Week by Week

3°4 WEEK BY WEEK A RISTIDE BRIAND is always worth a notice. Indeed we are not far from believing that he is the only genius among contemporary statesmen. His endowment does not include any...

...So commonly has this been accepted that, whenever a nation imposes a censorship on news leaving its borders, the world immediately suspects concealment of facts is practised because these, revealed, would not be approved...
...Air, water, food and clothing are so full of a number of things that we should all be as mangy as kings before the Norman Conquest...
...Economic Entomology at Harvard Cooperative University...
...But since we cannot always be vigilant against the invisible forces of destruction, we must secure ourselves behind a barricade of Gopher Beds—Renew Vitality...
...Incidentally, white Catholics might supplement their prayers by taking a little more practical interest in their colored brethren's efforts to educate their own people—particularly at such schools as the Cardinal Gibbons Institute, in Maryland...
...And that may be why only a dubious kind of opposition has developed to the great Niagara project...
...Shall the great steel towers be encased in stone...
...Now, according to a special despatch to the New York Times, M. Briand has been working hard and quietly for this idea...
...Thus it is really no opposition at all...
...On the other hand many Farmers people who have had experience with agriculture will find it difficult to accept his belief that such pests will cause an abandonment of large-scale farming and a return to individual husbandry...
...MANY scientists will be interested in an "insect menace" to the future of our civilization, alluded to by Dr...
...Vance's analysis of their achievement is correct, there seems every reason to believe that they should keep right on without interference—lest the Spaniard become ultimately the spiritual equal of the Anglo-Saxon...
...While hectic comment on that episode is still filling much space in the newspapers, it may be interesting to turn one's attention to the comment which is not, unfortunately, to be found in our daily press, but only in a few Catholic journals, occasioned by the fact that this year is the jubilee of the Uganda Mission, famous forever in the annals of the Catholic Church because of its Negro martyrs...
...Charles T. Brues, professor of Insects vs...
...BORN and reared in the paganism of the jungle, its devil worship, its debased superstitions, its terrors of obscene gods," remarks a writer in Studies, "the whole thing must have seemed to them a dream...
...Saint Paul had proclaimed that there was no distinction in God's sight between Jew and Gentile, between Greek and Roman...
...FROM Nashville, Tennessee, comes the report of an address by the Reverend Dr...
...EXPERTS, of course, have a language of their own...
...At that scene, under the stupendous dome, before the altar above the tomb of Saint Peter, amid the scarlet cardinals, the purple bishops, and the white Pope, knelt two Uganda natives, one of whom had volunteered to be burned alive with the martyrs, and had lain with them wrapped in reeds on the pyre, only to be put aside in a last moment of consideration because of his extreme youth...
...But the individual farmer has usually and privately argued that if his neighbors this year do not plant tomatoes, which glutted the market last year, the demand will be greater and he should be the one to profit by the accompanying rise in price...
...That is their greatest advantage over the rest of us...
...and the solution of the security problem in accordance with conclusions reached by a proposed general conference of nations...
...Poli in the role of proud father rejoicing at the end of a good day's work, and the enthusiastic crowd that had jammed itself into every inch of available space...
...THE I. Q.—that mysterious term which stands for the amount of mental activity any one of us possesses —came in for a good deal of advertisMatrimonial ing in an address by Father Daniel Lord...
...In providing this magnificent gift, unfortunately, Mr...
...After two months of neglect, it now comes up for discussion through the vigilance of the University of Chicago, Mr...
...William S. Thayer in an address delivered as president of the American Medical Association, "we EnglishExperiment sPeakinS people will not endure tyrJ _ anny...
...YOU may discern more than one sign of the era in news concerning the triumph of Sylvester Z. Poli, Connecticut magnate, whose daughter Viva was recently married to no less exalted a personage than the Marquis Gerini, l'Italia of Florence...
...Well, the battlefield which is involved here is old indeed, and brave is the man who would dare to predict the next move...
...But whatever happens then, the insidious work will have already been done, for day by day the seventh wonder of the world is losing its good name...
...The latest attempt at suppression of news has taken place in Manchuria, from which province the Nanking government deported Hallett Abend, New York Times correspondent...
...Our bodies were not planned for beauty and health but (a) for grossness, and (b) for decay, and the slightest inattention on our part will permit them to fulfil these baser destinies...
...These, too, are advantages...
...Indeed, he was wellnigh the only institution 307 in the neighborhood which could be mentioned in the same financial breath with generously endowed Yale...
...In short it was an interesting, an instructive occasion, out of which perennial worriers about the "race" might be able to draw no end of a moral...
...3°6 What we must regard as objectionable, however, is that the companies should in the least ornament their ambitions with fine phrases about improving the beauty of the falls...
...Two extremes that never meet, two worlds which (like the proverbial East and West) have nothing to tell each other...
...It was only a few years ago that the twentytwo Negroes, mostly young men and boys, who willingly, even joyously, died for the Faith In the fierce persecutions under King Mwanga, were beatified in Saint Peter's, with the Pope venerating their relics, and publicly praying to Blessed Charles Luanga and his companions that they would intercede for him and the Church in which he is "the servant of the servants of God," to the end that he and his fellow-ministers might be helped and supported in the great task of preaching the religion of the love of God and man...
...But those who do not find beauty in steel girders say yes, and appeal from art metaphysics to art history...
...Both are creations of public opinion, but their very subsistence side by side indicates that neither is desired...
...We believe there is plenty of truth in this diagnosis...
...This will be worth a trifling $20,000,000 a year to interests on the American side alone...
...Panic Toothpaste—Sterilizes the Mouth, Nose and Throat...
...This, we are told, will not only divert the falls from its own vicious intent, but will give it a superior beauty—the beauty, we suppose, of a well-groomed existence...
...It may therefore be worth while recalling the circumstance that Catholic missionaries and teachers struggled during centuries to impress upon the millions in Hispanic America a hunger for the bliss of the obedient soul...
...FATHER HUDSON'S manly bosom has just been spanned by something which looks comparatively like a watch chain—the first cable of the Aesthetics new bridge designed to bring New in Bergen York City and Bergen County, New County Jersey, into closer and, one hopes, more friendly relations...
...Rockefeller's chief memorial in the Midde-West...
...This was an endeavor to unify the Protestant crusaders in Latin America so as to "increase their power as a Christian Church...
...WHAT may be defined as a striking instance of a work of political supererogation is the effort being made (in the midst of the hot spell, In the too) by the imperial wizard of the American Klan in "starting a campaign to repeal Jungle tne Fifteenth Amendment," because of "the furor over the entertainment of the wife of Representative De Priest, the Negro congressman, at the White House...
...His endowment does not include any guarEurope antee against mistakes, but he possesses constructive outlook and personal adReunited dress in effective union...
...Incidentally, but only very incidentally, quite incidentally, in fact, it will permit the diversion of 20,000 cubic feet of water per second for power purposes...
...Even in that case many unprejudiced individuals realized that Calles and Portes Gil had suppressed much they did not wish to expose to the light of day in foreign capitals...
...Shall metaphysics accept the values engendered by history...
...And the result...
...It suggests that educational institutions and churches be permitted to import carillons of thirty-five bells or more duty-free, inasmuch as no American manufacturer has yet produced a set of more than twenty-three bells...
...But our judgment tells us that it would remove the benefit of protection from the American manufacturer who might some day aspire to the creation of something large and noble in the way of carillons...
...Until one has a full, leisurely Exploitation holiday in which to turn the pages of of Fear a stack of the gayer publications, he will not realize in what a wilderness of horrors we are living...
...Because of an affection for carillons, and the University of Chicago, our sentiments are for this small amendment to the bill...
...Recently he sold his chain of theatres for $20,000,000—so we are informed, at least—and became the most distinguished member of New Haven's large and colorful Italian colony...
...Thirty-six priests of their own race labor among them, and nearly two hundred Negro nuns, and a congregation of native lay brothers...
...BIASED and officious press correspondents have at times proved annoying and obstructive to governments of countries they are assigned to cover, Censorship but on the w^°^e truth does little harm and Guilt if the governments it envisages are functioning in accordance with what has been established as right...
...Having studied the matrimonial I. Q. s problem for a long time with the help of manifold evidence patiently gathered, Father Lord concluded that many girls are finding it difficult to unearth boys with anything like brains...
...Junelite Lamps—Give that Palm Beach Tan...
...Rockefeller forgot to provide for the duty, which under the present law would amount to $80,000...
...There are more than a quarter of a million Catholics now in the land of these martyrs...
...These facts afford a measure of the magnanimity which has decreed that the names of the German Rhodes scholars who died in service during the war be inscribed in the Rhodes House roll of honor...
...We cannot argue unless we first master for ourselves the secret language and the hidden code...
...Though the Doctor paused by the wayside to see the fountain of perpetual youth, he was generally very strict in attending to business...
...They have also, no doubt, a morality and an aesthetic of their own...
...Obviously it is easier to win agreement from a few...
...If it is bad art or architecture to veneer structural steel with stone," muses the editor of the New York Evening World, "what are we to say about 99.99 percent of modern buildings and about all the skyscrapers of which we are so proud...
...We invite our readers to give especial attention to his paper...
...It must have been a rare sight, that wedding with its solemn high mass, Mr...
...Mattern, whose life has been devoted to the study of such matters, discusses ways and means for achieving a unity of public voice and public will...
...It comes from the central and northwestern states which are reported to be firmly against ratification of the treaty, but only until they can win, as the price of peace, agreement on the Lakes-to-the-Gulf and the St...
...And unlike many frightfully old American families in the vicinity, the Polis enjoyed the satisfaction of knowing that their daughter could marry a title (and an aviator to boot) without straining a single thread of tradition...
...No, declare many architects, who hold that the attempt to dress up the product of Gary in neatly mortised rock would be to tell a lie...
...the restoration of Russia to the European fold, achieved through the offer of capital by all the western powers...
...be about to be born, and thus darken the hour of its nativity with the shadow of free trade...
...It might be unwise to refuse aid to this industry which may (who knows...
...The university's embarrassment is not greatly lessened by the new bill which would cut this assessment in half...
...Nor do we intend to stimulate a more genuine one, on our own or anyone else's account...
...You may settle the point to your liking...
...We do not object to further exploitation of Niagara in a fair purpose, providing that it does not impair our enjoyment of the scene...
...If Dr...
...Rhodes's spirit is one of those which are destined to go marching on, and it will march always with the empire...
...The answer depends upon public opinion...
...However, Mr...
...American Catholics, both black and white, might usefully invoke the intercession of Blessed Charles Luanga and his companions to the end that the Holy Spirit may spread the good gifts of wisdom and understanding among us all, here in the United States, so that we may be better able to deal with one of the most serious and difficult problems which ever faced any nation: the race problem...
...The plan is much too special to be followed in all its details by editors who are not engineers, but what it seems to propose is an operation to lower the crest line on both flanks of the horseshoe, and the building of submerged weirs in the deep channel...
...TO READ the display advertisements in almost any magazine these days is to lose almost all of the cheer traditionally promoted by the summer The season...
...Abend and the attempted muzzling of other foreign correspondents should be so quickly followed by Chinese seizure of the Chinese Eastern Railway, leaves Nanking in a position which needs considerable explaining...
...It has long since been apparent that professors usually get much better wives than they deserve...
...Mexican censorship during the recent religious conflict may be the exception that proves the rule...
...Has not steel construction become so established and general as to show through, so to speak, the stone and marble...
...Baldwin's currently reported feeling that the restoration of Germans to the Rhodes lists is "in the interests of peace" is a little belated...
...That the people's voice and the people's will are not always identical in these piping parliamentary times need astound no one...
...Some five thousand editorial commentators missed the schedule, or found no cause for agitation in it...
...After the ceremony, we are told, more than two thousand guests were escorted, amid cheers and vivas, to the palatial country home about which the immigrant of years ago would not have dared to dream...
...It is in several respects a most interestpremeditate ing document...
...Variation in crops has time and time again been urged as a remedy for overproduction of a certain commodity...
...There is no denying either that a certain voguish male formula produces a dumbbell...
...It is a real point: the arts fail whenever they are insincere...
...Can this live on, despite the Eighteenth Amendment...
...But is the young lady playing entirely square ? Is she willing to accept a young and struggling instructor's financial limitations, or to make her hands as rough and hard as her mother's were...
...Years ago Mr...
...Hitherto the voyager from one to the other frequently lost both his time and his temper...
...and Fratbrother Clothes—Catch no Germs...
...IT IS good news that German students have been declared once more eligible for Rhodes scholarships, as they were before the war...
...It would mean, of course, the identification of the League of Nations with Europe, in so far as almost all practical problems are concerned, and so would complete logically a process of development rendered nearly inevitable by the policy of our own United States...
...Absolute unity in such matters is one of the primary raisons d'etres of farmers' cooperative associations...
...Brues might look for an ally against insect invasion...
...Inside the area of drought two maxims have been put into practice: the accep3O5 tance of Volsteadism and the fostering of subterranean traffic in liquor...
...We offer to lexicographers a definition of advertising as the exploitation of fear...
...And this ban has been lifted for so long now that the English news comes with a little shock...
...Indeed, the significance of that scene was immense...
...Then the movie came along, and no man in the world grasped its possibilities more magisterially than this same Mr...
...WHAT was once a beautiful horseshoe is now a ragged V-shaped line"—we quote from a pamphlet about Niagara which, with similar propaganda, will be the subject of Niagara examination by the Federal Trade Commission in the fall...
...Before many months elapse, our river will look for all the world like Gulliver being traversed by the crowds of Lilliput...
...No aspect of the situation seemed more promising than that explained by our speaker as follows: "Worship means more to the Spanish people than to the AngloSaxon people, for they are more humble in their attitude toward their religion and more vivacious and more eloquent in their expression of love for the Church...
...It is likely that Cecil Rhodes himself dictated the delay, by token of the amazing fact that a powerful man's tradition may be less generous and more inflexible than those who are charged with administering it—or, for the matter of that, than the man himself would be, in the flesh...
...Abend, it appears, was becoming too authoritative in his despatches interpreting events in that troublous country...
...Some months ago he announced his intention of working for an "organized Europe, the most important political aspects of which would be: the gradual disappearance of trade barriers, responsible for the threatened scission of the continent into mutually hostile alliances...
...Thayer was talking about prohibition, and there was possibly some virtue in suggesting, to a nation so morbidly conscious of its foreign element, that there is an English tradition of liberty...
...He even believes that the beginnings of realization are just around the corner...
...Sellum Cigarettes—Keep You Thin...
...Your young lady keeps up her reading and her intellectual interests...
...Baldwin, who has been blamed for so much recently, probably cannot be justly blamed for this...
...The only German parallel our own country was in a posiRhodes tion to supply to Oxford's action in Scholars suspending scholarly amenities after 1914 was our refusal to listen to German opera...
...Science has taught, and most wisely, that the most effective check to parasitical advance on a particular growth is an interposition of a crop which will not nourish the invader...
...That this action against Mr...
...It happens that the University is about to receive a sixty-fourbell carillon, worth $200,000, from England...
...And so when they present us with such a conclusion as that Niagara is in the way of becoming only a common and unreputable sort of rapids, we are helpless...
...to them Dr...
...W ITH so much being said about sugar, leather and lumber, the framers of the new tariff bill had the right to expect that their little readjustment t^l .__xt of the rates on carillons would pass „ .. unnoticed, or at least win them praise, s since the revision was downward, from 40 to 20 percent...
...Lawrence waterways...
...Meanwhile, however, the bridge has given rise to a heated aesthetic debate...
...In THE long run," said Dr...
...A treaty pends between the United States and Canada providing for a redistribution of the flow over the cataracts...
...The opportunity was lost not because there were huge acreages under single recalcitrant controls, but because, among many owners, there were numbers who refused the sacrifice of an immediate profit to secure a future good for themselves and complete protection for more remote planters...
...your young man is acquiring an elkish mentality and cheering the football team...
...This picture is deeply stamped on the modern imagination, and there has perhaps been, for those appointed to disburse his bounty, a certain real difficulty in disturbing it in the interest of the empire's recent foes...
...Poli was an immigrant peddler of his own humble art creations...
...Now another great barrier has been thrown down and the despised Negro has proved himself to be as susceptible as the white races to the breath of the Holy Spirit...
...There is the problem...
...The courage, faith, spiritual insight and purity of those young martyrs are one of the greatest triumphs of grace that have been recorded in the history of the Church...
...James I. Vance, summarizing the work of the recent SpanTribute Un ish Protestant Conference at Havana...
...It comes principally from Chicago, which is willing, however, to swap support of the treaty for some concessions on water diversion at its end of the Lakes...
...Elsewhere in this issue Dr...
...But Dr...
...One's first reflection is apt to be that, as the armistice was signed in 1918, Mr...
...He might no doubt have come and Ketort right Qut boJdIy wkh «we human beings," since experience seems to indicate that tyranny has been pummeled and muzzled pretty effectively in countries where not so much as an English syllable is used...
...The normal young man may be somewhat abashed in the presence of a "highbrow" girl—but in all sober truth, he is usually more affrighted at the thought of her requirements in the way of clothes, automobiles, maids and the many other sundry accessories...
...Curiously enough, nobody seems to have been led to wonder how they developed such virtues...
...It is, however, by no means a coincidence that the conflict here envisaged runs all the way through philosophy, to its deepest source...
...Had cotton farmers cooperated wholeheartedly with the government in its fight against the boll weevil by planting a belt of corn from the gulf northward, the destructive insect would have been forced back to that Mexico whence it came...

Vol. 10 • July 1929 • No. 12

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