
editorial supported the committee and be asked two questions. The content of Correspondence rightly questioned...

...JOHN JAY HUGHES School of Theology, Office of Academic Afis a commemorative (anamnesis, fairs, Saint John's University, Collegeville, memoria) and thanksgiving celebra- Minnesota 56321...
...menting upon the World Council of Illustrations: Cover and p. 658, Vadillo, Readers of Commonweal should be Churches meeting at MIT in July he pro- El Sol de Mexico...
...Applicants should reading by Fr...
...66c, three laps), which approach the Old Testament any number of the author's conclusions times...
...Surely because he supposed tial (accomplishments in the case of senior candidates) and the capacity and interest to pursue the Eucharist "a repetition of the sac- that, like the other statements by Kung excellence in teaching at both the underrifice of the cross...
...It is only when the scienBishops & science a start, 900 million Chinese whose gov- tist reduces all reality to empirical reality Santa Rosa, Calif...
...ogy have become the functional deity for ing...
...Murdoch might point preciated, and, I trust, will continue...
...If we are to recover from this termieach...
...might have been... and reread it with the greatest care") intentional heterodoxy, for unlike him I CONTACT: Charles K. Wilber, Chair, Department of Economics, University of Notre Hughes (September 28th) reaffirms: "in have no taste for witch hunts...
...I cited Dame, Indiana 46556...
...If such care- Roman Catholic priests who hold advanced printed "of' instead of "or" this synop- less misrepresentations are permitted to degrees and show ability to develop and supersis is a faithful summary rendition of go uncorrected, Protestants will con- vise programs of theological education and page 427 of the massive Kung tome clude that the reason for their protest con- ministerial formation are invited to submit their application (including vita, transcripts of where speaking of the Last Supper the tinues, and we can kiss ecumenism graduate study, and three recent letters of referSwiss theologian writes: "it is itselfnot a goodbye...
...It is characterized by a Literature, Rev...
...made by Hans Kung...
...One is asked to choose bechurch in the modern world...
...23 November 1979: 671... not the only problem...
...Gospel message cannot be reserved for ANDREW FEINBERG is a contributing editor of our private moments...
...Religion, too, loses sight,of it was established ad hoc...
...Neither a scientist nor a FRIENDSHIP CLUB...
...FATHER BRUCE VAWTER, C.M., is Chairman sage is a call to serve that must embrace CATHOLIC CORRESPONDENCE/ of the Theology Department at DePaul Uni- our entire being...
...MARK J. HURLEY addressing the claims of science headtionships between science and religion Bishop of Santa Rosa on, religion retreats into irrationality...
...people, the deluge at the 1926 Eucharis- sense of alienation...
...FATHER EUGENE HILLMAN served as a But it is only a beginning...
...If nation of technical competence, familiarity Kung's statement that "the Eucharist is with alternative approaches, and vision of sotwo opportunties to present his evaluacial justice...
...Application deadline The word "repetition" is Kung's not 250 or 300 words naturally have a better is February 1, 1980...
...Cort's article underscores the neces- gion attempts to counter the claims of Roy's suggestion, with Cort's ap- sity for the Bishops' Conference to give science by retrenching deeper and deeper proval, that the bishops of the U.S.A...
...Too often relithority...
...Resume to John is necessary...
...Cavitwarl fran page 642) most, cannibals are psychologically illOfferings include: Psalms and Wisdom equipped to stamp out the eating of dominant today...
...But something similar can be pre- necessity affirm that empirical reality is dicated about Eastern humanity, citing as the only reality...
...treated in its pages...
...Kelly writes (for Kung): "The-Eucharist troversy: In August 1978 I heard a Mon- The Executive Governing Board of the Unithen is a commemoration of thanksgiv- signor from the New York Chancery Of- versity has determined that, for the present, the ing, not a repetition of the sacrifice of the fice commenting on a papal ceremony in person holding the position of Dean must have the qualifications demanded of rectors in Cross...
...A wholeistic approach EDWARD T. CHASE is vice-president of the to man, which joins science and religion, Jesuit Programs editorial department of Times Books in New must be undertaken...
...Thus we proceed from book of Esther does seem to be a nasty the biblical outlook on the world and piece of work...
...MOST REV...
...DETAILS: BOX versity in Chicago and the author of This Man theologian is such, divorced from his 872, TROY, NY 12181...
...John's University is an Equal Opportunity Incidentally, while there are those who Employer -504...
...The Gospel mesCorrespondence The American Lawyer magazine...
...One is tempted to single out i RATES: 70c a word, one time...
...their sake go to the text...
...And I between church and science-technology the concept of being as the underlying hesitate to call pregnancy creative...
...Mary New Testament, for that matter) continue to bedevil the theological task...
...ence) to: Search Committee for the Dean of the repetition of the 'sacrifice' of the cross...
...Emphasis Kung's...
...The Dean is the principal administrative ofChapter III of The Battle pp...
...bishops do Reality & science supernatural reality that the seeming inhave a committee on science, technol- Taneytown, Md...
...reality, so be it...
...Second-class postage paid at church alert to the moral problems and ogy have become the functional deity for New York, N.Y...
...Grace and Per- etc...
...Why must one choose beMythology" [Aug...
...More interdiscipline cooperation ity, ecumenical concern...
...Additional courses are since it is largely the exegetes' fault if become so divorced from our technology available through the Loyola Institute of that we have dichotomized our very beillusions about the Old Testament (or the Pastoral Studies...
...If the scientist by his very nature as science, technology, and the church was back their knowledge of science with scientist cannot deal with the totality of most timely and most welcome [Sept...
...The al- tional and formational components of the where possible...
...Religion tic Congress in Chicago provides a shaky pel message has been sublimated into the and Politics in Christian History, Rev...
...One demurrer: McKenzie Married Priests creation to that which respects human opines that a modern hospital is run on evolution, biological and social, to the rather more scientific lines than a modem CORPUS-National Association Renotion of man as "fallen," to spirits and archeological dig...
...ernment seems quite willing to bring that science and religion come into conTo the Editors: John Cort's article on back the Jesuits if the Jesuits will bring flict...
...program or as unclas- tamed...
...We must targets are the less likely to be set up soften the sharp division that exists beTHEOLOGIAN IN RESIDENCE: Bring again...
...UNIVERSITY, Spokane, 99258...
...It might surprise ligion often becomes so entrenched in some to learn that the U.S...
...63c, six times...
...Copyright (_dl...
...Along the way Loyola Theology School we stumble on relevancies drawn from just about any imaginable source: you Correspondence Loyola University Graduate Courses in can fight City Hall, ancestor worship in Theology...
...Kelly's clarifigraduates in economics from the University of Jamaica, N.Y...
...I am grateful for Msgr...
...Man cannot be divided and Tracy, 904 14th Street, Boulder, Colorado subdivided "in aetemum" without mor80302...
...Mary Peter McGinty, C.S.J...
...they least, it is not voluntary or controlled, as divorce" and that "science and technol- exist...
...York City...
...Index of American Periodical Verse, Book Resons," an attempt was made to eliminate, Rustum Roy, chairman of the Sci- view Digest and Book Review Index...
...This frame of mind is very episcopal opposition "for budgetary rea- and religion...
...281 contains her philosophical underpinnings, her raas a permanent committee of the several statements symptomatic of our tionality...
...Contact Sr...
...In com- Publishing Co...
...This requires faculty who will gention of TIe Battle for the American not a repetition of the sacrifice of the erate new knowledge through active research Church and its author wrongly attributes cross" is the "minor point" which Kelly programs in addition to being dedicated for the second time to me a statement now contends, why did he cite this per- teachers...
...JtSUIT PROGRAMS: Degrees or Audit...
...Apart from the fact that Doubleday heresy as Catholic doctine...
...Serials Data Program No.: the proposal in the interest of keeping the quoted as saying "Science and technol- ISSN 0010-3330...
...To be ignorant of that in Catholic Doctrine The ultimate goal of the department of Econommystery is to be ignorant of reality, itself...
...greater prominence to its own good into the Kantian tradition...
...Rome on national TV proclaim this very Roman Catholic seminaries...
...Brendan McGrath, O.S.B...
...Any discipline that attempts to out, once again, that the woman supplies Roy's statements that "The separation come to grips with reality must address as much to conception as the man...
...Religion need not be separate N.C.C.B...
...Commonweal welcomes letters on subjects Salary and rank commensurate with experition...
...Thus, Seepingg heresy...
...Three graduate credits ing...
...In the face of a smattering of modern confusion concerning science from reason...
...Our religion has sified students...
...Lozano, C.M.F...
...monthly in advance for more chronology and topicality of its contents, far too many of them for that...
...The grimage...
...fundament for theological conclusions, dream of technological renewal and Richard Costigan, S.J...
...tween the "truth" of science and the More on motherhood So the American bishops have not "truth" of religion...
...But let the scientist freely 28...
...Year or Summers...
...Rustum Roy, Even ecumenism does not embrace in admit of this limitation...
...or total biblical inerrancy, represent ence must be reestablished...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 allowance made for some now and then agreement: all things considered, the Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...It seems to me that the crux (Continued on page 639) sons," the bishops almost unanimously of the problem is that we do not know Commonweal is indexed in Reader's Guide to voted in favor...
...The committee has dichotomy between scientific and reliMaria Murdoch's "Motherhood & published papers on the invasion of pri- gious truth...
...Frederick Moriarty, S.J...
...One than three times...
...Our colleges targets that have already been fairly well and universities must strive to bring toPositions riddled by critical arrows...
...REVIEWERS tal consequences...
...A metaphysics of sciTelephone: 312/274-3000...
...Israel Pil- ideas advanced at Cambridge will filter sionary work among nomadic peoples in into our colleges and universities...
...Classified payable in a roughly logical order as regards the for agreement or demurrer, but there are with order...
...A reconciliation between Commonweal: 670 Judeo-Christian values and science must suspect there is a little heresy buried deep be effected...
...19.79 Commonweal progress in the fields of science and most of Western humanity...
...His citation of Dr...
...Things are...
...Microfilm the committee budget and staff...
...chance of being published...
...The hope of the GosMoral Teaching of the New Testament, Rev...
...cut loose from her philosophical, and There are perhaps two minor difficul- Commonweal's support was most ap- more especially, her metaphysical moorties...
...Box 2649, Chicago, 60690...
...The content of Correspondence rightly questioned both the wisdom and these questions all too clearly reveals our good sense of eliminating a committee inherent confusion concerning science dedicated to matters so essential for the and religion...
...four years ago ture" by John C. Cort [Sept...
...John Jay Hughes in and to Kung's German original...
...Theology... my Irish marrow, I do not think any of UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME The reconciliation of science and reli- it seeped out in The Battle...
...Spring semester begins the Old South is less superstitious than January 14, 1980 and ends May 2, 1980...
...consistencies with science become irogy, and human values...
...Chided for this mis- summarized in those pages, it was hereti- graduate and Ph.D...
...Position available August 28, 1980...
...p. 660, Emil Antonucci...
...49-51 His present contention that this is "a ficer of the School of Theology and bears summarizes major points of Kung's On minor point" is a fresh instance of un- supervisory responsibility for both the instrucBeing a Christian using his exact words sound theological perception...
...cation, which has sent me back to his text Notre Dame will be distinctive for their combiTo the Editors: Fr...
...Theologians take their knocks: the nightmare of pollution, corruption, Christian Spirituality: History, Rev...
...On page 51 five lines leged Catholic teaching that the Mass School's Master of Divinity, Masters of Arts in Theology, Liturgical Studies, and Religious beneath an italicized subheading which was somehow a repetition of Calvary was Education, and priesthood preparation proclearly reads Kiing on the Eucharist a focal point of Reformation con- grams...
...The ences, Technology and Society Program from Vol...
...At has been so great it could be mistaken for principle of all reality...
...artistic license...
...Juan McKenzie regards much contemporary social, economic and political injustice...
...Recalls for a comment...
...It (REV...
...These courses may be theology as tame and theologians as Technology has become the antithesis of taken in the M.A...
...Eight years ago To the Editors: "Science, Faith & Fu- relevant...
...No matter: the gether the arts and sciences...
...Rather than appoint a task force to consider the rela- works...
...GONZAGA Kenya...
...Letters of not more than enced and qualifications...
...Again last year "for budgetary rea- cially when we are "doing" science...
...reminded that this periodical's own posed that a national sample of Catholics Commonweal: 642 at from its structure...
...John's University ics is to produce students who will have the E. YVONNE SMALL expertise to assist in the solution of the social problems facing humanity and who will have The author replies: obtained an appreciating and understanding of these problems in a Christian framework...
...Walsh-Price Fellow doing research and misSpiritual Direction...
...The conflict on recombinant DNA, on energy, the I would like to suggest that the probbetween motherhood and mental creativ- value of life, and even on the test-tube lem lies in the fact that science has been ity seems undeniable...
...Oxford, England been asleep at the switch in their appreci- If truth is singular how can there be a To the Editors: I read with interest Anna ation of this field...
...Some of nal tearing apart of human nature, we Peter McGinty, C.S.J., LOYOLA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, 6525 North the illusions, too, on which McKenzie must begin to restructure the foundations Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois 60626...
...But that dream has turned into son, Sr...
...sets his sights, such as verbal inspiration of our sciences...
...Lawler, and standing with cal, or tending to heresy...
...The judgment may be a bit unfair, the Gospel message...
...The meeting at MIT is a beginning...
...311 and-for me, at vacy through computers and data banks, tween technology and theology...
...GEORGE A. KELLY Economic Development of the Third World that both are dealing with mystery, the Director, Institute for Advanced Studies Economic Policy Issues of the Public Sector mystery of being...
...If the scientist by his method deals MARY ELLMANN most of Western humanity" are right on only with empirical reality he must not of target...
...There are twenty- tament by a master of the craft, this book three chapters, each more or less self- represents very good value for the readClassified contained (with some repetitive over- er's money...
...demons, to all that is entailed in biblical BRUCE VAWTER genealogies, and so forth...
...Lest Commonweal simplification and general carelessness Collegeville, Minnesota 56321 readers think me more of a theological which prevent Kelly's interesting book Applications are invited for the position of ignoramus than I really am, let us for from being the important contribution it DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY...
...In his July 6 review fectly orthodox proposition in a passage Qualifications for regular three-year aphe suggests theological ignorance, designed to show Kung's doctrinal un- pointments include significant research potenperhaps formal heresy in the book calling soundness...
...I think Ms...
...Requires theological exper- Considered as a collection of over prestigious Catholic universities and coltise, teaching ability, organizational abil- twenty lectures or essays on the Old Tes- leges...
...I, 1924, to current issues available through University Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road, bishops again overwhelmingly defeated at Pennsylvania State University is Ann Arbor, Mi...
...signed/Married Priests...
...both a scientist and philosopher, came its purview as many people on earth as But the grandiose claim of the scientist from an excellent source and leading au- those accepting "the functional deity...
...Perhaps the Scriptures...
...112 per credit...
...What are the implications of beintellectual creativity is...
...who we are or what we are about, espe- Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index...
...Two Regular Faculty Openings in: gion must begin with an understanding (REV...
...Kelly's view the Mass is such a repeti- Kelly's use of an orthodox statement by tion " Kung to illustrate his heterodoxy merely The point is minor to me but appar- as an example of the theological over- ST...
...JOHN'S UNIVERSITY ently not to Hughes...
...tween faculties, even in some of our most theological education, reflection to state university...
...any rate-it struck home...
...I have never send resume with a letter projecting research his "clearest recollection" ("Having had an interest in demonstrating Kelly's and teaching interests over the next three years...

Vol. 106 • November 1979 • No. 21

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