CORRESPONDENCE Catholic Issues Grand Rapids, Mich. To the Editors: One of the most important statements in your editorial "The Catholic Issues" [Aug. 27] is, I think, "Abortion is a moral issue...
...27] is, I think, "Abortion is a moral issue and church leaders should address it...
...To the Editors-' This is not to comment adversely on Abigail McCarthy's article [Sept...
...Evidently we have learned little or nothing since the Volstead Act and the 18th Amendment which aimed to curb the use of alcohol through state legislation...
...The editorial as a whole was a masterpiece in presenting "authentically Catholic issues," such as those you cite most forcefully...
...I have consistently maintained that abortion is a moral issue and not a governmental legislative one...
...First, I would like to ask Commonweal to interview Breslin to find out exactly what Georgia did to Al Smith...
...We already have in the "Decalogue" sufficient legislation...
...Did they, perhaps, hang him in effigy at the Statehouse...
...Extending this, John Kennedy got 62 percent of the vote in Georgia and 60 percent in his home state, Massachusetts...
...Carrying Georgia Skokie, 111...
...Both were "throwing Catholics a bone," and bishops and the clergy should, it seems, be the first to recognize this...
...These Irish "wits" reminiscent of the long vanished vaudeville stage where they did have an appreciative audience as humorists showing both sides but never presuming to be pundits, much less accusers and apologists, have lost all relation to their antecedents who were, indeed, witty because they were realistic, able to take the bitter with the better...
...Along with Breslin we have Greeley, who tag-lines one of his columns re: Carter with a quote from a "shrewd New York Catholic," "We wonder when he (Carter) is going to wear the sheets...
...If so, this long-time political reader missed the report...
...That indignity aside, perhaps Breslin should be told that Georgia gave Al Smith 56 per cent of the votes in Georgia and carried several other Southern states up to 70 percent...
...but lost his home state, New York, by 750,000 votes...
...You correctly assert that ". . . President Ford does not favor a constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion" any more than Carter, but that "Ford and Carter might (both) do well to associate themselves with or consult Catholic leaders and intellectuals...
...Commonweal welcomes letters on subjects treated in its pages...
...Letters of not more than 250 or 300 words naturally have a better chance of-being published...
...sister) aquin gallagher,o.p...
...I hope you will continue to stress this point...
...These "pop-journalists" deserve from Commonweal, a responsible Catholic publication, to be dismantled of their presumptious position of speaking, and thus being quoted, as representatives of Catholics...
...thus, as my friends remind me I was personally responsible for the Depression...
...Ford's pre-liturgy address at the Eu-charistic Congress reminds me of Nixon's speaking to the 1972 meeting of the NCEA on non-public education...
...This life-long Catholic did not vote for Al Smith because I could not see Tammany Hall in the White House...
...Prohibition, too, was a moral issue, and the endeavor to make it a matter of federal legislation has been followed by greater abuse of alcohol than before...
...24] but since she quotes Jimmy Breslin's "cutesy" remark: re: he couldn't trust anyone south of New (Continued on page 701) CORRESPONDENCE (Continued from page 675) Jersey because of what they did to Al Smith 56 per cent of the Georgia vote and that he carried several other needs to be said...
Vol. 103 • October 1976 • No. 22