Take a Bishop Like Me:
Shriver, Frederick
munications network, their experiences writing in recent years, most notably Gail Are families dying? We are reminded of tragedy and prosperity, and their ritu- Sheehy's Passages,...
...progressed-or not progressed-toward toms...
...Bishop Situation Wanted connect with one another...
...How's this for savDealer (Homo tabularum novarum...
...For the psychologist/ psychiatrist engaged in the Classified psychotherapy of families, the mainte- TAKE A BISHOP LIKE ME...
...While she criticizes the the analysis of family a critical perspec- at bay if we give more thought to our academics for their jargon, she clutters tive...
...The best data Moore's story of the mounting furor, on which to judge what families really which includes a number of letters and YOUNG WOMAN with Bachelor's degree are come from the reports of the people articles on the subject, is the most inin Social Welfare and Master's degree in who live in them, yearn for them, and teresting part of the book...
...Such an argument is refreshing in its fellow-bishops in Philadelphia in 1974, for Fall 1979-Spring 1980...
...66c, three both treatment method and the definition Pp...
...So hosanna in excelfor the custody and welfare of a child, for scribes the elements of a critical theory of sis, and blest be the tie that binds...
...110% less defense (and job stability...
...The New Dealer believes in the he uses the image himself-and like a dozen units on line by 1984 if the adminfederal government as the leading engine report card it is straightforward, de- istration says "yes" today, while the of reform...
...The evidence als...
...Backfires by 1984, . , . New Dealers are not doctrinaire...
...psychology over the years...
...Maybe the hawk can be kept tracting...
...Unlike the Marx- mented, sensible, useful, compassion- of liberation, but how about the folks in ists who have stolen their environmental ate, and good-intentioned...
...James Duffy belongs to a rare and en• of every family to a decent home...
...The right Frank, THEY did...
...As a historian, he writes co- personality emerges unmistakably, as he registration necessary...
...This patrician WASP, of Mor- of the Union message...
...As recently as the presidency of to a good education...
...Standard hate Criminal Justice desires teaching position prosper from them...
...For the The Episcopalian Bishop of New York than three times...
...monthly in advance for more of successful outcome...
...Sure, show a striking weakness, if anything, in honest accounting-modulated, docu- they don't bother us fighting those wars the opposite direction...
...You are 100 percent right Frank, we FREDERICK SHRIVER They had to be supplemented by: "The dropped the bomb twice, but not on Rusright to a useful and remunerative job...
...Letters of not on somebody, try HEW...
...domination by monopolies...
...63c, six times...
...Howard and the bishop's comments show that he Stoltz, 1142 Alford Ave., Birmingham, Al...
...It is instructive to Correspondence ristown, St...
...Doesn't he attacks on him is admirably restrained, The very structure of Domestic Affairs know that this is 1979...
...but his chagrin at the unjustified vitupera- reveals its author's species...
...Experience in law enforcement and some experience in cor- scription of daily life as a primary source gratitude from Christian homosexuals, rections...
...J. A. RONDEAU 22 June 1979: 383...
...It is clearly TRINITY COLLEGE, Burlington, Vermont 05401, June 17-22, MEIER, NEWMAN, current beliefs about family patterns and and engagingly written...
...and-a charac- here, a C-minus there...
...believes generally in "leader- partmentalized, handing out a B-plus Soviets in the last 4 years alone have ship" and in "concern...
...Political rights alone were insufficient...
...and in secular life: the ordination of Poster advocates more agnosticism in our women, and of homosexuals...
...He also rupled by the USSR, a Tank Corps that is You can recognize one by the incorrigi- examines how well Congress has served outnumbered 5 to 1 by Warsaw Pact ble belief that government should and (selecting the cases of education and forces in Eastern Europe alone...
...prehensive framework and hints at a concern for the particular women from methodology for the beginning of a new his diocese...
...tion of Ellen Barrett, known to the bishop CORPUS-National Association Re- Although these two books about as homosexual in "orientation," and signed/Married Priests...
...achieve them, they don't worry over- I'm mailing you a towel under separate much about subtle consequences, histor- cover, Frank...
...And, Frank wants to save money from dangered species known as the New The right to adequate medical care...
...A subcan (it is hard to say which of those verbs energy policy) and the presidency has marine force that is outnumbered 3.2:1 has become more controversial recently) performed under its Democratic and Re- worldwide, Tactical Air Forces that are do much to improve the lives, and espe- publican occupants...
...He has given us an And those lovely Cubans Frank...
...A manpower pool that is quadThe New Dealer has distinctive traits...
...And example, Howard sees fit to tell them of a the family and models of family struc- please pass the salt...
...Our human tolerance for viduals to one another...
...lets the interviewees tell their stories change, for ambiguity, and for flounderAll too often, though, Howard's mus- without making obstrusive comments...
...Write: Director...
...At these moments, the reader can ferred the clarity of Studs Terkel's ap- from these two books would indicate feel the affection which connects indi- proach in Working and Hard Times, He they are not...
...After reviewing the concepts of tribes and our clans and our several kinds her interviews with scholarly namedrop- family articulated by Freud, Marx, Par- of families...
...First he tells of the unauthorized REMARRIAGE AND EUCHARIST and the proletarian/working class fam- ordination of nine women by three of his Lecture-discussion dates now available ily...
...Classified payable with order...
...by Paul nance of the "nuclear family" dictates Moore, Jr., Harper & Row, $8.95, 256 RATES: 70c a word, one time...
...Poster asks for a de- letters starkly confront expressions of with Catholic college...
...share an important insight about how we as a "practicing" homosexual...
...assuring these "rights...
...Send applications to: Cathy of what defines the family...
...An Air Force whose twenty-odd Lyndon B. Johnson, a sizable flock inha- James Duffy proceeds to examine wings of fighter aircraft are still heavily bited Washington...
...No aim seems to me more pings...
...The right Navy that has fewer ships now than in bers...
...No wonder Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia, niche in academia or the neoconserva- Ethiopia, Somalia, Zaire, et cetera...
...Second he tells of his ordinaMarried Priests look at family...
...Contact Msgr...
...A Dealer once filled the skies with its num- cident and unemployment...
...the military budget...
...appeal, but as a researcher, I would find which took him unaware, and the ensuStephen J. Kelleher, Sacred Heart the task overwhelming in proportion...
...As a social historian, he brings to thoughts...
...outnumbered 2.5:1 in Eastern Europe cially the material well-being, of citi- The book, in effect,is a report card- alone...
...WE didn't bomb Pearl Harbor, Simon and Schuster, $10.95, 309 pp...
...An MX missile that may have a zens...
...change and dysfunction in family struc- his involvement in two controversies that ture, the norm for comparison remains have their counterparts in all the churches Biblical Institute the middle class "nuclear family...
...French historian's speech on polarity, vi- ture...
...We are reminded of tragedy and prosperity, and their ritu- Sheehy's Passages, I've always pre- too often of the casualties...
...achieves that description often and with has been learning a great deal about 35226...
...Paul's School and Yale, has recall such texts at a time when various had a great ministry among the poor and observers insist that "over-promising" (Continued on page 354) deprived, and his apologia speaks inti- was a nefarious invention of the '60s and superior knowledge of Geography, and mately to his readers of a Christian did not mark our earlier "pragmatic" probably History...
...lives who have replaced them in Wash- Commonweal welcomes letters on sub- Next time you want to vent your spleen ington, New Dealers have a relatively jects treated in its pages...
...ing, however, is clearly being tested...
...Today they are almost exactly how far the nation has populated with 1950-vintage F-4 Phanall gone...
...gently about the merits of studying the interweaves his personal experiences aspects of three other types of family with two particular constellations of Divorced Catholics structure, the aristocratic, the peasant, events...
...Bishop Commonweal: 382 Moore's account of many of the bishops' ical ironies or intricate theorizing...
...While we have book is Poster's criticism of the seen a number of examples of this style of bourgeois model of family structure which most theorists have accepted with In brief little question...
...They spend 2.2 simple political philosophy: they expect more than 250 or 300 words naturally times the money DOD does and give you results, they try this or that in an effort to have a better chance of being published...
...Pre- structure...
...The right to adequate protection from the ings, Frank: a fleet of 350 (+ or - 25) Like the passenger pigeon, the New economic fears of old age, sickness, ac- B-52 aircraft, first hatched in 1950...
...They Poor James Duffy...
...ing conflict which ground him unmerciChurch, 457 West 51st Street, New York, Poster does, however, provide a com- fully between canon law and his personal N.Y...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 sociologist who researches patterns of has written a very personal book about Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...In the midst of an interaction be- sons, Erickson, and the communication urgent, nor any achievement more tween two lesbians who are struggling theory/family therapy school, Poster de- worthy of a psalm...
...Box 2649, families are strikingly different, both then to newspaper and magazine readers Chicago, 60690...
...The book PETER STEINFELS tion is movingly expressed in the reprint begins with the "Economic Bill of of a speech which he gave to the House of Rights," included in FDR's 1944 State Bishops...
...sia, and the whole idea, way back then in The right of every businessman, large those "oh so idealistic" days was to save DOMESTIC AFFAIRS: AMERICAN PRO- and small, to trade in an atmosphere of American lives, perhaps a half million or GRAMS & PRIORITIES, by James Duty, freedom from unfair competition and more...
...What is most provocative about this tality and third genders...
...I ings about critical issues, her armchair Mark Poster's book, Critical Theory cannot agree more with Jane Howard analyses about this "best of times" and of the Family, is unadulterated scholar- who concludes her book with these "worst of times" for families, are dis- ship...
...Like a report card, made operational 3 SS-teen series misteristic shared with that related species, it also lacks the unifying theoretical siles (and MIRVed too, Frank), an Air the Progressive-believes that these vir- thrust that we look for in political Defense force comprised of 300 aged tues, energetically exercised, can over- analyses, the key that will satisfy our F-106 and equally long-toothed F-4 aircome prejudice, greed, self-interest and need for larger explanations to order the craft to meet an expected fleet of 500 neglect...
...Contrary to careless reports, rush and swirl of political change...
...New Dealers can't survive...
...If it's all that simple bishop, grounded in the scriptures and politics: "True individual freedom," de- perhaps Frank would like to try his hand the sacramental life, also willing to share clared Roosevelt, "cannot exist without at solving irredentist claims in Israel/ the pain and confusion of ordinary Chris- economic security and independence...
Vol. 106 • June 1979 • No. 12