CORRESPONDENCE Post-Medicle Subjects Milwaukee, Wise. To the Editors: White making some excellent points, Patrick and Carol Altekruse Berger [Dec. 5] are bedeviled by the wrong question ... the...
...In other words, it seems he is equating the two...
...It seems to me that die dove-hawk dichotomy so useful in the military-peace area has scant application here...
...Medicine comes from the Latin mederi which means "to heal," Medicine is the healing science...
...Judge Muir was partly right...
...If we tell Israel what to do, we cannot then say that what happens to Israel is none, of our worry...
...the same question that tripped Judge Robert Muir, Jr...
...Here is a shetch of my reasons, in response to the prepotions...
...Further use of that equipment (unless in connection with another healing exercise such as organ transplantation) could only show a tendentially idolatrous absolutizing of vestigial physical life-signs and a ta-boo-ridden inability to distinguish be-tween healable and non-healable sub-jects...
...Re James R. Kelly's "The Limits of Reason," I might say that Professor Kelly would probably be surprised to know the extent to which I have wrestled with the same problem...
...This might work...
...Or is it her genes...
...We may some day soon face this choice: On the one hand, support Israel...
...I do not want to urge unreason, but I want to warn against the sort of horrible things reasonable men let happen in the past...
...To the Editors: In reply to the article on the Zionism Resolution (under Press, 19 December) let me say this: ln my head I feel I must agree with thomas Power, hat from my guts I am cheering for Russell Baker...
...VINCENT E. LEWELLIS Director of Vocations Correction In die January 16 issue's roll of 1975 members of the Commonweal Asso-ciates, Rev...
...An ecologist is a person who always replies to any welt-meant proposal with this question: 'And then what...
...To oppose them the gimmick is to build the idea that letting Israel die is not an expression of anti-Semitism but of another and reasonable and righteous stand, anti-Zionism...
...Two, we ought to'agree with him and work for a peaceful solution...
...from 1966 to 1970, there were 41 ordinations...
...In three we take a gnat leap from two sensible propositions to one that is, for me, unproven...
...Three, all the Arabs and allies that count want only a rea-sonable, peaceful solution...
...The Palestinians have been wronged...
...Chapter 22 of my Exploring New Ethics for Survival (Viking, 1972) is devoted to this distinction...
...A future ad-ministration, harried by recession at home and threats abroad, might find attacks on Jews useful, as they have so often been in history...
...alternatively, between true charity and amiability (see article on Charity in Encycl...
...This year we were able to accept 26 young men for die seminary, at first college or higher...
...While we try to be reasonable, we shou'd also be vigilant that we are not being sold anti-Semitism in a new pack-age...
...The problem is the United States...
...The Jews, the Banks, the Eastern Establishment" -good villains to denounce in a crisis...
...gim-mick is to present a "reasonable" posi-tion to which Americans can retreat...
...It is too bad that Kirk Sale did not do die kind of serious research for this book that he did for his fine study, SDS, But it all seems so convincing, with fact piled upon fact, that people will believe him because it sounds so exciting and plausible, and gives us good guys and bad guys...
...Her an-cestry...
...To be "Nordic," is to be chilly...
...I fear that anti-Semitism is not dead in the United States but only repressed...
...So I feel for Baker and Moynihan and others who raised an alarm...
...It is possible that the Arabs have not changed their policy but have only given up on their bloody rhetoric and have hired a sharp public relations firm, perhaps in New York...
...CLYDE J. SICKLER in Cmwbey CMHenffe Santa Cruz, Ca...
...Look at the Catskilts...
...What I am trying to say is that, as insignificant as it is, the phrase smacks of racism- I would tike to know if Mr...
...To the Editors: Re Donald P. Warwick's "Bullying Birth Control" [Sept...
...Does she stop being "Nordic," or chil-ly...
...12] I have a few comments: a. I am amused at being called "an inveterate hawk...
...I'm delighted thai Commonweal is taking up these important issues...
...We can be good and make money...
...There is still one problem-cries of shame from Americans who are sensi-tive to anti-Semitism...
...In 1961, when die diocese was form-ed from territory of die Archdiocese of Philadelphia, two-thirds of our ac-tive clergy were over 50 years of age...
...Wester-beck means the two adjectives to be redundant, or to be one adjective...
...O. WILLIAM DOMHOFF Santa Barbara, Calif...
...I dunk they will reoccur again and again in die months to come...
...In die first five years, from 1961 to 1965, there were 31 ordinations to die diocesan priesthood...
...If one implies the other, isn't it also necessary that to stop be* ing chilly she change her features...
...of Religion and Ethics... Mr...
...But then, why does he say, "at first...
...the Editors: In reading Colin West-erbeck's screen column [Dec...
...Allentown is a diocese of approx-imately 260,000 Catholics-total popu-lation of one million-established in 1961...
...In college from 1936 to 1940 I heard most from reasonable, peace-devoted scholars and students who told us to take a long view of Europe's boundary squabbles and internal re-adjustments-and once in a while, be-hind his hand, someone would say about Jews: "Well, you know, there are an awful lot of them...
...At that point, all medi-cal (healing) equipment can obviously be discontinued...
...and from 1971 to 1975, there have been 58...
...5], I stop-ped on the phrase, "Nordic and chilly...
...Truth will not out in this case-victory will -go to the-jazziest, best-promoted work...
...They can do this if they are ready to lose a lot of hardware and a lot of mea and women and if the U.S...
...Her name...
...On the other hand, we can side with 72 nations against injustice...
...Turn-ing off the respirator is "a medical de-cision" in the sense that physicians can determine in a case like this when a patient is beyond the reach of the...
...If we force Israel to take a reasonable step, towards settlement, we must expect a step by the other side-not talk...
...We tried to tell them, now we wash pur hands...
...I would also like to know why Commonweal, which, as an entity, seems to be against racism (at least against anti-black, anti-Hispanic, and anti-Semitic racism), tolerates racism within its own pages...
...What is going on in that New Jersey hospital in her case is not medicine...
...To the Editors: Kirkpatrick Sale's "The Cowboy Challenge" is well writto and the hypothesis is interesting... the Quinlan case...
...If we let it happen again, we may have peace in our time with oil but we will have lost our souls...
...The 'Arabs have the men and women, and a lot of American and Soviet hard-ware and the money to buy more...
...The real issue is presentorientation vs future-orientation...
...This means supporting some policies we and other nations do not like...
...In no true sense can she be healed...
...The real question is not whether Karen Quin-tan's life is "a life worth living...
...Or both...
...If he has, and if they all seemed chilly to him, then shouldn't he perhaps examine himself for the source of the fault...
...DANIEL C. MAGUIRE Theology Department, Marquette University Zioninn Port Washington, N.Y...
...Powers states a reasonable ted decent potition...
...Robert Boesch of Menomo-nee Falls, Wisconsin, should have been listed as Rev...
...To the Editors: In your January 2 issue [News & Views] you presented facts and figures about declining vocations... is, rather: what is die meaning of medi-cine in what remains of the life of Karen Quinlan...
...and threatening the fu-ture of detente (a great code word...
...GARRETT HAIUHN Professor of Human Ecology University of California, Santa Barbara Vecetions Upsuing Alkntown, Pa...
...Westerbeck ever met more than one "Nordic" woman...
...There is no such thing as a tittle anti-Semitism..., two-thirds are under 50...
...Here are some figures that may inter-est you...
...healing science...
...LORINO W. BATTEN, HI Equetions Kingston, N.Y...
...It is still possible that the Arabs still intend to destroy Israel...
...will withhold support from Israel...
...Where healing is impossible, we no longer have a medical situation...
...b. The author does not understand the distinction between birth control and population control, and so fails to illuminate: die problem...
...Roger Boesch...
...risking war and higher taxes and oil shortages...
...The question is not whether Karen's Sfe is worth living but whether medi-cine is worth practicing on post-per-sonal and post-medical subjects...
...I can see a populist, pacifist govern-ment turning on the old scapegoats...
...we can decide for peace, plenty of oil, and profits from selling grain and cola and computers to the Soviet Union...
...In fact, all the serious evidence on policy group interlocks, corporate in-terlocks, club overlaps, school back-ground, and life style point in quite the other direction...
...Now, the adjective "Nordic" may tell me a little about the woman's features, and "chilly" tells me a little about her personality, but I think Mr...
...c. The author does a splendid job of showing die demographic weaknesses of the Planned Parenthood program...
...there is rto evidence in the book that the "cowboy" rich differ in any way of policy from die 'Yankee" rich...
...If I were to summarize my position in a few words, it would be in die fol-lowing: "I am an ecologist...
...Karen Quintan's life is irretrievably post-personal...
...We have 80 seminarians: 42 in college and 38 in theology...
Vol. 103 • February 1976 • No. 4