Knight. Rather, I am looking for a candi- after the second reading. They will enjoy Correspondence date who will...
...JOHN LEO, formerly an associate editor of favor of a church of the Spirit and, in To the Editors: One of the few relevant Commonweal, is an associate editor of Time effect, denying that the true church, like questions raised by Father Hughes about Magazine...
...With my praise declared, let me add Television meditations on faith in two further notes which may prove Messiahs & majorities America in which we are instructed to somewhat critical of Professor Dobel's share-rich and poor alike-in a crisis assumptions...
...Classified payable priests and religious now propose in and reread it with the greatest care (as the with order...
...vii) vance against what he has to say and Land mine of data The problem is that Hughes identifies simply because he was once associated New York, N.Y...
...other words, twelve out of fifteen black To the Editors: More of our thoughtful Index of American Periodical Verge, Book Revoters are silent...
...He manages in a page and a half of Spellman...
...No fair-minded signed/Married Priests...
...another one...
...ought to read a book more carefully be- underlying spirit of Hughes's review...
...the Persons of God...
...I am annoyed, too at discovering rifice of the cross...
...However, cross" by denying that Kelly says this...
...George a. Kelly's The sponsible for the conflict...
...I find it Associate Director former Apostolic Delegate given the significant that Kelly himself does not Associate Director of an Office of Re"alias" "Acognani," the investiture of complain of misrepresentation on this search and Planning for a West Coast Dubuque priest Clarence Friedman in the point...
...Proposition 13's or the amply-financed such a candidacy would start something Moreover, a healthy silence created candidates for this or that office...
...HARVEY COX psychology of silence, but I prefer to Who is the silent majority...
...Professor worth a walk to the polls...
...This hard work dent (a "White Cross Knight who slayeth A presidential candidate who discards even takes courage...
...For the impor1980, Dennis O'Brien says he thinks I shortage is felt and the frightening power tant words are strangers and spectators...
...Hans Kung does not believe in his experience for more than twenty potential reader from reading a most in- the Real Bodily Presence of Christ in the years as a very successful parish priest, formative description of what is going on Eucharist or in the Mass as a re- including his appointment "Pastor by in the Catholic Church in America today...
...divine institution of the church, the papal that Christ gave the church an essentially In any event, as a pastor myself, I can primacy, the priesthood, the indissolubil- unalterable structure, vested in the assure Commonweal readers that the ity of marriage, contraception and the hierarchy and the papacy...
...plain Hughes's list of vituperative adjec- of "Good old days of Cardinal But Kelly made no such statement at tives...
...John's University those who are causing the church such anguish,` as Father Hardon falsely Farm Wanted...
...of "Dom Gueranger" when "Dom Odo allows but one inference: in Kelly's view Casels" was there first, for having a the Mass is such a repetition...
...Since as an gets into the hands of all our lectors who orthodox Christian I believe the Messiah are now more or less accustomed to mak- Illustrations: Cover photo by Larry Atherton, has already come, I am not looking for ing cautious gestures in favor of silence The Jackson Sun...
...Periodical Literature, Catholic Periodical Index...
...Readers will make up their own meal, "and not the repetition of the sac- CORPUS-National Association Remind...
...They will enjoy Correspondence date who will define and dramatize the such a well-defined case for silence...
...Or for a dragon-slaying after the responsorial psalm as well as Commonweal: 514 28 September 1979: 541 alleged statement of Kelly's is said to be church's role as teacher of nations...
...He criticizes Cardinal Cooke (1970-74) to revitalize a Here is a land mine of data concerning Kelly for saying that the church makes New York City parish, a ministry of the confrontation in American Catholi- -statements declaring unchangeable which John Jay Hughes does not seem to cism over revelation, the priesthood, the truths...
...GEORGE A. KELLY Far from "identifying myself with St...
...I NATHAN SCOTT, Jr., teaches Religious the American Church deserves more objective treatment than John Jay Hughes discovered this to my sorrow shortly beStudies and English at the University of Virginia...
...Microfilm this is some hidden conservative major- rants offer Eucharist ought to articulate from Vol...
...both moralizing and image-making and kind of effort "active participation" in The silent majority in America is the channels the real antagonisms of the na- the mystery of in-dwelling in my center nearly 50 percent of the people who do tion into genuine political options might space to make play and praise for the not vote at all-either for or against the not-it is true-win on the first try...
...In New London, Conn...
...Commonweal, 232 Hughes's assistance...
...genuine conflicts in American society...
...Cambridge, Mass...
...What many access to Kelly's book...
...He criticizes is not the one year (1966-67) as Cardinal Battle for the American Church is unfor- Kelly for criticizing Hans Kung on the Spellman's Secretary for Education, but tunate...
...action within my psyche...
...facts, which should not be ignored by "formally heretical," to reveal gross Kelly's book is factual, perhaps too doctrinaire reviews offered Com"ignorance," to make it difficult to trust factual for Hughes...
...Otherwise how ex- monweal readers under the captious title the author...
...His diftan College...
...Further, to be silent is a human Proposition 13 movement) and that I am knows about and resents, the President activity...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 Catholic teaching at all...
...Kelly's book offers such primatur...
...have misread the meaning of the silent of the oil companies, which although The word silent is not the point of that majority (which he identifies with the every poll shows the average American article...
...Ann Arbor, Mi...
...himself with those who are causing the with Cardinal Spellman...
...Christ, is both human and divine...
...No one can convince me laity for whom and with whom we celeb- view Digest and Book Review Index...
...Now regarding messiahs...
...whereas book has substance and that Monsignor Hughes believes this is not so, what Kelly has no "nostalgia for the good old Christ actually gave was the Holy Spirit...
...inside the church," that the issues at pointments are germane to the story unSchool of Philosophy stake "are the correctness of Catholic folded in his book The Battle for the The Catholic University of America doctrine and the survival of the Catholic American Church-except perhaps to Church as a significant influence in the prejudice Commonweal readers in adlife of her own communicants...
...Dobel's "Liturgical Silence" [Aug...
...Serials Data Program No.: its real interests are not included in the the Christian assembly...
...He To the Editors: As an associate of Monfore he makes such extreme charges...
...Kelly As for the rest of Father Hughes's in- there complains that Hans Kung holds temperate misjudgments, I have little to Married Priests the Eucharist to be merely a fellowship say...
...readers are entitled to some guarantees...
...Of fifteen mil- philosophical critique of contemporary lion eligible black adults in the USA to- (Continued on page 541) day, only one out of three is registered...
...for which only the nasty OPEC nations When he quotes article 48 of the ConTo the Editor: In his reply [July 6] to my bear the blame-plaster over both the stitution on the Sacred Liturgy, I think he remarks on a presidential candidate for genuine class divisions within which a may be forcing the text...
...Un- cannot translate the inherent values of ones-but not since the 1930s have these less we get something like this soon, the council and reform documents into the divisions been articulated with sufficient decisions we face will either be made in texture of parochial life and practice...
...But what he is here doing is digested," "plain wrong," "heretical," still, deny the existence of a crisis...
...p. 516: Margulies (Rothco...
...Hughes really laughter of his foes," best describes the New York, N.Y...
...To the Editors: John Jay Hughes' review church such anguish and are mainly re- If his background is at all germane, it [July 61 of Msgr...
...Job description and which have been brought to the attention language from "repetition" (which is qualifications sent upon request...
...ISSN 0010-3330...
...Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y...
...the old, the minorities-as well as the mechanism which, although it was However, I think to capture the imaginaincreasingly class-conscious American created to resolve them, has been ignored tion of our folk today we need to also working man and woman-would serve by more and more people until it develop an anthropology of silence...
...66c, three times...
...To Be a Christian, p. 427...
...The same is I am making sure that J. Patrick New York, N.Y...
...Some might call this an attempt to do a system... pointing out to the reader the positions of "pre-conciliar," "deficient," "crip- indulging in personal invectives...
...Silence is creative pletely, is a clear political expression of In all these instances it was not some work for all...
...Commonweal: 542 Under those circumstances and be- charge of heresy for calling the Eucharist cause publication was already six months "a repetition of the sacrifice of the Classified overdue, I let it go through...
...Answer parative Literature at Kent State University...
...Send inof the publishers without Father heretical) to "re-presentation" (which is quiries to Box No...
...One part of Thomas Professor of Divinity widen the notion of psychology to anit is the tragically large-number of black Harvard University thropology because this allows a citizens who do not vote...
...That's very necessary...
...Box 2649, in a 150,000 word book the transposition reader will doubt that such a sentence Chicago, 60690...
...Hans Kung concerning the Eucharist (cf... inject some vitality into our electoral threatens to atrophy...
...Non-theologian copy attest), I have the clearest recollec- Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...But living God... strengthened by knowing the the book's approach) informed me that JOHN DRUSKA is a writer who currently facts-no matter how painful the knowl- this kind of book did not require an imteaches high school in Indianapolis...
...O.P., teaches Com- A book as valuable as The Battle for 6] is this: Why no imprimatur...
...The Battle for the American Church [July DIANA CULBERTSON...
...pling," "regrettable," and, to sum up, (REV...
...days of Cardinal Spellman...
...I my position is that the present im- write from a Trappist monastery without primatur rules are too lax...
...On p. 51 he indeed mentions the review to call Kelly's book "impossi- The situation is much too serious to terrible phrase (prefixing it with a signif- ble," "tortured," "ludicrous," "ill- dismiss it with a clever phrase or, worse icant "not...
...gave it...
...3] Publishing Co...
...I'd like to call that the dragon...
...In- is painfully conscious of the main thesis signor George A. Kelly for the thirtydeed, he would be wise to reread Kelly's of The Battle for the American Church, seven years of his priesthood, I find it book for a great many reasons...
...1, 1924, to current issues available ity...
...Hughes does all he can to keep the Eucharist...
...In no way open to "the derisive laughter of his does Kelly suggest that he wishes to foes...
...tion of the passage in question...
...Salary negotiable in accordance Jesuit order, and two dozen other errors defend Kelly here, is forced to alter this with qualifications...
...We have our didacies significance but the new elec- reform but the mechanical rubricists who divisions- including class and regional toral constituencies they mobilized...
...that "a guerrilla-type warfare is going on difficult to understand why priestly ap(REV...
...political clarity that voters thought it carpeted boardrooms or fought out on hot My second general thought...
...My moving again in America, something among the assembly-that is, a social point is that what we lack in American that once produced a Jackson and an FDR silence-is a marvelous communitarian politics today, what has driven so many and might have made Robert Kennedy a witness to the silence within and among people to abandon the enterprise com- qualitatively different kind of president...
...Copyright ©1979 Commonweal true for millions of other potential voters...
...for me it takes a discipline or looking for a messiah rather then a presi- seems increasingly reticent to mention...
...FRANCIS M. COSTELLO REVIEWERS his unwillingness (or inability) to see the EDWARD PROFFITT is himself a poet as well church as both visible and spiritual, as Kelly on Hughes as associate professor of English at Manhat- both structured and supernatural...
...American Catholics need to see fore publication...
...Second-class postage paid at present definition of issues...
...and that Father Hardon, in order to diocese...
...A hurried call to the FATHER GERARD S. SLOYAN is professor of the facts, and with God's grace have their New York censor (who was familiar with Religion at Temple University...
...ficulty is the familiar one of choosing in Jamaica, N.Y...
...the real issues and counter-claims within mystical charisma which gave their can- I fault not the documents of liturgical our national life...
...presentation of Calvary...
...He criticizes Kelly for claiming have heard...
...Hughes's basic stance is thus seen in (REV...
...It is a minority correctly sensing that their needs for the mystery of silence in through University Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Road...
...We need a candidate with a pro- Dobel's service for us is a highly develwho would genuinely politicize the an- gram that will politicize our divisions oped philosophical approach to the mysgers and resentments of the unemployed, making real use of the democratic tery of silence...
...But having read RATES: 70c a word, one time...
...Because Doubleday did not ask for one...
...63c, six times...
...edge may be...
...monthly in advance for more books as Catholic teaching is not markings on almost every page of my than three times...
...A candidate streets...
...More on silence Commonweal is indexed in Reader's Guide to Of this one third, only 35 percent vote...
...adopt the precise contradictories of all Perhaps, the expression "derisive No nostalgia the views that he reports...
Vol. 106 • September 1979 • No. 17