The Cult of Saints/The Meaning of Saints
Tavard, George H.
with one remark.) "The general lack of freedom of the poet is grotesquely intensified in the specific lack of freedom of the poem --in which each part is determined not only by the demands...
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...That the holy would be located by Christians, not only in Word and Sacraments, but also around the tombs of saints, relics, bones, places where saints have had a special experience (like St...
...That the option was made in the time of the Fathers of the church is, however, a historical fact of major importance...
...Suitable for framing...
...The Meaning of Saints undoubtedly suffers from being read close to The Cult of the Saints...
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...TIlE NEAmNG 0F SAINTS Lawrence Cunningham Harper and Row, $9.95, 186 pp...
...No Room in the Inn The Workers of the Holy Family, Zamora, Michoacan, Mexico, have no room for vocation prospects... lies, not in the saints' capacity to work miracles, but in the ability to live through the entanglements and oppressions of modern life...
...Cunningham also tries to sum up the history of canonizations and their process in the Roman Catholic church...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...That Tolstoy may be a modern saint could be acceptable, if one did not know what a dictatorial tyrant he was for his unfortunate wife...
...function as icons or images of Christ and lead to Christ, they also manifest their presence (praesentia) by the spiritual power (potentia) which from time to time emerges from their invocation...
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...FATHER GEORGE H. TAVARD is a member of the faculty at Methodist Theological School in Ohio...
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...And the vision of sainthood gets so blurred that the reader is not quite sure if the saint is the drunken priest of The Power and the Glory or is, in fact, Graham Greene himself...
...I find it most peculiar that, in order to illustrate his meaning, Cunningham has recourse, not only to living personages, such as Mother Teresa, or to recent ones, such as Gandhi, Teilhard de Chardin, John XXIII, but also to the purely fictional characters invented by novelists or poets...
...Jarrell died in 1965...
...Indeed, the support of the theologians was necessary to negotiate the delicate passage from the sainthood of the martyrs, who had shed their blood for It~ili HH| | |~'~ S k %I . like .a liplcan .! I !{~e y as possible...
...not have anything to do with God...
...There are also a number of historical mistakes: the legend of Veronica is not medieval, but is in fact much older (p...
...Francis and is the author of a translation of St...
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...He is the author of The Soul in Paraphrase: George Herbert's Poeticsand Shakespeare's Darker Purpose...
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...KRISTEN MURTAUGH teaches Italian at I Manhattan College...
...I in every situation...
...But Cunningham is so carded away by his theme that the fiction character seems as real to him as the authentic living person...
...Pascal never wrote (as on p. 97), that "Jesus will be on the cross until the end of the world...
...Father Nigro, Gonzaga University...
...The original contribution of Brown lies in his pointing out of the connections between the relationships of a client to his patron in the Roman world, and that of devotees to their chosen saint...
...It is an unhappy thought ' that there will be no more, divine that his book will satisfy nobody...
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...Spokane 99258...
...Eliot (Four Quartets) describe modern saints and modern sainthood: it is hidden and often paradoxical... strives in the concentration camp, be this the Gulag or Harlem, and reacts to conditions of oppression, whether totalitarian, military, or economic...
...Yet the way of popular religion was endorsed by no less a person than St...
...w or ,00,, (212)753-1783 19 June 1981:379 their faith, tO the sainthood of more or less obviously holy persons (some, of little apparent holiness) who had died of natural causes...
...Cunningham has tried to do too much...
...Peter Brown, previously known for a major study of the life of St...
...the Alyosha of Dostoevski's The Brothers Karamazov is constantly written, Aloysha...
...Agnostic saints and atheistic saints are quite possible...
...Every poet, indeed every writer, knows what it is thus to be trapped between what he has writIll = A locus for the I| TEE CULT OF SAINTS ITS RISE AND FUNCTIONIN LATIN CHRISTIANITY Peter Brown Univ...
...Softbound, 282 pages ~ $5.95 + $1.00 postage and handling...
...Brown shows that this option tallied with the general sense of the religious in human. kind, and especially with the reaction of both Jews and Gentiles to the death of remarkable religious personalities...
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...Augustine, who devoted to its defense and promotion the last book of his famous City of God...
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...There are sixty or seventy pieces here, all eminently deserving of one's attention, even where the issue is long s6ttled, the poet or poem long forgotten...
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...A saint is a person with a vision, which is not only central to that person's life but becomes contagious and.reaches out to many others...
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...Both of the volumes, however, highlightan important point...
...Box 227 --Arcadia, CA 91006... the fourth and final collection of his essays and reviews, the second to be published posthumously...
...The need to locate the holy is experienced in all religions...
...And there is a considerable amount of wishful thinking in believing that "Eurocommunists now regard the Soviet Union as an 'antimodel"' (p...
...That Christianity should provide new ways of locating it would seem to be implied in the very notion of an incarnation...
...There are additional problems with Cunningham's treatment of the saints...
...The two books now reviewed reflect quite different points of view, which in part correspond to these two levels of inquiry...
...Write us ,a~ 9 9 method, you set your own pace-[] testing yourself, correcting errors, rein-Audio-Forum I i forcing accurate responses...
...The very existence of Protestantism shows that sainthood conceived as a locus of the divine for all generations--and not only for the saint himself--is not a necessary option...
...George H. Tavard WHILE sainthood belongs inseparably to the Christian theology of grace, saints seem to belong rather to folklore and, at least in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, to liturgy and prayer...
...As described by various authors from the fourth centur)~on, the saint is a companion, though invisible, a teacher, a leader, a spiritual adviser and guide no less than an example and model...
...These two Latin words, the headings of Brown's last two chapters, sum up neatly the scope of the spiritual relationships which tie "the saint to the Christians still struggling in the present world...
...Thus, two levels are immediately open to research into what makes the saint and what saints have been like, a technical-scientific one and a descriptive-popular one...
...Kipling, Auden & Co...
...epiphanic dOes not mean hidden (p...
...98), but just the opposite: manifested...
...It is not only that Cunningham was unacquainted with Peter Brown's book when he wrote his historical first chapter: here, the spiritual relationship between saints and the living faithful is reduced to the saint's role as miracle-worker and model...
...Department of State has handsome library binders...
...but the excesses of bureaucratization in the treatment of the "causes of the saints" by the relevant section of the Congregation of Rites (reshaped by Paul VI as the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints) hardly justify the conclusion that canonizations should be left to the people and should no longer be the object of a canonical process...
...The experience of holiness in oneself, which is never total and leaves one always with the urge to rely more on divine grace than on oneself, does go side by side with the perception of holiness in REVIEWERS 9 SALLY FITZGERALD selected and edited Letters of Flannery O'Connor, The Habit of Being (Farrar, Straus...
...Bonaventure's Mind's Journey to God, tries to be both scientific and popular, with the foreseeable result ten and what he has not yet written...
...66r three times...
...Cunningham supports his case with a new definition of sainthood...
...He has written an important study of the historical origin of the cult of saints, one that cannot be neglected in any investigation of the Christian world and of Christian thought in a period that goes from the time of persecution (second-third centuries) to the"late antique"roeriod of the sixth-seventh centuries...
...Help build a form~ttion house...
...Francis at Mount Alverno) or where saints are said to have been seen (like Lourdes or Fatima in our time), does not necessarily follow from belief in the Incarnation...
...Lawrence Cunningham, who has previously written about St...
...THE LITURGICAL PRESS, Box 8, Collegeville, MN 56321...
...In SoUtas.y Witness In So#tary Witness by Gordon Zahn The true, unexpurgated story of Franz J~tgerst~ttter, who refused to serve in what he believed was an unjust war and was beheaded bY Hitler...
...The general lack of freedom of the poet is grotesquely intensified in the specific lack of freedom of the poem --in which each part is determined not only by the demands of the incomplete tentative mass of the already existing parts, but by the overriding demands of the obscurely divined, problematic, and unique whole...
...MARK TAYLOR is chairman of the English department at Manhatta n College...
...His books include Protestantism and Woman in Christian Tradition...
...Such a vision, if I understand correctly, need...
...Augustine, belongs in the scientific category...
...18, Zamora, Michoa~can, Mexico...
Vol. 108 • June 1981 • No. 12