Index to Volume CI October 4, 1974 to March 14, 1975 Articles and Poetry Aman, Kenneth................Organizing Alma Mater 358 Baum, Gregory......Faith After Auschwitz—and Belfast...

...By Haye Van Der Meer, S.J.......................Richard P. McBrien 43 Wound Within, The: America in the Vietnam Years, 1945-1974: By Alexander Kendrick ..........Quincy Howe 331 Index of Principal Subjects in Articles, Editorials and Letters Africa, Portuguese, 378 Amnesty, 3, 26 Angola, 378 Anti-Communism, 211 Appeal for Theological Affirmation, 379 Arab-Israeli war, 395, 421 Arafat, Yasser, 251 Arms race, 31, 263 Arroyo, Fr...
...191 Walker, Ronald ....................An Island at Sea 286 Weathers, Winston . .Poem for the Resurrection: A Poem 86 Werner, Jayne ............Catholics in South Vietnam 105 Wicker, Brian ................Parent Power in Schools 4 Wilson's Second Chance 180 Britain on the Brink 285 Witt, Harold ......Through A Glass, Brightly: A Poem 112 Young, Clemewell..............Fourth of July at the Shore: A Poem 112 Young, James...
...Michael Novak 168 Journey to Opolu: Robert Louis Stevenson, Victorian Rebel: By Edward Rice ................Mark Taylor 22 Labor Lobbyist: The Autobiography of John W. Edelman: By Joseph Carter ....................John C. Cort 113 Last Enemy, The: By Richard W. Doss...
...362 Tube As Mediator...
...190 Lenny...
...Quincy Howe 331 Letters of Hart Crane and his Family, The: Thomas S. W. Lewis, ed.............................Saul Maloff 398 Ljfe Is Elsewhere: By Milan Kundera ..Ronald De Feo 307 Literary Correspondence of Donald Davidson and Allen Tate, The: John Tyree Fain & Thomas Daniel Young, eds...................................Saul Maloff 398 Long Dark Night of the Soul, The: The American Intellectual Left and the Vietnam War: By Sandy Vogelgesang ........................Quincy Howe 331 Lord Rochester's Monkey: By Graham Greene...
...Divorce & Remarriage: II— Misimpressions About Marriage 186 Book Reviews A Home for the Heart: By Bruno Bettelheim...
...254 Herman, Edward S.....The Income 'Counter-Revolution' 290 On 'Helping' South Vietnam 392 Higgins, George G. .. Selections for Religious Book Week 428 Higgins, John P.................Luther and the Synod 326 Hottelet, Richard C.................Crisis at the U.N...
...Quincy Howe 331 Phenomenon of Man, The: By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Richard John Neuhaus 171 Politics of Nonviolent Action: By Gene Sharp...
...Michael Zeik 401 Methodist Revolution, The: By Bernard Semmel...
...Daniel Stern 91 Diary of Samuel Sewall, 1674-1729, The: M. Halsey Thomas, ed...............Margaret O'Brien Steinfels 336 End of Intelligent Writing, The: By Richard Kostelanetz Robert Leiter 403 Enormous Changes at the Last Minute: By Grace Paley Robert Phillips 116 Filled with New Wine: The Charismatic Renewal of the Church: By James W. Jones . .Michael F. McCauley 218 Freud-Jung Letters, The: William McGuire, ed...
...Augustine, The . ..George W. Shea 164 Death by Choice: By Daniel C. Maguire...
...Gonzalo, S.J., 314 Atlantic City, 108, 282 Attica, 98 Auden, W. H., 38 Auschwitz, faith after, 153 Belfast, 153, 228 Belief, 134 Berger, Peter, 379 Berrigan, Daniel, 61 Bicentennial, 27, 362 Bolivia, 28 Boston, busing in, 76, 199, 226, 283, 355 Boston cemetery strike, 297 Boys Town, 410 Brazil, 28 Britain, and crisis, 285 Brittanica, Encyclopedia, 81 British plays, in U.S., 302 Bruce, Lenny, 213 Budget, the, 411, 414 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 226 Busing, in Boston, 76, 199, 226, 283, 355 Butz, Earl, 78, 266 Byrne, Archbishop Leo C, 250 Campaign dollars, 322 Campaign for Human Development, 411 Campus politics, 352 Canada, 350 Catholic Church, and abortion, 27, 30, 47, 48, 50, 61, 74, 179, 198, 343, 384 and divorce, 185, 186 and faith, 127, 131, 134, 137, 142, 150, 153, 160 and homosexuality, 25, 56, 203 and Israel, 347 and Jews, 94, 347, 364 and laity, 101, 413 and Luther, 326 and models, 131 and parishes, 202 and the Pope, 283 and Supreme Court, 384 and women, 415 and women's colleges, 289 and women priests, 99, 206, 383 in East Germany, 34 in Ireland, 228 in South Vietnam, 105 Catholic novel, the, 78, 347 Cemetery Strike, 297 Charismatics, 375 Chile, 51, 315 China, 207 Choice, and education, 11 Christianity & Crisis, 250 "Christians for Socialism," 314 Christmas, in poetry, 260 CIA, the, 51, 315, 318, 380 Classic comics, 410 Cockshut, A.O.J., 315 College presidents, 15 College unions, 58 Colombia concordat, 346 Columbia Journalism Review, 410 Commonweal's 50th Anniversary, 125 Communal Catholics, 321 Conclave, the next, 250 Congress, reform of, 8, 284 Crane, Hart, 398 Crowley, Pat, 310 Cuban missile crisis, 299 Cultural Revolution, Chinese, 207 Culture, and belief, 160 Cushing, Cardinal 226 Cyprus, 95 Daley, Mayor Richard J., 346 Delaney, John, 98 Democratic party, 27, 179, 235, 284, 383 Distribution of wealth, 290 Dirty tricks on campus, 352 Divinity School, St...
...Patrick Hart, ed...
...Dennis O'Brien 18 Out of the Vietnam Vortex: A Study of Poets and Poetry Against the War: By James F. Mersmann...
...Lpuis, 317 Divorce and remarriage, 185, 186 Doubleday, 98 Dozier, Bishop Carroll T., 415 Dred Scott, 384 East Germany, 34 Eckstein, Mrs...
...George Devine 464 Religion and Revolution: By Guenter Lewey...
...84 Uptown Saturday Night...
...Benedict's parish, 202 St...
...Carlo A. Weber 369 A Theology of the Old Testament: By John L. McKenzie Roland E. Murphy 273 An Attic of Ideals: By Karen Swenson...
...Quincy Howe 331 Western Attitudes Toward Death: By Philippe Aries...
...William J. Byron 170 Summa Theologiae: By St...
...30 A Farewell 184 The Fact of Interdependence 230 Profession and Commitment 289 The Long and Subtle Servitude 415 McCarthy, Eugene J.......Campaign Dollars and Sense 322 McCauley, Michael F. Selections for Religious Book Week 430 McLaughlin, Martin M...........Food for the World 266 Maguire, Daniel C. Death and Resurrection of Moral Theology 142 Maloff, Saul ......Dear Allen, Dear Donald, Dear Hart 398 Mattern, Douglas..............The Economics of Death 31 The War Syndicate 263 Merchant, Norris . .Selections for Religious Book Week 431 Mohr, Anthony ..............Dirty Tricks on Campus 352 Murphy, Sr...
...68 National Labor Relations Board, The: By Frank W. McColloch & Tim Bornstein ............John C. Cort 463 New Economics One Decade Older, The: By James Tobin Richard DuBoff & Edward S. Herman 271 Northern Ireland: Captive of History: By Gary MacEoin Sean Cronin 67 Our Invaded Universities: By Ronnie Dugger...
...269 Scenes from a Marriage: II .......300 The Taking of Pelham One Two Three...
...Joe, 27, 30, 47, 48, 50, 56, 61, 179, 198, 343 Parish council, 413 Pentagon, 31, 263 Pentecostals, 375 Percy, Walker, 78 Poetry, at Christmas, 260 Poor, the, 2 Pope, election of, 250 Pope, the, 283 Pornography, 410 Portuguese Africa, 378 Poverty, 290, 411 Press, the, 52, 318 Progress, idea of, 57 Puerto Rico, 286 Racism, 11, 76, 199, 226, 283, 355 Rahner, Karl, 111 Recession, 252, 348, 349 Religion and the courts, 384 Religion and progress, 57 Religious novel, 78, 347 Republican party, 27, 179, 235 Rhodesia, 202 Rice, Msgr...
...Irving Malin 272 Speech and Manners of American Women, The: By Henry James ........................Jean Bethke Elshtain 340 Spiritual Exercises: By St...
...V, The: By Anais Nin...
...J. M. Cameron 335 Reverent Discipline, The: Essays in Literary Criticism and Culture: By George A. Panichas... Tokyo Story...
...Thomas Aquinas...
...213 Inside the Oval Office...
...Leonard, 50 Food crisis, 2, 75, 230, 266, 282, 407 Football, for feminists, 104, 179 Ford, President and amnesty, 3 and food, 75 and inflation, 227, 253 and recession, 348 and skiing, 378 Fordham University, 50 Foundations, philanthropic, 50 Franco, 256 Franklin, Ben, 362 Gambling, 108, 282 Georgetown University, 410 Germany, East, 34 Goodpaster, General Andrew, 2 Good Shepherd parish, 413 Greece, 257 Greene, Graham, 78, 465 Haig, General Alexander, 2 Hartford statement, 379 Historical orthodoxy, 259 Holmes, Sherlock, 85 Holy Year, 283 Homosexuality, 26, 56, 203 House of Representatives, 8 Hunger, 75, 230, 266, 282, 407 Hutchins, Robert M., 81 Image books, 98 Income distribution, 290 Indochina, 104, 314, 331, 392, 395 Inflation, 227 Integration, 11 Intervention Game-Plans, 447 Ireland, 228 Irish, the, 378 Israel, 251, 347, 446 Jesus, belief in, 137 Jews and Catholics, 347, 364 Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 74 Kempton, Murray, 378 Kennedy, Senator Edward, 27 Kissinger, Henry, 51, 227, 411, 444, 447 Knievel, Evel, 178 Last Western The, 71 Latin America, 51 Latin Mass, 51 Lavanoux, Maurice, 178 Law, and abortion, 384 Linguistic sexism, 74, 199 Literary papers, 38 Liturgy, 51, 464 Luther, 326 McGovern, George, 383 McHale, Tom, 459 McNaught, Brian, 26, 56 Marshall, Judge Thurgood, 11 Media, the, 52, 318 Michigan Catholic, the, 26 Mid East, 411, 447, 452 Military spending, 31 Mills, Wilbur, 213 Ministry, 150, 254 "Missiles of October, The," 299 Moral theology, 142 Morreale, baptism, 27, 30, 47, 48, 50, 343 Murphy, Fr...
...of Laity, 101, 275 National Council of Catholic Laity, 26 National Labor Relations Board, 463 Neuhaus, Pastor Richard J., 379 New Jersey campus strike, 358 Nixon, Richard, 26, 75, 316 Nuclear weapons, 31, 263 Nuns, the new, 99, 223 Oil, 181, 348 O'Rourke, Fr...
...Edward J., 282 National Assn...
...452 Hahn, Claire ........Culture and the Future of Belief 160 Hazel ton, Paul...
...110 Lacombe Lucien...
...Lisa H. Newton 304 Denial of Death, The: By Ernest Becker . .Victor Ferkiss 216 Diary of Anais Nin, Vol...
...Jordan Bishop 115 Idea of a Modern University, The: Sidney Hook, Paul Kurtz, Miro Todorovich, eds.........Dennis O'Brien 18 Imitation of Christ, The: By Thomas a Kempis...
...330 The Screen, by Colin L. Westerbeck, Jr...
...329 Juggernaut...
...Vernon J. Bourke 166 Them and Us: By James J. Matles & James Higgins .. John C. Cort 113 Titius and Bertha Ride Again: Contemporary Moral Cases: By John F. Dedek .................Dennis O'Brien 333 Tongues of Fallen Angels: By Selden Rodman...
...Index to Volume CI October 4, 1974 to March 14, 1975 Articles and Poetry Aman, Kenneth................Organizing Alma Mater 358 Baum, Gregory......Faith After Auschwitz—and Belfast 153 Berrigan, Daniel ......An Open Letter to Joe O'Rourke 61 Bishop, Jordan ................The Subsidized Society 350 Bono, Agostino ....................Eyeing the Pacific 28 Carlan, Margaret M. Shaping the End of a Divinity School...
...Franz, 226 Seminary training, 227, 250 Senate, the, 8, 181 Shriver, Sargent, 383 Sisters, 15, 99, 289, 443 Social action, 146 Spadini, Lillo 178 Spain, 256 Supreme Court, 11, 384 Synagogue and church, 347, 364 Synod, bishops', 74, 204, 326 Tate, Allen, 398 Technological civilization, 251 Television as mediator, 421 Television, British, 457 Textbooks, in W. Va., 231, 379 Theater, British, 302 Theology, and belief, 134 Thieu, General, 105 Twin Circle, 410 United Nations, 251, 416 Urban ministry, 254 Vatican, and modern art, 75, 95 Vietnam, 105, 314, 331, 392 Volpe, John A., 226 Ward, Maisie, 380 Watergate, 8, 26, 27, 52, 179, 211, 352, 380 Wealth, distribution of, 411 Welch, Bishop Thomas, 413 West Roxbury, Mass., 51 Wilson, Prime Minister, 180 Women priests, 99, 206, 227, 283, 375 Women's liberation, 15, 74, 99, 104, 202, 206, 310, 415 Women's colleges, 15, 289 World Council of Churches, 5 World hunger, 2, 75, 230, 266, 282, 407 The Stage, by Gerald Weales The Island...
...John, 26 Education, in England, 4 Election reforms, 322 Elections, 179, 235 in Britain, 180 in Greece, 257 Encyclopedia Brittanica, 8 Energy crisis, 181, 348 Episcopal Church, 283, 406 Faith, 127, 131, 134, 137, 142, 146, 150, 153, 160 Farewell, A, 184 Farrell, James T., 439 Feeney, Fr...
...Ignatius Loyola...
...235 The Winter of Our Discontent 252 Ultimate Test for Reformers 284 Watching the Watchdogs 318 Twas in January in '75 349 How Not to Ask Questions 380 Somewhere in This Promised Land 419 The Death of a Salesman 444 Sloyan, Gerard S.......Critics' Choices for Christmas 244 Swidler, Arlene ...Selections for Religious Book Week 433 Taylor, Mark ..............Quick Watson, the Needle 85 McHale's Retreat 459 TeSelle, Sallie McFague Selections for Religious Book Week 434 Ten Kortenaar, Henry ............The Synod Says No 204 Toolan, David S.........The Difficulty of Making Fire 127 Trinkaus, Walter R.............The Abortion Decision: Two Years Later: Dred Scott Revisited 384 True, Michael ..................Last Resort in Boston 76 Divorce & Remarriage: I— A Meeting of Divorced Catholics 185 Critics' Choices for Christmas 245 Vazakas, Byron: The Inadmissible Eye: A Poem...
...Mark Taylor 374 San Francisco 1846-1856: From Hamlet to City: By Roger W. Lotchin .......................Wayne Andrews 70 Selected Writings of William Goyen...
...Lisa H. Newton 304 Women Priests in the Catholic Church...
...Charles Owen, 2 Rockefeller, Nelson, 3, 98, 102, 203 Rome food conference, 266 St...
...A Woman Under the Influence...
...214 Le Fantome de la Liberte...
...330 Sizwe Banzi...
...206 Historical Orthodoxy 259 The Communal Catholic 321 Campaigning with Shriver 383 The Moral Meaning of Israel 446 Patrick, S. Anne E. . .Selections for Religious Book Week 432 Pawlikowski, John T...........Catholics Look at Jews 364 Powers, Thomas ........Critics' Choices for Christmas 240 Reiter, Thomas ..................Ice Storm: A Poem 325 Roberts, Cokie ..............Democracy Comes Home 257 Scheele, Roy ..........The Gap in the Cedar: A Poem 55 Schroth, Raymond A......The Subversive Encyclopedia 81 Scott, Nathan, Jr........Critics' Choices for Christmas 241 Sisyphus ..............Post-Watergate Reconstruction-II 8 Post-Watergate Reconstruction-Media 52 Hi' Ya, Fella, Yourself 102 Oil for the Senate's Lamps 181 Many Happy Returns...
...66 Young Frankenstein...
...416 Imbelli, Robert......Selections for Religious Book Week 429 Jabusch, Willard F.........Catholics in East Germany 34 Kahn, Hannah ............Skater's Waltz: A Poem 359 Klare, Michael T. .. Intervention Game-Plans for the '70s 447 Knoble, John ..............Facing the Right Questions 5 Kohak, Erazim............Progress and the Good Lord 57 Kostmayer, John ....................Pascal: A Poem 363 Lauder, Robert E. The Catholic Novel and the 'Insider God' 78 Lindeman, Jack ................Map Reading: A Poem 215 McBrien, Richard P.........Faith, Theology and Belief 134 McCarthy, Abigail ......No Cheers for Father Keane...
...422 Press, by Thomas Powers Cty War...
...Louis U. Divinity School, 317, 410, 411 Saudi Arabia, 410 Schupp, Fr...
...Ellen Flourishes for a Friend Absent in Time: A Poem 320 Mysko, Madeleine ....................Argos: A Poem 258 Novak, Michael .. Brother McNaught, Brother O'Rourke 56 Football for Feminists 104 Should Women Be Priests...
...37 Claudine...
...Robert Phillips 116 Sex and the Confessional: By Norberto Valentini & Clara De Meglio ........................Dennis O'Brien 333 Shade Seller, The: By Josephine Jacobsen . Claire Hahn 217 Something Happened: By Joseph Heller...
...317 Castelli, Jim ..Burying the National Association of Laity 101 Lessons at Good Shepherd 413 Clifford, Nicholas R...........The Cultural Revolution 207 Cohen, Arthur A.....Selections for Religious Book Week 427 Cooke, Bernard......Ministering in Tomorrow's Church 150 Cooney, John ....Irish Secretarianism and Reconciliation 228 Cort, John C.................The Cardinal Cried Red 297 Black and White in Boston 355 Cronin, Thomas E.......Critics' Choices for Christmas 236 Culley, Margaret Mulvehill ....Sisterhood Was Powerful 15 Decker, Raymond G. . The Abortion Decision: Two Years Later: More Christian Than Its Critics 384 Deedy, John ..............Managing Literary History 38 Donnelly, Dorothy ..........Suns and Straws: A Poem 298 Druska, John ....................Christmas in Poetry 260 Engle, John D., Jr.................The Battle: A Poem 445 Fandel, John ..................Consequence: A Poem 288 Fitzmeyer, Joseph A...........Belief in Jesus Today 137 Flannery, Harry W.....Spain: Making No Haste Slowly 256 Fremantle, Anne ........Critics' Choices for Christmas 238 Getlein, Frank ...........Downstream from Watergate 211 The British are Here 302 The Theater on Television 457 Gibbons, Russell W. ..........Textbooks in the Hollows 231 Graves, Elizabeth Minot ............Children's Books 192 A Selected List of Children's Books 192 Gurney, Ramsdell, Jr...........Is Collision Inevitable...
...Jeffrey Meyers 41 Future of Technological Civilization, The: By Victor Ferkiss ....................Richard L. Schoenwald 87 Great Houses of San Francisco, The: Photographs by Curt Brace, Text by Thomas Aidala ......Wayne Andrews 70 How Catholics Look at Jews: Inquiries into Italian, Spanish, and French Teaching Materials: By Claire Huchet Bishop ......................John T. Pawlikowski 364 I Believe in Hope: By Jose Maria Diez-Alegria...
...Choice and the School 11 Hebblethwaite, Peter ........Relaxing with Karl Rahner 111 Church Membership and Models 131 Heidenry, John ..........Critic's Choices for Christmas 238 Henriot, Peter J...........An Integral Faith for Today 146 Is the System Reformable...
...421 Media/TV, by Michael Murray Wilbur Mills and Lenny Bruce...
...329 Rafferty and the Gold Dust Twins .. 456 Scenes from a Marriage: I...
...397 Murder on the Orient Express...
...Arthur A. Cohen 305 Questions and Answers on Death and Dying: By Elisabeth Kubler-Ross .......................Lisa H. Newton 304 Radical Paradoxes: Dilemmas of the American Left, 19451970: By Peter Clecak ................Todd Gitlin 405 Recovery of the Sacred, The: By James Hitchcock...
...Michael True 338 Power Struggle: By Richard L. Rubenstein...
...Claire Hahn 217 About Paterson: The Making and Unmaking of an American City: By Christopher Norwood ......Sean Cronin 306 Alinsky's Diamond: By Tom McHale ......Mark Taylor 459 American Labor: A Pictorial Social History: By M. B. Schnapper ..................John C. Cort 113 Bernanos, Georges: A Biography: By Robert Speaight .. Wallace Fowlie 89 Bitter Harvest, The: Church and State in Northern Ireland: By Albert J. Menendez ..........Sean Cronin 67 Blacks in the Industrial World: By Theodore V. Purcell & Gerald F. Cavanagh ................John C. Cort 113 Bringing the War Home: The American Soldier in Vietnam and After: By John Helmer ......Quincy Howe 331 Civilized Man's Eight Deadly Sins: By Konrad Lorenz Jean Bethke Elshtain 220 Clio and the Doctors: Psycho-history, Quanto-history and History: By Jacques Barzun ..........Dennis O'Brien 367 Confessions of St...
...Dewey D. Wallace, Jr...
...299 America's Big Ben...
...Margaret Wimsatt 465 Love-Hate Relations: English and American Sensibilities: By Stephen Spender....................Bruce Cook 93 Meiton, Thomas, Monk: Bro...
...Lisa H. Newton 304 Laughable Lovers: By Milan Kundera ..Ronald De Feo 307 Lautreamont: By Wallace Fowlie ........Mark Taylor 118 Law, Morality and Vietnam: The Peace Militants and the Courts: By John F. & Rosemary S. Bannan...
...360 Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia 17 California Split...
...Ronald Christ 338 Trial of Chaplain Jensen, The: By Chaplain Andrew Jensen with Martin Abramson ............Dennis Hale 372 True Americanism: Green Berets and War Resisters: A Study of Commitment: By David Mark Mantell...
...65 Freebie and the Bean ..........456 The Front Page...

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