
Kolars, Mary & Vernon, Grenville & Larsson, R. Ellsworth & Boyd-Carpenter & Slattery, John T. & Marshall, David John

That Saint Maur founded Benedictinism in France, that Saint Placid carried the Benedictine rule to Sicily, or that Saint Augustine of Canterbury had lived according to the Benedictine rule in his...

...Frederick Moore has been a special correspondent of leading American and European papers, and official American Counse!or to the Japanese Office of Foreign Affairs at Tokio...
...M. Romier adheres to the now rather well-known doctrine of dynamic wealth...
...that "the social structure of the United States does not compose a unified, historical nation...
...Her endowments are extraordinary, and one awaits the less crowded, less hasty novel which, sooner or later, must give them their just scope...
...Thereafter the author passes to the history of tribunals of arbitration, with a specml section dealing with the Hague Peace Conferences, and their immediate results, from which he proceeds to an illuminating discussion of the possibihties of a permanent court of arbitration as a probable and expanding source of enforcing, by reason and argument, peace upon nations...
...Has Mr...
...The human interest is supplied by the young re-porter and the even younger stenographer who find themselves involved simultaneously in the sinister tangle of their em-ployers' lives and a love affair which bears more exclusively upon their own...
...COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Conducted by the Sisters of St...
...To a gentle- man so sturdy as he is, it is probably an amiable place...
...The essence of it all," he says, "the Euro- pean will most often fail to grasp: I mean the magnificent and arduous labor of human regeneration which has been going on and is still going on at the other side of the Atlantic...
...Miss Ashton must be praised for drawing her moral lessons firmly and securely without ever seeming the moral pedant...
...You will have the spiritmd benefiu of the Ma,es, prayers and good works of 65,000 missionarie~ "I hereby give, devise and bequeath unto the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, (offices at 462 Madiwn Avenue, New York City), the sum of...
...The present novel confirms that iudgment, it shows that Miss AsDon, while really possessing the courageous mind, the sense of character and the often respired lntUltlon~ which one was will,he to concede to her even on the strength o( a solitary nmel, has written her second book too coon...
...Ward Method of Tuchins Mwie, Courses I, II, III Qt'qoFum AccompanimentAd*~ Chlronomy Haemon~--.~ounterpohtt Musical Theoey~Lessons in Voice Peoducuoa, Orsan, Violin, Piano Regiotretious, Jmae 24th, meli~ d d~irmt Cathedral I~134 FONTBONNE COLLEGE St...
...Cahfomm (Water REd), The Great Lake., Motor Coach and Rail Tours to New England and Canada...
...Lawrence and Saguenay, Bermuda, Porto-Rico, Havana and West Ind,es...
...It is an appraisal of our strength and our weakness...
...Stan[ord University Press...
...CONTRIBUTORS WILLIAM COI~INS IS General Organizer for the American Federation of Labor H JAMES ROCgZL teaches Latin and English m Gardner, Massachusetts...
...I suppose he does not...
...Edman would here protest, the relics of a faith and a philosophy inherited from an age when faith was a definite and vital thing...
...But I do object, and violently, to the implications of the caption, Revamping Stendhal, and of the phrase "the easy, the deft and flippant modern biography about Stendhal...
...A Corporate College of St...
...He has the intellectual and moral equipment without which no critic can really count...
...Does he know that M. Hazard, occupying the chair of Comparative Romance Literature in the Coll~ge de France, is one of the two leaders of the Paris school of studies in comparative literature...
...Humor, too, he lacks and that robust trust in life of which humor is perhaps the child...
...The merit of patient reading and extensive erudition Reyner might justly claim...
...But there must often occur even to lawyers and professors the thought that legal actmns are appealed against, new trials sought, supreme court decisions demanded...
...Saint Wilfrid (Eddius, chapter 45) asserts: "Nonne ego curavi, quomodo vitam monachorum secundum regulam S. Benedicti patris, quam nullus ibi prior invexit constituerem ?" Indeed, Lingard (Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, page 73) says: "Reyner, in his Apostolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia, is, like other genealogists, often fanciful and sometimes extrava- gant...
...With all his other gifts he has not yet been granted the gift of faith...
...It is surprising that, in revlewmg constitutlonalism in the world, the author uses the consntutmns of the United States, Great Britain and France--those nations whose parliamentary government remains practically unaltered--and pays but little attentmn to the principles and forms of those constitutions which revolution and the war brought into being in the new republics of Europe...
...but that, unless she meanwhile loses it, she has also something which can more than offset the American advantage of an earlier start--those old spiritual traditions which can save her from the perils inherent in the very notion of mass civilization...
...ELEANOR SHIPLEY DUCKgTT iS professor of Latin language and literature at Smith College THOMAS ~ MALONEis a Mmneapohs contributor to The Commonweal BOYD-CARPENTER has taught in English and Chinese Universities, and is recognized as an authority on oriental politics and literature...
...Too seldom is peace sought in the spirit of peace and fashioned from principles that are purely pacific...
...The Thrust of Grace Angels and Earthly Creatures, by Elinor Wylie...
...Thomas J. McDemudl 'It ia .9 bad will that hat not the name of out Lcgd among the Hdn" --CA~m~ M~ I GORHAM ECCLESIASTICAL PRODUCTIONS Rmaries Candlestick~ Vases Chtenwria Pyxis & Oil Stock~ Medah Vestments TriptTd~ Altar Appointmen~- Church Decoratiom Mmaics--Tablett---Stamed Glass WindowJ GORHAM Fifth Avenue at 47th Street, New York SUMMER VACATION TRIPS and CRUISES Europe, Nova Scotia, New Foundland, St...
...And also, on page I6o, on the question that the United States does not need an imperialistic policy...
...That Saint Maur founded Benedictinism in France, that Saint Placid carried the Benedictine rule to Sicily, or that Saint Augustine of Canterbury had lived according to the Benedictine rule in his monastery of Saint Andrew on the Caelian Hill in Rome before being sent to England are noth-ing more than traditions...
...Hill and Dr...
...and that "the American people owes nothing of any signifi- cance to politics...
...TO the Editor :--It would of course be unfair to hold against Mr...
...Each writer of eminence, and each prel- ate of distinguished sanctity, the religious of every convent and the clergy of every cathedral, were all Benedictine monks...
...and the suicide of his mistress, who turns out likewise to have been someone very different from what we had at first supposed...
...He is earnest in his search for truth, and he knows how to write felicitous and often distinguished prose...
...The Commonweal requests its subscribers to communicate any chan#es of address two weeks in advance, to ensure the recetpt of all issues...
...We observe," he writes, "a universal tendency toward the seizure of the political field by economic forces...
...Its style is singulativ pleasing and lucid, Its organization excellent...
...The Next Champion Who Will Be Master, Europe or America?, by Luckn Romier...
...E. K. BRowN...
...The Politics of Peace, and The Public International Con- ference are, in a wide sense, supplementary to each other...
...While Mr...
...It is an example from which we may derive new springs of hope for all humanity...
...All his sense of style, his taste, his innate feeling for the decencies of life, are in their synthesis devoid of any definite meaning...
...Here one finds pieces that are consistent with her early writings, and something more...
...Edman is not of these...
...The main difference which one marks between it and Race is in the greater number of its dramatis personae and t]'e g:e~ter complexity of its plot...
...She must be praised, too, for the unstudied dlstinctmn of many of her passages...
...To those cemidermg THEIR VACATION PLANS will be pleased to mad descnpuve hterature and submit itineraries on request to FARLEY TRAVEL AGENCY ,5-m Murray Hill Cl,yA,., N. r Phone 8390-8391 SARA ANSLEY O'ROURKE assocla,ed wsth EDITH L. SMITH Specialist in Westchester and Fairfield Country Homes ROOM 2580, SALMON TOWER 11 WEST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY Telephone Pennsylvsnm 8762 Write Joy [older PIUS X SCHOOL OF LITURGICAL MUSIC COLLEGE OF THE SACRED HEART 133rd Street and Convent Awnue, New York Tlth~th ~hmamer &msion June 2~Aulguat !1 COURSES OFFERED ~,~odan Chain Jm~tim...
...This is a tremendous lesson which the American example teaches us: the ease with which supposedly old races may be rejuvenated when transplanted into a new mode of life...
...His sentences are clear, his paragraphs have form, and his thought up to a certain point is lucid...
...Edman is a man who ought to be a force in contemporary thought and letters... it that he lacks courage, the courage of the humble, of those willing to trust and follow the unseen inner light...
...Jungle Gods, by Carl Yon Hoffman...
...COnSTANTInZ P Cumin:c, author of many articles on Irish affairs, sends this paper from Dubhn JOHn CARTER, associated with the State Department m Washington, is author of Man Is War, and Conquest JESSIE E WILLLIAMS lS a Washington poet...
...This is probably accurate, but the fault of bad education in any subject does not lie wholly in the char- acter or behavior of the student...
...Hers is the sort of writing which we term inevltable--growing out of the fulness and inspiration of the moment rather than out of any determination to produce a purple patch...
...Martin describes political institutions and attempts to appraise these in the light of their past and their existing con- tributions to the peace of the world...
...When again he says: "It is now in the best circles indecent to be decent, shameful to be shy, offensive to be courteous, suspicious to be simple"--we might he listening to the words of a younger Chesterton...
...For Bulletin address the O~iceof the Dean Briefer Mention Death on Scurvy Street, by Ben Ames tCilliams...
...And yet at those moments when we look for a summing up and a statement of personal belief his thought suddenly evaporates into a haze of generalities...
...In the background, linking the two groups and supplying a good deal of the mischief, hovers an incre&ble yet undeniably attractive creation named Diana Gray--beautiful, fastidious, cultivated, untouched by love, unmoral and yet, in her own way, benignant...
...We may regret much of what he has to say of us and we may maintain at points our honest disagreement, but we cannot fail to be fascinated by the magnificent sweep of his chapters nor by the brilliant play on a complicated subject of a genuinely first-class mind...
...The Pohtics o[ Peace, by Charles E. Martin...
...D. BrDE GRAY, Obl., O.S.B...
...Hill sets out to describe the International Conference, and then to analyze his description of it in relation to history and international law...
...Chamberlain his reaction to the biography of Stendhal which M. Hazard brought out in French in 1927, and which appears to have got into English...
...HAZARD ON STENDHAL Toronto, Canada...
...It is neither the careful irony of her earlier verses nor the well-considered and considerable wit of her middle period...
...Edman himself they spell salvation...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company...
...Moore brings a wealth of sifted information to- gether in a pleasingly compact form, he does not hesitate to lay his finger on areas of danger, as for instance page 3: "The first and perhaps the strangest . . is that President Wilson supported the navy in the greatest program in all history...
...All four books can be summarized in the short sentence that their proposition is peace, with the extension of this idea con- tained in the phrase of Burke, "not peace through the medium of war...
...Such a peace would be better described as a sullen pause from arms, giving an opportunity of qmet in which to meditate revenge, a period when pride smarts under its wounds and resentment festers anew...
...Although the Indian menagerie usually depicted in western juvenile literature is present, the main background of the book is supplied by the absorbing picture of the everyday life which was led by the sons and daughters of the western pioneers...
...Yet his style, his taste, and the decency of his feeling are at least definite...
...In short, M. Romier has produced a powerful book...
...It is through Diana's eyes that we see Ru:h's decision taking shape, and it is Diana's own words, in her final moment of enlightenment, which send Simon, the younger Treverstone brother, back to the life of religious dedication which he has tried desperately to deny...
...He presents, on the other hand, the en-gaging theory that the United States is "a social organism rather than a body politic...
...To that extent it is the story of David and Ruth-David, the strong man afflicted by a malady which leaves him an almost lifeless hulk, and Ruth, a soft, desirous little creature who finds in her Catholic conscience the surprising strength to send away a passionately loved lover and to stay by David to the end...
...In short, Mr...
...perils represented in America, by inter alia, the "sex problem," the "instability of the family," and the threatened loss of pure learning...
...He realizes that matenahsm means moral and spiritual bank-ruptcy, he even realizes the necessity of religion...
...But we suspect that for most persons this veldt will always be much more pleasant to read about than to visit...
...translated by Matthew Josephson...
...Living Wdd, by Agnes Chowen...
...Forthe Faithful of the Archdiocese ofNewYork ' Remember in your will the needs of the Home and Foret~ Miuiom of your Holy Faith...
...There does not exist one shred of documentary or archaeological proof confirming them as authentic history...
...Indeed he states on page xv that only one in I,ooo Americans gives any serious attention and sustained thought to world politics...
...The Public International Con[erence, by Norman L. Hill...
...Too often in demanding peace we really want a victory to suit ourselves...
...There is in these sonnets and these other latest lyrics, the first hardy flowering of a fine metaphysic...
...He is oppressed with the idea that the people of each nation study the larger political and international issues with less care today than perhaps at any time...
...about diagrams than about moods"--he chows how justly he appreciates the hocua-pocus of our scientific witch doctors...
...There is perhaps a suggestion of thinning out toward the end of the book, but for all of that it deserves to be included in any packet of vacation volumes made up for real entertainment...
...But Mr...
...New York: Frederick A Stokes Company...
...All of which is vital to M. Romier's point that, while the ancient framework of Europe must remain, her national boundaries will have to be straddled to create there a single economic unit with space in which to move and function if the machine age is to continue to produce ever more and more goods and pay ever higher and higher wages and profits...
...WILLIAMS is one of the most competent of our current literary entertainers, and the murder mystery which bears the unpleasant but effective title noted above is written with ease and skill...
...The American conception of liberty, he writes, "means nothing other than the freedom of economic and social activities from obstruction by the whole political game...
...And even after all this has been permitted and finished many are dissatisfied...
...Edman is neither proud nor arrogant...
...New York: The Macmillan Company...
...Shackles of the Free (the title is curiously reminiscent of the sentimental fiction of an earlier day) was originally planned, evidently, as an affirmation of the spiritual obligation of marriage after its material actuality has been destroyed by tragedy...
...Perhaps the spring of faith is nearer to him than he himself realizes...
...Perhaps for Mr...
...Louis, Mo...
...John J. Dims, D.D...
...The probabili-ties of guilt are neatly distributed between the racketeers on whose territory the dead man cut in in his activities as playboy of the underworld, and the man whom he had personally wronged...
...In the Saxon Church he can discover nothing but Benedictine monks...
...THERE are many disagreeable things about the veldt which Captain Van Hoffman mentions only in passing...
...He longs for the good hfe as sincerely as any other living writer...
...Chamberlain is curious to find M. Hazard's estimate of the works of Stendhal, he might open the monumental history of French literature that M. Hazard did in collaboration with M. Joseph B6dier of the French Academy, his colleague at the Coll~ge de France...
...T HE case of Irwin Edman is not typical of contemporary American criticism for two reasons: American criticism is largely either propaganda or the expression of the individual ego, and the critics themselves either write journalese or rumble about in a jargon at once turgid and insincere...
...His black men have a wisdom which in many ways commends itself to us, and his animals are much more entertaining than the critters which hang about civilized countries...
...Chamberlain read M. Hazard's La R6volution Fran~aise et Lettres Italiennes, which remains after twenty years the standard study of the intellectual relations of France and Italy in the Stendhal period...
...However, David and Ruth are not really central...
...New York: Alfred A. Knop...
...In so far as this may be taken as descriptive of their general aims, it marks an immense advance in scholastic and legal thought, for which the world may be grateful...
...but a natural partiality urged him to display the ancient honors of his order, and his judgment was the slave of his partiality...
...the Gallic missionaries were Benedictine monks...
...Edman is not a vague or obscure writer...
...It is due to the fact that in newspapers and in colleges the tendency is to employ youth or youthful minds on affairs and subjects which require experience...
...Joseph of Carondelet...
...Through-out, the volume shows a wide grasp of modern history and present-day politics which makes it interesting even if there are obvious points on which agreement might be difficult...
...Dur-ing the administration of that ardent advocate of disarmament, and under his guidance, the rivalry with Great Britain had its beginning...
...New York: E. P. Dutton and Company...
...Yet at least Mr...
...For all these reasons he does not belong to any of the little cenacles of the intelligentsia dedi-cated in one way or another to what they call "the modern temper...
...Two of the authors, Dr...
...That position belongs rather to Sir Gavin Treverstone, an honorable and bitter old anti-Papist, and his two sons, whose priestly vocations, with the very diverse responses which they elicit, furnish the real comphcations of the action...
...T HREE of these volumes are published as part of the series known as the Stanford Books on World Politics, of which apparently seven have already been issued...
...He indicates some of the more significant problems, such as the possibility of obtaining harmonious con- sents, and how the lack of information is to be overcome--though from page 202 onward, he merely narrates what has been found possible and what obstacles constantly recur in all conferences...
...the Scottish missionaries were, or immed'ately became, Benedictine monks...
...Indeed, he argues, it is precisely because of this "enfeeblement of her political system" that America today "represents the most advanced type of economic society...
...It is curious that he has no suggestions to offer on the question of governments paying men to study certain problems steadily, instead of depending on the so-called expert, too often only an expert when an emergency arises...
...T HE president of the Soci6t6 d'Economie Natlonale and long a famous figure of intellectual France, Lucien Romier, toured the United States in the interest of the French government in 1927, to mark the advance of our social and economic development...
...Houghton Mtffhn Company...
...No less than the earlier book ~t sug- gests charactelq in the flat rather than in ~bo m~nv-dlmenaloned completeness of ripened knowledge, and issues which, if not unpondered, are at least not wholly realized...
...Judge Ralston is a lawyer, who had the distinction of being associated with the presentation of the first dispute which was submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitrators at The Hague under the terms of the Hague Peace Convention...
...Let's leave it to the Captain, who takes nice pictures, and tells an amusing tale...
...BOOKS What Shall We Do with Peace...
...Addressed to Europe, it also strikes home here...
...I object also to the assumption that M. Hazard has failed by attending to the man and not to his work...
...They are, though no doubt Mr...
...The present state of lawlessness in America, in China, in Mexico, in Russia, does not seem to indicate that the day of permeating peace by arbination or consent is quite at the dawn...
...The subject is divided into five main parts laying down the principles of judicial settlements, with those influences which are working toward the plan and idea of judicial settlements...
...This additional something is to be discovered in a sequence of nineteen sonnets that one might cherish as her testament, and, in lesser degree, in some five or six other pieces...
...Balm for the Disinherited Adam, the Baby, and the Man from Mars, by Irwin Edman...
...To discover its equivalent, one needs to look more remotely than to the work of Emily Dickinson, Miss Wylie's most patent influence, until one comes, at last, on the school of Donne...
...Judge Ralston has produced an interesting book...
...America's Naval Challenge, by Frederick Moore...
...It is not that the man himself lacks virility...
...And yet the same man can write of the influence of the popular psychologists: "It has freed us of much nonsense about nobil- ity, and has made possible a literature without tears...
...New Yor~: The ]l/lacaulay Company...
...Its narrative centers about the death of a gangster who, it transpires, was no gangster at all but a great power in the newspaper world...
...Surely there is in such a writer something of an antinomy, an antin-omy of which he himself is not aware...
...I have not seen the English translation of the book, but in the original--and it would not perhaps be too fatiguing for a reviewer to look into the original--one finds on the front and sides, Vie des Hommes Illustres...
...It was there suggested that she stood in need of the strengthening processes of leisure and maturity to enable her to sustain her unusually concreted ideas on a uniform level of interest and reality...
...For the American civilization M. Romier demands a high degree of respect...
...Promise and Haste Shackles of the Free, by Mary Grace Ashton...
...GRENVILLE VERNOn, the author of The Image m the Path, is a crate of music and opera DAVID Joun MAESHALL is a member of the editorial staff of the New York Sun R ELLSWOaTH L^aSSON will publish a hook of verse in the fall under the title, O City, Cities Mo~sl~soa JO~N T. SLAT'rEEV IS professor of apologetics in Saint Rose's College, Albany, and the author of Dante, the Central Man of the World, and Dante's Attitude toward the Church and Clergy of His Time...
...M. Hazard made up a book for a biograph- ical series, and with his known suppleness of mind he reduced the critical parts to the minimum and dealt with the works in function of the life...
...Bars and girls from the ages of eleven to fourteen will be interested in this book, which is an account of the lives of four children in Montana during the days of Sitting Bull and Custer's last stand...
...International zlrbitration front Athens to Locarno, by Jackson H. Ralston...
...These authors narrate excellently their theses, but humanity itself must want peace, seek peace and be willin~ to grant peace...
...I THE absence of a posthumous collection of her poems, N this handful of verses, selected for publication on Decem-ber I5, the day previous to her tragic death, will serve as none of her other books does to present the diverse flowering of Elinor Wylie's fine talent...
...And so it is that at the most crucial moments in these essays Caliban seems to pluck a handful of feathers from the wings of Ariel...
...They are there and to be accounted for...
...So long as this perfectly inane proceeding continues, the public and the student cannot be attracted...
...M. Romier hopes that with his spiritual heritage to strengthen him, the European may devise a system under which, rather than become slaves "bowing before the merciless law of economic return"--for that is where we are all heading--men may be masters of the machine, to the end that civilization may not be "at the mercy of physical accidents...
...His heart is where it ought to be, and his brain could be a useful tool...
...Moreover, his heart and his emotions are on the side of the angels...
...New York...
...But politics is not the nation, and "the nation may more effectively defend its existence by holding to the idea of the fatherland, the fatherland being considered not as the mere community of interests but as a fountain-head of precious traditions which must be safeguarded, and of moral and intellectual impulsions whose vigor must be sustained...
...Louis University and as such fuUy accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools...
...The Italian missionaries were Benedictine monks...
...He is young, yet it is evident that he is already a little tired...
...New York: Henry Holt and Company... obtain peace which has been hunted through the labyrinth of endless and tricky negotiations, or merely to demand peace which shall depend on the judicial determination of the perplexing problems of the day, is but to obtain a forced consent due to the exhaustion of energv, which leaves the demands of both nations unsolved...
...When he can write: "The presnge of science has misled us into sup-posing that there is something more metaphysically respectable about atoms than about ambitions...
...Why is it then that this latest book of his critical essays leaves the impression of impotence and futlhtv...
...2 5o...
...And of his careful observation this book xs the result...
...If Mr...
...All th~s is excellently presented with cases and opinions to support the argument...
...Edman is not writing for himself, and for others, for that vast army of the spiritually disinherited which is the saddest thing in modern life, his writing must appear strangely empty...
...A REVIEW of this highly gifted young author's first novel, Race, apneared in these columns about a year ago...
...Martin, are university professors...
...This is the thesis: That although her political structure has still to be adapted to the change, Europe has the native skill and capacity to match at every point the "mass civilization" of America...

Vol. 10 • July 1929 • No. 10

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