rate this book in any summary fashion, it does not seem unfair to state that the coloring given to the student who gets his orientation through it will be in the way of mechanisticbehavioristic thinking...
...At first it seems a trick, and as a trick we would label it if it were not for the fact that the result is poetry and not rhetoric...
...Andrews also says that the fact that no clergyman sits in the Maryland legislature is due to Lord Baltimore's far-slghtedness in separating church and state...
...Andrews starts off by saying, as do several Maryland historians, that Father Copley, the superior of the Jesuits, was born in Spain, without adding that he was of an old and aristocratic family, heir to a title and born in Spain because the laws of England against Catholics had driven his parents out of their native country...
...The author of the second book draws attention to the division of law into statutory and common law, claiming that while common law "is unwritten in the sense that any social system is unwritten, the evidences, the interpretations of it alone are unwritten...
...1V~AEIE-Zoig E. MERCIER and ALEx R. SCHMIDT are new contributors to The Commonweal...
...To note that Mr...
...L CONTRIBUTORS CHARLES WILLIS THOMPSON iS a veteran political correspondent for New York journals...
...Aubrey in all his emotional and intellectual reactions is always two years ahead...
...While there is a tendency to accept the decisions of various courts as interpretations of law as laid down by statute, it is perhaps nearer to the facts to say that, in a wider sense, these decisions which are couched in the language of precision prevalent at a particular moment, do but enforce an interpretation of the sanctions and sentiments of common law...
...For their instruction, presumably, is offered the play in which two rustics, each convinced of the reasonableness of his own fears and the absurdity of his friend's, attempt to hoax one another...
...C~alogue Address Dean, Be~ C. Convent Station, Iqew Jenny IllI I I MARYWOOD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA Coarses leading to the degrees of M.A., M.S., B.A., B.S., Mus.B., B.S...
...The author is chiefly concerned with finding out whether from the present difficulties which, in his view, beset literature, good things and sound things can emerge...
...He seems to have rather lost the happy faculty of enjoying the well-achieved work of literature for its own sake...
...THIS is a translation by the Benedictines of Talacre of the second French edition with a preface by Bishop Vaughan of Menevia...
...In the same way, upheavals in England affected the course of things in Maryland, the ascendency of the Puritans, the Restoration, the accession of William, all left their mark in Maryland history...
...When this fable was disproved by the thundering words of truth that came unmistakably from the mouth of Peter himself, those who persisted in their intransigence would have us know that he was an obstinate autocrat, an obscurantist living in a past age, a product of seminary piety and village orthodoxy, one who was unaware that the world had forgotten the Schoolmen and laughed at their quids and quoddities...
...It is tile "daisy, woo'd of snow," and the "bright-eyed wintergreen," that decorate his landscape, while the quaint conceit, laboriously sought and swiftly phrased--"Fears, swim off night's weedy flood," exhibits the temper of his wit...
...And the songs of the thrush and the 456 THE COMMONWEAL September 4, I929 her theme, notably in the sequence during which Matthew shoots and kills the haggling chauffeur who would abandon him and Jennie on the veldt, there are flashes of excellent inter,YE x T EEK Readers who have enjoyed Charles Willis Thompson's analysis of the "Willebrandt Revelations" in this issue will be glad to know that a second instalment is scheduled to appear next week...
...They remained at home because they thought it "more seemly," thus establishing the precedent...
...The solution is over the horizon, but the theme is there...
...JosEP~ J. RBILLY, librarian and a member of the English Department of Iluntcr Collegc, New York City, is the author of Newman as a Man of Letters...
...One of the chapters, Play and Hobbies, is engaging enough in treatment to merit a place in an anthology of modern-day essays...
...Belloc has showered a veritable greenhouse of compliments...
...Canby in his unequivocal declaration that "there is only one theme with blood and life in it for literature in our century . . . it is the effect of machinery on man...
...If the reader can overlook this one point, he will find an intimate, thoroughly interesting and excellently rounded portrayal of an adopted English foundling progressing into manhood in a country vicarage, and in English public and prep schools...
...SHa~2aAS O'SHE~L, poet, reviewer and essayist, is the author of Jealous of Dead Leaves, and other books...
...It presents some facts too often slurred in histories of the United States, as for instance the proposal of the Maryland Convention of I776 that the western land, the disposition of which had been the obstacle to confederation, should be parceled out by Congress into independent states...
...All this is charmingly related by the great French novelist...
...Registered by the State Boards of IMucatlon i~ N. Y., IN...
...The glory of the faithful will be an offense to the spirit of the world...
...ETHX~ ROMIG FUXLEE is a musician and poet...
...Here and there, unfortunately, he advertises his roguishness...
...From the forty-eight states, the District of Columbia and the federal law, the author gives in a short, precise form the essential facts of the law of marriage and the regulations necessary in each area for its contraction...
...HESE two books, it is claimed, are to be considered as supplementary to each other...
...Long before this, in 165o, Cecil Calvert when he learned that the Indians were being pushed back into the wilderness, by white settlements, felt himself obliged in conscience to set aside for the Indians some eight or ten thousand acres of land on the Wicomico...
...This idea of converting and of educating the Indian was foremost in the minds of the Jesuits who accompanied the Maryland colonists, and to this Christian spirit, I might say Catholic spirit, ought, rightly, to be attributed the peace which prevailed between the Maryland settlers and the natives...
...ONE could mistake John Finley, jr., for a poet of O any other time than the present...
...Both authors fail to remember that nothing is so difficult as to affirm a universal rule for matters political and moral...
...The maudlln books that were written in support of growing modernism at the beginning of the Pontificate suggested that the new Pope was a pious peasant, the victim of curia1 intrigue: a prisoner, as to his person, by the decree of his two great predecessors, and a virtual slave, as to his mind, of stronger wills than his own...
...Canby, in short, having noted with uncommon clarity and with the distress natural to a cultured man, the way life is evolving in the hands of demos and under the urges and temptations of the machine, wisely realizes that only the faint soul denies his age, only pathetic folly would try to halt the wheels...
...The author of Knight's Gambit has sidestepped the problem by making Aubrey Joliffe too young to go to France, yet old enough to experience the remote effects of war in his adolescence...
...The first volume is perhaps the better of the two, as there is some attempt to classify information under heads, and to explain and interpret the classified facts...
...Maryland had few Indian outrages compared to the other colonies...
...Plus, the son of a poor man, a student who needed a burse in order to enter a seminary, rose through his own ability and without favor or chance, to the supreme authority, and, on his way to the Chair of Peter, successfully filled nearly every office that a priest can hold...
...At the time of the conclave that elected him he was no obscure candidate, but from the first scrutiny he was a possible if not a probable selection...
...The need for books of this type has grown out of the situation with which the freshman at college is faced...
...He is obsessed by trends and tendencies, worried about the effects of the machine and democracy and successive waves of popular psychological fashions...
...New York: Henry Holt and Company...
...Those who suggested that he would be a weak Pope were soon to see him hurling his defiance, regardless of consequences, at the anti-Christians of France who had become accustomed to think that their whims should be pampered...
...It is used to indicate the civil contract entered into between two persons of the opposite sex...
...Unfortunately the subtraction from his age of the two years necessary to exempt him from service have increased the implausibility of the book...
...Out of his wide experience as a navy chaplain, the Reverend William A. Maguire has written THE CAPTAIN'S MEDAL, a bit of unusual reminiscence...
...In my own view, he makes too much of this inquiry...
...Would it be captious to suggest that there is a very large assumption in identify these two--man's outlook on life, and the universe as viewed by men of science ? Is it more than a partial outlook on life that is had when science views the universe...

Vol. 10 • September 1929 • No. 18

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