Miles, Jack & Ferkiss, Victor & Scott, Nathan A. Jr. & Ahern, John & Kammen, Michael & Naison, Mark & Mercier, Vivian & Balsam, Rosemary H.
Some Outstanding Books of the Year OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS Jack Miles The Old Religion in the Brave New World:Reflectionson the Relation Between Christendom and...
...JOHNDRUSKA OeeeeO000 CORRESPONDENCE (Continued Jrom page 323) Chesterton and to Canovan's presentation of him...
...By that time he had spent eight years on the work, livedin three cities, changed his address nineteentimes,suffered several eye attacks and subsequent operations, and, at a distance, experienced a world war...
...The book is crystal clear in thought and exquisitely expressed...
...Th~ Party leaders, in this ~book, hardl~ conform to the oft-propagated imag~ ofmastermanipulators...
...Though Mead is, as he puts it, a student of "religion in American history" rather than a theologian, he has issued in this brief book a challenge to American theologians that none who is serious can afford to overlook...
...It will be read in its relationshipwithothertheories,thoseof Plato,Aristotle,Nietzsche,Caillois, Malinowski, etc...
...He says simply: "To be an adult . . . does not mean leaving the child in us behind...
...wald's book is different, and to be highly recommended to those intereste~ in man as a human being, and in the contribution of psychoanalytic think...
...A major novel featuring many of the themes of Eliade's nonfiction: time, myth, symbolism, free will, "A provocative and haunting study of the myths by which men through the ages have met the fact that they mustdie...
...The author apparently found the very same overly cerebral approach within her chosen field, for she tells us that "most of the literature on historic "inspiringbookonChina" Caaadian Far Eastern Newsletter LOVE AND STRUGGLE IN MAO'S THOUGHT by Raymond Whitehead "Analyzes the main concepts of Mao's thought...
...This style, which Dealy calls caudillaie, "propels men in an unending, insatiable quest for public influence...
...He stresses, as other theorists do not, his observation that all tragic heroes assume the same roles, and that they manifest an alternation of moods and roles in their tragic relationships...
...Moral ity in his terms means owning up, tak ing responsibility for the impersona forces within us...
...MICHAEL KAMMEN is Director of The Society for the Humanities at Corncll...
...Machiavelli (who alwaysconsideredhimselfagood Catholic and died in the church) simply spelled out how to gain power given this new moral code...
...But he is himself by no means unaware of the new av,ant-garde in criticism, and I should like to think that themodest, yet assured,amiability with which he reviews a career wholly devoted to literary interpretation is his quiet way of saying to the Hew Man "J'accuse[" Rosemary H. Balsam Hans W. Loewald, in Psycho~.alysis and the History of the Individual, (Yale University Press, $7.95), presents three visions of humanity in the three Freud lectures he gave at Yale in 1977, now available in this slender volume... to human experience...
...This learned celibate makes us see Dante as a struggling, creative and eccentric poet within the Catholic tradition rather than a lofty Olympian of sexless orthodoxy which so many critics seem to prefer...
...But saddled as it was with an organizational struot.ure and a view of internatiorral events that mirrored Soviet patterns, and functioning in a political milieu in which socialism had little emotional appeal, even amon~ the working class, it could not make headway as a mass political movement under its own 'banner...
...On page 91, Canovan states" "...he emphasized the fascination and romance of machinery, and its potentiality for increasing the power and independence of men...
...20.0O SOCIAL SECURITY TODAY AND TOMORROW Robert M. Ball "Bob Ball is the most knowledgeable person in America about Social Security...
...That last is fitting, since a little over ten years ago Hooked on Books itself began at Maxey Boys Training School in Michigan as a program implicitly critical of the way literacy had been untaught to students derailed in oneway or another from the more "gifted" tracks in our schools...
...Christian Century Reflections on the common experiencesof man as they are revealed in the writings of the Hindu-Buddhist, Islamic, and Christian traditions...
...So, most especially since I have never had the privilege of knowing him in a personal way, I was delighted by the announcement that came a few months ago from the Duke University Press of its having published Wallace Fowlie's autobiography, Journal of Rehearsal: A Memoir ($12.95, 219pp), the first installment of which (Pantomime) I had read with great pleasure when it was published in 1951 by Henry Regnery...
...100 or more ~/Madi~n AvL New York N.Y., 10015too...
...BOOKS THE UNITY OF RITES WALLACE FOWLIE Violence and the Sacred RENE GIRARD translated by Patrick Gregory Johns Hopkins University, $17.50 [352 ppl Taking its place midway between anthropologicalstudiesandliterary criticism, this new book of Professor Girard draws its documentation primarily from recent books on ethnology, from Greek tragedies (Sophocles and Euripides), and from the writings of Freud and L6vi-Strauss...
...More important, during .this time his artistic goals changed to such an extent that a book that in some aspects began as a sequel to A Portrait o/ the Artist as a Young Man ended as a prelude t~ Firmegans Wake...
...John Ahem Dante irritated Christian poets like Ptguy andHopkins, whereas Yeats thought hewasChristianity's chief imagination...
...Dr.Loewald shows how psycho...
...For him, human culture took a decisive and irreversible turn around 1500when agrowing bodyof thought established the scientific attitude asa way of arriving at a unified world view...
...It is this transition, expressed in terms of the design process, which I have tried to report and analyze...
...It arrived with a clutch of other books on Joyce for review in a learned journal: since criticism, not .textual scholarship, is my 'bag, .I intended to read it last.Rumors, however, hadbeen reaching me of exciting new developments in the tex.tual study of Ulysses, including Clive Driver's edition of the Roser~bach Manuscript and Phillip F. Hering's two volumes of notes and early draftsforUlysses (Uni,~ersity Press of Virginia...
...His study is consistently pointed toward the discovery of the unity of all rites...
...Each of these groups did a substantial amount of building...
...xv, 304 ppSend check to $16.95The University of North Carolina Press ISBN0-8078-1312-5Box2288-CChapelHill27514violence as it appears in myth and ritual, in Greek tragedy, in any sacrifice that restores order to society, in the lynchings and pogroms of modern states, and in the technological weaponry of today...
...He offers a trenchant analysis of the symptoms of crisis in the modern university and presents some proposals for reform...
...She was attracted by the feminist orientation of many American utopian groups:their emphasis upon sexual equality, and their efforts to provide facilities forcommunalchildcare, communal cooking, housework and the like...
...In fact, Joyce never really "finished" Ulysses...
...Each of these is valuable in a different way, but Mead has drawn attention to a peculiarly North American way past the same stumbling block...
...and, just in this respect, a certain charm will be found, if one has grown a bit weary of the more insistently confessional styles of contemporary autobiography...
...If Dealy is right and Machiavelli is the repudiated patron saint of Catholic politics, perhaps we should even take Malachi Martin's prediction of a comingVatican-Communistentente more seriously...
...Cameron At a time when the value of university education is being questioned, Cameron provides fresh perspective on the university's purpose, its form, and its future...
...Essays on divorce and Christian marriage, sexual ethics, genetics, human experimentation, medical ethics, hospital codes, population control, and respectfor life...
...And, in such a time, Mr...
...cloth, $20,00...
...In recent years we have lamented the fact that almost all of our selections are written by historians of ideas, or literary critics, or else that hybrid kind of cultural tyrowho teaches in an American Studies department...
...Dealy paints with a broad brush...
...Finn'sandDuggins's attemptsto provide the settings and props of currentHookedprogramssuffer some from the perfunctory rhetoric of enthusiasm,the urge to programmatic conversion, typical of so many testimonials in popular educational journals...
...For that work, we hope he will find as admirable a translator as he did find in Patrick Gregory for Violence and the Sacred...
...It was tantalizing aper~us on Graham Greene and Djuna Barnes and Robert Penn Warren in his book of the mid-forties on Rimbaud that first led me to read these writers...
...9..It is our task as historical beings to resume our history making by finding a way back to [unconscious modes and contends of human experience] so that they may be transformed, and away from a frozen ego...
...The Party's lack of a mass political 'base, Cochran claims,made i.t extremely vulnerable to being "used" by both its allies in "united front activities" and 'by ambitious trade union...
...Cochral shows how most labor leaderswh~ developed alliances w~th the Party from John L. Lewis to Walter Reuthe (for a brief period), got the bette part of the bargain...
...By this subtle shift of accuracy, living, loving growth and psychoanalysis become dynamic continuous enterprises ofattemptedarticulation between conscious, preconscions and unconscious experience...
...The critic does not hesitate to oppose scientific researchers as well as ferventHeUenophiles,defendersof traditional humanism and disciples of Nietzsche...
...He believes that the original event that led to rite was murder, and the objective of ritual is to keep violence outside of the community...
...Expectably, the scene of Mr...
...But Cochran recognizes that the CP was more than a tame instrument of Soviet foreign policy...
...The French critic believes that Sir James Frazer in The Golden Bough conceals the basic impulse toward violence within the rite of sacrifice...
...Not Michael Groden: after a ~airly brief "Introduction," he begins his first chapter thus: In October 1916, ,well over two years into his work on Ulysses, James Joyce provided one of the first progress reports on his new ,book: "I hope to finish it in 1918...
...Some Outstanding Books of the Year OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS Jack Miles The Old Religion in the Brave New World:Reflectionson the Relation Between Christendom and the Republic, by Sidney E. Mead (University of California Press, $10... ~vas also a political organization which incorporated many earlier streams of Americanradicalism,andwhichrepresented, for most of its membership, a vehicle to achieve ~horoughly familiar and .legitimate political goals...
...The Party leaders, #acing their international ties (and setf image as bolsheviks) 'above their organizational interests in American society, grimly pursuedpolicieswhichturnedthe Party inM an empty shell and helped, intheprocess,tostrengthenconservative 'forces in the American labor movement...
...American Christians, Catholics not least among them, have been looking for a way past the privatization of religious belief in the Latin American "theology of liberation" and the German "theology of hope...
...This critic is hard on psychoanalysis and Freud(except forTotem and Taboo...
...It consists of nine previously published articles and a new three-part essay, which gives the volume its title...
...At one point in his second chapter, Girard says that the Old Testament is rooted in sacrificial crises...
...The Oedipus complex he names "the most burdensome of all mythologies...
...His most recent book is The Irish Comic Tradition (OxfQrd/Galaxy...
...Our intellectual appetites seem to prefer ideational unicorns and eunuchs to the nitty and the gritty.A little more than a year ago, however, an important exception appeared: DoloresHayden'sSevenAmerican Utopias:The Architecture of Communitarian Socialism, 1790-1975 (MIT Press,$16.95),thisattractive and highly unusual volume written by an assistant professor of architecture at M.I.T...
...Religion has tended to be viewed by analysts following Freud as merely working outof infantile wishes for an all-powerful father protector...
...They were ju...
...Girard finds a similarity...
...Iwould suggestthatMr...
...Hayden selected seven groupsfour of them religious communities, and three non-sectarian: the Shakers, Mormons, Fourierists, Oneida Perfectionists, Amana Inspirationists, Union Colonists at Greeley, Colorado, and the Llano del Rio group in California...
...SCOTT,JB., is Commonwealth Professor of Religious Studies and Professor of English at the University of Virginia...
...As he does so, he not ordy dopiots the mind of a great artist at work but illuminates the meaning of the tinished ~book in a hundred different places...
...All is not clear to him--"the microbe of violence has not yet been discovered," he tells us--but he reexamines and questions inclosely reasonedarguments theories of Freudand L6viStrauss in order to demonstrate the pervasiveness of violence in rituals, in myths and in religions...
...Further:"students who learn to associate both pleasure and necessity withacts ofliteracy will learn 'to read and write...
...His title "Violence and the Sacred" might equally well have been "Violence or the Sacred...
...One'simpressionis thatWallace Fowlieisnotgenerallyaccounted amongst the princelings of criticism in our period, no doubt in part because he has never had any penchant for the more rarefied zones of theoretical speculation...
...ists who came its ranks in the hope of advancing their careers...
...He acknowledges and uses the more familiar theories of science and literature (ethnology and Greek tragedy) but he believes that their exponents fail to perceive underlying principles on which their studies are based...
...Why has this Hooked been packaged under a cover even more pallid and archly-posed than the previous edition's (mug shots on the back of mad scientists...
...In the total elaboration of his theory, far too complex to summarize briefly, Mr...
...The Universlfy of Nofre Dame Press FOUR HASIDIC MASTERS and Their Struggle Against Melancholy Elie Wiesel $7.95 CATHOLIC REVIVALISM: The American Experience, 1830-1900 Jay P. Dolan $10.00 THE FORBIDDEN FOREST Mircea Eliade $18.95 THE CITY OF THE GODS: A Study in Myth and Mortality John S. Dunne $12.95 cloth, $4.95 paper THE WAY OF ALL THE EARTH:Experimentsin Truth and Religion John S. Dunne $12.9.5 cloth, $3.95 paper ISSUSES IN SEXUAL AND MEDICAL ETHICS Charles E. Curran $9.95 PROPHECY AND CANON: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins Joseph Blenkinsopp $12.95Elie Wiesel's new book is a profound and graceful retelling of the legends and struggles of four spiritual leaders of the Hasidic movement in the 18-19th centuries...
...Foster's remarkable essay on "Dante and Eros" provides a unique anatomy of Dante's extraordinary erotic vision, where sexual attraction is providential, and sexuality in plants, animals and men, is related to the Holy Spirit and "the rightness at the root of things...
...New World Outlook Paper$4.95 ORBISBOOKS,Maryknoll,NY10546 Sendme:9C I]re#me Name Add~[]$enclosed Commonweal: 345 Myth and Meaning Claude L6vi-Strauss One of the world's greatest living thinkers offers his insights into the nature and role of myth in human understanding and outlines the relationships between mythology and science, history, and music...
...Although he spends considerable time in redefining such terms as "divinity," "ritual," "religion," "sacrificial crises," "surrogate victim," the basic purpose of his study is to understand the role played by violence in human society...
...Loewald re-translates this statement as, "where id was there ego shall come into being...
...It was the distinctive and stiff largely unassimilated achievement of Lyman Beecher to develop, early on, a theology in which disestablishment was welcomed as a boon to Christianity and in which, conversely, the social functions of the American state were made part of She responsibility of the American Christian as Christian...
...Dealy holds that Catholic cultures take literally the Augustinian notion of the two kingdoms and radically separate public and private morality...
...Foster, however, draws a much sharper contrast, and provides a deepej', subtler, more convincing analysis of this dichotomy than any of his predecessors...
...As she explains, "since thespatial organization of dwellings and workplace makes questions of order, sharing, and viability very explicit, selfconscious communal groups often used the design to explore the transition between socialist theory and practice...
...The first of his two Dantes is a tough, Aristotelianmoralist,anunwitting semi-Pelagian who thought "virtue and vice wholly in our power" and put the "widest possible gap between nature and grace...
...But the pharmakos is both insulted and venerated...
...I recall with gratitude my own first introduction over thirty years ago to the French Catholic tradition of Ptguy and Bloy and Clandel and Mauriac by way of such early books of his as Clowns and Angds and Jacob's Night...
...True, Mr...
...Unfortunately psychoanalysis is burdened with earnest writers who obfus-cate rather than clarify, by a combination ~f Germanic prose, circuitous thought, a tendency to becloud phenomena and theory, and by a devotion tc a scientific terminology at best weak because it is open to idiosyncratic interpretation.Oursis,inLoewald'.~ words, "an untidy discipline...
...Nathan A. Scott, Jr...
...Ease in understanding newspapersand pleasurein reading 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CnITXCS JACK MILESis a New York writer and editor...
...Crosby refutes the popular notion that Catholics supported McCarthy en masse and argues persuasively that the Catholic debate about McCarthy was essentially political rather than religious...
...Wh~,t's more, that first chapter supplies, almost with-out Groden's noticing it and certainly without any advertisement of the fact on the jacket, a defini,five study of narrative technique and "point of view" in Ulysses...
...Since the civil institutionsof the newborn United States of America were based on that rival religion, a tension was created with the various forms of the Christian religion that Christian leaders in the 18thand19thcenturies--notably Isaac Backus and Horace Bushnell~ were all too willing to resolve in favor of a return to that union of church and state which had been normative in Christianity since Constantine...
...And yet the vast body of his achieved work ought surely to require us now to think of him as one of the truly distinguished teachers of the past generation...
...His latest book is Journal o/Rehearsal: A Memoir (Duke...
...Cochran handled a very difficult st~bject with great sensitivity and intelligence.Thisbookisessential reading for anyone who wants to understandthehistoryofindustrial unionism andsocialism in ~wentieth century America...
...And the pharmakos is both poison and antidote...
...Fowlie's narrative is often Paris, but he also talks interestingly about his professorial life at Bennington and Yale and Duke...
...JOHNDRUSKAis a writer currently teachins high school in Indianapolis.magazines cause both to replace the grammar texts and workbooks of time-dishonored usage...
...Professor Hayden lived in a commune during the later 1960s, belongs now to a women's group as well as to WALP (Women in Architecture, LandscapeArchitecture,andPlanning...
...paper, $7.50 PSYCHOANALYSIS, CREATIVITY, AND LITERATURE A FRENCH-AMERICANINQUIRY Alan Roland, EdRor These authoritative essaystrace the context and substance of the psycboanaJytic movements in Franceand America...
...He reminds us that sacred, from the Latin sacer, means "sacred" or "accursed...
...VXCTORFER~JSS teaches in the Department of Government at Georgetown...
...The author argues that political behavior in historically Catholic societies differs from that in other Western nations not as the result of the persistence of medieval or folk traditions but because it is an expression of an alternative, conscious, rational mode of action first articulated in the Renaissance...
...All see themselves as capable of banishing the plague...
...I sneaked a look at MichaelGroden'sbibliography--~be-fore, as I thought, going on to read the more congenial books in the pile-and was dismayed to see, listed alongside the tired old warhorses of Joyce studies, a number of articles, books, and dissertations that were unfamiliar to me...
...The only thing he could catch in Clauders address was the one phrase maison chinoise, but on that Saturday afternoon he suddenly knew that it was his destiny to master the strangely beautiful and resonant music of this great language.And it was this consciousness that guided his student years at Harvard and that committed him to an academic vocation the result of which has been one of the most attractive and useful careers in Americanliterary life over nearly four decades...
...Freud himself, however, sensed that this was not the whole story, and Loewald enters the origins of religious feelings of oneness with the universe, anal the mysteries of "oceanic feelings" as later resonances of the early motherinfant world, where there was no separateness...
...especially since Fader has always advocated using the covers of books as barbs on the hooks...
...Once every five weeks during the academic year, The Junto Redivivus gathersatthe home of a member to discuss a recent book of consequence, swill beer and make some cheese disappear...
...Taken together, they provide an excellent sampling of the ideological and geographical diversity of the communitarian movement in America from the late eighteenth century until the 1930s...
...Sociologists and historians lacking visual inclinations have often taken communitarian landscapes andbuildingsforgranted,treating them as background settings for their particular concerns...
...Thismode of seeking and holding power extends across both class and 26 May 1978:344 ideological lines (machismo is simply one of its primary manifestations...
...Cochran, a former UAW militant who locked horns wSth the CP in the 1930s, has great contempt forthe Party's theoretical and organizational dynamics...
...N~aSON teaches Afro-American Studies at Fordham University...
...Too rarely do we feel compelled to come to terms with a work which emphasizes the physical aspects Of American life---a curious circumstance when one considers just how important material culture and technology have been in the making of this civilization...
...In different ways, both Auerbach and Eliot subscribed to this useful but mistaken idea...
...So Fader saturated the Boys School curriculum with paperbacks, magazines and newspapers, and diffused the responsibility for requiring and teaching functional literacy through faculty in every subject...
...In the opening chapter, Ren6 Girard studies the institution of "sacrifice," one that is often looked upon as impenetrable, and 26 May 1978:346 points out with greater ease than in other parts of his argument, that sacrifice is both saintly and sinful...
...oyce scholarship had become a whole new while my attention was diverted to Beckett...
...His quarrel with the modern world was simply that machinery was being used not to free men but to imprison them, to make their lives less interesting and more circumscribed than before...
...The tension between the Party as "conspiracy" and as "mass dissenting organization," Cochran claims,heSps explainthe Party'sconfusing,andoftenselfdestructive behavior in the American labor raovemen.t...
...In reassessing Greek tragedy in ,its origins and in its form, Professor Girard's book seems to me extremely important...
...Tim NEWHOOKED ON BOOKS, by Daniel Fader with James Duggins, Tom Finn and Elton McNeil,Berkeley $8.93...
...Vivian Mercier Next to of course my own Becke~t/ Beckett(Oxford,$11.95),Ulysses inProgress,ByMichaelGroden, (PrincetonUniversity Press,$13.50) is my favorite university press book published in 1977: a choice that surprises nobody more than myself...
...Mask Naison At a time when a~obiographies of ex-Communistsareattractingconsiderableattentionintheliterary world Bert Cochran's study of Communists in the American l~bor movement Labor and Communi~n,The Conflict that Si~aped AmericanUnions,(PrincetonUniversityPress, $25) has not attained the recognition it deserves...
...The scope of the book is tremendous, but it is unified by the everpresent search for an understanding of I God, Church,and Flag Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the Catholic Church, 1950-1957 by Donald F. Crosby, S.J...
...Also, "Insofar asmodern inventions could actually help men to be independent and self-sufficient,Chestertonwelcomed them...
...The antagonists in Oedipus Rex all seem alike:Oedipus, Creon, Tiresias...
...The writing of Girard is provocative, and at times, startling, but to each of his revolutionary ideas he brings an arsenal of justifications worthy of being considered by every reader concerned with the meaning of violence and the sacred in their literary, societal and religious manifestations...
...Foster knows his Dante and his Aquinas too well for that...
...Mr.MeyersnotescorrectlythatMAGIC, SCIENCE, AND CIVILIZATION Jacob Bronowski "Bronowski dwells (here) on the dislinction between science and magic...
...There is, even at this late date, a bad join between religious practice and religiousthought...
...AfterWorldWarII,whenthe Party leadership,on the impetus of the Dublos letter, leaped imo a suicidal repudiation of all the policies which bad begun to win it a place in the American mainstream,all of its labor allies, and many of Rs own labor leaders,turned against it and tried to drivethe Party out of the CIO...
...His insights and perspectives make this book a landmark in our understandin8 of the Federal Government's most successful social program...
...and many of their buildings are well preserved...
...Had Hopkins and Ptguy been able to read Foster, they too might have loved Dante...
...For years I h~e been urging gradtmte students to think of their paper or dissertation as a narraave, bm even those 'who have grasped the point find difficulty in arriving at an appropriate style...
...His concept of the difference between Catholic and Protestant styles of public morality is not too different from that of pop theologians such as Michael Novak and is implicit in the admiration of the late Mayor Daley by writers such as Andrew Greeley and Eugene Kennedy...
...There are a few allusions to the Old Testament, especially in the first two chapters, but Professor Girard makes no attempt to consider Judaeo-Christian texts in the light of his theory, and it is not until the end of the book that he implies he reserves this important part of his subject for a future study...
...Ours is just now, of course, a period in which the ever advancing insurgency of the nouvellecritique tends more and more deeply to undermine confidence in the dignity of literature--which is often by way of being representedasmerelyaspecious epiphenomenon of the linguistic codes that rule us...
...for it has been attractively designed and carefully constructed...
...Rather, since he was determined that it should be published on his .fortieth birthday, February 2, 1922, he had to stop writing it...
...In point of fact, Dante was a maverick in an age of great corruption and infidelity...
...In the 1930s and 40s, the Communist Party played animportant role in organizing and leading many large industrial unions and attracted thousands of 1,abor militants to its ranks...
...10.00 cloth, $3.95 paper University of Toronto Press 33EastTupperSt, Buffalo, NY14203communes deals uneasily with the relationship of people to their physical surroundings...
...Library JournalCloth$5.95 JAPANESE RELIGIOUS ATTITUDES by Fernando M. Basabe "A sociological study and analysis ofthereligiousattitudesof Japanese youth and of the religious attitudesof 'the maninthe street.' "' The Review ofBooksand Religion Pal~r$2.95 ASIAN VOICES IN CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY edited by Gerald H. Anderson "A well-organized guide to the development of Christian theology in nine Asian countries...
...His new book goes a long way towards correcting some wellestablished misunderstandings of Dante...
...It is a heroic vision of the world the reader finds here...
...And the unspoken assumption lying behind his whole testimony is a matter of a deep but unpretentious confidence in the rightness of dedicating one's life to writing about man and his dreams and his poetry and his theatre...
...n~LSAMis a staff psychiatrist of the Yale Student Health Services in New Haven...
...analysis helps elucidate the integratiw trends in human development...
...Documents the origin, extent, and success of Catholic revivalism in 19th-century America and the impact of the parish missionon Catholic life and activity...
...He relegates it to extreme old age and the next world...
...Cochran's book is the first detailed scholarly study of an important aspect of Communist activity in the United Statessince Joseph Starobin's American Communismin Crisis,and likeStarobin's book, it marks a sharp ,break with the cold war school of history that presents Communists as evil geniuses and their opponents as paragons of virtue...
...Girard stands quite alone...
...for if the students don't, aren't they likely to acquire no more than an increase in the taste for pulp entertainment that Fader decries in our generation of TV-consumers...
...His enormousely suggestive book of 1948, The Clown's Grail: A Study of Love in Its Literary Expression, through its discussions of Corneille and Nerval and Baudelaire and Proust, gave an exciting new impetus to my own reflections on themes I had first reckoned with under the influence of Anders Nygren and Denis de Rougemont and C. S. Lewis...
...Having outlined his scenario in this appetite-whetting paragraph, Groden de-velops it brilliantly in the next fifty pages...
...Oedipusillustratesanger and serenity, exile and kingship...
...Freud, in his endless struggle to resolve the problem of desire, has not provided, according to Girard, a fully articulated system...
...Ever since his, political writings were removed from the Index, and scholastic and patristic theologies underwenttheirrespectiverevivals, there has been a tendency to present Dante as the Bard of Orthodoxy, the mouthpiece of the Christian tradition, the one poet lucky enough to live in an ordered world where everybody believed in the Incarnation...
...Foster's second Dante is the man who had to struggle long and hard before he understood that God is active rather thanpassive, and that healing grace does in fact exist...
...Formal critics who wouldn't touch a manuscript with a fortyfoot pole have much to learn from this textual study...
...InTheTwoDantesandother Studies, by Kenelm Foster, (University of California Press, $16...
...Well, first of all ,because, like the best-seller writers, Groden has "a rattling good story" to .tell: howe~/er tedious and tortuous certain parts of the development of Ulysses may seem, the whole process occurred in a period of eight years, 1914-22, and lends itself to chronological treatment.Furthermore, Groden tells his story well, in a clear, uncluttered prose...
...It's good to be reminded, via the middlesectionsofthisedition,of Hooked on Books' success...
...The essays are entitled "Man as Moral Agent," "Transference and Love," and "Comments on Religious Experience...
...Even now, as he points out in referring to a survey of Lutherans, many Americans have not made religious peace with pluralism...
...I picked up Groden's book and, as the reviewers of 'best-selling novels say, I couldn't put it d~wn...
...He is impeded in his search and in his research because, as he himself acknowledges, there is no true science of religion and no true science of culture...
...Meyers read, for example, GKC's essays"TheTelegraphPoles"(from Alarms and Discussions)and "About the Telephone" (from As 1 Was Saying...
...On page 19 he claims that violence and the sacred are inseparable...
...Fowlie's story is replete with friendship--involving Gide and Cocteau and Henry Miller and Kenneth Burke and Henri Peyre and numerous others --but it makes evident that his greatest avidity, his deepest fidelity, his central passion, has been reserved for France and for its literature...
...And over the past twenty26 May 1978:342 five years his books on Mallarm6 and Cocteau and Surrealism and French theatre andvarious other topics, in the lucidity and passion with which they have probed one or another aspect of French tradition, have been for me--and I suspect for many othersm a constant source of tutelage and illumination...
...He begins his book with an analysis of the Party's "Staliniza-tion" in the1920s, describing the gradual transformation ofits leaders [rom radical unionists imo hard,bitten ,bureaucrats attuned to the: shifting political winds in the Soviet state...
...Foster's point of departure is his puzzlement at Dante's "intractable eccentricity from the standpoint of Catholic tradition...
...The pharmakos is the victim who is polluted and who has to be killed...
...Fader's first three chaptm's assess conditions nationwide in the teaching of reading and writing (nationwide now also the scope of Hooked on Books programs), offer a student grouping model the reverse of ability grouping, and reiterate the Hooked principles of saturation and diffusion.These rest on Fader's belief that educationdepends upon "belief in the future" and "knowledge of the past," the latter of which.'~is 26 May 1978:348 still largely available Only to the skills of literacy...
...Annotated Booklist 1977, the Methodist Church Cloth$15.00,Paper$7.95NO HANDLE ON THE CROSS by Kosuke Koyama "A Japanese writing from Siam,he helps us approach Christianity from a new angle ....Invaluable insights.'" Southern Cross Cloth $7,95, Paper$3.95 WATERBUFFALO THEOLOGY by Kosuke K,,~ama "'Koyama's writings, partially collected in Waterbuffalo Theo/ogy, mark him as the most original young voice in Asian theology...
...The book abounds in fresh stimulating interpretations of psychoanalysis, of anthropological theories and drama-f BooksThat Make a Difference...
...Aquinas, he says, essentially followed Augustine in this separation but introduced a new note by making the morality of classical antiquity the norm for the public sphere...
...Within these constellations lie the sources of creativity...
...Loewald told his teacher, Martin Heidegger, of his decision to leave philosophy to pursue psychiatry, the great philosopher assured him that psychiatry had need of philosophers JOIN THE COMMOMWEAL AMMOniTES SustainingMemben Charter Member...
...Unlike them, he also sees this contrast within the Comedy, particularly in Limbo and the figure of Virgil...
...Hayden explores therelationshipbetween the members of these communities, their forms of social organization, and the complex, collective environments they created...
...Senator Edward M. Kennedy$14.95 To order send check or moneyorder to ~IN...
...Loewald explores territory which Freud opened but was unable to pursue...
...Fowlie's kind of pietas may seem to lack the boldness that the disciples of a Barthes and a Derrida find inspiriting...
...Like its earlier version, Mr...
...Like those buildings, this book, too, will endure...
...Rather, it is carefully researched, richly illustrated and clearly written...
...American religious pluralism was not developed, nor was the tolerance that permitted it celebrated, by any of the Christian groups that came from England to the New World...
...From the beginning to the end of the book, which appeared first in France in 1972 underthe title La Violence et le sacra, the critic steadily and forcefully underscores his belief, with as much justification as he can amass, that violence is at the heart of the sacred, that violence is in mythic heroes, in sacred gods, in deified ancestors, and that violence belongs to all men and to no one in particular...
...Winner of a National Religious BookAward for Sci'ipture.A study, in the context of canon criticism, of the problem of authority in Hebrew scripture...
...This stimulating book helps to demystify Maoism and to clarify for Western readers some of the aspects of the Chinese Revolution that have significance for the rest of the world.'" Ubrary Journal Cloth $8.95, Parpcr$3.95 CHINA ASA MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT by Al Imfeld "Brevity, simple prose, and clear exposition are hallmarks of this book...
...Fowlie's latest essay in reminiscence, though it is largely devoted to the great love of his life, practices a most careful reticence regarding the more intimate aspects of his personal history...
...Kirkus Reviews$6.95 20TH CENTURY CHINA THIRD EDITION O. EdmundClubb A carefully up-dated edition of the book which the New York Times Book Review lauded as one that will "force its readers to think about China's place in the world and how other nations must adjust to China's dangerous and dynamic revolution...
...JOHN AHEgNis a professor of Italian at Stanford University...
...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN BRIEF...
...He was more prophetic for the future of psychoanalysis than he could have known, and for Dr...
...This Dante finds no room for religion in the daily life of men in this world...
...Order from your bookstore or directly from The University of Notre Dame Press Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 J Commonweal: 347 tic situations in Greek tragedies...
...He draws cautionary attention to the abnormal ex-perience of Christians here: our pluralism was exceptional, an awkward fact that was in place before there was a theological rationale for it...
...10.00 cloth, $4.95 paper On the Idea of a University J.M...
...Public power is based on cultivated "rationalfriendship"--theCatholic equivalent of the economic rationality of Protestantism-- and Machiavelli is the "Ben Franklin of Catholicism...
...Many of his readers will hope that he continue this exploratory work in a future volume that will take into account the words of the Jewish prophets and the meaning of sacrifice as interpreted by Christian thinkers...
...And, even after being re-Hooked by Fader's new edition, several questions linger: When in their courses, and how, can our schools help their students grow from saturation-diffusion literacy to an acquaintance with the qualities of books...
...In the midst, today, of a bogus "basics" crisis, Fader does bring us back to the basics of language: When the goal of the English class is redefined in terms of rhetorical ease and willing expression,the ancient methods of schools become as irrelevant to the subjects as they have generally been to the students...
...Dante is not the poet laureate of Thomism...
...All are well documented by both inside as well as outside observers...
...WALLACEFOWLIEisa professor of French at Duke...
...The well-known goal of analy sis, quoted from the Strachey transla tion, is "where id .was there ego shal Commonweal: 343 be...
...Psychoanalysis," he writes, "iseverywhere andnowhere...
...A major statement about the role of religion in American politics and culture...
...AlthoUgh Professor Girard does not accept the ritualistic interpretation of tragedy, as proposed by the group of scholars he calls the Cambridge ritualists, he does look upon ritual as the origin of myth and gods and tragedy...
...Loewald's ability to weave his own philosophical talent into psychoanalysis, which is still coming into being...
...Nevertheless, this very solid book is no trendy tract for our times...
...The problem is resolved in Purgatory where morality is part of a larger design leading to "a love-union with the Infinite...
...At several points in Violence and the Sacred, Girard points out what he considers the inadequacies of the Freudian system and its interpretation in the writings of Jacques Lacan...
...Whereas Freud made the Oedipus myth into the universal model for thehuman psyche, and the patricide-incest theme into the glory of psychoanalysis, Ren6 Girard derives from it the concept of mimetic rivalry...
...When Dr...
...Even in the chapter on Totem and Taboo, in which he is more favorable to Freud, he states that psychoanalytic thought has never come to grips with Sophocles...
...Human beings can los, connection with their individual past., and he shows how essential it is fo man's creative existence in present anq future to call upon this past reservoil alive and available to interact with th present...
...Individuals mus...
...His books include The Poetry o/ Civic Virtue and The Wild Prayer oJ Longing...
...It is a love affair that began in ,Brookline, Massachusetts, when, in his twelfth year, he began to study French and then heard Paul Claudel, at the time the French ambassador in Washington, deliver a dry, simple, yet (for the young Fowlie) absolutely captivating lecture in Boston's Copley Plaza...
...321 pp] Daniel Webster has prefixed some valuable chapters to his slightly altered original text of Hooked on Books and McNeil's reshaped research section on the program's results, and he has appended to these some less valuable chapters by Duggins and Finn, their revised list of books to use as hooks, and a last interesting chapter of his own on professional teachers' insularity from self-criticism...
...But his thesis is worth pondering...
...Using De Toqueville as a model, he disdains such tools as survey research, instead working primarily with historical and literary sources...
...VlVIANMEnCIERis professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara...
...many of their authors' names were .new .also...
...Rather than finding a difference, as Nietzsche does, between Dionysus and Apollo, Mr...
...Pluralism and tolerance were tenets in a rival religion, one which Sidney E. Mead calls Deism or, simply, Enlightenment...
...And, as I have regularly done over many years when a new piece of his work has appeared, I immediately acquired it...
...The notion is questioned that maturity involves laying the past to rest in favor of a new dominating rationality...
...The most original thoughts are presented in the last essay on religious experience...
...Commonweal: 341 as toughmindedand ruthless as the Party,bureaucratsandwerenot saddled with the CP's self-destructive international commitmems...
...Michael Kammen I belong to an American Studies discussion group...
...The chapter is titled"Ulysses: The Three Stages": in the remaining three chapters he retells his story in more detail, stage by stage...
...Victor Ferkiss The thesis of this short, well-written book The Public Man: An Interpretation o/ Latin Americanand Other Catholic Countries, by Glen Caudill Dealy, (The University of Massachusetts Press, $10), is at once simple, intriguing, and important...
...Today most scholars acceptarationalisticpre-Commedia Dante and a "born again" poetic genius...
...Awide-ranging and contemporary analysis,the book offers examples from both sidesof the Atlantic of current approaches to psychoanalyticliterary criticism and the dynamics of creativity...
...enclosepayment,Instilulions may requesl billins Ackbessfor orders: ]36 SouthBroadway,Irvintton, NewYork10533 Commonweal: 349...
Vol. 105 • May 1978 • No. 11