
CORRESPONDENCE $inki~l Ships Brooklyn, N.Y. To the Editors: Re Frank Getlein's analysis of Henry Kissinger's Attila-theHun-like role in world affairs ("The Graves of Aeademe"--Jan. 21)...

...S4c, seven times...
...First month $300...
...OOOOOOOOO CORRESPONDENCE (Continued ~tom page 99) that called for dismantling the state "security" apparatus, deregulating (and desubsidizing) the economy, and establishing a non-interventionist foreign policy...
...JAMES O'GARA: Editor JOHN DEEDY: Managing Editor RAYMOND A. SCHROTH: Associate Ed/tor ANNE M. ROBERTSON, Ed/fer/d/ Assistant COLIN L. WESTERKECK, JR.: Movies JOHN FANDEL: Peetry FRANK GETLEIN: Washington BRIAN WICKER...
...National Serials Data Program No.: ISSN 0010-3330...
...Nixon, the Court in that case ruled 6 to 3 that it is not unconstitutional for a suburb to refuse to ease zoning restrictions which in fact effectively prevent the construction of racially integrated housing for persons with low and moderate incomes...
...Obviously these beauties see nothing wrong with the power of the state, just so long as it's used for theb' favorite causes, and as Getlein points out there is "no chance whatever" that they will ever create a party to challenge it...
...Special two-year rate $29.50...
...Tentatively, since the history of publishing is uncertain in its beglnnngs, Gottlieb points to a first printed book for children apart from Latin grammars (a fifteenth-century courtesy book), a first illustrated textbook in the modern sense (Louis Couvay's Latin grammar of 1649... 109: thirteenthcentury carving at Exeter Cathedral, England...
...The survey also picked up strange trends which do not augur well for democracy...
...Does that lust not speak of a people tired of the burden of citizenship, or reluctant to carry it...
...Copyright ~ 1977 Commonweal Publishing Co., Inc.--US and Canada: SI7 a year...
...Details: Apdo, 410, Cunrnaveca, Mexico...
...This newest decision of the Court gives legal approval to the maintenance of an iron curtain separating the American city and suburb, and as such it is a stunning reversal for all who hoped to see the suburbs bear some fair share of the nation's urban crisis...
...and Book Review Digest...
...114 NIGRTMARE RELIVED: Saul Maloff 115 TRE 'WONDERFUL" WORLD OF SPORTS: Mark Naison 118 ROOKS: Richard John Neuhaus, Eric Larsen, Gerald Weales, Gerard S. Sloyan 121 ILLUSTRATIONS: Front cover: Romanesque carving trom central doors ot St...
...Why is it that the majority of non-voters watch television and read newspapers daily but could not name the President and their governor...
...Al~nericou Cas~nnse Federation, Saint Mary's Abbey, k4orrlstowm, New Jersey 07~40...
...Reeommtruetion To rehabilitate an area stricken byth4 flooding of the Santiago River in Ecuador, rite 9QvQrnment, the Red Cross and private aqencles I~lve |n.~'ograss din 4Mective reConstruction I~oqrem...
...The Libertarian Party (1516 P St., N.W., Washington, D.C...
...Funds should be sent to: FL PAUL EWEtS, MISION COMBONIANA |ORION, CASILLA 6S...
...It is one of the recurring subjects in Bader's book...
...Single copies 75c...
...At the moment the fantasists are in the ascendant with Bruno Bettelheim riding shotgun for them in the pages of The New Yorker, but--a ponent?---Sendak, who took us gloriously to Where the Wild Things Are in 1963 is ponderously preaching at us in Some Swell Pup...
...Printed In the USA and published bi-weekly by Commonweal Publishing Co., 2]2 Mad/sen Ave., New York, N.Y...
...No one doubts the right of a community to set reasonable standards, but this should not mean the right to totally exclude other Americans of low and moderate incomes...
...MacBride got about 172,000 votes, heating out Lester Maddox though not Eugene McCarthy, and the LP plans to field more candidates in 1978...
...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 SUBURBAN IRON CURTAIN Anyone who doubts that the power to appoint justices to the Supreme Court is one of the major powers of a president has only to look at the recent Arlington Heights decision...
...21) may this "non-adulator" of the former Secretary of State inquire what were the alleged heads of state doing in the meanwhile, including the on-the-roadto-being-deified (it's past canonization) the late John Fitzgerald Kennedy...
...They are not slow to take the credit for its triumphs--vide Nixon and the moon-landing...
...We see the expanding market for children's books, the growth of publishers devoted to children's literature, nineteenth-century illustration in its glory, the continuing conflict between the moralists and the story tellers...
...Even then, the Court said, the suburb would not be declared to be in the wrong if it had other reasons for its action as well as discriminatory ones... 106: #/teenth-century carved marble depiction at Bbdrum, Turkey, of St...
...The books change as the concept of the child alters from that of miniature adults to be drilled into knowledge to---after John Locke---that of person in the making who can be seduced into learning...
...20005) ran Roger L. MacBride for President last year on a platform (Continued on page 127) NEWS ~ VJEWS: 08 CORRESPONDENCE: 90 EDITORIAL: O0 GEORGE N. SRUSTER: 1894-1977: Edward S. Skillin 100 WASHINGTON REPORT: Clashing Symbols: Frank Getlein 101 RF~PRESSION IN ARGENTINA: Robert F. Drinan 103 THE APATBI~I'IC VOTER: Abigail McCarthy 105 ANGLICANIR.C...
...One-room schools and small chapels m~d to bu constructed...
...Peter Hebblethwaite 10G MORE ON 'WOMEN IN TRE CRURCR': 100 MORE ON "A DUAL-SEX EUCHARIST': Harvey Cox 112 THE SCREEN: Colin L. Westerbeck, lr...
...Letters of not more than 250 or 300 words naturally have a better chance o/ being published...
...Only, said the majority opinion, when it could be shown that there was an "intent" or "purpose" to discriminate--only if it could be proved that the suburb in question refused a zoning change because it wanted to exclude members of a minority racial group...
...roLL Bnu~mot~M Classified RATES: 60c _9 word, nee time...
...For bcm numbers add S0c per Imortio m Classified payable wltit order...
...when kouses are mov';d to higl~r, safer 9round or built on goverament-specifled sites, fin r~xtas ate turnished to those who build their own haines...
...OOOOOOOOO IM BRIEF L[otrr ON TIlE GOSPELS: A Rv.AVBX's Guxm~, by John L. McKenzie, Thomas More Press, $9.95...
...Getlein and his readers that there already is such a party...
...The "Reagan-ConnaUy-Helms connection" deserved all they g o t ~ for their mania for ever more power to the Pentagon, their hatred of civil liberties, their complacency towards handouts for Big Business...
...lmtOtute |ISLICAL INSTITUTE, Trinity College, krlingt(m, Vermont 0S401...
...nguxge i LEARN SPANISH...
...three distinguished re,says $1...
...Great |ritain ALAIN WOODROW: Par/s HENRY TEN KORYENAAR: Rome JOHN COONEY: Dublin EDWARD S. SKILLIN: Publisher JOHN BRUBAKER: Advertising Manager StaR: LINDA F. KAYLER, PAMELA J. FITZGERALD, HARRILrlrTE IIALSKY COMMONWEAL A review of Public Affairs, Literature and the Arts...
...Getlein give the "conservatives" what-for [Washington Report, Dec...
...Pre-reglstsatlou necessary...
...The commentary contained in the latter is done by biblical chapters and clusters of verses (pericopes...
...Fdmays knedictlne Monachism and Contuml~rery Culture...
...McKenzie's prose style is clean and his grasp of the ideas that matter masterful, Absorption in his recent published work on the Hebrew Bible (1968 and 1974) may account for an overall inattention to the enriching findings of current redaction and composition criticism...
...Sic, thirteen times, Twelve worcb minimum...
...300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Mich...
...When would such a policy be called unconstitutional...
...Ilrown, Collins, MacKen,zie, Mowry, Pritchard...
...Why do they generally believe that they cannot trust the ordinaxy sources of information...
...Private tutor available nt $3S0 for H hours...
...In the light of the Arlington Heights decision, suburbs are relieved of the need to share in any kind of affirmative action to help solve the housing crisis in the adjoining city--in which, it should be said, many of the suburb's residents make their comfortable living while paying little or no taxes for Commonweal: 99 Orson, Pilgrim's Progress and Gulliver's Travels in later years--were at first "adopted" by children and later, when a market for children's books became apparent, adapted for them...
...Why, for example, do fewer Hispanic, Irish and French Cathlic citizens vote than their proportion of the general population...
...Write: Director...
...But, as we know, fantasy and fable win out," writes Ryskamp, but, as we really know, that battle has never been won...
...An eight-page introduction to the genre gospel and its four canonical expressions is followed by interspersed introductions to the individual gospels and four chapters on each of them...
...New York...
...O]ERARD S . SLOYAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AbigaU M~arrkg (Cent...
...George and the Dragon...
...telephone: I21Z) MU 3-2042...
...However, may I point out to Mr...
...The Court held that such a refusal does not violate the Constitution just because it admittedly has a "racially disproportionate impact...
...And why do they long to put their trust in "a few courageous, tireless, devoted leaders...
...LORET'rA LOMBAm>O Santa Barbara, Cal...
...What Gottlieb's catalogue makes clear is that the children's book has multiplied and changed form, style, intention as entrepreneurial greed joined hands with educational theory to reach children wherever they were or wherever experts and parents thought they were (or should be...
...ESMERALDAS, ECUADOR (Airmail 31r Commonweal: 127...
...Mark's Cathedral, Venice...
...Microfilms from Yol...
...Commonweal Is Indexed in Reader's Guide to Per/odlcd/ Literature, Catholic Period/cd/ Index...
...To the Editors: It was grand to see Mr...
...1, 1924, to date available through University MlerofUms...
...It has always been my generation's (40 and over) ingenuous belief that, just as the captain was last to abandon ship, so were our chief executives required to take the lion's share of responsibility for their administration's failures...
...17, 19761...
...Universal registration is one remedy but the national illness seems to require patient care, study and attention and the discovery of many mote...
...American Picturebooks is a detailed extension of the general history of children's literature growing out of the happy discovery in the twentieth-century that the child was ready for the book long before she was ready to read it...
...This simple book is of great worth...
...Why are they conspicuous non-joiners...
...Foroigm $33.S0...
...monthly in advance for more th*n three rims...
...And, might I add, their hostility to the private property rights of those Americans who choose to smoke something other than tobacco...
...Or does today's Martian visitor to earth demand--"Take me to your Secretary of State...
...COMkIONWEAL, 232 Madison Ave...
...Despite a handicap that only the author's peers will be alerted to, he has written an introductory volume at a level of exposition where he has few peers...
...Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y...
...If yc~ really went tO learn Spanish quickly, fluently end correctly, and if you have the courage and stamiou for intensive and dis~:lpll~d study, come for at least o~e montk to Cuernaveca Language School of CIDOC...
...Foreign $19...
...Thanks in large part to Mr...
...Care to join...
...7c, three tinuu...
...Follow|ng four weeks, S~0...
...Commonweal welcomes letters on subjects treated in its pages...
...One result is that the treatment of a saying or incident by two or more evangelists will be handled in reasonably satisfactory fashion but within a particular evangelist's total framework less well or not at all...

Vol. 104 • February 1977 • No. 4

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