United States and prison admissions. The policy could make it harder for Christol- Correspondence United States...
...Catholicism, I often wonder if 20500...
...tual integrity but a question of the preBland illusion I urge your readers who are concerned servation of common doctrine...
...almost inaccessible to the reader at large...
...pointed out that the ultimate purpose of of the Lake Placid prison conversion plan It is true that the prohibitive price and our armed forces is "to inflict intolerable by the Reverend Graham Hodges [Mar...
...change is occurring...
...crucial issue...
...He is the country could be released with no added rectly the more authentic its true value American taxpayer...
...Otherwise we may be fed snip- ton Mayer...
...Bewe, at the same time, have lost our sense STEPHEN W. ANGELL fore we give up entirely, could not the of the Holy...
...RICHARD A. BOYD peace...
...His name is Mildanger to the community...
...It is not a question of their human rights abroad while we deny good intentions or impeccable intellececonomic and social justice at home...
...their individual guilt or innocence...
...expansion of our own prison ar- On the other hand it could be a decided Commonweal welcomes letters on subchipelago...
...Microfilm from Vol...
...Cambridge, Mass...
...HOWARD W. LULL ments each year are for nonviolent of- below incorporated with the more tradifenses...
...cans not be concerned about halting the ties in wrestling with traditional doctrine...
...ble to churchgoers on a second- or third- and common sense that he is willing to According to most experts, eighty per- hand basis...
...the sheer bulk of the book may make it pain on human beings without regard to 30...
...In that case the sooner more squander his and his country's substance cent of the people behind bars in this readers are exposed to its contents di- on your hire and corruption...
...However, in this instance forgoing Milton Mayer, in an address to the Friends Service Committee were very the conventional scholarly wisdom U.S...
...tional 10,000 prison cells...
...30], ianize...
...percent of the federal prison commit- pets of Schillebeeckx's Christology from (REV...
...Thank you...
...Should it not consider the advisabilTo the Editors: As one of fifty national Jesus: An Experiment in Christology is ity of Christians continuing to pay taxes organizations or prominent individuals beyond the reach of the general reader is for these weapons...
...Could it not start by considering Open Christology the teaching and life of Jesus Christ in Hollis, N.Y...
...The policy could make it harder for ChristolCorrespondence United States could justly be accused of ogy to become the preserve of erudite hypocrisy, since this country preaches specialists...
...tion between unemployment rates in the experience of the faithful at large...
...Ought Ameri- encounter more frustrations and difficul- Copyright © 1979 Commonweal Publishing Co...
...left out, not surprisingly, the church...
...Blandness" is actually an AFSC Organizer for Stop church press suggest the remote possibilexclusive horizontal or vertical under- The Olympic Prison ity that an aroused church might yet distanding of Catholic Christianity...
...Letters of not The Congressional Budget Office has brought to the open forum to see how more than 250 or 300 words naturally shown that there is a 94 percent correla- well it jibes with the understanding and have a better chance of being published...
...Kennedy (Chairman, Senate Judiciary Squander unto Caesar 30] but I think his article points to a more Committee, U.S...
...1, 1924, to current issues available through University MicThe Federal Bureau of Prisons has either Now that the Catholic Church has be- rofilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor...
...20510) and President Carter (The To the Editors: Thomas Power's cogent In our efforts to humanize ("Christ- White House, Washington, D.C., analysis, "The Next War" [Mar...
...Review Digest...
...opened or is now constructing 20 new come less censorious and authoritarian it Serials Data Program No.: ISSN 0010-3330...
...Naval Postgraduate School, pleased to see the hard-hitting criticism would be appropriate...
...His name is legion...
...The plan to convert athletes' tional and familiar Christology from Commonweal is indexed in Reader s Guide to housing for the 1980 Winter Olympics above in our sermons and books without Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index, into a federal prison will lay bare the any hint or warning that a revolutionary ]ndex'of American Periodical Verse, and Book shame of our prisons to the entire world...
...respect to the making of nuclear Stars and bars To the Editors: Your reviewer's opinion weapons, their purpose, their planned Washington, D.C...
...commissioning mursupporting the campaign to Stop The probably a reasonable and responsible der...
...about the horrors of the Olympic Prison ROLAND LAIRD To the Editors: John Garvey may be wor- and the massive overuse of incarceration ried about "blandness" in Roman in this country to write Senator Edward Catholicism, ["Bad Thoughts," Mar...
...Senate, Washington, Franklin, N.C...
...Eighty-nine will be...
...benefit if Christology from below were jects treated in its pages...
...Such a Commonweal: 258...
...Olympic Prison, we from the American one...
...But The United States incarcerates 250 But if your reviewer is right and the book he admitted knowing one man with greapeople per 100,000, an extraordinarily "has rich pastoral potential" then sooner ter guilt: "He it is who is so hopelessly high per capita rate exceeded only by or later its contents will be made accessi- lost to Christianity, morality, history, South Africa among Western nations...
...rect formidable attention to the ways of (REV...
...prisons in the past ten years, for an addi- is almost inevitable that we are going to Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y...
...16] that Edward Schillebeeckx's use...
Vol. 106 • May 1979 • No. 9