Contents Volume CVI, Number 8 commonweal Correspondence ...
...America generate electricity with coal, or cut down the amount • Less concentration on the real or imagined flaws of one's of electricity we use altogether...
...debate of the energy issue start with the notion of responsibil- • Respect for the unquantifiable...
...Are we willing to pay the and even contempt generated by this admixture of truth and costs -in higher rates and environmental loss -of minimizing fantasy surely has something to do with the cavalier dismissal these dangers through greater safety standards and increased by these proponents of criticisms that have now proved cogent...
...In the name of "poor and workingnated...
...When we say it, environment, and then, disappointed, swing again to a mood maybe we'll even follow our own guidelines...
...The New Republic is right in calling nuclear energy ture and the Arts, is published biweekly, except monthly Christmas-New Year's and July and Au- "a classic illustration of our present political paralysis" and "an important social gust, by Commonweal Publishing Co., 232 Madi- decision that is not being made...
...And how is the decrease to be concentrated on unable to make their case without launching into florid "TV sets and hair driers," to use John Garvey's image (page sociological and ideological analyses of the anti-nuclear 232) for essentially frivolous uses, rather than on the obviously movement, explaining it as an anti-industrial religion, outmore essential and serious needs for power...
...Tornados and floods devastate towns...
...Correspondingly, what moderates in Northern Irepolice...
...Furthermore, IRA terrorism is matched by increasing class people," he has waged a constant attack on the endiscontent among moderate Ulster Catholic leaders...
...We have our reservations: about Malamud's lives: Saul Maloff 244 the likelihood of gasoline conservation from higher pump prices...
...Patrick's Day last year, the big four of Irish• Careful quantification whenever possible...
...27 April 1979: 227 Our own suggestions for improving public analysis and the earth, mortgaging our future to the Arabs, etc...
...secondly, British pressure on the Protestant majority to share power with the writes on Wallace Stevens as "theologian Catholic minority...
...acting on party light system and increase their income taxes, Mayor orders, eight Ulster Unionists helped to give the Conservatives Dennis J. Kucinich laid a wreath of thanksgiving at the their narrow margin of victory...
...Still, much of the President's plan Concilium 104 & 105: Arthur F. points in the right direction...
...Conservative victory to heighten tensions in Northern Ireland, therefore, what many Catholic moderates desire most is a clear-cut victory for one side or the other, so that the votes of year ago, they charged Britain with either negligence or ac- the Ulster Unionists are not needed by either party for political quiescence in the torture of Irish prisoners by Northern Irish survival...
...Apart from being an odd note in a journal devoted to , $35...
...Despite oil company squeals to the miraculously saved from crashing, and shortly after the contrary, the President's carrot and stick (decontrol and a emergency landing most passengers reembark to complete windfall profits tax) plus his shopping list of minor measures their journey...
...Everyone jumps on the about disastrous climatic change...
...Conservative and the Labor party to take such decisive action John Jay Hughes reflects on the American because each lusts after the votes of the Protestant Ulster Catholic church's need for leadership...
...some critics of capitalism attribute all energy possibility of nuclear energy catastrophes, the so-called problems to Big Business (as though many of the same dilem' `greenhouse effect," in which extensive burning of fossil fuel mas haven't faced socialist governments in Sweden, Germay increase the temperature of the atmosphere and bring many, Britain and elsewhere...
...Telephone: decision that any citizen can sensibly make for himself or herself, because the facts (212) MU 3-2042...
...Britain should consider the unification of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic...
...In Britain was encouraging them in this course...
...But so far, and for obvious • A thoughtful attention to the dimensions of risk...
...Proponents of nuclear energy have recently been accomplished...
...cation with the self-styled "People's Choice" mayor of the Britain's secretary for Northern Ireland Roy Mason even de- early 1900s...
...They see trenched business, political and media interests...
...foreign, $39...
...So says Kucinich...
...If we are to rely on doors relief for unemployed anti-Vietnam demonstrators, a coal (as two-thirds of the public evidently prefers), are we Soviet Trojan horse, a means by which the supercilious rich willing to pay the cost in increased deaths from mining acci- defend their privileges at the expense of the poor...
...An airplane is almost impasse in energy policy...
...impossible in the way of risk-free energy, or carcinogenic-free There's more to be said on energy policy...
...People Perhaps Three Mile Island might teach us the usefulness of know these things-and yet can swing back to demand the some zero-based thinking...
...stamped, self-addressed envelope...
...It typified Kucinich's identifiin Ulster, with deaths from terrorism decreasing each year...
...The fact that Associate Editor Raymond A. Schroth the "unthinkable" occurred at Three Mile Island is one evidence of this state of Editorial Assistant: Anne Robertson mind...
...Johnson started "Muny Light" when Cleveland clared, "Normality is gradually returning to the province," was in the spotlight of progressivism and called the best and as an indication of that the number of British troops has governed city in the nation by Lincoln Steffens...
...But so far, the political parties, local media and 27 April 1979: 229...
...So, too, are some of the Poetry: John Fandel findings of a new CBS/New York Times poll on attitudes toward energy, for Correspondents: Brian Wicker (Great Bri- example the literally fantastic belief among 42 percent of the respondents that "we tain), Desmond Fisher (Dublin), Alain can solve the energy crisis in the next five years by making electricity from solar Woodrow (Paris) Staff: Linda F. Kayler, Harriette Balsky energy...
...about the likelihood of greater production resulting from decontrol...
...Are we willing to contemplate, parallel with the of freedom...
...flee their homes...
...There is wisdom in those ity...
...strip mining...
...what the events there actually do or do not demonstrate...
...But so, too, is the fact that at least' many opponents of nuclear power would Columnists: John Garvey, Frank Getlein, Abigail McCarthy, Thomas Powers transform Three Mile Island into a Sign from Heaven with no close examination of Movies: Colin L. Westerbeck, Jr...
...Peter Steinfels analytical analogues of oil spills, air pollution, and nuclear meltdown...
...Sally Cunneen writes on Iris objectives is and has long been the reluctance of both the Murdoch...
...about the likelihood of avoiding a sharp boost in inflation...
...On the other hand, there is no service in citing sensational statistics without any context...
...The emotion dents and black lung disease...
...There is no service in citing "background risks" in such a manner as simply to dull sensitivities to additional dangers...
...Habits of THE IRISH SCENE comparison ought to be fostered...
...So, too, is the deep and abiding skepticism about any energy proposal Advertising Manager: Ruth E. Taylor whatsoever and about the self-interest motives of all parties to the debates, from Publisher: Edward S. Skillin politicians to oil executives to nuclear critics, an attitude that breeds suspicion and the conviction of being taken advantage of, with the consequence that saying "no" to any policy becomes more rewarding than advocating even the most equitable Commonweal, A Review of Public Affairs, Litera- allocation of costs and burdens...
...So can all sorts of risks...
...Deaths and American politics -Senator Edward Kennedy, House Speaker disease per 1,000 megawatts of electricity produced by diffe- Tip O'Neill, Governor Hugh Carey and Senator Daniel Patrick rent energy sources can be calculated and compared, for Moynihan of New York-took a great deal of heat for deplorexample...
...If the Protestant short, as many moderates see it, a close election in Great majority persists in its unwillingness to entertain reasonable Britain next month is likely to mean an indefinite continuation proposals for sharing power with the Catholic minority in of the present totally unsatisfactory state of affairs in Northern Northern Ireland as a part of the United Kingdom," they said, Ireland...
...Are we willing to undergo the increased inci- The anti-nuclear movement, however, has played the game of dence of suffering and death from pollution-caused respiratory stereotypes no less vigorously...
...no movement at all toward increased representation for Reaction to his "new urban populism" has been swift, Catholics in the British parliament and no progress toward concentrated and fierce...
...have been assassi- tion of business privilege...
...The oil companies denounce their critics as opponents produces...
...They or economic presuppositions -but the effort to make, and learned their lesson, and this year they and a number of other correct, them does bring order to the debate...
...Nuclear energy has been disease in the elderly and the young, and the effects of "acid lumped with nuclear weaponry...
...242 THERE is not much bad in President Carter's energy proposal that Congress, on Dance: Don McDonagh 244 its past record, probably won't make worse...
...One big stumbling block in the way of these of secularity...
...and about the likelihood of assisting the poor proportionately for the new Feelings: John N. Kotre 247 burden that higher energy prices place on them...
...They further charged that Protestant leaders in the land dread is a close outcome to the election, one that would North were blocking negotiations by "intransigence" and that again place a premium on these same Ulster Unionist votes...
...Such calculations are always ing Irish-American financial aid for the Provisional IRA withdebatable -they rest on factual assumptions and even political out criticizing British conduct in Northern Ireland...
...Contents Volume CVI, Number 8 commonweal Correspondence 226 Editorials 227 Urban populist: Keith A. Sinzinger 230 Arrogance syndrome: John Garvey 231 A chance for the PLO: Thomas Powers 232 For the victim, more than pity: Francis J. Flaherty 234 TALKING ENERGY Northern Ireland under Thatcher: Jack Holland 237 AFTER HARRISBURG Nisan 5703: Bogumil Kosciesza 240 Screen: Colin L. Westerbeck, Jr...
...Writing on the subject of Northern Ireland and the British elsewhere in this issue, Jack Holland predicts a Conservative victory in those elections, and he notes that at least some Irish URBAN POPULIST Republican terrorists look forward to a Conservative success...
...tive potential (as well as a formidable political presence) are What else might reinforce responsible discussion...
...Finally, the silence on the subject in Great Britain should end, and the issue of Northern Ireland should be Report from Cleveland debated in the coming British elections...
...Amid bitter name-calling and minority inclusion in any future government of Northern Ire- brinksmanship politics came last summer's close recall vote land...
...foreign, $22...
...The market as an instrument of althat responsible discussants cannot avoid giving their answers locating resources and the oil industry as a reservoir of producto such lines of inquiry...
...Recently 31 bombs were exploded in a single dedicated his administration to an experiment in urban govnight in 17 different Northern Ireland communities, and one ernment, a "national political laboratory" aimed at the aboliBritish ambassador and one British M.P...
...first, a target date announced by the British government for the As with the progressives of three generations ago, there has total withdrawal of their troops, in order to encourage the developed an intensely moralistic, almost religious political majority in Ulster to be open to new solutions, such as Mr...
...Unionists in parliament...
...Yearly subscriptions, U.S...
...In the wake of Three Mile Island, national leaders have demonstrated an impressive degree of heightened Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome but cannot be considered or returned unless accompanied by a caution combined with a reluctance to jump to any unqualified anti-nuclear stance...
...of resignation...
...Com- political reasons, there has been almost total deference to the mon sense tells people that life is full of dangers, about which industry-government alliance that has brought us to our current they are, in fact, often remarkably blase...
...So it goes with democracy...
...On St...
...Leakage of toxic chemicals causes thousands to do not break out of this old, not-so-reliable framework...
...Public Square statue of Tom L. Johnson...
...If the latter, how is it to be adversaries...
...To advocate one position or criticize another entails the perceptions -of the limits of humans to cope with complexity, responsibility of spelling out the consequences, unfavorable as for instance, or of the preferability of familiar dangers to new well as favorable, of one's own stance, to the greatest degree ones-that should not be ruled out of court by an overly possible...
...Yet no carefully modulated muclear policy-or oil policy-will evolve without widespread understanding among the citizens...
...and are too complicated," that magazine concludes, "It is a decision we must rely on the Canada, $20...
...It limits sensa- Irish-American politicians repaired the omission...
...fervor while the conflict between public and private interests Garret FitzGerald's recent and carefully worked out proposal has escalated...
...And it is, to begin with, a plan of some sort, which McGovern 248 deserves to be measured, as it so far has not, not only by assorted criticisms but The Eighth Sin: Phillip Corwin 250 finally by an alternative...
...Our ability Editor James O'Gara to think and debate energy policy is itself badly afflicted with the mental and Executive Editor...
...Noting that a tional claims -that we are running out of energy, poisoning solution in Northern Ireland is no closer today than it was a Commonweal: 228 COMING: Lawrence S. Cunningham of a federal Ireland linking North and South...
...Until recently, an increasing measure of quiet had prevailed The gesture was no surprise...
...and the city's default in December...
...Special two-year rate: goverment to make for us...
...Kucinich led been reduced from 21,000 in 1972 to 13,000 today...
...In the them, they in time will own you," said Johnson of public last few months, however, violence by the Provisional IRA service monopolies...
...The only point is and government power...
...Now, there is the threat of Given this background, two things are needed immediately: state financial takeover...
...government bureaucrats and rain" caused by coal burning emissions on our bodies of utilities companies tarred with whatever popular image was water, or even the increased radiation that coal power itself handy...
...If you do not own shopping districts have been removed in many places...
...If some Irish Republicans want a NEXT ISSUE: Spring Books...
...Many the drive to retain its public ownership...
...Arguing further, however, that "this is not a son Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016...
...OWN THEM, OR THEY'LL OWN YOU It is ironic that the Protestant Ulster Unionists played a crucial role when the British Labor party lost the 311-310 vote of TWO DAYS after Clevelanders voted to retain the city's confidence that led to the coming election...
...These are not rhetorical "sheiks...
...Single copy, $1...
...realities not to be dismissed...
...democratic values, this conclusion is in any case unworkable...
...aimed at driving the British out of Northern Ireland has esca- In 16 months as mayor of Ohio's largest city, Kucinich has lated once more...
...Given that responsibility, we are not ready to join the rush to judgment...
...If one opposes nuclear energy, then does one propose "rational" analysis...
...The victory they security duties have been shifted from the British army to the shared that day-the fourth in elections for Kucinich in less Ulster police, and the security barriers around downtown than two years-turns the spotlight back...
...As Three Mile Island makes clear, the same kind of market framework and the established patterns of corporate questions rest heavily on nuclear advocates...
...Besides, there is a problem that precedes the specifics of an energy policy, the Staff problem of how Americans, as a citizenry, think about the energy issue...
...about the likelihood of Books winning a windfall profits tax from the well-oiled Senate without a stronger quid pro American Caesar: Kenneth S. Davis 246 quo stance by the Administration...
...questions, intended to imply that nuclear energy is the safest • Willingness to entertain proposals that go beyond the choice...
Vol. 106 • April 1979 • No. 8