Of women & bishops:

McCarthy, Abigail

the middle-class, thoughtful, politically ing of a plain Catich note saying he was reason. Right reason has, in fact, given mature German immigration of the 19th not in the studio,...

...Art, I believe, is apostolic, but in those days the church in of the accepted view that sought the not either/or but both Apollo and Boston and the church in Chicago were forms of that marvelous alphabet in the Dionysius and the more the both the betlike two different religions and the dif- nature of the mallet and chisel...
...But there has to be more to it than alive, preserved and renewed the spirit of New England and you'd find yourself right reason...
...cause, he averred, it was illegal to wear a music led him far beyond the reach of FRANK GETLEIN Roman collar in Mexico so he was forced to wear those wild shirts...
...side world is not just an excuse for makboard...
...The important gle for women's rights might have taken, cepted and praised in a field most schol- thing was that a group of bishops ad- if the church had acknowledged the realars, let alone people, are hardly aware dressed the subject seriously on the basis ity of women's life long ago...
...This, of course, is a conditional mental rest...
...of them in any other way...
...He noted that, at the turn of the valued for only those skills and strengths this country to live, she was astounded century in America, most educated which support the work and strivings of and angered by the relationship between women accepted the fact that, whether men, or only toierated in jobs for which the sexes she found here and wrote about they were to use their educations in any there is no man willing or able-and then it in a little book, Of Men and Women - way useful to society-in social work, paid less than a man would be paid for example, like Jane Addams-or not The bishops' second statement, issued they would remain unmarried...
...Try that in Blume...
...gate mothers of all women...
...Then women ought to be prepared and alienation, to the woman who hears justice, will not be available with those for this sort of life and shaped through God's call to serve through a variety of skills and strengths, which, in the words childhood and girlhood for what is to ministries or leadership positions but is of the first paper, "support the work and come . . . To educate women to think, blocked by tradition...
...college that's built on a bluff and oper- for instance, or the paintings of Norman For all of us, he and a few like him kept ated on the same principle...
...being prepared for no more, is the basis problem of attitude as the bishops do in What this actually says is that women of equilibrium...
...This lament of hers is underlined by their own abilities and desires...
...what is, after all, a kind of epigraph...
...The fact, been created by a brush, then faith- exemplars of right reason in making art church may be one, holy, Catholic and fully copied by carvers, in contradiction and you can have 'em...
...They Bethany, may one day be free to choose "women who work outside the home should be educated not to think beyond "the better part...
...For myself, he, along tress and a conquering host, the way it scholarship of calligraphy...
...When the author Pearl about the future of women ten years ago teacher...
...His own normal writing style PRESS REPORTS were sparse, but a the National Conference of Catholic was, in my memory at least, closer to the significant forward step in the re- Bishops...
...That percepover the board so the operator could dis- reason in making is incalculably impor- tion was at the center of Catich's theories tribute the faculty mail...
...In some of strongly mother-oriented, they may find its wording the paper actually seems to it even more difficult than other men to imply that women are entitled to eco- think of women in other terms...
...This bespeaks if at all, in the old, simple, traditional concern goes out to all women in pain the lurking fear that women, once given ways...
...Catich would never forgive me These people were relaxed and easy in being the master he was of calligraphy in if I thought that and failed to say it in their Catholicism, which was simply a practice...
...Never different the situation of women might The Origin of the Serif, both of which mind that the two papers seemed, in part, be, and what a different shape the strugreally were revolutionary and widely ac- to contradict each other...
...Pat also Mendelsohn or the Pre-Raphaelites, but stitution in a period when that institution spent his summers at San Miguel, the not Bach, Beethoven or even Mozart, was seriously trying to turn itself into artists' colony outside Mexico City be- whose passion for right reason in making dead stone...
...Most people, however, including of study and discussion-a first-and the two papers issued by the Minnesota scholars, were enchanted with the writ- that their spokesman is vice president of bishops does that mildly enough: 8 June 1979: 329 "For too long society has treated cared for" implied disapproval even or beyond the small arts and graces of women in a cavalier fashion, guarded, when it was necessary for mothers to pleasing men, who seem always to want protected and nurtured them as if they work...
...Right reason can give you an immeasurably important Western inthird curate in Grover's Comer...
...Mortality and vitality Anyway, it was that kind of Catholicism that was able to tolerate people like Catich and Kerrigan...
...I think right ing beautiful brushstrokes...
...Too often women have been Buck, who grew up in China, returned to and more...
...Hence, countries of the world-such an unsatis- mothering degrades the man and hinders we insist on her right especially (italics factory relationship between men and his development into his fullest manmine), but on the right of other working women as there is in America...
...Every day at noon, he would take I left Catich at that point...
...that original insight without himself claimer...
...Kenlater, dirt poor, forced illiterate, politi- him to conclude that the letters had, in neth Noland and Andy Warhol are both cally savage Irish immigration...
...were children, without consideration of view of justice...
...Relaxed, easy, in my experience downright un-Catholic...
...But Pearl nomic justice only in some tangential Buck thought that all American men way related to their function as mothers: issued first in 1941 and again in 1971 were prone to do that, and to make surro"Our concern has little value if we do shortly before she died...
...Rest in peace...
...It seems to be almost impos- made uneasy by educated women and sible for men, let alone bishops, too think preferred not to choose them as wives...
...study of Roman lettering which resulted E. Roach issued two papers on the role of It is truly interesting to imagine how in The Trajan Inscription in Rome and women in contemporary society...
...Too often If there is an unreconciled contradic- some facts unearthed by sociologist women have been guided only into the tion here it is one that other American David Riesman when he was writing roles of mother, daughter, wife, sister, men have shared...
...Its absence drives me out of of Christian art and, acknowledging a greeted callers with, "St...
...women as well, to receive wages equal to what one can have and to do with it, Even to attempt to struggle with the those of a man doing similar work...
...All seminary at an age at which they are still other women are exceptions...
...even though they have children to be the demands of simple household affairs ABIGAIL McCARTHY Commonweal: 330...
...But I know I have never seen in cept even their middle-aged and old men family) -and work with her to eliminate any country-and I have seen most of the as perennial 'boys' . . . this perpetual unjust discrimination against her...
...Ambrose, the my mind in the plays of Sam Shepherd, debt, I've been living off it ever since...
...It is un- ter the art...
...To know hood...
...By the at the same time, because some of the middle of the thirties, however, women bishops could not agree on the first, more college graduates were being married in or less inadvertently' gave evidence of numbers equal to women in the general why women are thought of only as population-except for Catholic women "mother, daughter, wife, sister, graduates where the proportion was only teacher"-in other words only in rela- 50...
...have cluttered up the American art scene contrast to my own New England In brutal summary, his study of the ever since the fading of the gloriously Catholicism, derived from the slightly Trajan and other Roman epigraphs led irrational Abstract Expressionism...
...And he with a few others, impressed ineradicawas back home...
...They were kooks, but kooks were entitled like everybody OF WOMEN & BISHOPS else...
...An example: my col- played chess by postcard with some very bly on my mind that art means someleague in the English Department, Father fast company, an avocation right out of thing, relates to the outside world in Pat McCoy, had somewhere picked up his Aristotelian-Thomistic belief in art as some fashion or other and that this outthe art of running a telephone switch- "right reason in making...
...Right reason has, in fact, given mature German immigration of the 19th not in the studio, would be back in an us most of the picky little movements that century...
...The first of exists...
...It is the most hopeful sign since justly famous "chancery hand" of the lations between men and women Bishop Carroll Dozier's pastoral letter Renaissance, but in the history of his art was made when the bishops of Minnesota acknowledging that women have enhis most important work was his life-long under the leadership of Archbishop John dured "a long and subtle servitude...
...not speak out for her-(they are speaking "As to what men are going to do with "There are too many nice and rather here of the single mother, widowed or women, I do not pretend to know," she sad American women who patiently acdivorced, who must support her wrote...
...Catholic men, he noted, were still tion to men...
...Catich's great achievements were in A WELCOME DEVELOPMENT IN MINNESOTA calligraphy, both in practice and in research...
...And there is in the work place should have justice America is the way we are educating wonderful cause for hope in their affironly because it is necessary for mothers women...
...Professor Catherine therefore, so that they need the personal tion that tradition-not form or Lupori, who worked on the draft of the fulfillment of activity and participation in function-is the stumbling block and that first paper, also pointed out that other all parts of life is acute cruelty when they all Marys, like the prototypical Mary of wording in the second paper referring to are not allowed this fulfillment...
...Here is recognistrivings of men...
...For men do think of women, mation of the following: "Our pastoral who must work to have it...
...The whole culture was in sharp hour...
...what is wrong in these two papers is progress...
...Pat invariably tant in art...
...It is quite likely, given the above and This second paper, said by the bishops the stress on motherhood in Catholic to stress the "complementary" relation- thought, and because even today most of ship of the sexes, certainly views the the clergy leave home for the minor woman as primarily a homemaker...
...way of life and thought rather than .a He was a devoted coin collector, one His importance is more important than cause, a crusade, at once a defended for- of the automatic temptations of the any such demurrer...
...ferences got stronger when you moved likely that Catich could have arrived at That's an irrelevant but necessary dison to Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota...

Vol. 106 • June 1979 • No. 11

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