Anticipatory Democracy:
Kramer, Steven Philip
hit with the clergy all you got to do is tatorship. The poems about Nicaragua stand up and say God is dead and you will are more tangible in scope, though occa- be an immediate...
...The poems about Nicaragua stand up and say God is dead and you will are more tangible in scope, though occabe an immediate success...
...and positive thinking killed Mayan and pre-Aztec civilizations, the him...
...But as for me I stick to that old home Old Indian way of life...
...coined by Alvin Toffler to describe an N. E. CONDINI is a freelance writer and cri- alternative to present-day political systic...
...less than the sum of its parts...
...Anticipatory democtory department at the University of New racy would combine greater popular parMexico...
...At This book begins with a fable in free other times Che Guevara, Lenin, the verse about Francis Drake and plunges Jacobins of the Paris Commune are seen directly into a garland of epigrams that by the poet as "heroes" who fought to read like deflated versions of Catullus...
...sachusetts, and author of a study of Thomas The purpose of the work is to explore Paine for Scribner's American Writers "anticipatory democracy," a concept Series...
...society that has refused death and is and a Los Angeles evangelist named therefore incapable of true rebirth...
...Rather MATTHEW MESTROVIC teaches at Fairleigh than a serious investigation into the Dickinson University in New Jersey...
...CONDINI ANTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY, People in REVIEWERS the Politics of the Future, edited by DAVID HERLIHY is professor of medieval Clement Bezold with an introduction by history at Harvahl...
...Brother the Mayas, towards artificial luminosity, Patrick Hart provides some useful hallucinogenic trips, inequality...
...preceded by personal regeneration... as- Alvin Toffler, Vintage, $4.95, 405 pp...
...Is viobackground information in the lent revolution then the key to a new, Foreword, but his notes are too sparse or purer species of men...
...realm of futurology, this is really a colMICHAEL TRUE is professor of English at lection of short, uneven essays barely Assumption College in Worcester, Mas- tied together...
...His Christian heart leans toward APOCALYPSE, by Ernesto Cardenal, New a peaceful solution, an "inner" upheaval Directions, $9, 78 pp...
...Norman Vincent Peale etc is all of old rites-the idyllic time of the God is dead...
...lege of Our Lady of the Elms in Chicopee, What is most curious about the volMassachusetts...
...I References to the "modern" age are am the people so why confuse the is- underscored again and again in sue...
...Cardenal wavers...
...through: images of jails filled with politi- Shall we then forego Cardenal's stark, cal detainees, barbed wire, execution conversational vision if it skips, like his squads: Nicaragua under the Somoza dic- heart, a beat or two...
...Will the bloody perhaps just too limited in interest to overthrow of tyrants lead to a redressing shore up the thin text...
...His work has appeared in The Village Voice and Review...
...sociate professor of religion at Catholic This is an anthology whose whole is Theological Union in Chicago... bit though, as we trudge through the How to be a good priest and a good slush of the initial doldrums, something Marxist in the face of injustice is a feat to more poignant and sinister breaks be pursued with palpitations of the heart...
...Carheard such a rush of people running and denal is more at ease tackling the falling over each other to say God is generosity of nature and the high quality dead...
...and a few poems, avail- America is heading, in Trappist Cardenable elsewhere, the book is mostly just al's eyes, instead of towards the stars like good humor between friends... religion: spell it out with opium...
...But aside from some witty com- Apocalypse in an indictment against a ments about Mircea Eliade, Daniel Rops...
...Miss Velma...
...Thus you never sionally burdened with self-pity...
...tems, the which are apparently victims STEVEN PHILIP KRAMER teaches in the his- of "future shock...
...Bit shake torpidity off our lives...
...ticipation with enhanced future conROBERT L. KING teaches English at the Col- sciousness...
...MICHAEL TRUE of our grievances on earth...
...ume is the extraordinary gap between 30 March 1979: 189...
Vol. 106 • March 1979 • No. 6