Steinfels, Peter
"Tk~ stsn~ the asase betweene God ~ us. Wee are entered into Covenmt w~ h~ for thi~ wort,. 9 9 9 H wee :ktl! ~ ~ the ob~rvac~ o! ~ ,O~ks which ,~r the ~a~Is wee h~v~ pro/~nd,.d, . .. d~ will...
...Not all of W'm...
...monthly in advance for more than three times...
...Of course, extendworthy u~t,antt, and muse thelre urban ethos of the Kennedies...
...hey hesitated, they compromised, they looked toward the past for justification...
...innovative about his choice of ad...
...Current llst of markets, 20 pages offset, $2.S0... will face nearly insol~l~lr problems...
...10017... the upwardly mobile and foreign policy...
...26] would he a handicap to most candidates in the Catholic community...
...Carter's very respect clamic statement of the mhsion of the year election...
...Americans are now an educated elitist electorate, according to Louis Harris, the pollster, certainly capable of making their own judgments...
...Cort admires so much [Mar...
...The economies of both nations were left in ruins by this attempt...
...the i ; ~ed people and mak~ us knowe commitment to justice, open govem~ the ~ o/ the breache of such a tion of our mission, Winthrop's words ment, and the healing of divisiom...
...However, the nature of that enemy may be learned by reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn's somber writings...
...and in ed contact with the conventional exto br twit into ~ # upon the Willy Lomanhm of Nixon...
...the ob~rvac~ o! ~ ,O~ks which ,~r the ~a~Is wee h~v~ pro/~nd,.d, . .. d~ will surely brmke out in wrathe us, be revenged o/ such a CARTER AND A a'oadTAN IP IgT Ig ll S'g B I N Ig E L8 to another, "My first goal is refi~ LiSeny, but my long-range objective b to Bo into real estate...
...For ins, indeed under threat of his wrath, most important ones...
...It should he remembered that it took Spain almost twenty years to recover from the depredations of Stalinist foreigners and traitors Whoalmos t conquered that gallant, Catholic nation...
...Commonweal: 4"/9...
...4c, seven times...
...Both nations have suffered, and beaten back, a ruthless Marxist power grab...
...counterparts today...
...Once the body politic has been infexted ~by the Marxist cancer, it must be ruthlessly extirpated if the patient is to survive.9 This is the real crime that the Chilean junta is guilty of in the eyes of the left...
...The Horn Book, Inc., Dept...
...Small or otherwise...
...almost always they were prudent...
...To be true to peting strands in American public life, A(lcuh, to doe Justly, to love mercy, our task and to retain God's bkzs- but be does represent several of the to walkr humbly with our God...
...To date, his The words, of com~ are John suspect, that has led so many people relative newaegs to WashingtOn seems, W'mthrop's, l~.ached in mid-Atlantic I know, ~thusiutic or skeptical paradoxically, to have put a shine on to the Puritan settlen of the Massa- about Jimmy Carter's polici~, to en- the tarnished credibility of the liberal chmetts Bay Colony...
...not all success in attracting voters, him close to the tried and true...
...Check to: NRL Convention '76, Box 76, Back Bay Annex, Boston, Mass...
...They could imagine, and they could risk, a "new age...
...To theEditors: I'll bet it would be h~rd to find any Catholic college graduate of the thirties or forties or even the fifties \.who had not met Dorothy Day and admired the Catholic Worker movement...
...Beside everything else he has been an unrelenting and ambitious campaigner...
...One has the sense that in the realms of economic structures and cultural meaning, American society is approaching turning points...
...9 PETER J. MURPHY i Antt-Sec4a/in Hicksville, N.Y...
...I would even say the time is ripe for a "new birth of freedom" for workers to share in the decisionmaking and profits... Hynes Audltorium & Sheraton Boston Hotel, June 24, 2S, 26, 27...
...It b a Inn- brogan...
...Yet the blessing of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee Mr...
...At best American socialism seems myopic, at worst, schizophrenic...
...The religious strand be has brought once more to the forefront of public life strikes me as quite genuine--the sense of miss/on, personal and naUonal...
...but when the time came to take the decisive step, they went...
...or full ptan $44...
...Classified payable with order...
...Sic, thirteen times, Twelve words minimum...
...Not pens may loosen thh hold, the way as t/// wee be consumed out o/ the a few Americans are longing to hear that his contact with presidential cantonal kind w/t/ther wee are ~ing...
...This is the source, no for the complexity of issues combines American nation...
...Write: Adult Vocations, Box 64H, Commonweal...
...Yet Nixon won in a landslide...
...sklpwmckG and to provide /or our principles and assert our goodness, Carter does not rewesent all the compottoqty i: to followe the CounseL/o/ as some seem to do...
...Bono's reference to a similarity between General Pinochet and Franco is interesting...
...MARY H. morass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Steintels (Cent...
...dmwe his ~nt kelp from us, wee in the secular progrenivhtm of the visors in crucial areas like economics ~ante the/ace o! many o/~ New Deal...
...of Ebenhower and of Ford...
...Often they were gradualists...
...I will write more about that in a future column...
...Nor is a paid-up seat in a public school with only one belief and value system.* Our experience with socialism doesn't equate with freedom (health care in the Armed Forces and what *we read about the English health care...
...57c, three times...
...Wallace, Carter, Reagan seem to have far more appeal than candidates with more liberal economic and labor stands...
...Yet in a w.amn fundamental tenaiom: aboard the were more comervative than tbeb when Ig) many sre rolling a recollec...
...Carter, too, exemplifies such tensions...
...but there has been with our rod in this worke wee have "normalcy" of the inter-wtr gepub- nothing unpredictable or particularly tmdotaken and toe txatx him to with...
...the Cownam...
...What to read...
...He is politically astute enough to realize that, in the midst of...
...Indeed, there is a close parallel between Chile and Spain...
...Classified RATES: 60c a word, one time...
...In conclusion, the blue-eyed General Pinochet may seem to be harsh on the Marxist enemy...
...They are a joy the prospect of his Bicentennial establishment...
...LYF-AX, Box 1872, Milwaukee, Wis...
...COMMONWEAL, 232 Madison Ave...
...I'nat ochers Cond~ our owne, reioyce sibility thus incurred, were held to- is...
...Voeatlons ADULT VOCATIONS: Special program for men over twenty-one...
...doubt, of much of the Georlpan's with his native conservatism to keep throp't theololly can be (mrs...
...In education, freedom of choice is so important to Catholic parents, many work at dull, boring, even frustrating jobs to provide a school that reflects the/r own belief and value system...
...This is the hope, 1 worthy a choice him.~lf...
...Yet they retained the capacity' to follow out an historical lesson, a conviction, or a principle till it led them into uncharted territory...
...For box numbers add 50c per insertion...
...Youth Hostel SMALL, TAX EXEMPT Youth Hostel run by laymen needs donations...
...New York...
...Tickets Plan E $40 for Sat...
...I suggest it is because the "capitalistic nonsense" is laced with appeals to freedom from big government, freedom from Communism and the loss of freedom it means, and last but not least, freedom of choice in education...
...Children PARENTS: Don't let your children become TV addlctsl Read to them...
...of hit ~rictm~ for a small, hong~ The Winthrop vhion is not the In this respect, too, Carter seems getmes community, at one and the only one in American history...
...he acts mainly within the cow igq~her, mowne together,/abour and gerber by the recognition of a tramt...
...that language, or something akin to didates convim:ed him he was as it, restored to us...
...troubles, what American s/s above all is action--any action being better than none, any evidencc,~of a decisive policy being better drift, uncertainty, and waiting events og~ ~ The next presidency will almost certainly be marked, :with crises...
...He is temperamentally a doer, an intervener...
...If the next presidency is a Carter presidency, the spirit in which the United States inaugurates its third century, the extent to which it keeps faith with John Winthrop's vision, will depend in large measure on these different strands in the President's make-up, and in our national character, and how they interact and clash...
...Poetry Markets PUBLISH YOUR POEMS...
...Being a liberal, he tends a Hill the el~ ot all ~ople are uppon guage which has been submerged, at toward the liberal end of the availu: toe that I! wee shah dat/e/abe/), least since Wilson, in the Main Street able opinion...
...Carter is not t~ r wee ~ I~ Jbtltt together we must accept a heavy responsibility" only the lay preacher, he is also the in thLr wofkr as one man, wee must to act.jmtly, mercifully, and humbly, Navy officer and engineer, the proemerta~ each other in brothedy to foster community, to utcrifice our tege of Admiral Rickover...
...He is a A~~r wee must be willing to superfluities for the wantt of others, "modernizer," devoted to efficiency abridge our ,civet o/our supt~luittcJ, to rejoice, mourn, labor and tufter as well as equity, a "problem-solver" /or tht ~pty o! ocher: nece~ies, together, like McNamara and the other apmwee mmf tWhoM a /am///ar Corn- In Winthrop's language the idea of ties of calculating rationality who merct together in all meeknes, gen- government by consent and the belief once brought their university-honed tlengt, patience, and ll~rallity, wee in community, the sense of great skills to Camelot...
...INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HOSPICE, Box 40S0 Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y...
...I don't think it could elect adog catcher, and I'm sorry to have to say that...
...mast delight in each other, nmke bleuting and the awareneta of retpon- Carter is also "mponsible...
...Finally Carter represents another of our native traits, our activism...
...ttn~ time tecular and spiritual, can N. Bellah cities a New Yorker cartoon In many wiyl leaden like Winthrop be applkd to a broed and populous which aptly sums up one of our or many of the Founding Fathers attd diverte natiott...
...This is su~er loathe . . . . for wee must Con- cendent reality standing behind, and Carter the conventionally succezful ~do that wee Jdmll be at a Cltty upon over, the new colony...
...Robert to represent the society as a whole...
...Since Chile halted the attempt promptlY, she should recover faster than her Spanish brothers...
...May/lower one Pilgrim is explaining (ContMaed om page 479) 16 J~ ttrl& 4.r eral Pinochet by the Marxists and their 9le ftist alfies...
...Then there was Father Keller and the Christophers and we studied, not just read the encyclicals...
...X, SI~ Soylston St., Boston, Mass...
...We celebrate that capacity this summer, but have we lost it ourselves...
...The Cambodian deaths are a current reminder, should one he needed, that Mat'xism and its adherents have not changed one iota since Stalin's era...
...Free brochure...
...nsm of ettablbhed expem...
...First, read reviews of children's books in THE HORN BOOK MAGAZINE...
...can at least remind us of this" it is common for the downtrodden...
...Capitalism is at least consistent, for a job with no share in decision-making or profits is not different from a paid-up bed in a hospital with no choice of doctors or treatment...
...certainly they were learned and sensitive to complexity...
...Now the onely way to avoyde this not enough simply to proclaim our But this does not go uncontested...
Vol. 103 • July 1976 • No. 15