Contents commonweal Volume CVI, Number 4 Correspondence ...
...it should be possible to negotiate the remaining few issues that still divide Canrmonweal, A Review of Public Affairs, Litera- them...
...Unemployment in the black ghettos experimentation as well as further reports on the "test-tube" is truly a timebomb threatening our national well-being...
...too late to recapture the spirit of Camp David...
...I WORK in an archive devoted to local lace and serious looking boys with their One of the most interesting things about history...
...Has the gap been getting All these statistics are profoundly discouraging, but none smaller...
...Including those who have become discouraged and stopped THE BLACK PICTURE their job search, the black unemployment rate is 23.1 percent, As debate on the Carter budget intensifies, serious attention almost one out of four, and the black-white unemployment gap should be paid to the warnings coming from leaders of the is widening, not lessening...
...likely to be the stumbling block...
...One official of the organization, for instance, said in Paris that the guerrilla movement was prepared to cease hostile acts against Israel and give it de facto recognition if the way was opened to the creation of a Palestinian state on the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip...
...p. 119: Jacqueline McCord...
...p. 108: Mitro-Ta Nea, Greece and Egypt say they welcome the U.S...
...81 THE PEACE TABLE Keeping us honest: Saul Maloff 117 THE EUPHORIA that followed Camp David has almost entirely disappeared...
...There is you notice that all of the black students years, you can see where people lived, something entrancing about high school are on one page, and there aren't many of what they did, and how the town has yearbooks with dreamy looking girls in them, and the older city directories have changed...
...But what use are such feelers when not only will Israel not negotiate with the PLO but the United States is prohibited by a 1975 agreement with Israel from even talking to the organization...
...THE ERA OF THE 'TEAM PLAYER' But there are other things to be learned from the perspective an archive offers...
...Staff The heart of the problem is the linkage question...
...be considered or returned unless accompanied by s The U.S...
...fertilized egg back to the mother's body, the procedure being Steptoe's moral viewpoint, though not without a certain conducted, instead, for purposes of studying the early phases grammatical entanglement: "Making it possible for childless of human development...
...ture and the Arts, is published biweekly, except In the bargaining process, the United States will have to exercise care...
...prior her part Iran might make Israel less secure, less rather than to the mid-sixties, the majority of black families had incomes more willing to make necessary concessions on her borders...
...No, it's getting bigger...
...induced sterility among women might well be a more sensible The federal advisory panel established to answer such ques- investment for the future...
...2 March 1979: 101...
...if you have a collection of city and advertisements for vanished theaters full of quotes from Shakespeare...
...for ghetto youth, not contingent upon full employment in the economy at large...
...children already born...
...Predictions of potential riots in panel could agree to recommend no federal funding, that the black community may be exaggerated but there is no would be a solid first step...
...one," combined with a widening black-white employment Senator Frank Church, new chairman of the Foreign Relations and income gap is fraying the country's social fabric, and that Committee, said that in view of Saudi Arabia's concern over "frayed social fabric cannot sustain the social and class presthe turmoil in Iran, the United States should demand from the sures a new recession would bring...
...Sadat expected...
...This is true despite recent moderate feelers extended by the PLO...
...Issuing his organization's annual report on has captured the imagination of the Palestinian people and economic and social conditions affecting the nation's blacks, become a tremendous influence in all Arab countries...
...envoy Alfred L. Atherton Jr...
...Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat said in a recent interview that if a Palestinian state were formed he'would agree to the stationing of United Nations troops inside the new nation and along its borders...
...Has Arab opposition to Correspondents: Brian Wicker (Great Bri- his peace effort been even stronger than Mr...
...Raymond A. Schroth Egypt dependent on Jordanian participation and unknown and hostile forces on the Editorial Assistant: Anne Robertson West Bank...
...The members appear firmly at one only on the sensible by an expanding economy...
...Similarly, Mr...
...myth" that things are improving economically and socially for • The black middle class continues to grow...
...The U.S...
...Special two-year rate: process all the harder...
...Steptoe and them in a mother's womb...
...This means that in America's providing all the ingredients for widespread social unrest, ghettos we are developing a vast black underclass which will Commonweal: /00 never be integrated into normal American life unless speedy action is taken...
...denying the fact thatbalf an entire generation of black youths Institutional Review Boards should be informed that human will never take their rightful place in American life unless reproduction through these methods must await further animal something drastic is done...
...105, 106: Liberation News Service...
...The Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome but cannot President is learning the hard way that casual remarks in diplomacy are dangerous...
...It is still not income of $9,799, compared with $15,974 for white families...
...can hardly League's annual report: demand anything, but at the coming ministerial conference it • The difference between black and white families' median can argue strongly that in the light of Iran, failure to conclude a income is growing...
...Anyone can be tempted to hair parted down the middle, lined up in being in a middle-sized city is the city nostalgia, looking at old newspapers rows on pages decorated at the edges and directory...
...This has "Black America today verges on the brink of disaster," consistently been running at 40 percent, and some experts with worsening economic conditions for black Americans insist it is as high as 60 percent...
...more so than the unemployment rate for black youth...
...No!: Thomas J. Gumbleton 105 Is SALT worth supporting...
...Is that section of Israeli tain), Desmond Fisher (Dublin), Alain opinion that wants a greater Israel strongly influencing Mr...
...If the answer to Woodrow (Paris these questions is in the affirmative, there is little chance that a puce treaty will be Staff: Linda F. Kayler, Harriette Balsky Advertising Manager: Ruth E. Taylor signed...
...head-on difference will not be easy...
...After all, Publisher Edward S. Skillin the Egyptians and the Israelis are already in agreement on 95 percent of the disputed points...
...a c for "colored" after the names of Of several minds: John Garvey black people, and the obituaries are topheavy with infants and young children...
...Telephone: (212) MU 3-2042...
...Yearly subscriptions, U.S...
...black community...
...Demand" is a little guilty of a certain amount of overstatement...
...In the end this fact could well make a peace treaty impossible...
...Other pointers to real nervous about the happenings in Iran, and both want the progress could be cited...
...His mission was a Religious Book Week: Critics' choices: failure-an outcome the Israelis blamed on the Egyptians, of course, and the Philip Muinion, George G. Higgins, Mar- Egyptians on the Israelis...
...The numbers of poor the point where people say, `You've come a long way.' But so persons in the black community are at their highest level...
...Black progress in strong, but there may be some possibility along these lines...
...Edwards in England, the less likely does it seem that "testShould Institutional Review Boards, which now must pass on tube babies" are a realistic answer to the needs of these all human research at institutions receiving HEW funds, be women...
...Reviewing a TV documentary on the vitro fertilization when there is no intention of transferring the first "test-tube baby," a New York Times writer endorsed Dr...
...Unfortunately, such a U.S...
...ghetto areas is essential...
...Jordan said that the "possibility of a fresh recession In the end, though, it may be Iran that will supply the answer hitting a black community that has not recovered from the last to the Egyptian-Israeli relationship, one way or the other...
...efforts to fertilize human eggs in the laboratory and implant Yet the more that is learned about the work of Drs...
...In 1970, black families earned a median treaty soon would be a disaster for all concerned...
...In vitro fertilization for scientific study Necessary as the fight against inflation is, surely it should not should either be prohibited or limited to the first few days of be carried out at the expense of the black poor...
...Poetry: John Fande} second thoughts since Camp David to toughen their stance...
...the last decade has not been all that'could be desired, but it is The problem is that the implications of Iran are not yet clear...
...As Andrew Young noted a few weeks ago, including possible riots, said the National Urban League's the PLO must be viewed realistically, like it or not, because it Vernon E. Jordan...
...foreign, $39.,Single copy, $1...
...then directories which goes back over the and hotels and restaurants...
...Black unemployment is at its highest level in history...
...Contents commonweal Volume CVI, Number 4 Correspondence 98 Editorials 99 The simple and the sane: John Garvey 101 r Looking for moles: Thomas Powers 103 Is SALT worth supporting...
...Yes!: J. Bryan BACK TO Hehir 108 A hidden success story: J. S. Fuerst 110 Screen: Colin L. Westerbeck, Jr...
...A further question is "is as close to an unobjectionable activity as it is impossible to whether federal funding is inappropriate in this area simply imagine...
...Not just Menachem 2 March 1979: 99 Begin but an overwhelming majority of the Israeli people are 7 dead-set against this eventuality...
...The nostalgia is qualified by a realization that the common yearning for simpler values ignores a lot of the era in which we THE SIMPLE & THE SANE think they were to be found...
...recently spent 12 days negotiating Books with Israeli and Egyptian officials in an effort to revive the stalled peace talks and prepare the way for discussion at a ministerial level...
...Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, • Twenty-eight percent of the nation's black families live for example, warned American blacks against accepting "the in poverty, compared with seven percent of the white families...
...Some members approve of in tific "triumphs" as ever...
...tions and make recommendations to HEW Secretary Califano Meanwhile the culture remains as "gee whiz" about scienhas not yet made up its mind...
...Now a new effort at getting the two parties together will be made, and both Israel Ultra Lions: Cover 1, pp...
...And on to the proportion of blacks in the school age population...
...and stance leads the Arabs to escalate their demands, and this only makes the bargaining Canada, $20...
...This is especially the case since there is some Abigail McCarthy, Thomas Powers reason to suspect that President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin may both have had Movies: Colin L. Westerbeck...
...Nonetheless, Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance subgaret Ellen Traxler, Arthur J. Moore, Jay P. sequently told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that the next attempt to break Dolan, Joseph Cunneen, William P. Loewe 120 the impasse on a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel would be "a meeting at the ministerial level at which we will try to grapple with the issue as a whole," thus apparently excluding for now the possibility of another summit meeting convened by Mr...
...As for human in vitro fertilization and reimplantation, if the We could not agree more...
...son Ave., New York, N.Y...
...Saying "no" to the first of these groups, the TEST-TUBE ETHICS research scientists, might even be salutary...
...Such a conclusion would mean saying "no" to two interested groups...
...below the poverty level...
...Saying "no" to the women unable to bear their own children, and looking desperAt present the federal government is not funding scientific ately for hope in these new techniques, may be more painful...
...Saudis that they give full support to Egypt's signing of a peace It may be that both Justice Marshall and Mr...
...But contrary them...
...In particular, Egypt fears that the Israelis will never proceed toward autonomy on the West Bank unless the issue is Editor James O'Gara Executive Editor Peter Steinfels linked to a peace treaty on the Sinai...
...might be required automatically made progress at a lower level more difficult...
...And public health efforts to reduce gonorrheatold that such research poses no inherent ethical problems...
...In an area marked by decades of hatred and suspicion, overcoming this Columnists: John Garvey...
...As former NAACP labor director Herbert Hill Elsewhere in this issue, 'Thomas J. Gumbleton and J. said in a recent issue of the Nation, "What is urgently required Bryan Hehir debate the value of SALT 11...
...uncommitted to either side...
...The Israelis are afraid of making the peace with Associate Editor...
...But once again the Palestinians are (Rothco...
...real enough, as testified to by a few random facts: the number Islam is on the march, there and elsewhere, and in the face of of blacks among college students has reached 11 percent, close this Egypt might hesitate to back a peace with Israel...
...have other people come a long way...
...But indications that a crisis nonethecontinued strong support of the United States as a bulwark less does confront black America are contained in the Urban against spreading disorder in the region...
...Jordan are treaty with Israel, Arab opposition or no...
...A new comprehensive federal recommendation that HEW should support animal research in strategy directed specifically at nonwhite youth living in this area...
...We invite letters is the development of long-term policies designed specifically responding to the issues they raise...
...Should that moratorium be lifted...
...There is no monthly Christmas-New Year's and July and Au- doubt that the Carter administration at one point thought the Israelis were being gust, by Commonweal Publishing Co., 232 Madi- unduly intransigent, and it did not hesitate to say so...
...In 1977, blacks earned $9,563, compared with $16,740 for white families...
...Carter's offhand remark that another summit $35...
...They should, however, go further...
...foreign, $22...
...must in any case work hard to regain its status as honest broker, stamped, self-addressed envelope...
...Special U.S...
...The complex and accumulated problems of repugnant and objectionable to a considerable number of citiblack ghetto youth cannot be solved by anti-bias measures or zens...
...Frank Getlein...
...embryonic existence...
...today more than 70 percent of black Only one thing is sure: both Saudi Arabia and Israel are families are above the poverty level...
...Breaking a self-imposed silence on such issues of more to popular belief, "increasing proportions of black families are than ten years, Justice Marshall said, "Today we have reached not making it economically today...
...Arab leaders have made no secret of the fact that they expect West Bank autonomy to lead to a Palestinian state...
...To which we might add, this is as unhelpful a moral because the research is (a) of low priority medically and (b) argument as we have never heard...
...But if the answers are negative, there is still good reason for hope...
...Others approve of in vitro fertilization couples to have children that are theirs genetically," he wrote, only when transfer is contemplated...
Vol. 106 • March 1979 • No. 4