Merchant, Norris & Vellucci, Wayne Andrews, Dennis

claim= too much. i readily believe that irony as a dominant mode of modern literary consciotmness arose from the bitter disappointments and betrayed idealism of ! 914-!918; but I doubt...

...Yet this work, he himself was shocked by the all the simplicity in his dress, all the righteous man was an artist, no matter results...
...Yet men of a like temper, equally scandalized by modern secularization, but who did not in England fellow Newman in converting, managed so to change the face of their On Church of England in matters like Eucharistic observance, the foundof religious orders, and superficies of vesture and decor, that as a result J I I I New Eugla~ul l~stitute ]or Pastoral amt Social Ministry AUGUST 2-13, 1976 Davw O~m-~, Ph.D., Profenor of H~tory, Holy Crca College, Worcester, M~u~usem...
...Fussell tries to establish this case, called "Adversary Proceedings," seemed to me weaker than the rest, and it is the one place where Mr...
...Today, in the greater maturity of its genemm spirit, one would hope, that drive towards unity embraces the non.Christian revelations, and the social revolutionary creeds too (based as they age on solid needs of body and spirit) in its sweep of compassionate insight...
...06117 and it is true that he did not make a his autobiography...
...Pussell seems slightly to fudge the evidence...
...Catholic Emancipation" had by then become a viable political point of view in England...
...Corporate conversion,---as distinct from merging--the fir~ since the Reformation, was the road chosen by Father Lewis Wattson (later, Father Pan[ of Graymoor) when he led his Episcopal community of the Atonement, in Garrison, New York, into the Catholic Church in 1909...
...tian Unity Center...
...A few examples illustrate the theme...
...Courayer scttled in England, attended Anglican services (which he regarded as Catholic), died as a loyal Roman Catholic, and was buried in Westminster Abbey...
...reunion projects were likewise constantly bruited under Charles I (or was he "St...
...It is also written to help reach those who need to become concerned...
...Yet Psychology of Religion became Washington's second aide-de- he did redeem himself by saluting the July 2b-August 6 camp...
...Charles AngeH and Charles LaFontaine, members of the Society, have provided a timely biography of Father Paul in Prophet o/ReUnion...
...As the tunes, "is a crime, as it can only be a brush...
...Has he found there was always the danger he would a friend...
...1,000 a year...
...Certainly their periodical The s and the Chair of Unity Octave observance fostered by Father Paul turned the thoughts of many others in a common direction and, today, Graymoor is an ecumenical cynosure, with its noted Chris...
...Paper, $2.50 a~ your local bookstore abingdon Saint Joseph And what did it mean to be a Trum- piest part of the globe, Connectk~ .could have guessed on exan~ing bull...
...were valued at what they might but governor of the colony in 1769, was "Poverty," he reasoned when con- never did bring...
...not the man to forget that a certain templating Gilbert Stuart's misfor- For seven years he did not touch reverence was due his station...
...The jew, torn between horror and compassion for the dying man, listens in silence...
...In 1877 the Order magnificently produced, on the steps of St...
...involving several well-received papal agents, the Queen's (Roman Catholic) Chaplain, Franeiscus a Sancta Clara, who penned a treatise on the doctrine of Justification and the 39 Articles, and that controversial prelate, William Laud himself...
...T~I: [203} 232-4S71, Ext...
...then walks from.the room...
...There is some suggestion that Father Paul and his associate, Mother Lurana, reserved a private belief in the validity of their previous Anglican ministrations...
...C~rran He had, it seems, too many careers, as generous as he might have been FoundMatoiornasl Tohf eo9 lCohgryis tian too many opportunities of displaying to the students... uncompromising, albeit theologically liberal Anglican Catholicism, which was Laud's, and of his equally intransigent anti-Puritanism, which ruined him...
...The fact that he "became a notable fundraiser in spite of it--his biographers seem to regard that as a most substantial accreditation-and that he combined such a winning atavism with the shallowest and most fear-engendering denunciations of Marxism current in his day remind one of the then primitive stage of his ecumenist agony...
...As a businessman he speculated in ~1~ BI~][~ q brandy, tobacco and old masters he never could unload on the London Do BLACK PATENT LF~THeX SHOW 141r 22 5~., N.Y., N.Y... of "The Reuewd Of Ameriam Calbolidsm" ~g/cd r KIN Mm.Tz, ~ r of Lin~ and Music, Paulisr Center, Boston Poe Com~l~ Des~ive PoMer: Asmz,,, ROY,, Prosmm Coordinator, SmaehLtl College The Catholic Committee on Urban MinlsUy The Weston School of Theology S...
...and the Protestant Religion is now unpopular and Odious because it is not friendly to the Fine Arts...
...By 1831 he was so discouraged Source of See[a] Change wrote...
...after another, as any businessman Powers...
...Their goal, the convergence of priesthoods, has in fact somewhat confused them with the strains of lineage no doubt extant through their many ordinations...
...From this day I lay aside my that he made over all of his paintings For information write: Reverend John J. Stack, Director cockade and sword, never to resmne to Yale in return for an annuity of them until I can do it with honor...
...and intermittently during the reigns of Plus VI and Pius VII Britain came to be regarded, in Rome, as the keystone of counter-revolutionary and, later, of counter-Napoleonic strategies...
...What would you d~.o... though, u a political theologian, as 9 'thoologisn of eulhwe, and as an athle.isl...
...G-.-:~r~te ~,p or~r~ Ch,'istian 1786, when he was turning 30...
...Most of the Pawleys" chapters thus deal with "post-Oxford" laborers, such as the assiduously prayerful optimist, Ambrose Phillips de Lisle...
...ii i ii 9 "Architecture, Sculpture, Palming and Poetry have conspired ag~nst the Rights ot Mankind...
...Your country ought to acknowledge itsel/ more indebted to you than to any other Artist who ever existed...
...In and shipbuilder in the little town of meanness of poverty are alike un...
...this and was impressed...
...Did Augustus Welby Pugin repudiate churchbuildings sans rood screens, Romanstyle chasubles, and mixed choirs while hoping to convert Catholics and high Anglicans tO the principles of "True Christian" (i.e., Gothic) aesthetics...
...Twelve years later he gml~ Joseph Colhqle He also fancied himself a diplomat, died, disheartened by the reception of 167e _Asybm Avenue West Hartford, Conn...
...You forget, By the time he won, sponsored by old his career he referred to "that hap- sir," Governor Trumbull reminded John Adams, the commission for four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . him, "that Connecticut is not Athens...
...but I doubt if implacable oppositions in cultural modeb were also, a8 he arlplcs, a result of the war...
...Among those who respond to the question are Abraham J. Hesche/, Martin Marty, John M. O.esterreicher, Cynthia Ozick, Herbert Gold, jacques Maritain, Hans Habe, Edward H. Flannery, and Herbert Marcuse...
...When he did get back to Marquis de Chastellux put it, "he has the consequence of idleness...
...The-soldier, terrified of dyin0 with the burden of his guilt, begs absolution from the Jew...
...They must remember July 12-July 23 his social standing...
...Colle~ Sto~ebill College B~'rON, ~,ssAcmJs~'rs 023~6 LI I I . i l l , i i ) i . i ii TILUCH STUDIES: 1975 Ed~ by ~h,, J. C.rey Papers preparKI for the founding meeting of the Ncwth lumwlcan Paul'TiiRch Social,/ in ~ , Illinois, October 31, 197S...
...Like many churchmen of the day, Mabtre benefitted from the post-French Revolutionary renewal of mutual interest on the part of Anglicans and Roman Catholics... John R. ~dSOCCnt$/ori;ant~bt...
...Bernard and Margaret Pawley nevertheless demonstrate, in a book of comprehensive research, that this seemingly inevitable convergence, in response to the turbulent challenges of a revolutionary ethos, had distingnished precursors among Roman Catholics and Anglicans in every century since the Elizabethan Settlement...
...John R. 9 April 1976:252...
...i what I have all my life attempted in WOI~SHOP: The Parish as a look upon myself as insulted," he vain...
...I am not, however, a Disciple o/ Rousseau...
...Charles the Martyr," as he is styled in some recent Anglican calendars...
...I have been suffering severe importance, and even pedantry becom- if he dwelled a little too long on an mortification finding in how great a ing the great magistrate of a small artist's social position when pleading degree I had lost the powers I once republic...
...Christian Responsibmty in a Hungry World by C. Dean Freudenberger and Paul Minus, Jr...
...This apart, his book is a tour de force, a superb combina...
...Louis Du Pin and then Archbishop of Canterbury, William Wake, in 1718, involved themes that were to be considerably amplified later, such as the Pope's possible primacy of honor, rather than of 9 rule, in a united Church...
...Paul's, three Anglicans, two of them priests, who could boast of being properly (if surreptitiously) consecrated Catholic bishops, There have not been wanting critics who have accused both the Church o~ Rome and the Anglican churches o//ailing to show fruits o/ renewal proportionate to their talk about reunion...
...The soldier dies, unforgiven...
...Midway in with Copley in Boston...
...John Adams to John Trumbull Ill I | Commonweal: 251 "NEVER BEFORE HAVE SO MANY SUFFERED SO MUCH FROM HUNGER:' CHRISTIAN RESPONSIBILITY IN A HUNGRY WORLD is written in response to those in our affhtent, wellfed society who are concerned and who want to respond to the cries of a hungry world...
...They pose an essentially uncritical account of Father Paul's uniquely medieval ways, which had about them a touch of 19th century Romantic-Oxford ecumenism...
...Essays on Till;eh as an hrterpre~ of Chris...
...His hopes were to culminate in the "Order for Corporate Reunion," an amalgam ~that included Roman Catholics and Anglicans and people who, somehow, claimed to be both...
...The group's ecumenically conceived move, it was hoped, might become a model for Anglicanism as a whole, in some future shift...
...that is to say, he has read so widely and throws out so many ideas that he sometimes tries to follow too many at once and so loses the thread of his argument...
...His tragedy was that he tunately accepted the presidency of ~d A __p,r-, ~..~,~ GIOLIS S" ~r~' ' D IE_S could never recapture this fervor in New York's American Academy of --- June 2~July 9 later years...
...lion of acute critical analysis and informed cultural history...
...They will find in me one who will never give in but with my dying breath...
...Well, in America Father Paul, striking a more vital point, at once Franciscan and worldly-wise, renounced the physical touching of filthy lucre--for most of his life...
...De Lisle, a Catholic convert, favored a Uniate scheme for reconciling Anglicanism...
...Young John looked on all with his father for the chance to study possessed," he confessed to his brother...
...Otherwise, Mr...
...huge paintings in the Capitol--he was He could not stop sketching while paid $8,000 each for rendering the an undergraduate at Harvard, and by Declaration of Independence, CornC o] leg e 1780 was studying at Stuart's side wallis at Worktown, Burgoyne at S u ;93 m e r 7 9 7 6 under Benjamin West in London...
...7.50 at your bookstore or from SCHOCKEN BOOKS 200 Madison Avenue, New York 10016 Conunonweal: 249 ca Wdhe~ lheteStant terraia in both Germany and England (and for her own vintage Burke, Germany supplied the converted Jacobin, Joseph Yon G&res...
...At a later date, abetted by a belligerent Gallicanism and the severity of Clement XI's proscription of the Jansenists, Anglicanism received an appreciative airing at the Sorbonne...
...Rome aml C, am~-~~: ~rm~lh Fore" Cemturles BERNARD & MARGARET PAWI.HY $eabury, $13J0 of Prod of ~Vmem" CKARLES ANGELL & cH,Jm~.s ~NTX]ZCS Seabury, $6.95 NOltlUS MIgRCllANT However "ultramontane" his reputation, Joseph de Maistre acknowledged the unique rote the Anglican Church, as a composition of Opposites, might play on the road to Christian reunion, though he quipped about its paradoxical status as "a rebel that preaches obedience...
...For instance James I, however derisively remembered for an awkward erudition or his partiality to mignons, must rank among the forerunners of conciliation ( " . . . we all worship the same blessed Trinity," he wrote Gregory XV), but the Gunpowder Plot foiled his hopes...
...iesfs ed when he could forget he was a into polite society, Trumbull unforr.~...~,~ n ~ n 4 w o m e~'~ reiigio ~s Trumbull...
...One misses in these pages PLATI~3NUM ITALIC SET lose his temper as he did on the day the affection E. P, Richardson has he found Thomas Jefferson entertain- spent on Allston and Peale or the ~onfaln5 afiounta[nF,Ctl fivr ing a rank deist...
...Order The North Anuwlcan Paul T'dlleh Society, Department of ReUglon, Florida State Univanity, Tahhasu., Ft...
...A somewhat rarefied ecumenism was one of the beneficiaries of these events...
...of date on his commission, he return- Cole, admitting that he "has done Theology of Secramen~ ed it the second he received it...
...261 or 20S fool of himself in London assisting Trumbull has found a judicious , . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . John Jay with the latter's treaty...
...His ventures were one mistake REALLY REW.ECT UP...
...I am there]ore more inclined to despair, than to hope for your Success in Congress though I wish it with all my heart...
...Fumell displays only the defects of his qualities...
...Indeed the correspondence of Dr...
...The forces of romanticism and religion were about to converge in a common reaction to Iacobinism and the first fruits of mass industrial civilization...
...Then, disgusted by the lateness talent of the then unrecognized Thomas 9 Tad W. Gux~e, S.J...
...His defense of the validity of Anglican Orders, in 1721, preceded by a 9 Aprd 1976:250 hundred and seventy-five years, and contradicted, the findings of Leo XIIFs famous Commission, undertaken when a hierarchical competition had unfortunately gotten under way in England...
...First among such changes are those which have been initiated by the Pope himself, and they are so many and so extensive as to entitle Paul VI to be thought of as the greatest reformer of the Roman Catholic Church since Hildebrand...
...His Saratoga, and Washington resigning his talent was evident, especially in the commission--4t was obvious that the portrayal of Bunker Hill he began in flame had faded...
...Or at least it seeks to understand, wherever there was once a curse...
...At least, he implies that the violent rhetoric and antagonisms expressed by Ezra Pound and Wyndlmm in B/ast were a wartime nomenon, whereto the first issue of Blast came out before the war, if only by a few weeks...
...t: $3.00 (includes ~pplngl uIJL I ' . I I 20th century Anffw.atmm often bore little resemblance to itself, a hundred years before...
...Regiment of Connecticut in 1775, he notified the younger generation...
...Joining the First beggars are not to be choosers," he 9 Alan J. Broadkead, M.D...
...The chapter where Mr...
...THE SUNFLOWER--a question o! forgiveness from evil...
...This book should be required reading for all Christians...
...Yet the Church o/Rome has shown remarkable signs o/ change since the Vatican Council --some directly as a consequence of it, some originating in other causes...
...There Burdened by an alcoholic wife T h o ~ g ~ t is a glow to his early canvasses, paint- whom he could not easily introduce ~r i~ y persons...
...Nostalgic medievalism, accompanied by Catholic conversions, was equally gaining ground among certain fashionable folk SIMON WIESENTHAL A NOVELLA WITH A SYMPOSIUM A young Jew is taken from a death-camp to the bedside of a dying Nazi soldier, in a cracked whisper the soldier confesses to having participated in the burning alive of an entire village of Jews...
...I would not trust late Theodore Sizer on Trumbull him~falic fli~, ~n~insfr~ctio~ such a man with the honor of a wife, self...
...Fine Arts, where he was not always 9 C, harlm E...
...But I must beg Pardon of my Country, when 1 say that I See no disposition to celebrate or remember, or even Curiosity to enquire into the Characters Actions or Events o] the Revolution...
...a sister or a daughter," he told Jefferr oo .. .At" art mnteriid ~?en s~y~, oCQc boo -to COT...
...They propose some positive answers that can provide bread and justice for all...
...But Archbishop Laud was to precede his monarch in an unenviable fate, and whether that too is to be regarded as potentially sanctifiable will doubtless depend on the comparative evaluation of...
...After all the "class war, ~ perhaps the most implacable and enduring i~stance of such oppositions was, as a concept, a product of Victorian England...
...these estimates his unsold paintings ~on, Connecticut, who rose to be known...
...Burke's eloquent ruminations, along with the activity of the guillotine, had significantly raised the compassionate appreciation of French Christianity...
...Regnery, $7.9...
...But biographer in Irma Jalfe...
...Nonetheless, the most colorful, and sometimes startling, attempts to amalgamate were epiphenomenal to that frequently flamboyaut reactionary revolution, the Oxford Movement...
...Another whose remarkable prematurity marked him as eccentric in his day was the Abb~ Pierre Franfois Le Courayer...
...and I therefore heartily wish you success...
...The authors, an agronomist and a theologian, have combined biblical wisdom with a sociological analysis of the causes and possible solutions to the problem...
...What would you have done...
...John's father, a trader, farmer where the follies of wealth and the Trumbull's estimates of his wealth...
...Specific guidelines are included for those groups and individuals who are ready to become involved...
...1: 2 son, putting au end to his friendship 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 with the master of Monticello...
...Rome and Canterbury: Through Four Centuries with episcopal orders acceptable to Rome and Constantinople...
...JOhN TrNutba]l: P|grtbbArb 1st of the American ~ol0anHim0 IRMA B. J AFFF, New York Graphic Society, $29.50 WAYN]g ANDES John Trumbull, who had the wit to record on his canvasses the Battle of Bunker Hill and so many other events of the American Revolution so soon after they occurred, was a painter with a problem...
...Can evil be torgiven...
...He was half an artist and half a TrumbulL He must have been aware now and then of his predicament and could not very well object to all the attention paid this topic by his most conscientious biographer, irma Jaffe of Fordham University...

Vol. 103 • April 1976 • No. 8

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