The Little League Game
Crosby, Michael
then, quite by accident, got involved play a variation on "the most dangerous All this is too carefully and too obvi- with a transvestite and finally a bisexual ...
...Ll.- IIf1~~~r~ IIF Thomas E. Clarke, S. J., fQ~ Woodstock Theological Center...
...No one gave wrong with the little leagues of America...
...The unfortunate lit- This is not baseball...
...America Mission, San 4ose...
...Even Terry home, carrying on my shoulder the bat mutually exclusive and that playing Dunn wanted something more...
...D Send application and more information Her account of the events before and FEB...
...6-9 to mean a frustrated hopelessness in the Mission Patterns or mission Perceptions in the Book of , face of overwhelming power," is a sen- Acts...
...Samuel : Kamaleson, Vice-President-at-.PITY STATE ZIP dossier of the confrontation of feminism Large, World Vision Interns- :COUNTRY and the churches...
...This is giving but shoot snakes and lizards...
...It is building an Tony is very fat, very gay, and very ballfield, by the doctors who are in con- elevator to the top of Mount Everest, and much in love...
...Hitters barren island off the coast of Australia...
...Passive acceptance by the Roman Catholics and Protesgroup of the frustration of authoritarian tant Evangelicals in Mission: Bridges to Understanding...
...parents who drive him to and from the motor to the bicyclist...
...He threatens David and Tony, and are "macho" or "authoritarian," re- hole-in-one...
...ordination as priest: the barest de- sion...
...Few of us are totally indiffer- They kept on playing...
...26-30 ~ ~ Charismatic Renewal in the 107 ~I I E 'by ALLA BOZARTH CAMPBELL...
...4-7 Itto with these church life from her father, and, eventu- Toward Creative Structures vision-hraadeniu i q and Strategies for World Misally...
...Johannes Aagaard, Aarhus Uni-: REGISTRATION: $25 per course, ordination in Philadelphia in July 1974 International varsity, Denmark...
...u together week they count from a 3i-year-old woman, even give a comprehensive survey of : STUDY CENTER Bulletin of Missionary Research the contemporary world mission...
...Now he's tle...
...In baseball's answer to Sumand power...
...lor does not have, and does not pursue, a single real relationship, not even a Tennis (without a net), anyone...
...On reappears, with his peculiar, modified the cause of winning...
...If such a man had been presented as TIE LITTLE LEUDE WIE themselves to the interests of the team, to unusual, or as a perplexing example of hustle and play heads up baseball, to the uptight nineteen fifties entering the Lewis Yablonsky and Jonathan Brower swing only at strikes and to remain quiet unbuttoned nineteen seventies, there Times Books, $10, 211 pp... fielder in one game backed up in many ways its highlights: funny, Perhaps, too, there's a spirituality that against the pitcher in another, they seem wry-even breathtaking, theology fused I'm out of sympathy with, particularly in like paradise...
...porary 10-year-old baseball player is an would swing at any pitch they wanted to, On vacation, he's invited two guests to unending series of indignities and cruel- team play would give way to the cult of stay: his school friend, Peter Vandeleur, ties, which in some cases lead to perma- the individual, and failure would receive and his teacher, Anthony Carmichael...
...What little insight they have ternational Studies, Michigan Roberts, Vice-President, Latin State University...
...nent and serious injuries to arms, backs, the same rewards as success...
...sends Tony out into the rainy night to lentlessly force players to subordinate No, the little leagues are not a Gulag Commonweal: 476 Archipelago for pin-striped toddlers, material is equally interesting as the What, then, is the difficulty I have and, in fact, to some of us who played the self-portrait of one woman's hearing and with Womanpriest...
...Much of the personal tional 31 August 1979:477...
...Religious Experience: Implies lions for Personal Growth, Community...
...Why is Peter relevantly at the end of each chapter, will keeps shifting in both camps and when crazy... In a setting that invites reflection and renewal, we JAN...
...mores in America over the last forty tape, and, because the field was bumpy There is undoubtedly much that is years " and grassless, it hit me hard...
...when they notice that an umpire has would be no reason to quarrel with his made a mistake in their favor...
...Wilbert Shenk, Overseas courses heginn%ng , scription of the roots and flowerings of Secretary, Mennonite Board of Fall, 1979 ~l Alla Bozarth-Cluripbell's life thus far...
...They have little understanding of how or why people play OCT...
...But on the whole, this bleak be successful...
...and Mission...
...Peter, oddly changed, has done nothing ankles and psyches... free verse was like playing tennis what happens when relationships be- Because I can still feel that sticky, without a net...
...Even the "new nar- when I began the two-mile walk to my that playing to win and having fun are not cissists" are struggling...
...dations with a family atmosphere...
...Association President for of :with room and meals additional...
...The coaches, who Wynn's course every stroke resulted in a gun...
...overweight ball hitting me in the face, I version of an ideal little league would It's also a novel that, its its portentous- find reports of the cruel and unusual make tennis without a net look like marness, brings together the themes of sex punishment of little league players a bit...
...He doesn't care about the stant attendance, by coaches and mana- it is to baseball what Ed Wynn's home ugly island...
...7-11 and reflected upon in this work of autobiog- JAN...
...and glove I had bought with money within a set of rules is more fun than In this context, Barrie Hughes's The earned selling two-cent newspapers in anarchy...
...where, let alone in a book about what is, NOV...
...This seems both sad and wron- me a word of sympathy, not the 14- Many coaches are boorish, crude, frusgheaded...
...leadership was found in some cases to Thomas F. Stransky, C. S. R, mean a non-frustrated acceptance of de- Washington Theological Union...
...poet, priest, counselor, artist, Ph.D...
...then, quite by accident, got involved play a variation on "the most dangerous All this is too carefully and too obviwith a transvestite and finally a bisexual game.- ously structured, and although the arch scene...
...young pitching arms with overwork...
...Then Peter gers, to brutalize himself, or herself, in golf course was to a real golf course...
...leaguer is continually pressed by the water wings to the swimmer or an electric about to leave and Tony arrive...
...pendent relationship, and in other cases NOV...
...Perhaps there's game with cracked bats, taped balls and living of the call to priesthood...
...students, co-sponsored by : S A What justifies an autobiographical ac- ' OVERSEAS MINISTRIES The Occasional Publishers na seminaries...
...The tension local caretaker, Bill Green, an ancient amount of distance from the characters, it does build as we get closer to the brutal who failed to achieve glory at Gallipoli...
...Ted Ward, Institute for Inthe player...
...But with Melaniphy Michael Crosby coaches' other crimes are scouting the asking ominous questions of himself and opposition in advance, attempting to pick Gawlor going predictably through every N 1946, when I was 10 years old, I the best players in the draft, and, in one imaginable kind of sexual experience, bent over to field a ground ball and it appalling instance, asking a player to clearly the intent is, in the publisher's hit me in the face...
...Ventnor, NJ 08406 so remarkable a person as the author- oraa H. Andwao", Dhrdor, Norman A. Homes, As.oc...
...hard to stomach...
...spirituality from her mother, Episcopal DEC...
...13-16 after all, a game...
...12-15 : NAME after those momentous ordinations is a Missi Preaching: The :ADDRESS fascinating document in the growing GospN in xt...
...14-18 % ~~ 46 Global Perspectives on Christian 1 /I,, raphy, current church history, feminist Witness...
...But what is most disturb- the end finally comes,, Peter is dead and novel, with its terrible title, lingers in the ing is that in the entire novel, Jack Gaw- the moral order restored...
...tial law...
...According to The Little merhill all players would come to the When he is not at a Catholic boarding League Game by Lewis Yablonsky and plate whether they could hit or not, and school, David Fairfax lives alone on a Jonathan Brower the life of the contem- no one would be a substitute... its best form, poetry and prayer-as its vague conception of priesthood as There is a case to be made against little "Talitha, Cumi" or "Bakerwoman free-floating sacramental agency...
...maybe also the mix of styles and purnot the ones to make it...
...We are all struggling with our year-old first baseman, nor the 16-year- trated and unversed in the fundamentals sexual freedom, but most of us are doing old shortstop, nor the third-baseman, of the game, and many have ruined fine it in terms of the changing nature of rela- who had just gotten out of reform school...
...Paul S. Rees, Editor-atf tence that should not appear in print any- Large, WORLD VISION Magazine...
...And league, but Yablonsky and Brower are God...
...The Yablonsky-Brower come so intense they turn into warfare...
...can also be very annoying...
...Among the characterization...
...The ball was wrapped walk a mile-and-a-half when transportawords, to reflect, "the course of sexual in several layers of thick, black bicycle tion was not available...
...along with ten other women...
...2 Costa Ri ical jargon...
...Tony wallows, and is resuced by the formality of the style creates the right So the slide to oblivion... buried beneath thick layers of sociolog- ca...
...In brief and Sister Francine Zeller...
...Robert Frost once said that writMartini-Henry Modification is about the street, my face was still hurting...
...2-5 OCT.16-19 baseball...
...But tionships...
...The something precocious or premature in the paper thin gloves on stony fields with the poems scattered throughout the book are autobiographical aspect of the book...
...Hustle," they tell us, "is imYour Furkwgh: lime Off to Tool Latin America Realities for portant to the coach, but not usually to Mission Todaw W. Dayton Up...
...Large quesend, and we know Melaniphy's investi- Green leads Tony in an attack on Peter tions go unanswered: Why is David algation, which crops up briefly and ir- and David, but the balance of power lowed on the island alone...
...21-25 :offer highly relevant courses of study for cross her role in the women's movement in the New Religious Movements as : cultural and international ministries, and accommoEpiscopal church and, specifically, her Chalenge to the Churches...
...Six hours later, what Yablonsky and Brower fail to see is ent to relationships...
...Mission Studies...
...He wants David...
...Seminars for theological argument and, occasionally, poetry...
...Paulist Third World: Some Lessons for Press, $9.95, 229 pp...
...Dkvctor Academic credit may be arranged...
...O. S.F., Center for Religious - ~• ®SS~®I WOMANPI.UEST: A PERSONAL ODYSSEY, NOV...
...Walter Hollenweger, Professor of Mission, University Russian Orthodox chrismation and of Birmingham, England...
...The bones are given flesh, recorded and JAN...
Vol. 106 • August 1979 • No. 15