The next war:

Powers, Thomas

sis is less on law, more on reconciliation, am glad that is something my children gan brothers and other members of the and there doesn't seem to be the dread of won't have to suffer;...

...made meteor . . . and was among the and ceaseless, just like the other great Perhaps the Eurocommunists come to small group of scientists and Army and confrontations of history between Athens power is Italy and France, and turn out to Navy representatives privileged to be and Sparta, Rome and Carthage, Eng- be Stalinist after all...
...The Senate must then with the details of when, or where, or now...
...This means not worried: war between the great pow- immaterial...
...Perhaps the King of present at the ritual of its loading in the land and France, Germany and the rest of Saudi Arabia joins the Shah in exile, and Superfort...
...vulnerable, a prescription for clouded whatever-your judgment has been disjudgment...
...These their delivery...
...civilians were not included), that there mention religion... be used in war...
...He has fallen from grace on for the solution of most serious whatever...
...that this is real, such things happen, they This pattern is the great commonplace of might happen to us...
...If you you meet people involved in religious ureably to the most revolutionary insight come from one of those backgrounds you education who speak of "input" and of the Second Vatican Council, the unknow, among other things, that you are "output" and even "throughput...
...It has to be remem- And I have to ask myself if any other me quintessentially Catholic...
...Bertrand Russell and C.P...
...The world...
...Every nuclear power soon dis- common sense to prevent their use...
...The other patients in her room, and about getting cancer...
...Of course it fre- FROM JOHN HERSEY'S Hiroshima: 100,000 dead in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, quently got silly, and of course there "Mr...
...Self-consciousness about Of several minds: Thomas Powers being Catholic, and therefore about being different, helped us toward a realization that some ideas and values matter deeply...
...SALT fits into our broader effort to the consequences is still in the air...
...Some of ever suggest a different outcome...
...the autonomy of nations to prepare for, But you can't write the history until From a report of the bombing of threaten, or wage war...
...It does not take a statistician to through sin.' And he went on to explain problems-poverty, the drowning of extrapolate the future from a pattern of all the reasons for everything...
...There was a smug sense of with his feelings, or from the weird but lack of cadence which characterizes our superiority to Protestants (identified, by God interesting people who believed liturgy, and when I see some of what my during grade school, with public school that the devil was around the corner wait- children bring home from school, I worry kids) which was as far from simple de- ing with a ball bat...
...Miss Sasaki herself The second reason is even more briefly were 6.2 wars in the "average" decade brought it up the second time he dropped stated: the experts are as frightened of with dramatic high points every 20 years in on her...
...Imagine for a mentally different from the pattern which limiting-perhaps directing would be a moment that a nuclear war has taken preceded the Second...
...She asked bluntly, 'If your nuclear war as anyone else... him who first sets fire to Europe . . . " knowledge of what war involves...
...I realized pictures of wheat and a few unchallenge- consciousness: American Catholics have when she said this that the same thing ably pleasant words, something in me had to think of themselves specifically as was true of me, and that the friends who yearns for a holy card of St Lucy bearing Catholic in a way which doesn't happen didn't fall into those categories tended her very real looking eyeballs on a plate: anywhere else on earth... one has been education, without the fake democracy because of pain, held their arms up as if able to do anything about it...
...In armed as never before, will then stand the meantime we've been in two smaller face to face...
...nuclear war "in the next ten years" back academic study of international wars bein the mid-1960s...
...It is possible, but unlikely, macy, of a runaway arms race, of acci- all justify, and in varying degree get, that any country would fire off all it's dental war, or war between marginal nu- serious attention and practical efforts to- got, even if backed into a corner, and it is clear powers, even of all-out spasm war...
...Are they better off hearing from a young an armory...
...never been an established church, and I confess: that's narrow, parochial in What I'm worried about is blandness...
...The nursing wrote, "If the war which has hung over homes are filled...
...our heads, like the sword of Damocles, We know all that...
...Only the pattern is clear...
...All the warnings will tween 1816 and 1965, published in 1971 From Hersey's Hiroshima: have been amply justified if it takes place by J. David Singer of the University of "Father Kleinsorge went to see her in the next hundred years, but no official Michigan, concluded that 93 wars had several times...
...Such things have happened credited...
...Has one, but whatever the outcome, nothing survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
...clear weapons to wreck the world...
...There are plenty of pos- done more to limit missiles than similar The argument is sure to be an emotional sibilities...
...there was no chance of its ever becoming the worst way...
...There is most about nuclear weapons depend on danger of nuclear war...
...Never before by one potential occasion for war after pre-emptive strike against Lop Nor, or 30 March 1979: 169 the Poles and Czechs find a way to secede and just about everybody else in the na- national security needs...
...The confrontation it's happened...
...No mystery will at- Snow have been ridiculed for predicting man, war is his natural condition...
...My cency as it is possible to get, but this was that the latter scary picture of the way the daughter not long ago expressed an enin large part a reaction to their assump- world works may be closer to the truth... possible, for values to be discussed in brows of some were burned off and skin We're well-informed...
...insisted upon by some educators...
...balance of payments, segregated Presently the world is armed as never Let me concede that none of the ex- schools, crime, lead from car exhaust, before...
...You the United Nations been appreciably fundamental will change...
...I am not about to defend some of the priest who worries about getting in touch When I go to Mass and listen to the flat differences...
...know they will all die some day, but in other things a real perception, and not an not better (well, not necessarily) or the meantime my children are in school...
...being died for-but was it possible, or is seemed to be hurt in some way...
...No one power can be shatwars...
...I do not think it is a counsel tary strategists, high civilian officials of appropriate, through arms control...
...At least seven nations-Russia, perts agree...
...Taminoto . . . was the Dresden, Hamburg...
...The rise of China has only muddied step, a symbol of commitment, a gesture before us now...
...It is not Europe dreamed then, as the world only fear 'we've experienced, but the This struggle-if such a mismatched dreams now, that great armies might be awful sense' of futility and resignation, conflict can be awarded the dignity of the maintained with impunity...
...Both sides will have time to reflect, whatever may be more effective in deflecting war than the retain a capacity for destruction on a still waiting in the wings...
...Why do the men who know that a nuclear war would not end the ers just doesn't "make sense...
...The details are necessarily Nagasaki by William L. Laurence in the of the United States and the Soviet Union, obscure...
...I have a strong feeling about blandness...
...If peace is the universal aspiration of often...
...Time us will allow ourselves to pretend for a One would not have to spend years in a is not making Hiroshima fresher in memtime that SALT matters because it is a library to find the answer...
...There are two SALT agreement will allow us to mainPeking patch things up and sign a 50-year related reasons for its prevalence...
...A routine that we were put through, and I But why go on...
...It is plainly ory...
...I derstanding that Christianity is among somehow different from other people...
...But that doesn't explain why they base by leaps and bounds during the period, 'My child,' Father Kleinsorge said, their private optimism on common sense...
...Others, war is a terrible thing...
...Crisis folthe anguish of knowing what waits in the word struggle-has already been lost...
...Stories of saints who had died for THE NEXT WAR the faith let us know that there were times when the stakes were high, and sacrifice WHY FEAR OF WAR ISN'T MUCH USE would be called for...
...A nuclear still less likely that all the nuclear powers But in private they explain why they're war would make such problems look would fire off all they've got...
...dolphins in tuna nets, an unfavorable such pronounced consistency...
...This culture close friends were either Jews, the kids bring home cards with stylized has also produced a unique selfCatholics, or ex-Catholics...
...pessimism cannot serve as the basis of a strategic arsenal as a deterrent against These are the nightmares of the world's career...
...It is, nevertheless, true, It is something nobody ever accused one, American Catholicism had to unand the reason could be that Judaism, Catholics or Jews or Southerners of be- derstand itself from the beginning in a Catholicism, and being Southern are all fore, but it is worth worrying about when new way, and this contributed immeas"think cultures," ways of life...
...while efforts to control, limit, prevent, or 'man is not now in the condition God Common sense is hardly what we depend end wars made no appreciable progress intended...
...I carrying something in both hands...
...We live with war the history...
...Many of his own mortality: in flashes of great think, Billy...
...not having completely destroyed the are, and grows sober in response...
...I don't think so...
...institution to be defended like a bank or worse, but certainly different...
...he met hundreds and hundreds about napalm, cluster bombs, free-fire tails of martyrdom than in the principle who were fleeing, and every one of them zones in Vietnam, starvation in Biafra...
...Ask yourself: League of Nations...
...War follows...
...The This attitude is nearly universal in pro- enhance national security, an effort last such opportunity came to nothing, as fessional circles...
...Looking forward we imagine of hope and possibility... there's religion...
...WASP desire for universal good citizensing something...
...On his first visit, he kept can go on predicting disaster for longer taken place during the 150-year period, the conversation general, formal, and than one Congress without losing the ear .that 29 million men had died in battle yet vaguely sympathetic, and did not of his colleagues...
...In of despair to suggest that the time to the Defense Department, Rand Institute this context, I can assure you that we will prepare for the next favorable moment is consultants, generals, arms negotiators, never constrain our ability to meet our now...
...Woe we've done it with a good working on a single problem...
...Very possibly the nothing to be gained commensurate with something so demonstrably feeble as opposite would be the case, once national the loss...
...An tach to it, in retrospect...
...It is a thing of beauty to Europe...
...There is a kind of fatality about way we live with disease and old age...
...She was bered that parochial schools were culture could have produced the fierce afraid, she said, that she might some day founded because of a deliberate effort on and utterly right anger which the Berri- have a vision...
...None of it matters, been a headlong torrent...
...Everyone agrees any other American system of common hung from their faces and hands...
...but at least in Catholic left brought to our understandconfession which I remember...
...We've spent a trillion dollars for tered in one or two campaigns so comold wars, present wars, potential wars, pletely as to confess itself beaten, and other people's wars, future wars, and had so much brain power been focused conclude peace on hard terms...
...In 1890 the elder Helmuth von Moltke People really get cancer...
...THOMAS POWERS Commonweal: /70...
...It is held by defense which we pursue not only through im- the habit of militarism reduced the horror intellectuals, intelligence analysts, mili- proving our own forces, but also, where to fine words...
...The eye- Photographs have helped us to see...
...It comes and goes...
...Since it had for the most part to be Southerners...
...parochial schools we were able to hear ing of the war in Vietnam-could the But I think my children may be mis- that some things matter to the death...
...Their destiny is always find a way out, until the summer none of it works...
...We know all that: picture, the odd sentence buried in a Commonweal: 168 news story, a piece of film on another, but eventually prudence fails, television-like a pain in the chest, a the diplomats cannot find words to dislump under an arm-will make us see guise the unacceptable, and war follows...
...clarity-suddenly, vividly, intenselythe dreadful examination of conscience and not for long...
...It has taken 35 years scale beyond the limits of human imagi- did anything, in the years after 1945, for us to agree to build only enough nunation, howeve...
...JOHN GARVEY the part of the American public school system to de-Catholicize the children of immigrants...
...I began to wonder what It may still be there...
...Before long, if the papers are to be events is a terrible one it becomes clear Was the pattern of confrontation and believed, the United States and Russia only in retrospect, after the facts have crisis before the First World War fundawill sign a second SALT treaty already crushed hope...
...SomeNew York Times, September 9, 1945...
...Some One thinks of war the way one thinks think Socrates was right, but what do you were vomiting as they walked...
...But there is hope...
...has been profound, complex, broad in thing alters the atmosphere, probably the "I watched the assembly of this man- scope, volatile, intermittently critical, fact or prospect of a strategic defeat...
...Have we any reamore accurate word-the development place...
...Perhaps the went millions of man-hours of what is sion course it is difficult to deflect them...
...Have the two SALT agreements decide whether or not to ratify the treaty...
...couraging fear, one which seems to tion of superiority...
...rate for 35 years, without any change in ward we see there was none...
...The horrors of war were oddly enthusiastic teachers who only person making his way into have not been kept a secret...
...out, its duration and end cannot be foreWe've been afraid of war for nearly 35 seen...
...The capacity for destruc- the waters...
...They don't or so, that Europe was the most warGod is so good and kind, how can he let want one, and allow themselves to be prone part of the world (followed by the people suffer like this?' She made a ges- privately hopeful, much in the manner of Middle East), and that on the average a ture which took in her shrunken leg, the oncologists determined not to worry war began every three years...
...We've read were more interested in the dreadful de- the city...
...In public, of course, they speak ing, toxic food additives, high medical China, India and Israel-have nuclear in solemn tones of the dangers-of pro- costs, religious prejudice, the dumping weapons and sophisticated means for liferation, of Russian military supre- of Japanese steel, oil dependence...
...It surely doesn't require were naked or in shreds of clothing... of war obviously improved Hiroshima as a whole...
...From an interview with Zbigniew Nevertheless, the most favorable moYou'd have to be "crazy" to attack a Brzezinski in the New York Times of ment for true arms control is immediately nuclear power with nuclear weapons...
...When the logic of of 1914...
...sis is less on law, more on reconciliation, am glad that is something my children gan brothers and other members of the and there doesn't seem to be the dread of won't have to suffer...
...The greatest powers of Europe, years, since the end of the last big one...
...But when I go into ship accommodate that...
...their successors invite Moscow to buy oil behold, this 'gadget.' Into its design Once great powers are set upon a colli- at five dollars the barrel...
...devastation would be "unthinkable...
...Chinese change their mind and drive for without doubt the most concentrated in- Diplomacy and prudence may ease them Hanoi, or the Russians determine on a tellectual effort in history...
...Don't concern yourself overmuch son but hope for saying it is different of nuclear arms...
...They are almost giddily op- famine in the Sahel, fraudulent advertis- the United States, France, Britain, timistic...
...Any one of them would leave years-war, the extinction of whales, taliatory capability in the event war some great power feeling desperate and devaluation, the end of the oil, should break out...
...December 21, 1978: after the shooting stops, while the odor of "Common sense" precludes their use...
...You have survived, as so many efforts before W W II to limit navies...
...leaders got over their initial surprise at covers just how destructive these devices Because there is nothing else...
...for more than ten years past, ever breaks The fear of war is not of much use...
...A satisfactory from the Warsaw Pact, or Moscow and tional security community...
...If it doesn't happen in two nuclear war, based on a credible restatesmen...
...Wars really happen...
...lowed crisis for more than 20 years, wings, the shame of not caring, pity, The development of nuclear weapons has while the diplomats imagined they might guilty forgetfulness... was when a friend of mine, a Jew, a church and see banners which say you have to come from a tradition which mentioned the fact that almost all of her things like "Have a Nice Day" or when knows that kings can be evil...
...Looking backchange...
...between whom...
...ward reform or amelioration...
...First, tain the effectiveness of the United States Anti-Imperialist Friendship Treaty...
...But nothing will tion has been growing at an exponential there is still a way out...

Vol. 106 • March 1979 • No. 6

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