History home to roost
McCarthy, Abigail
confidence of all the parties. A solution favored by the smaller emerge looking like an intransigent partner. parties, but opposed by the Communists since it seems to carry Elections in...
...The first government formed after June 1976 was made promise solution just prior to his kidnapping are bound to possible by a Communist abstention...
...That orado, Utah-even parts of Wyoming of small growers, too-in the importawas added to the rebuff in our rejection of and Kansas...
...will be exacerbated no matter what the government does to regularize their entry PREJUDICE is a word which has gone It seems to me that we must begin to and status...
...The danger is that, as our situation HISTORY HOME TO ROOST tightens, the already somewhat irrational reaction to the problem of.illegal aliens MONTEZUMA'S REAL REVENGE...
...Even within the PCI there are leaders -some say led government enjoyed the direct support of the country's second by Berlinguer himself-that believe an election rather than any largest party...
...Good grief, said of oil with the oil technologists of the was to bedevil the dread Soviet shadow government flacks and press pundits, whole world suing for her favor...
...further compromising is preferable...
...ments made on the basis of unwarranted dent Lopez Portillo's demands anything Such discrimination can be legislated assumptions, unjust grounds, or insuffi- new...
...The United States has been preaching nothing picture might have been...
...shift from one ally to another...
...When he was our national guest in against...
...As that Last of all, most of us are woefully Nope...
...The Christian Democrats, on the other hand, may journalist based in Rome...
...Fair ment agreement guaranteed to allow both (whether we are Anglo-Saxon by herit- enough, reasonable enough, when you parties to break all existing records for age or assimilation) that many Ameri- consider what the Chinese have on their arms expenditures, bankrupt both cans have had trouble accepting the pow- northern border and what the United economies and threaten the entire world, ers of a Latin government as truly legiti- States has been preaching for lo, these not just most of it, with instant destrucmate...
...tion if anything goes wrong...
...But we have forgotten the precipitating factor-the rejection by British and Of several minds: Frank Getlein American oil companies of the Mexican Supreme Court order to pay higher wages to Mexican workers...
...Groups like the "Gruppo di cento" that at- The 1976 elections represented a watershed in Italian politempted to block the efforts of Aldo Moro towards a com- tics...
...If it had not been for that decision...
...But he was unequivocal in his ignorant-"without sufficient knowl- I had never heard then of the "boy speech to the National Press Club...
...Although great tracts of tion of illegal immigrants to do work the purchase of Mexican natural gas by that was unsettled land, to be sure, Americans will not do-or will not do Secretary Schlesinger-a purchase for another great part had two-hundred- under those conditions and for that pay...
...A Communist party that has shown its teeth and refused further MARGO HAMMOND compromise with the DC may be in an attractive electoral (Margo Hammond, a frequent contributor, is an American position...
...tic changes in our lives caused by the ten-year-old beside him at the official Commonweal: 136 dinner...
...The flow north- Southwest-was wrested from it in con- invading troops came marching in...
...Although recent polls have indicated the government...
...Curious views...
...The second Andreotti reappear...
...It is impossible to outlaw preju- cient knowledge...
...The word "dis- examine it once again, if only because so will be the poor and helpless among them crimination" in its secondary or many of our present economic dangers and our own Chicano population...
...That Anglo-Saxon superiority-a prejudg- "encirclement," and the springing to any minute now we'll have a disarmament so ingrained in our thinking arms everywhere of anti-Soviet folk...
...vanquished have long memories...
...Oh, it have a snarled knot wrought of prejudice Secondly, we are probably very much was because of an old battle, you know, a and greed at which we must pick away...
...Italy cannot be governed by pushing the that the Communists risk to lose heavily and the Christian Communist Party into opposition," admitted DC deputy Democrats to gain, these polls did not, of course, take into Guido Bodrato, "just as Italy cannot be governed without the DC„ consideration the effect this crisis may have on the electorate...
...Most Americans are countries (and accepted with equanimity We began that process a few decades faintly aggrieved...
...Some have weakness: a DC government was forced to rely on the direct or never been happy with any form of collaboration with the indirect support of the Communists...
...The smaller parties in particular fear an election shift in policy, but merely a substitution of one DC leader for would mean a further polarization of the country -and a sub- another...
...But the raised-and a measure of Me*ico's riswhich could only be alleviated by giving Mexicans remember as our own South- ing independence toward us that it ever Mexico an equal chance in world mar- erners remember the Civil War...
...All three are apt to be at the euphoric first days of the Carter addice...
...It is perhaps possible to root it out play in our reaction to Mexico's response ministration he was pleasant and hopeful by a long and painful process of uncover- to our need to reduce our dependence on for better relations between our two ing it, examining it, educating against it...
...forty years and more...
...After the 1976 elections, the DC could not simply sequent elimination of themselves...
...Who Disneyland-Space in Texas, the works...
...Italy has faced dozens of political crises before were not party members and not just those chosen by the (since 1963 the country has had one day without a government Communists...
...Of several minds: Abigail McCarthy lapse in the flow from Iran-and Mexico is treating us like any other customer, negotiating for its needs in return for filling ours...
...The United States is appalled But the assumption was that Mexico got the Class A tour, what passes as at the vice-premier's using his American was destined to be forever a client nation, haute cuisine at the White House, a ten- platform to rail against the good Soviet a dependent naton, a suitor of the more gallon hat for a five-gallon head, future allies of the United States in the advanced and powerful nations...
...But nothing is more hurtful to our President Carter's subsequent recom- Mexico which included what is now consciences and more sore to the touch mendation of criminal sanctions for em- California, New Mexico, Arizona, Col- than the complicity of agribusiness-and ployers of illegal aliens as a rebuff...
...We know that President Cardenas nationalized the oil companies...
...ABIGAIL McCARTHY Mexican oil...
...the authors of our own plight in regard to longtime ago," said one diplomatically...
...the parties of the former majority have voiced their opposition In the past the cabinet crises were often provoked by Christo anticipated elections and their willingness to find an alterna- tian Democratic infighting and the result was not a substantial tive solution...
...The had been-added American residents inkets, and by eliminating trade barriers...
...All been the same ball game...
...that the long and brutal discrimination been failures in communication based on And I was puzzled by the polite vague- against our Spanish-speaking which the assumption-the false assumption- ness of our official hostesses when ques- dates back to the Mexican war and you that Mexico had no options...
...sacred cause of "disarmament," as it is could have foreseen a Mexico atop a sea And all the little ingrate could think to do, mysteriously called...
...dignantly the next day...
...Doesn't the uneasy feeling that the prejudgment tion of a defensive alliance against the he know that everything is coming up was based on the older assumption of Soviet menace, what might be called roses with the two superpowers...
...The pundit Freud might well have said, What 16 March 1979: 137...
...It was ward was irresistible, he told us, caused quests less than glorious...
...Chinese vice-premier came over, of the sort...
...It is certain that he viewed Mexico in 1960 to see a map of Old day...
...which President Lopez seems to have year-old Mexican towns, villages, mis- And the complicity of the rest of us in some reason to feel he had been given sions, and ranches at the time of what is neglecting them in their misery...
...and the subsequent with- DIS-ORIENT EXPRESS drawal of technology, we can only speculate as to how much earlier the Mexican NO FURY 11KE A NATION REFORMED oil discovery might have come, and how very different the whole world's energy STRANGE times...
...the country without the direct or indirect approval of the The latter is in the end the most probable and perhaps the Communist party which represents an impressive one-third of Communist opposition would be overcome if all the ministers the nation...
...At the very least there have euphemistically called our acquisition...
...Middle Eastern oil...
...Add to assurances...
...The United States had to think of the It certainly should not have been, but it It is a tangle of all these things that causes of illegal immigration as well as was a surprise to me when I was first in complicate our relations with Mexico toits control...
...For the first time since the war, Certain elements, particularly within the Christian Democ- the Christian Democrats found themselves in a position of rats, will be pushing for the ballot box solution...
...resorting to anticipated elections, the Communists will have to An eventual resort to elections may not substantially change be directly (or indirectly in the form of technicians) involved in the situation, however...
...As always, the ones to suffer out of fashion...
...One has hanging over the world, urge the forma- What's the matter with the man...
...Here we are, only such strange new departures in state hosago, but more or less abandoned it in the weeks-perhaps days away-from dras- pitality as the President's book-reading heady era of confrontation politics...
...and edge"-of the history of our relations heroes" of Chapultepec, the military forceful, so much so that I remember with Mexico or don't realize that a great cadets who were the last defenders of wondering at the time at the rather sparse chunk of our land- the greater part of the Mexico City when General Scott and his reports on his speech...
...If a third government is to be formed before...
...legal sense-"to make a difference in are rooted in our various prejudices- In the first place we should not have treatment or favor on a basis other than prejudices in the simple sense of judg- been surprised at, or have seen in Presiindividual merit"-has taken its place...
...parties, but opposed by the Communists since it seems to carry Elections in the end would be merely putting off the real an anti-Communist prejudice (ministers of other parties are question facing Italy since the 1976 elections: how to govern acceptable, but not Communist ministers...
...You're quite wrong...
...tioned about a war memorial...
...The subject is in their honor that the memorial had been by a dire poverty and unemployment barely treated in our history texts...
...for every eight days with one), but since June 1976 it has not The negotiations will be, however, long and arduous...
Vol. 106 • March 1979 • No. 5