Maguire, Marjorie Reiley
magundi and Partisan Review, ideas get not a book to read through. Taken sepa- started planning the second of these scant systematic attention. The interview rately, these...
...Martin Tu rneH toned it down, probably because he dared Nevertheless, I myself regard Bresson's GEOFFREY WAGNER, professor of Eng- not reproduce the cruelty and immorality film not only splendid in itself, but, lish and the Humanities at the City of the characters which led to Flaubert's largely as a result of the so-called "violaCollege of New York, is also a distin- prosecution...
...What magnificent shots of the great white pleatravel and sociology...
...The other two are change of time and place also led to the literary criticism as well as studies of by Renoir and Gerard Lamprecht...
...His main interest, rather, is version called Spectre ran for over four Bovary: length and the novelist's perthe way in which film directors make use hours...
...When Paul was One interesting section, "Transposi- Morrow, $6.95, 128 pp...
...In addition, of experience derived from novels...
...Taken sepa- started planning the second of these scant systematic attention...
...They are not the only us that a novel cannot be filmed unthat film emerged in literature before it examples... preferred to the formal article... of Madame Bovary, a film de- Bresson's film is used to argue that "an scribed as 'so tame' because the director analogy can still be a violation...
...Jacques Rivette is not men- changed when its author has completely did on the screen," he is not primarily tioned by the professor at all, but his Noli expressed his experience...
...His not one, but three films of Madame Bov- original period and place...
...The interview rately, these reminiscences are often fun films... no doubt that the length of the novel rival's return to Paris...
...the result that, though a change like this The opposite happens with Minnelli's can be legitimate with other directors, Associated University Presses, $15,3% pp...
...tion," as vastly superior to the Russian guished writer whose works are remark- This looks forward to the way in which film by Ivan Pyriew who stuck to the able for their range and variety...
...parture for the sake of making another work of art...
...There eclipse of the hero's love affair by his important part in this study...
...genuity in it, I found it virtually impossi- it disposes of the professor's unfavorable Although the professor's study is ble to follow the highly complicated criticism of Bresson's film precisely behighly stimulating, its stimulation is events derived from several sources, in- cause its director had changed material largely the result of his own many differ- cluding Balzac's Histoire des treize "for the sake of making another work of ent judgments, such as his provocative which he did not study until he had art.„ view that J.G...
...Although he looks back to Eisenstein...
...almost two, after a particularly difficult tion," is a discussion of the success or Marjorie Roiley Maguire infancy, his mother was bluntly informed failure to make proper use-of the experi- that he had Hohler's syndrome (Hurler's ence of a novel...
...This means concerned with strict technical elements me tangere ran for nearly thirteen hours that there is a double impossibility of like montage, cross-cutting, flashbacks and was only shown once...
...Mary Craig son, Paul, was born...
...In its and their resourceful, individualistic The most controversial section of the emphasis on personal experience, The writers good to know, but forty autobiog- third chapter is "analogy...
...For my Little Magazine in America reflects the raphies in a row make a formidable purpose," we are told, "here analogy world it describes...
...Albicocco's popular film of Alain-Fournier'sLe Grand Meaulnes, which I found highly engaging (as I did Suffering & redemption the novel) made the novel "into a visu- f ally beautiful, yet totally empty, film in DLEUIHU= writer and television journalist, lived a France in 1967-a model instance that normal life until 1956 when her second color cannot carry meaning itself...
...THE NOVEL AND THE CINEMA resents the most faithful rendition of a Petersburg to contemporary Paris," with Geoffrey Wagner novelist's conception put before us...
...He goes on to observe that in Four Nights of a Dreamer Bresson Analogy & violation "took Dostoyevski's White Night and transposed it from nineteenth-century St...
...Although there was plenty of in- fectly expressed experience...
...We are told that "though THIS BOOK chronicles the author's in America...
...causes gradual degeneration of the brain legitimately considered here since it rep- Mary Craig, now an English Catholic and central nervous system, resulting in Commonweal: 504...
...Bresson's thirty-five works include novels, poetry, ary have been failures...
...It makes a valuable course, even for those of us who owe must represent a fairly considerable decollection to browse in and refer to, but little magazines a great deal...
...This is an incurable, rare, not based strictly on a novel, Alain- search for meaning in the face of al- genetic, neurological disorder, which Renais's Last Year at Marienbad can be most unbearable suffering...
...His alternative producing a successful film of Madame and the like...
...The Novel and the is certain is that Renoir's film was largely sure boat gliding under a Seine bridge Cinema is his first work on film, but we spoiled by the length of the novel, since and gradually disappearing into the darkshall find that his other writings, which Renoir was forced, against his will, to cut ness of night-thus pointing to the final include fifteen novels, naturally play an down his original version by half...
...also added to the failure of both Minnelli Wagner quotes one professor who tells when he observes, "It could be proposed and Lamprecht...
Vol. 106 • September 1979 • No. 16