Is Christ the End of the Law?
McKenzie, John L.
equating him with his sold-out charac- ture. This effort is written with profound reputation for liberalism under Jack ters. learning...
...all Jews agree, is that Jesus was not the have in their professional knapsacks but Messiah...
...States to go along with this transparently 05401, June 17-22, MEIER, NEWMAN, It can hardly be a coincidence that the nutty scheme, and to depend on the FISCHER, DALEY, STENDAHL...
...offense we may concede that we know so Publishers Weekly (November 27) little of Jesus that it becomes impossible says of Ms...
...It he gets hemmed in a little himself by and Christians must be sought in the face has been distinguished by the courage death at the end...
...63c, six times...
...issue of a theological dispute...
...Society in Britain has chosen a good man Clifton, N.J 300 Na,ih Ze...
...feated six years later...
...Certainly the recent history of which ends all dispute...
...Lilley fools deserve to die...
...The Telegraph earned a fine mind a UPI interview last month with Commonweal: 94 Paul Brown, director of the Life analysis of what brought the Shah of Iran inescapable puzzles...
...Roy Lilley, Editor of the Belfast ants and the Military" [Dec...
...but hear the Irish New Right (to life) Times from Dublin: "The Newspaper CkP, F A. Oegi...
...60c, twelve times...
...How many Senators have won with 80 percent, and then been de- tion, the religious leaders, are in it...
...HOLMAN cended it fifty odd years ago...
...Puzo-Merlyn the tion...
...Jesus and Paul totally rejected the Law as praise...
...The Iran's rebellion of 1978 was of course Classified rather lame excuse he gave was that not brought on only by its new intelligentJackson "consistently wins with 80 per- sia, professionals, and technologists...
...The book is Natural Sex by implication...
...The his response to Jesus is abundantly clear...
...there are plenty more: another editor IS CHRIST THE END OF THE LAW...
...Nor can either of us estab- where I last served has as the motto under of the Old Testament and the New Tes- lish his position with that conviction its coat of arms "Quaerere verum...
...for new apostolate June, 1979...
...Of Britain, yes...
...Sloyan attempts to show the continuity a principle of salvation...
...Shivanandan, "Her thesis is to state except in bland generalities what that a natural (i.e., rewarding, uninhihe represents...
...tion of the present Shah, fail to know Peter Schiavon, S.D.B., St...
...12.50, paper $6.95...
...The most crying need is the Senate aisle.'In effect, Brown is tell- quality of the advice from our several to help the sick with one or more centers to ing Jackson and like-minded Senators to bureaus and departments which deal in cover another area where medical care is vote as they please on abortion, and not spying...
...I do not tween human sexuality and natural fammean to imply that S.'s work carries this ily planning...
...monthly In advance for more than three times...
...It has always had Puzo's alter ego Merlyn, one of the I am compelled to ask whether the book a readership in both parts of the commufew surviving stars in Fools Die, talks may not seek an irenicism which is impos- nity in the North and has regarded all six superciliously about fools dying, though sible...
...when they are up for reelection...
...A "shrine" that supports 80 needy chilthe most outspoken advocate of all- No one would question presidential dren, runs 28 village schools and conout military spending and a hawkish need for advisors on international mat- ducts a health center seeks to expand foreign policy oar the Democratic side of ters, whatever we may think about the these activities...
...Presix intended victims of Brown's group Shah's continued success for defense of registration necessary...
...h Road 19 $edlo,d Row for its Golden Pen of Freedom award in To the Editors: Your editorial "MilitAnn A,Io,• Nil 4B'p6 London, WC1 R 4EJ L...A Ergland Mr... It is, however, a point of difference came between Sayers and LilleyGerard S. Sloyan, Westminster, $4.95, between Christian theologians whether Eugene Wason-and earned similar 209 pp...
...This effort is written with profound reputation for liberalism under Jack ters...
...Objections to despotism in Iran have Meghalaya, India (Airmail: 31 tt) or to tion Committee really the honest singlebeen raised by Americans (and others) Salesian Missions, 148 Main St., New issue pressure group that it claims to Rochelle, N.Y...
...rapproachment which will lead to a But I do not believe it is quite fair to Back to natural more humane set of relations in the fu- maintain that National Socialism was the Lancaster, Pa... history, ton to Iran's royal throne since Shah writing skills (25 articles published in conissue, and is probably not even the most temporary journals, including COMimportant issue...
...Jews have always been candid in but of those who write, print and distrinovelist, ego-tripping along, has been stating that the fundamental tenet of bute it, and thus carry on a tradition that writing a while already on borrowed Judaism, perhaps the only tenet on which newspapermen generally are expected to time...
...Write Box 82, Saxtons River, Vermont Americans who have not completely lost COMMONWEAL, 232 Madison Ave., To the Editors: Thomas Powers's faith in the ballot box are perplexed with N.Y.C...
...One able to amendment"-no vote that these men Americans, we know that the monarch scrutinize political strategy with a social could cast in future on abortion or any would not have reached his throne in the conscience...
...To our shame as multi-national corporations...
...There have been such canother subject-would induce his commit- first place without support and arms pro- didates...
...But if Puzo's sort of of an irreconcilable theological opposi- and perseverance not only of Mr...
...Here S. and I I am not in the paper's employ: I am a of Israelite religion, Judaism and Chris- differ, and neither of us stands alone in retired schoolmaster, the institution tianity...
...When and how can Amendment Political Action Commit- to his present brink [Dec...
...A President willMcGovern, Culver and Church...
...But how could any American still a far-cry luxury and diseases worry about its being used against them President from the time of initial eleva- abound...
...Joseph Hospital WRITE 1977, "The Golden Pen of Freedom," awarded by the Newspaper Society of Britain...
...66c, three cent of the vote" and thus would be un- The lesser classes, the laborers, the land- times...
...A more subtle threat, I Mary Shivanandan (Rawson, Wade think, is that out of a desire to avoid (Atheneum, dist...
...vided by our own government...
...beatable... is a boon to those dissatisfied JOHN L. McKENZIE and/or worried over the often harmful effects of available contraceptives, as well as to those whose religions ban their Correspondence use...
...Humane relations between Jews counties as its area of distribution...
...I am ready to HUGH C. FAY the relations between Jews and Gentiles admit that it has been difficult to keep the justifies any attempt to move towards a difference in views purely theological...
...The tale of an the dilemmas of local and international tims of that group's hit list for 1980 as outlandishly ambitious, tyrannical justice, and to recognize the lineaments Senators Bayh, Packwood, Leahy, monarch faced with revolt of the very of unfolding history...
...even come up for reelection until Powers put the pith of the matter for us 1982-and we must ask why Brown sharply: "What is downright incredible Biblical Institute singled him out for mention, rather than is the fond willingness of the United Trinity College, Burlington, Vermont any other Senator...
...New York, N.Y...
...Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's father as- MONWEAL) wishes to leave classroom T.S...
...tee to spare any effort to defeat them...
...22] reveals a we elect a President with wit to perceive tee, in which he listed the intended vic- compelling bit of history...
...Both Jews and Christians agree less frequently are called on to use...
...ROBERT KAMBIC Director, Natural Family Planning For Complete Information (Continued from page 66) St...
...22] calls to Telegraph...
...specifically named Henry Jackson...
...But the most comes for oppressed people to revolt and COMMONWEAL, 232 Madison Ave., curious point is that Jackson does not 1978 was a timely year for uprisings...
...Paul shows almost no bited, satisfying) sex life must include a knowledge of "the historical Jesus," but natural method of contraception...
...He subjects he cosseted, educated and ing to honestly confront the manipulaadded that nothing short of "co- bought to administer his dream kingdom, tions of Pentagon, conglomerates and sponsoring the human life has a quality of folklore...
...16 February 1979: 95...
...learning and genuine understanding...
...Write: Director...
...that this opposition can be resolved only Two examples are probably enough In brief for your readers,if this reaches them... are the pious and well-meaning of many stripes, pundits, scholars, colpeople who contribute money and volun- umnists, taxi drivers, international ob- Situation Wanted teer labor to this cause being used by servers, commentators, people in the forces for whom abortion is not the sole streets, at every obeisance of Washing- CATHOLIC SISTER with Ph.D...
...John Bosco Is the Life Amendment Political Ac- what was going to happen in Iran one Shrine, 793111 -Cherra Bazar, day...
...Yet Sayers in the 1960s...
...are all now leaning toward support of the Middle Eastern oil which fuels the SALT, or that all except Packwood op- economies of Western Europe and Ja- Medical Center-India posed the Vietnam war, while Jackson is pan...
...Besides While the CIA invests tax money in a journalism, interested in prison, social jus"crisis-prediction center" to defend it- tice work, but open to any challenging, Investing in despots self against White House censure, growth-oriented work...
...less, impoverished, and in this Islam na- For box numbers add 60c per insertion...
...This is not the same as the unity his position...
...RATES: 70c a word, one time...
...Funds should be sent to: Rev...
...Thus, MARJORIE MURPHY But then he admitted that other more shame to remember, has our govSenators whose voting record on abor- ernment financed, trained and armed the tion is no (fifferent from these six had henchmen of tyrants in Nicaragua and on nothing to fear from his committee, and still other continents...
...Nor do I To the Editor: I would like to refer you believe that the late Adolf Hitler should and D. W. Odell [Correspondence, influence my judgment of a theological November 24] to a book which addresses problem which is far more ancient than the whole question of the interplay beHitler, and clearly outlives him...
...but if Jews cease to be Jews or Christians cease to be Christians...
...Time Classified payable with order...
Vol. 106 • February 1979 • No. 3