
Sands, William Franklin & jr., Ernest Brennecke & Boyd-Carpenter & Sargent, Louise R.

August 2I, I929 T H E C O M M O N W E A L 407 BOOKS Life's Illusion Wolf 8olent, by John Cowper Powys. New York: Simon and 8chuster. $5.oo. O THE mentally retarded young...

...of a city planned and modeled on the best of Europe's architecture...
...Opposition to the new city was not confined to those planters whose lands were to be ceded to "the public" on a speculative vast growth which could not be apparent to them at the end of the eighteenth century...
...VVILLIAM FRANKLIN SANDS, formerly in the American diplomatic service# is an authority on mternatlonal affairs LOUISE R. SARGENT (Mrs Darnel Sargent) tsa new contributor to The Commonweal...
...and The Intimate Life of the Last Tzarina...
...True, he was thinking in eighteenth-century terms, but equally truly he had seen a vision of the twentieth century...
...New York: D. Appleton and Company...
...The present follo contains articles dealing with the Papacy and Ireland, with blessed memorials and holy martyrs, with the history of education and with popular heroes, among whom O'Connell is the chief...
...His book rings true...
...Obviously this belated adolescent is a formidable person to be invading his peaceful native Dorset countryside, as the story opens...
...163-acre campus...
...We are fascinated by her domination of her handful of male clients and still more fascinated by the tormenting curiosity which dominates her...
...The very vastness of his plans disconcerted and frightened the people with whom he was called upon to consult...
...Four hundred pages later she calmly presents him with his opportunity...
...None of them can he ever forget, as long as he lives, for he apparently has a memory that might have startled Lombroso...
...Shaw, and doubtless its mutual contradictoriness amuses and puzzles him not a little...
...The description of the forcible seizure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria Hungary, in the sentence "when, at last, thirty years late, Bosnia and Herzegovina were annexed," is peculiar, when the steps leading up to this seizure are remembered...
...It zs endorsed by Cardmals O'Connell, Dougherty, Hayes and 1VLundelem, and every Archbishop and Bishop m the Umted States...
...edited by Myles V. Ronan...
...nearly a thousand pages are here piously devoted to the transcript of what must be but the merest fraction of it...
...ERY appropriately the Institut Frangais de Washington has added a second volume to its series of historical documents begun last year, by the publication of Pierre L'Enfant's correspondence with Washington, Jefferson and the commissioners regarding the plans conceived by the celebrated engineer and Washington for the right development of the capital city...
...There came a moment's sinking into nothingness, into a grey gulf of non-existence...
...they are translated into English and one of these translations was made by the late assistant editor of The Commonweal, Henry Longan Stuart...
...His assistants also, devoted to him personally, accepted no order except from him...
...It is impossible now to recapture all that dream, yet the "vast empire" he foresaw demands a return, as far as possible, to the original grand plan...
...An Eastern School with Western VigorA Northern School with Sore:bern College WoraeB ltrora ~Jighteen States ~OO Minutes from Broadway 43 bEnutes f rgm Plttsb,ut~h BETHANY HOUSI (Coadacud for Women by the Mar~kneff Sisters) DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED AMONG THE WESTCHESTER Spadeus Grounds--blodeca St~actme--Eaeelleat Table ud Servi~ Chapeb-DsRy M~ Rates: $4.00per day ad Upwdrd, Ing'lw~g Meal~ So...
...O THE mentally retarded young schoolmaster who is the hero of this astonishing tale, " 'thought' took the form of slowly stirring vegetable leaves, big as elephants' feet, hanging from succulent and cold stalks on the edge of woodland swamps...
...Such "thought" apparently saturates every moment of Wolf Solent's existence...
...He discovered that the peculiar glamour which had always hovered for him like a diaphanous cloud round the impersonal idea of girlhood, had concentrated itself upon the image of Christie...
...He has written in the fullest consciousness of the fact that many critics, who have been desirous or content to record themselves as sensitive to its very peculiar brand of mysticism or pseudo-mysticlsm, have compared it favorably with the work of Emily Brontt, Hardy, Dostoievsky, Shakespeare and Sophocles...
...Preparation for leading colleges and technical schools...
...Other lots were to be offered to all religious denominations for churches, and to colAugust 2I, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 409 leges and academies and to "every society whose object is national...
...Slip off that sad-looking dress, Chris !" he cries...
...The matter and style of this insufferably pretentious yarn are drenched, as is Wolf at times, with the mingled scent of honeysuckle and the pigsty...
...L'Enfant (or Major Lanfang, as Washington wrote his name--Langfont, as the Georgetown newspaper spelled it) was thinking and writing of "a vast empire" under a republican form of government...
...Lovls~ R. SARGENT, THE MANUAL OF PRAYERS THE OFFICIAL PRAYER BOOK This is the Official Prayer Book of the Cathohe Church...
...There are occasional slips into slang, vide page 193, "nature of business on the carpet...
...Later on, our attention and a kind of pity is riveted to this lonely Madame Grosgeorge...
...New York: Simon and 8chuster...
...The whole volume is permeated with the idea that there is only one way to describe political functions...
...9. . He recognized now that there hovered over the personality of this other girl.., that evasive aura of mysterious girlishness, the platonic idea, so to speak, of the mystery of all young girls, which was to him the most magical thing in the whole world...
...London: Colin 0. Lochlainn...
...It combs the ground care~ully and merits the attention of students...
...To tho~e considering THEIR VACATION PLANS will M pleased to m~| de, crtCt/ve literature and subm/t itineraries on reque~ to FARLEY TRAVEL AGENCY .5--~ A...
...Wolf has lost his position in London for interrupting a classroom session with a sudden outburst of mad and obscene language...
...L'Enfant, a Frenchman of the monarchy, and of the most absolute of monarchies, was not thinking of the federal government as the common agency of a group of federated nations, a league of sovereign nations, any more than were Washington and his group of intimates...
...With this and similar historical facts before us, it may not be inapt also to remember that differences of creeds, faiths and race constitute sources of future trouble, and that many believe that Europe still is living in a lull before the real storm, which once again may originate in the Balkan peninsula...
...His "grand transverse avenue" appeared fantastic with its great width of I6o feet...
...It is this mechanical attitude of mind which renders a book that should be absorbingly interesting, somewhat heavy...
...In spite of Washington's subsequent insistence and eventual sharp rebukes (delivered in Washington's inimitable downright style which brooked no contradition) he returned ever to Washington directly and over the heads of the commissioners...
...New York: The Macmillan Company...
...Lower school for 8th grade boys...
...There was to be a naval column, to celebrate the first prize of a navy "and to stand a ready monument to consecrate its progress and achievement...
...e0rgetoWn reparat0r c ool ~arrett parlt, ~'~larl~lanb Country School Conducted by the Jesuit Fathers Regular Four-Year Classical High School Coune Classeg Limited Private Rooms Only Situated in the villa section of Montgomery County, Maryland, Eleven Miles from the National Capital...
...Send for complete catalogue JOHN MURPHY CO...
...He "reels awkwardly to one side," and begs her to desist...
...New South Wing has just been completed with accommodations for twenty additional resident students...
...THE URSULINE ACADEMY A College Preparatory School [or Girls Resident and Day Pupils Chartered by the Regents o] New York Grand Concour~ at 165th St., New York City iii MALVERN Prep School RESIDENTand Day School...
...Throughout these incredibly dreary proceedings, Wolf suffers thousands of minute but "important" experiences...
...8761 ST...
...Few persons in Europe believed other than that this Austrian seizure was part and parcel of the German policy of Drang nach Osten, which received its further confirmation when, at the Potsdam Conference of November I4, 191o , the late czar agreed to the construction of the Bagdad and Hedjaz railways, one going to the Persian Gulf, the other toward Arabia, both threatening England, and one imperiling French political aims in Syria...
...Each nne is despicable, each one acts and thinks horrors...
...It is indeed complicated and highly colored and scented stuff...
...200 West Lombard Street Baltimore, Maryland MOUNT WASHINGTON COUNTRY SCHOOL FOR BOYS MOUNT WASHINGTON, MARYLAND mIVe will Prepare Your Son For High School~ In proximity to Mount Saint Agnes is the Mount Wuhingtma CounteF School, the ideal boarding and day school R~egvatiot~ Limited Seventy Select Boys From six to thlrteen years of ago i OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY Syosset...
...Courses in Home Economics and Mumie., Camow of 400 acres...
...she hides the condemned Gu6ret in her own salon, promises him help, and brings him food in a frenzy of exaltation...
...Catalogue Address Dean, Box C. Convent Station, New Jat6ey SUMMER VACATION TRIPS and CRUISES Europa, Nova Scotia, New Foundhnd, St...
...There are many fine illustrations, and the printing has been done with rare skill...
...A Guide to Bernard Shaw, by Edward Hlagenknecht...
...BOYD-CARPENTER wmtes on oriental pohtlcs and literature...
...yet figures for "personal services" are clearly set out...
...Then, alone, she realizes her famished attachment to the tutor, attachment as to a prey, is a jealous and terrible love...
...Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy...
...A less buxom but slightly more articulate young lady, Christie, the daughter of an incestuous old bookseller, has also attracted Wolf, and in a very disturbing fashion...
...Dieecttem, BETHANY HOUSE, Marykaell, N. Y. COLLEGE OF SAINT ELIZABETH MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY A Cstholic college foe women offering courses leading to Bachel~ degt~ in ~et, science and music...
...N. Y. ci,y Photm 8390-8391 Murray Hilt SARA ANSLEY O'ROURKE associated 7vlth EDITH L. SMITH Specialist in Westchester and Fairfield Country Homes ROOM 2580, SALMON TOWER 11 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY Teleohone Pennsylvmaia 8762 ]Vr/te for [older CHURCH VESTMENTS, ALTAR LINEN Ecclesiastical Embroidery Conferences 7vlth reJerence to the adornment oJ churches Old Embroidery Transferred 151 EAST 47th STREET NEW YORK VanderbiI...
...The very plan for a setting for the new federal government shows plainly the conception of a republic rather than a federation, in the minds of its advocates...
...THOUGH the story of Ireland's emancipation has been told often in solid books, there has been real need ~or a volume to be read as a simple analysis o~ the most important aspects of Catholic freedom as that was won by the Gael...
...To correct errors fonnd m many Prayer Books, this Manual was prepared by Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore...
...What a strange group of human beings we know when we are through this book~and how well, alas, we know them...
...Not tess paralyzing were his other streets "leading to public buildings or markets," 13o feet in width...
...It was Christie who had drawn into herself all those floating intimations of the mystery of a glrl's soul, gathered here and there, like cowslips in green valleys, which were above everything so precious to him...
...and in reading fourteen chapters spread out over 325 pages, there will be found little reference to the former Turkish system of government, or to the pre-war forms o~ Serbian administration...
...I'd like her to be very white . . . with a tiny little mole, like Imogen's, upon her left breast...
...It would have been better to give the total budget in order to allow a reader some means of comparison (Budget 1926--1927 according to the Europa Year Book 1927 was, Revenue, I2,5o4,ooo,ooo dinars...
...Black Linen Cloth, gilt cross, round corners, red edges~$1.50 YOUR NAME ON COVER FREE...
...This book called Leviathan is unforgettable...
...The crown represents the nation in all its foreign relations, declares war and makes peace...
...Green makes us deeply sorry for each...
...his use of the waters of Tiber Creek (now a sewer) to issue in a cascade forty feet high and more than a hundred feet wide from under the base of the Congress House to give the illusion of being the source of the Potomac...
...on October 3 Aus408 T H E C O M M O N W E A L August 21, 1929 tria's intention of annexing these two states was announced, and Germany soon afterward threatened Russia with war...
...Each one of its characters is devoured by a desire so insatiable that it pursues even the reader...
...The Catholic Emancipation Centenary Record...
...Essentially, however, his little book is intended to supply a "chart" of the Shavian universe...
...Green describes Madame Londe, the terrible patronne of a smaU-town restaurant, sitting behind her counter at dinner time, we believe that we have always known Madame Londe and always will know her...
...Meanwhile he has met, "made love to" (that is, impaired the virtue of) and married the witless Gerda, who makes up for her dumbness by being gifted with an anatomy as seductive as that of Helen of Troy...
...MARGARET Ton RITTER is a Colorado poet...
...He is an American writing in French...
...The Austrian emperor had received Ferdinand of Bulgaria with sovereign honors on September 23, I9O8...
...In its u~e, you are assured of hawng the Official Prayer ]3ook...
...JOHN C CAHALAN, 5E., is a former newspaperman residmg in Michigan...
...Again there is the night Gu6ret is lost in a coal yard...
...One does not quite know why the story ceases just where it does...
...Moreover, thinks he: "I hope I shall find some girl who'll let me make love to her . . . tall and slim and white...
...and then it was as if a will within him that was beyond thought, gathered itself together in that frozen chaos and rose upward--rose upward like a shining-scaled fish, electric, vibrant, taut, and leaped into the greenish-colored vapor that filled the room...
...We read on and find that the whole macabre novel is a series of scenes as vivid and extraordinary as that of the restaurant...
...Wagenknecht's guide may be endorsed as an intelligent aid to the study of the ironic optimist whose name is practically the only evidence to show that the drama has not died in modern Britain...
...I'd like to make love to her out-of-doors.., among elder-bushes.., among elderbushes and herb Robert...
...This paragraph commences with the words "It is true that . . ." a phrase which introduces an element of doubt into the whole sentence on a matter where none exists...
...Athletic field...
...there was a great deal of opposition to the growing centralization of government and even to the "monarchical" tendencies in government which many citizens suspected or thought that they observed...
...Lawrence and Saguenay, Bermuda, Porto-Rico, Havana and West Indies...
...When the function of the crown is discussed there is some doubt as to whether the authors grasp the exact points: the crown and the Skuptchina constitute the legislative authority, and the administration is vested in the crown and its ministers...
...Californie (Water R~I), The Great Lakes, Motor Coach and Rail Tours to New England and Ceaada...
...Green throws on her a fierce light which reveals her person, her mind and soul...
...Through strange external adventures of walking, climbing and hiding, piles of coal sit and look at Gu6ret like people deliberating in a sinister way...
...his ordinary streets of I IO feet...
...August 2I, I929 T H E C O M M O N W E A L 407 BOOKS Life's Illusion Wolf 8olent, by John Cowper Powys...
...One ~eels, however, that the author has allowed his dissertation to grow a bit too headily into a "disputatlo," so that the treatment is a critique of Morln and other secondary sources rather than an examination of Longfellow himselL Nor is there any adequate conception of the New England background as a whole--a theme which is as inviting to the Catholic historian as it has been heretofore sadly neglected by him...
...Washington's Architect L'Enfant and 14Zashlngton...
...his latest novel, although scarcely mentioning religion, has been published in the Roseau d'Or series, a series sponsored by the intellectual Catholics of France...
...Is it that people cut off from realization of spiritual destinies always arouse compassion...
...For information or caMlogue apply HEADMASTliR 41o T H E C O M M O N W E A L August 21, 1929 II I I ISETON HILL COLLEGE GREENSBURG, PA...
...ONE adequately acquainted with the history of theO Balkan question, or with the fierce tribal fights between the Obrenovitch family and that of the Karageorgeviches, will be satisfied with the present book's uninspired legal description of the form of government and its ramifications, adopted by Jugoslavia since the world war...
...Registrar, Malvern, Pa...
...There seems to be no doubt that it was Jefferson who forced an end to L'Enfant's seemingly visionary project, and L'Enfant himself out nf his favored position with Washington...
...He writes without pointing any moral...
...Kirkwood, Missouri: Maryhurst Normal Press...
...Barring its debatable assertions, Mr...
...Long Island) New York A Residential and Day School for Gi~Is...
...There is no index, nor is there a map...
...The lady begins dutifully to disrobe--whereupon Wolf suddenly remembers the face of a tramp he has seen...
...the opus is endless, in both senses of the word...
...Frenzy and Invention Leviathan, by Julian Green...
...His own fervid explanation of this event is a trifle too lengthy to admit even of paraphrase here...
...Around this centre, lots were to be offered "which . . . are best calculated for spacious houses and gardens such as may accommodate foreign ministers, etc...
...9 . . 'I have hurt her feelings,' he said to himself, 'in the one unpardonable way.' " He has "outraged" her "deepest selfrespect...
...Gerda also has post-marital adventures9 She apparently accepts the guilty attentions of a young sausage-monger named Bob Weevil, and later on seems to be yielding to the wicked blandishments of one Lord Carfax, a suave Londoner...
...Paris: Librarie Plon...
...l'O A Catholic Longfellow remains interesting because he is so broad an index to the amount o~ lore about the Church which entered New England with the Romantic movement...
...The complete eompendsum of the Prayers and Ueremomes of the Church havmg a replete explan~tma of Each of the Sacraments, aiding Cathohcs and Converts to fully understand the Sacred Offices...
...He asks, "Will she let me make love to her...
...Wagenknecht has ideas of his own, too, put forward occasionally with more than an ~unce of dogmatism...
...Tennis, hockey, tiding and other sports...
...It all seemed too grandiose to be practical to Jefferson and the commissioners...
...Supervised sports...
...Hickey that his critical attitude toward Evangeline and its numberless associated poems must surprise any reader inured to modern ~eeling...
...The correspondence itself is most illuminating...
...UR attention is turned to Julian Green for many reasons...
...Yet Mr...
...many of them center about his trusty walking stick...
...The authors give the figures of the political parties as 290, but later announce them as 315 . Again, discussing the budget of 1927-1928, no total is given...
...It is only now, nearly a century and a half later, when Washington has grown far beyond the utmost extent of even L'Enfant's projected vision, that the American Institute of Architects confirms that vision as having stood the test of time and an unpredictable development...
...VINCENT ENGELS is a member of The Commonweal staff...
...RUTH LAMBERT JONES is a Massachusetts poet...
...Each page m proof sheet was submitted to all the Bishops of the Country and by them approveO, being the o~ly Prayer Book having this endorsement...
...He does not try to...
...It carries as introduction an essay of the scholarly exFrench Ambassador to Washington, Jules Jusserand...
...Along the avenue from the two bridges to the Federal House, "the pavement on each side will pass under an arched way under whose cover shops will be most conveniently and agreeably situated...
...Conducted by the Sisters o~ Jderey Liberal Arts Course, Pre-Medlcal, Music, Art Teachers' Promotional Credit Classes Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters Send for Announcement Briefer Mention Catholic Influence on Longfellow, by R. P. Hickey...
...A neatly subdivided introduction gives biographical, literary and interpretive information with commendable succinctness, and useful appendices supply much running comment on the diverse books and plays...
...The descriptive passages dealing with economic resources and status are handled in a more thoroughly convincing manner, but when dealing with Balkan states, it is well to remember their history and the long record of petty and vindictive policy, directed one against the other, of which the Balkan first and second wars gave the world such plain evidence...
...When he finally accepts payment for this labor from the naughty old cove, he suffers what a simpler person would call an attack of conscience, and loses his precious "llfe's illusion...
...Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press...
...The more intricate portion of it is variously described as Wolf's "inner life," as his "indulgence in a secret mental vice," as his "life's illusion," as a "strange ecstasy . . . an intoxicating enlargement of personality that used to come to him from imagining himself a sort of demiurgic force . . . a crafty, elusive cunning of his own, a cunning both slippery and serpentine, a cunning that could flow like air, sink like rain water, rise tike green sap, root itself like invisible spores of moss, float like filmy pond scum, yield and retreat, retreat and yield, yet remain unconquered and inviolable...
...Louis GOLI~ING XS the author of many books, his most recent being Those Anctent Lands...
...Jefferson appears in these documents in the r61e of dilettante architect and city planner with his own ideas, running almost opposite to those of L'Enrant, jealous of him and eventually forcing him out of control of the work...
...Our hero has contracted with the lascivious and ghoulish Squire Urquhart to collaborate with him in the writing of an indecent book of local tradition...
...This aspect of the poet has so absor~bed Mr...
...Squares were designated "for the judiciary courts," "the national bank," "the grand church," "the play house, markets and exchange . . . oi~ering a variety of situations unparalleled for beauty, suitable for every purpose, and for all sort of places as may be attractive to the learned and afford diversion to the idle...
...I'HERE exists a sizable literature about Mr...
...his books receive French prizes...
...Both in plan and architecture L'Enfant was seeking something new, something which had not heretofore been seen in the world...
...New buildings and equipment...
...We flinch at the scene between the pitiable tutor Gu6ret his small pupil and Madame Grosgeorge, when the latter brutally strikes her son...
...One may add that it is both humorless and pointless !--although it is decorated with hundreds of altogether unaccountable exclamation points[ The undersigned, perhaps flippant, reviewer has been deliberately generous with quotations, mainly in order to save the person who still maintains a decent respect for intelligence from wasting his time with Wolf Solent...
...ERNEST BRENNECI<E~ JR, is a lecturer on English in Columbia University, and the author of a study of Thomas Hardy...
...Jefferson was evidently in favor of the well-tried and seasoned classic style...
...and The Prince or Somebody...
...Registered by the State Boards of Education In N. Y., N. J. and Pa...
...PRINCESS CATHERINE RADZIWlLL, of Russia, is the author of They Knew the Washmgtons...
...He plunged into a very strange aspect of his feelings, as he stood on those cobblestones and stared at those dark shadows...
...Near the equestrian statue a "historic column" was to be erected, an "itinerary column" from which "all distances of places throughout the continent" were to be calculated...
...There was to be a "church intended for national purposes such as public prayer, funeral orations, etc., assigned to the special use of no particular sect, but equally open to all...
...When Mr...
...He could not grasp any consistency between Washington's full powers to authorize him to proceed to plan and lay out the new city, and his subsequent instructions that the limit of L'Enfant's powers was the will of the three commissioners appointed under the act of Congress, and that these commissioners stood between him and the President of the United States...
...His conception of Washington's position was that of a Louis XIV elected to absolute power for life...
...Without doubt it is an important workwimportant as a sociological document, if not as a novel ERNEST BRENNECKE, JR...
...An offensive war, however, requires the previous sanction of the Skuptchina, but no parliamentary sanction is necessary when the state is suddenly attacked...
...The Institut has maintained, in this addition, the high standard it set in its first volume...
...One Hapsburg Heir The Balkan Pivot, by Charles A. Beard and George Radin...
...Augustinian Fathers...
...Starting from the equestrian figure of George Washington, voted in 1783 by the Continental Congress, he proposed "a grand avenue 400 feet in breadth, about a mile in length between the Congress Garden and the President's Park, this avenue to be bordered with gardens, ending in a slope from the houses on each side...
...CONTRIBUTORS EDWARD A. FITZPATRICK, dean of the Graduate School of Marquette Umversxty, is the editor of Marquette Educational Monographs and the author of Budget-Making m a Democracy, and other books...
...But within its own limits this book is painstaking and intelligent...

Vol. 10 • August 1929 • No. 16

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