In Brief

Druska, Gerard Sloyan, John

Commonweal: 540 unchallenged. Balasuriya gives as the crew schism that engenders the Mazdean Eznesto Cardenal reason for...

...GEORGE A. KELLY Far from "identifying myself with St...
...To Be a Christian, p. 427...
...poorly served...
...facts, which should not be ignored by "formally heretical," to reveal gross Kelly's book is factual, perhaps too doctrinaire reviews offered Com"ignorance," to make it difficult to trust factual for Hughes...
...I am annoyed, too at discovering rifice of the cross...
...that "a guerrilla-type warfare is going on difficult to understand why priestly ap(REV...
...I find it Associate Director former Apostolic Delegate given the significant that Kelly himself does not Associate Director of an Office of Re"alias" "Acognani," the investiture of complain of misrepresentation on this search and Planning for a West Coast Dubuque priest Clarence Friedman in the point...
...Tribe'ss subsequent enervation by people into the meaning of There was a National Synod held in Sri death-wish-that bend the trajectories of the Scriptures chart in Lanka in 1968 and 1969...
...Charles de Foucauld Buoyed by visionary notions of Taoist JOHN DRUSKA Captain Aurelius Varuna, descendant of Aeneas and Indus Valley Brahmans, the INNER .3rd millennium crew members of Prom- Correspondence etheus coalesce into a "Tribe of Man" SEARCH: and "commit genesis...
...Box 2649, in a 150,000 word book the transposition reader will doubt that such a sentence Chicago, 60690...
...To the Editors: John Jay Hughes' review church such anguish and are mainly re- If his background is at all germane, it [July 61 of Msgr...
...The review gives Pinochet regime and for self-support...
...allusive illusion of science fiction...
...JOHN LEO, formerly an associate editor of favor of a church of the Spirit and, in To the Editors: One of the few relevant Commonweal, is an associate editor of Time effect, denying that the true church, like questions raised by Father Hughes about Magazine...
...Order from: by-point reply, he may have it when I am I have seen (Baltimore Catholic Review OXFAM AMERICA, 302 Columbus Ave., again able to deal with correspondence in July 6, p. B-2), which however calls the Boston, Mass...
...They provide the only medical church, explicitly states that Kelly "de- zinger in Germany and Urs von Balthasar help for miles around for aborigines who serves full credit for pointing out that the "have not even 2 meals a day the whole in Switzerland...
...I NATHAN SCOTT, Jr., teaches Religious the American Church deserves more objective treatment than John Jay Hughes discovered this to my sorrow shortly beStudies and English at the University of Virginia...
...No fair-minded signed/Married Priests...
...On p. 51 he indeed mentions the review to call Kelly's book "impossi- The situation is much too serious to terrible phrase (prefixing it with a signif- ble," "tortured," "ludicrous," "ill- dismiss it with a clever phrase or, worse icant "not...
...Hans Kung concerning the Eucharist (cf...
...tion of the passage in question...
...with links of rationality...
...ficulty is the familiar one of choosing in Jamaica, N.Y...
...divine institution of the church, the papal that Christ gave the church an essentially In any event, as a pastor myself, I can primacy, the priesthood, the indissolubil- unalterable structure, vested in the assure Commonweal readers that the ity of marriage, contraception and the hierarchy and the papacy...
...What many access to Kelly's book...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 Catholic teaching at all...
...I regret that in this amount of foolishness and outright instance I permitted the inference (which chicanery in American Catholicism since CHILEAN women whose husbands disis erroneous) that I was unaware of Msgr...
...But having read RATES: 70c a word, one time...
...George a. Kelly's The sponsible for the conflict...
...However, cross" by denying that Kelly says this...
...season, Ursulines hope to build a simply say that my review, far from "de- position in the church today is repre- health center at Banari, deep in the intenying the existence of a crisis" in the sented by theologians like Joseph Rat- rior of India...
...Commonweal, 232 Hughes's assistance...
...Answer parative Literature at Kent State University...
...Classified payable priests and religious now propose in and reread it with the greatest care (as the with order...
...He criticizes Kelly for claiming have heard...
...Its - Carroll StuhlrrnieiW- C. P. megalomania and his crew's hokey devo- National Catholic Reporter impact was minimal...
...Chile, Oxfam America is selling these caricature of it...
...The central cultic shorthand...
...Send inof the publishers without Father heretical) to "re-presentation" (which is quiries to Box No...
...the Council...
...This and surprises (and so much narrative challenge is different...
...tion of the sacrifice of the cross.' "The 28 September 1979: 541 alleged statement of Kelly's is said to be church's role as teacher of nations...
...Hughes does all he can to keep the Eucharist...
...Here I can misunderstanding...
...I my position is that the present im- write from a Trappist monastery without primatur rules are too lax...
...of "Dom Gueranger" when "Dom Odo allows but one inference: in Kelly's view Casels" was there first, for having a the Mass is such a repetition...
...tory prof who invented this tale under an GERARD S. SLOYAN ORB IS BOOKS alias must have enjoyed letting his Maryknoll, characters discuss and enact those ideas, DAUGHTER OF Is by Michael Davidson, his mind's children traveling within the NewYork 10545 Popular Library, $1,75, paper...
...Should he wish a point- Others are listed in the only other review tapestries at $25 each...
...A hurried call to the FATHER GERARD S. SLOYAN is professor of the facts, and with God's grace have their New York censor (who was familiar with Religion at Temple University...
...pondence with his superiors Daughter of Is carries its readers, (REV...
...gave it...
...Hans Kung does not believe in his experience for more than twenty potential reader from reading a most in- the Real Bodily Presence of Christ in the years as a very successful parish priest, formative description of what is going on Eucharist or in the Mass as a re- including his appointment "Pastor by in the Catholic Church in America today...
...It is my position that appeared in the 1973 military takeover Kelly's pastoral appointment, and I Msgr...
...and brothers in Christ...
...views I have tried, wherever possible, to things more deserving of investigation give information about the author's per- and exposure today than the enormous Arpilleras sonal background...
...He criticizes is not the one year (1966-67) as Cardinal Battle for the American Church is unfor- Kelly for criticizing Hans Kung on the Spellman's Secretary for Education, but tunate...
...John's University those who are causing the church such anguish,` as Father Hardon falsely Farm Wanted charges, the review says that these Ex-convict and 15-year-old son need help The author replies: people "deserve the severest condemna- in acquiring small farm...
...been made available in the' original French and now generate history, along on the quest: To the Editors: In his review of George appear in English for the from discovery of a biopotential planet Kelly's The Battle for the American first ti me.This is a publish("Mazda"), through Deluge-erasure of Church [July 6) John Jay Hughes says ing event for a I I those who the fallen "Adamites...
...The true conservative... pointing out to the reader the positions of "pre-conciliar," "deficient," "crip- indulging in personal invectives...
...He criticizes Cardinal Cooke (1970-74) to revitalize a Here is a land mine of data concerning Kelly for saying that the church makes New York City parish, a ministry of the confrontation in American Catholi- -statements declaring unchangeable which John Jay Hughes does not seem to cism over revelation, the priesthood, the truths...
...Reply Box 403, S. In over a hundred published book re- tion," adding that "there can be few Egremont, Ma...
...a son-Savior's birth, genitalconcerned with activities that did not "crucifixion" and chemically-rigged rehelp bring about effective long-term surrection...
...5.95 paper ond, more persistently matriarchal, race...
...pling," "regrettable," and, to sum up, (REV...
...Kelly has thrown away a golden have been making patchwork tapestries apologize for any injustice done him on opportunity by bungling a thoroughly (arpilleras) as a protest against the this score...
...and, most critically, appear- volume 3 sharing based on changes in the struc- ance of the prophetess who serves THE tures of society...
...whereas book has substance and that Monsignor Hughes believes this is not so, what Kelly has no "nostalgia for the good old Christ actually gave was the Holy Spirit...
...Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y...
...Non-theologian copy attest), I have the clearest recollec- Madison Ave., NYC 10016... strengthened by knowing the the book's approach) informed me that JOHN DRUSKA is a writer who currently facts-no matter how painful the knowl- this kind of book did not require an imteaches high school in Indianapolis...
...FRANCIS M. COSTELLO REVIEWERS his unwillingness (or inability) to see the EDWARD PROFFITT is himself a poet as well church as both visible and spiritual, as Kelly on Hughes as associate professor of English at Manhat- both structured and supernatural...
...Readers will make up their own meal, "and not the repetition of the sac- CORPUS-National Association Remind...
...Christ, is both human and divine...
...IN churches in the social institutions that After so many epic-epochal successes SOLENTINAME need reform within the churches...
...O.P., teaches Com- A book as valuable as The Battle for 6] is this: Why no imprimatur...
...Hughes's basic stance is thus seen in (REV...
...But what he is here doing is digested," "plain wrong," "heretical," still, deny the existence of a crisis...
...The National Synod was con- sci-fi plot devices, Varuna's us home'' voked, met, and passed into history...
...Kelly's book offers such primatur...
...American Catholics need to see fore publication...
...and that Father Hardon, in order to diocese...
...66c, three times...
...1122 should be sent to Sister that "at its best the book is squarely on position with which I largely identify so Paula De Block, Ursuline Provincialate, target...
...63c, six times...
...Job description and which have been brought to the attention language from "repetition" (which is qualifications sent upon request...
...He notes laconically supernatural suspension of disbelief "The dialogues are intense, of this meeting that like Vatican II in necessary to survive this epic parable's profound, radical'...-The matters of his concern: "It came and elisions and summaries, its arbitrary Gospel in Solentiname calls went...
...Because Doubleday did not ask for one...
...This is a Next month, at the end of their rainy give exact page references...
...himself with those who are causing the with Cardinal Spellman...
...He will find that the adjectives book "the most complete statement of to which he takes exception were all care- the conservative position in the church fully chosen to describe specific features Health Center that has yet been written, or that is likely of the book, for which I am prepared to to be written for years to come...
...days of Cardinal Spellman...
...That estimate tions, you'll probably enjoy the play of $7.95.provides a powerful parable for both ideas (apropos of our own sub- Volume I $4.95 paper hemispheres...
...The Battle for the American Church [July DIANA CULBERTSON...
...the mangods descend from "Guaranteed to provoke rite and its custodians are seen as locked their static time-line, their pseudo- reflection, delight, and perhaps dissent:" into oppressive systems that make im- immortality, to discover provocative - Donald Senior C. P possible the service of priests or public ironies-Mazdean evolution toward true "The stunning and often ritual as liberating instruments of God's immortality beyond their gods' ken, the brilliant insight of these purpose...
...Mother Is, a power she claims encomMost calls for social reform by Chris- passes that of her people's self- GOSPEL tians fail to identify the complicity of the christened gods...
...In no way open to "the derisive laughter of his does Kelly suggest that he wishes to foes...
...their missionary lust "to be," glossed to My thesis is simply that a philosophical require the creative evolution of world approach will not reach enough people The great spiritual thinker and race attuned to Tao and the crew's today...
...readers are entitled to some guarantees...
...plain Hughes's list of vituperative adjec- of "Good old days of Cardinal But Kelly made no such statement at tives...
...They jettison Letters their terrestrial government's "lust to (Continued from page 514) (1889-1916) own" the resources of space, in favor of psychologies in need of careful scrutiny...
...adopt the precise contradictories of all Perhaps, the expression "derisive No nostalgia the views that he reports...
...His diftan College...
...In- is painfully conscious of the main thesis signor George A. Kelly for the thirtydeed, he would be wise to reread Kelly's of The Battle for the American Church, seven years of his priesthood, I find it book for a great many reasons...
...Commonweal: 542 Under those circumstances and be- charge of heresy for calling the Eucharist cause publication was already six months "a repetition of the sacrifice of the Classified overdue, I let it go through...
...vii) vance against what he has to say and Land mine of data The problem is that Hughes identifies simply because he was once associated New York, N.Y...
...Hughes really laughter of his foes," best describes the New York, N.Y...
...and writer Charles de Foututelage as gods: "we go to chain the I thank you for publishing "Liturgical cauld carried on a profound and fascinating correselements...
...28 September 1979: 543...
...monthly in advance for more books as Catholic teaching is not markings on almost every page of my than three times...
...The caretakers have al- Promenthean quests) as much as the his- Volume l l'$6.,95 ready taken care...
...He manages in a page and a half of Spellman...
...ought to read a book more carefully be- underlying spirit of Hughes's review...
...buoyed by interest in the clash between Many of his most important Varuna's "chlorophyll philosophy" and Kelly misread letters have only recently the "adrenalin mystique" of Earth's de- Washington, D.C...
...He To the Editors: As an associate of Monfore he makes such extreme charges...
...Otherwise how ex- monweal readers under the captious title the author...
...growth of a sec- that Kelly "calls the Eucharist 'a repeti- follow the desert way...
...Salary negotiable in accordance Jesuit order, and two dozen other errors defend Kelly here, is forced to alter this with qualifications...
...It remains in this country church's present crisis presents a unique year round...
...My review and checks for the Ranchi Ursuline Sociopportunity for spiritual growth," and reflected keen disappointment at seeing a ety a/c No...
...worthwhile enterprise...
...presentation of Calvary...
...Its Declaration both the story and Michael Davidson's impressive fashion the flowering of conscience in on Christian Worship, quoted at length, futuristic theology toward awful climax...
...To I am unable to recognize my theologi- a representative but far from complete raise money for their families and for cooperative work in the shanty towns of cal position in Father Hardon's lengthy list of the book's disqualifying defects...
...Kanke Road 23/303, Ranchi 834008, Father Lawler defends Kelly from the JOHN JAY HUGHES India (Airmail: 310...
...the oppressed"- . is unexceptionable by the author's own If you can manage the hyper- -The Priest rigorous standards...
...Balasuriya gives as the crew schism that engenders the Mazdean Eznesto Cardenal reason for failure: "The eucharistic version of chlorophyll-adrenalin concommunities have in most countries been flict...
...inside the church," that the issues at pointments are germane to the story unSchool of Philosophy stake "are the correctness of Catholic folded in his book The Battle for the The Catholic University of America doctrine and the survival of the Catholic American Church-except perhaps to Church as a significant influence in the prejudice Commonweal readers in adlife of her own communicants...
...Additional funds are needed, without a worthy spokesman...
...Kelly As for the rest of Father Hughes's in- there complains that Hans Kung holds temperate misjudgments, I have little to Married Priests the Eucharist to be merely a fellowship say...
...edge may be...

Vol. 106 • September 1979 • No. 17

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