Saints Alive!:

Cunneen, Joseph

are forced to carry too much weight. For workplace-are vitiated because he ob- Pfeffer's all-purpose solution to the all his effort to communicate the authen- serves...

...perphaps because these cial" would do...
...In effect, the star of this soap opera is emphasis on historical information to GENE BELL-VILLADA teaches Spanish at Williams College...
...he rarely even tells us their names...
...there is a paucity of credible work...
...To be of her Three-Cornered Hat, Saints Alive...
...Write: Director...
...Fremantle's treathearsals: A Memoir (Duke University...
...cover in a small book, and too much CUNY, in New York...
...Contact Msgr...
...Send applications to: Cathy crimination would be most welcome...
...signed/Married Priests...
...It presumes an omniscience on the contributions to Amnesty International same way... Anne Fremantle, The labored style is simply a correlate busy preaching his morals about work in Doubleday, $7.95, 183 pp... version of pre-Vatican II triumous connections with Kaiser Aluminum...
...His latest book is Journal of Re- activist role during contract negotiations challenged by Mrs...
...Box 2649, to sin against the First Commandment for The first is the assumption that a deciChicago, 60690...
...Stoltz, 1142 Afford Ave., Birmingham, AI...
...Fremantle to do a full-length sion of the trial court and the Fifth Circuit in Social Welfare and Master's degree in study of any saint she chooses (my pref- Court of Appeals, and rule in favor of Criminal Justice desires teaching position erence would be someone uncanonized...
...rivals the worst excesses of bourgeois any personality in the book are the Working for Capitalism neither asks nor sociologists and cries out for an editor...
...the working class, to submerge his sense from the restrictions of the editorial asEUGENE FONTINELL is a member of the of difference in the camaraderie of the signment: there were too many saints to philosophy department at Queens College, workplace...
...Send legend, as if both are to be read in the point...
...For awhile he plays a new allow proper follow-through on the teasgrant from the National Endowment for the social role: the militant worker who de- ing line from the Introduction, "What is Humanities to study the problem of "art for fends the "interests" of his class and required of anyone who aspires to beart's sake...
...material is unimportant, often arising may attribute to God, but which mortals 10023...
...I fervently Situation Wanted before you-and ask the publisher to hope that the Court will reverse the deciYOUNG WOMAN with Bachelor's degree press Mrs...
...9% interest also tax- sing...
...These pages read like the unrevised scriptions of working-class lives...
...sovereignty of God's grace are undercut To the Editors: Professor Isidore Silver's Amnesty International by a surprising emphasis on saints as article "Death Sentence for Affirmative wonder-workers...
...Nevertheless, the book is a disap"middle class radical," is painfully con- pointment, especially if one considers REVIEWERS scious of his radical separation from most the high possibilities of subject and auAmericans and from "dominant social thor...
...LOUIS DUPRE is T. Lawrence Riggs Profes- realities...
...For workplace-are vitiated because he ob- Pfeffer's all-purpose solution to the all his effort to communicate the authen- serves them poorly...
...PETER J. RIGA times... reviewers-Avoid talking about a sion upholding Weber will mean the different book than the one you've got death of affirmative action...
...should attract a wide audience and surely the conclusions of this particularly unfulfills its purpose by drawing all but the predictable Court, however, there are Married Priests most insensitive to reflect on the meaning two additional elements in this article CORPUS-National Association Re- of holiness...
...He does not let names are not solutions...
...Shelter ployment should throw in the towel and 20% plus of Church income from federal/ productiveness in this area (e.g.,bus- admit defeat...
...Nevertheless, I am impelled which cause me concern...
...Saints Alive...
...30] may have a quesCombat imprisonment and torture of polit- sentation of the historical context is fre- tion mark in its title, but is certainly writical prisoners...
...Working for Capitalism is less about but Helena was a vain attempt (no mateJOSEPH CUNNEEN, editor of Cross Currents, American workers than it is about a con- rial to work with), Paul suffers from an is teaching courses in...
...Correspondence Nonetheless, a decision in behalf of Weber does not mean that those of us Tax Shelter whc are committed to equality in emContinued from page 351) PRISTS AND LAY PERSONNEL...
...Experience in law And let her write her own title this time...
...Pfeffer's literary awkwardness (Ironically, the only people who take on they even become part of the problem...
...Like the real emo- ills of the workplace is "a strong and tic reality of the workplace, Pfeffer tions which are the subject of a soap militant working-class movement...
...Catholic Church Personnel Group in nature and this depends, in the last would have to go back to the drawing Benefit Trust, 1307 South Wabash Av- analysis, not on court decisions, but upon board and devise some new approaches enue, Chicago, Illinois, 60605...
...Pfeffer, a self-styled raphy...
...Join Amnesty International, quently interrupted for snatches of pious ten as if it ended with an exclamation which in the 60s and 70s has helped secure the release of 13,000 prisoners...
...might come about because he is finally so there...
...receives the accolades of his work-mates come a saint is to become what they were WAUACE FOWLIE will be teaching next year for it (see Pfeffer's description of his meant to be...
...Pfeffer's capitalist society to portray them as com- The saints are "in" again, and it was a maddening habit is to announce well- plex and contradictory human beings...
...Most of these workers are work tasks as "frantically trying to catch mere shadows...
...So tent on naming what he sees 'correctly' notes Pfeffer says he kept in the factory enamored of his "new understanding," (making the "capitalist connection" as while working... the factory...
...To bypass this process details...
...existence independent of it...
...Descriptions are vague Pfeffer never allows these men and he puts it), he never quite realizes that and choppy...
...loaded comparisons between Christian Beyond the presumptuousness of the Stephen J. Kelleher, Sacred Heart Church, 457 West 51st Street, New York, and Eastern holy men...
...Biblical Institute Fremantle seems strangely reluctant to The arguments in the Kaiser TRINITY COLLEGE, Burlington, Vermont comment on its underlying significance, Aluminum v. Weber case have not yet 05401, June 17-22, MEIER, NEWMAN, as if that were to "explain away" the been heard by the Supreme Court but FISCHER, DALEY, STENDAHL...
...And to the demade to do when active verbs are neces- them speak at any length about their gree that they mask complicated quessary...
...And he describes his categories best fit Pfeffer's class struggle first day on the job, learning strange new paradigm...
...63c, six times...
...Pfeffer is too SAINTS ALIVE...
...the moral sense of a people...
...aspects of working life which he lectual, two roles which have never stood witness to the author's long-time study of observes more or less correctly-the ar- for much in this society, is to be world religions and her professional skills bitrariness of management's authority, threatened by a peculiar double lack of dealing with popular history and biogthe ambivalent role of labor unions in the social affirmation...
...shrewd publishing idea to get Anne Freknown concepts as if they were brazen If this book has any value, it lies in mantle to present "the lives of thirteen new insights... economical pre- Action?," [Mar...
...A clear and unwith Catholic college...
...tions of consciousness and ideology, dialogue...
...Pre- holy...
...spontaneously during the saint's lifetime should be exceedingly wary of claiming or immediately afterwards, but Mrs...
...Professor Silver has already announced registration necessary...
...His radicalism is a Working for Capitalism is so poorly writ- need for more complex and subtle de- kind of "left-wing nominalism...
...Write Peter Sperling-Book, dressed could even be encouraged to a with the Court on this case due to previDept...
...So he strives to connect with Probably the main problem derived sor of Religious Studies at Yale...
...Divorced Catholics phalism by some of the brief summaries We are told how Justice Powell will reaof saintly relevance with which the chap- son the as yet unpresented arguments, REMARRIAGE AND EUCHARIST ters too neatly conclude, as well as by even though illness will probably proLecture-discussion dates now available misdirected shots at "Women's Lib," or habit his participation in this matter...
...about opera, they cannot be taken seriously for he cannot suggest how such a movement capitalist exploitation which he finds Pfeffer has so trivialized them...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 sense both of psychology and the New York, N.Y...
...The reader will be newly at Sewanee...
...Even simultaneously 'on the left' and an intel- is not only a pleasure to read, but bears those...
...monthly in advance for more tone...
...too inten...
...the admittedly less `scientific') "so- "activists...
...Kaiser in this case...
...equivocal ruling in behalf of Kaiser's efenforcement and some experience in cor- JOSEPH CUNNEEN forts to rectify its past history of disrections...
...they may appear briefly In brief up on missed years of working-class to serve his argument but they have no socialization...
...Like the tendency to what it unintentionally reveals about the heroic saints," from Paul to Frances italicize, he borrows most of them from American left and, in particular, a certain Cabrini...
...He recently received a its author...
...Working for Capitalism is especially ignorant of working class consciousness A large part of the problem is that disappointing because it panders to our in American society...
...The result is that the subtly profound the verdict...
...research of Michael Grant, and poor 8 June 1979:349 Bridget of Sweden gets lost in an almost form and is formed by, legislation in the Classified comically hurried parade of events and political process...
...Classified payable in so practiced an author is a confusion of with order...
...The general withstanding the fact that he has volunSTILL LOOKING for
...C, 207 East St., N.Y., N.Y...
...adjectives and adverbs are women to come to life...
...It would mean that we had state income taxes...
...for Fall 1979-Spring 1980...
...via the judiciary will only compound the RATES: 70c a word, one time...
...It is not that the legendary part of the author which the theologians USA, 2112 Broadway, New York N.Y...
...bosses-foremen, supervisors, their answers any of the really hard questions He consistently uses "societal" where union collaborators-and a few left-wing about work in capitalist society...
...The problem, of course, is moral lost one suit in the Supreme Court and free...
...But Pfeffer only succeeds ment of Francis of Assisi, Thomas More, ROBERT HOWARD is Staff Associate of the in embracing his own abstractions...
...Madison Ave., NYC 10016...
...Observations suggesting a keen Weber & the future than three times...
...of the unoriginal thinking...
...for themselves...
...66c, three What is more important and surprising problem...
...religion and literature trolled experiment in radical wish- uneasy blending ofActs and the historical at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York...
...Free Search Catholic reader to whom the book is ad- tarily disqualified himself from sitting Service...
...Although not the stylistic equal Marx, but with none of the verve and kind of left-wing intellectual...
...Francis de Sales, and Therese of Lisieux, New Republic...
...intellectual audacity of his forbear...
...We are informed in advance viewpoint of the author doesn't how Justice Stephens will vote notBooks adequately come through...
...dogmatic assertions of foreknowledge of N.Y...
...But buries it beneath the easy truths...
...This helps to and new strategies toward the acCommonweal: 350...

Vol. 106 • June 1979 • No. 11

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