The Democratic Dukes

Getlein, Frank

cal preaching, based on scripture and Vatican II, far in advance to have escaped the journalists), but capable when necessary of of anything in this country. uttering a firm non possumus to...

...That little group, and the crowd of cardinals some of their concerns do not reflect too great a willingness to flanking them on the balconies on each side, were fallible allow the secular world to determine the church's agenda...
...In their tonished both Shakespeare and his North Ital- born to Ducal dissent...
...Those who know him has gone largely unrewarded hitherto...
...The possessor of tWO earned doctorates, one from Finally, what nation more richly deserves church leadership Rome and the other from Krakow, he taught ethics as a young than his...
...At a musical cres- inspired the Duke's marvelous about-face, now is not the war, but the burden of taxation cendo, the Duke himself appeared, on an the Democrats did exactly what the Duke did...
...As Archbishop of Krakow he nation anywhere which has shown such tenacious loyalty to was de facto Chancellor of the Catholic University of Lublin...
...And there is no seminary, like his predecessor...
...The cardinals have told us they would have elected country, or cardinals anywhere, could make that claim...
...The issue war, the Duke of Milan...
...As you might expect Those fiscal chickens began coming home Commonweal: 710...
...Was it fancy that glimpsed behind Whenever in its history the church has identified itself uncriti- them the sinless one, whom the seer of Patmos beheld seated cally with the society in which it has lived, its spiritual mission upon a throne and saying: "Behold, I make all things newi...
...caused in great part by the war and by the upper platform, dressed to the nines in a sort Having to all intents and purposes started the ever-escalating burden of armaments we of exaggerated Ton-Ton Macoute style, an war against the Indochinese, they then sus- brought upon ourselves as a result of, among enthusiastic participant in the protest against tained themselves in congressional if not pres- other things, our "brilliant...
...The protest, naturally, was ad- are becoming an entire party of Dukes of goal posts...
...the church under hardships undreamed of by Catholics in the Already a master of Marxist theory (how many bishops in this West...
...countryman on the central balcony of St...
...delivered, in his rich baritone, a throwaway Nixon and Kissinger...
...I I II Of several minds: Frank Getlein from an administration that couldn't even pull offa third-class burglary and get away with it, THE DEMOCRATIC DUKES the Nixonians proved equally incompetent at waging the war and at getting out of it: Before his death, such a hawk-on-Ho-record as PRINCIPLES FOLLOW THE ELECTION RETURNS Robert F. Kennedy easily repudiated his quite recent past, and any number of Kennedy sur- vivors seem as completely unaware of Ken- nedy involvement in Indochina as they are of I N THE MIDDLE of the Joe Papp production line that ranks with the all-time classics of Kennedy responsibility for the Bay of Pigs...
...and independence have been impaired...
...dressed to the local tyrant responsible for the Milan...
...Louis University...
...But how fitting a man of great intellectual power, fully aware of the church's that a man so eminently suited to be the church's chief pastor in problems, and capable of broadening his knowledge as re-our day should come from a land whose devotion to the church quired by his wider responsibilities...
...handling of the war as a political issue, the ian models...
...21, 5...
...In a pause in the frenzy of To me, at least, there seems little doubt that popularly known as "Two Gents" to dis- homing sentiment, the Duke spoke directly to had Lyndon B. Johnson survived into the tinguish it from other, more conventional the audience, over his shoulder, hand to .9Nixon nightmare, he, too, would have ended double Veronesi, there occurred an anti-mouth, "I sent 'em over, I can bring 'era up denouncing the war as if it were a pecul- Vietnam-war number which would have as- home," and returned to prancing protest as if iarly hideous product of Nixonism...
...sinners like the rest of us...
...JOHN JAY HUGHES ing to know that we have a Pope who is open to all that is good in the modern world (his important role in drafting the Coun- (A widely published church historian, Father John Jay Hughes cil's Constitution on the Church in the Modern World appears is Adjunct Professor of History at St...
...As this development reached its idential power by protesting against it...
...of "Two Gentlemen from Verona," political cynicism...
...And how thrilling to see personally report that he is by temperament more inclined to the doughty Cardinal Wyszynski standing next to his younger criticize the Establishment than to defend it...
...With the exception of European Jewry no people in priest at the latter university, and at Lublin (not in a Tridentine our Century has suffered more than the Poles...
...It is ground for rejoic- (Rev...
...Actually, on the specific war issue that And now they're doing it again...
...The rousing chorus went, "Bring As they packed up and went home for the Democrats had no trouble at all in doing the 'em home, Bring 'era home, Bring the boys election, the Democrats here and by extension Ducal demarche, in reverse-field running and back home," endlessly repeated on an as- everywhere, gave ample indication that they scoring electoral touchdowns at both sets of cending scale..." of the Soviet missile installa- own, new, even higher crescendo, the Duke They had, to be sure, a lot of help from tions in Cuba...
...Peter's to witness the Third, progressive Catholics might ask themselves whether church's joy...
...he is Karol Wojtyla regardless of his nationality...
...uttering a firm non possumus to contemporary demands in Second, the new Pope's intellectual background is one of conflict with the Gospel...

Vol. 105 • November 1978 • No. 22

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