Taylor, Mark
IC CIE "Op No, CICOP is not dead. Nor is it hiding in Argentina. Get the whole set of 8 books, containing the talks given at these unique forums on Latin America's burning issues. Now available...
...The author explains in his foreword his concern that the questions concerning the position of women in the Church have for the most part been handled non-theologically...
...I'm sure that if there is a way to survival Mr...
...32 beautifully illustrated, delightful pages...
...This book celebrates them in the form of the alphabet and for each letter there is a stunning photo to help children understand some very human, but abstract, con cepts, such as discovery, kindness and wonder...
...Within this he insists on two things, a properly Catholic respect for the traditional experience and wisdom of the community, and the need for a critical procedure to discriminate between the Christian message and the cultural assumptions that intrude unquestioned into the Christian community from its non-Christian environment or past...
...For theology should be based on theology, not on phenomenology, any more than on Aristotle's philosophy" (p...
...He does in fact operate with theology as a critique of praxis that has many levels of reflection, analysis and synthesis...
...ABC of the City of Man in a similar manner presents beginning concepts of how people form communities...
...10545 Commonweal: 169...
...Spiritual Book News each volume, Hardbound $6.95, Paperback $3.95 At your local bookstore or write: ORBIS BOOKS Maryknoll, N.Y...
...Only with such cooperation will we neutralize the threats of nuclear annihilation, continuing economic asymmetry, and the depletion of natural resources...
...But I fear that the academics themselves, especially those in the humanities (as traditionally they have been defined) will be a larger problem...
...Exactly so, he persuades us, 19 April 1974: 168 but it will come about, as he also implies, only if, or only when, there is an adequate emotional commitment to world citizenship, and that-since it is preeminently the teachers who need teaching, who understandably will resist tearing down the barbed wire about the preserve whose guardianship they have long regarded as a sacred trust-will be hard to come by...
...The burden of this demand rests on formal education since to it will fall the responsibility of making people ready...
...It will be easy for academics at all levels to find in this book an indictment of the attitudes of hidebound Middle American typesxenophobia beginning at our shoresand they may even be sanguine because the enemy is so familiar...
...The argument of this book is as dispiriting-oddly, for its author is no doomsayer-as it appears incontrovertible...
...His point seems to be well taken...
...Meanwhile, get the complete set of CICOP books...
...But the praxis is strictly that of trying to live the Christian life within the community of the followers of Jesus...
...Reischauer's thesis is unnervingly simple: in the past it was always sufficient for communities and then nations to meet their problems as they arose...
...CICOP will, we hope, be revived, perhaps in a different format...
...One really has to read the whole, book carefully to find out what Tavard means by theology being based on theology...
...A fact-filled story which teems with imagina tion...
...Reischauer writes, then "the Olmec art of Ancient Mexico, the Buddhist and Hindu rock sculpture and architecture of India, the Sung landscapes of China . . . should figure in [American] education accordingly...
...As the only sensible posture, Mr...
...each volume, Paperback $2.95 one or the other of these two conditions...
...Woman in Christian Tradition GEORGE H. TAVARD U. of Notre Dame, $9.95 MONIKA K. HELLWIG "It is the conclusion of this book that all ecclesiastical disabilities of women should now be raised, that women should be admitted to all sacraments and to all positions of authority, ministry and service...
...And since (in general) the children of today will make today's lessons the basis of the next century's leadership, it is urgent that education at all levels, but perhaps especially at the primary, be redirected immediately...
...Pictures for Skelly were drawn by children and each is the child's interpretation of the text...
...for who is to guide them away from their own professional xenophobia (though their larger nation extends westward from fifth century B.C...
...Michigan Catholic "This child's book will be welcomed by primary school religion teachers and CCD directors -even the price should be appealing...
...Read what Latin America's leaders and experts have said about their problems: their yearning for liberation, for conscientization, about ChurchState conflicts, civil rights, the...
...Division for Latin America-USCG Box 6066, Washington, DC 20005 I enclose $15...
...Reischauer has, however tentatively, charted it for us...
...Reischauer argues for the inculcation of feelings of world citizenship...
...On the one hand, we have suffered so badly, at least since the Protestant Reformation (and it seems to me some centuries before that), from a "theology" that was nothing but a normative restatement of the cultural and social status quo with its mirror image projected into the eternal realm of ultimate reality...
...but what he is asking for, finally, is engagement with the civilization of the world on the order of the engagement many of us like to believe we have with the civilization of the West...
...Since "Beethoven enriches the lives of Japanese and Africans as well as Germans," Mr...
...So-called Catholic theology has been sadly un-Catholic by dint of ignoring A Theology of Liberation by Gustavo Gutierrez "This is one of the most acute and the most readable theological essays of today on the meaning and mission of the Church...
...the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies...
...This begs, of course, the question as to what is the proper method and what are the proper data for theology...
...Now available at $15 And...
...Name Address City State Zip BOOKS EDUCATION FOR THE WORLD MARK TAYLOR Toward the 21st Century: Education for a Changing World EDWIN O. REISCHAUER Knopf, $5.95 Mr...
...Tavard begins by picking a quarrel over this with (of all people) Karl Rahner and J. B. Metz...
...specif ically, he would have renewed and intensified language studies in the schools-and in American schools by no means only, or even mainly, the study of other Indo-European languages-and beyond them a comprehensive study of the different dimensions of other cultures (their histories, literatures, social patterns, and perspectives) so that the notion of people doing things a different way equals people doing things a silly way might finally disappear...
...218) This is by no means the only conclusion of the book, but it is the most significant, and appears to be the issue that motivated the immense amount of research that went into the making of this book...
...Prairie Messenger Hardbou nd permaboard $1.25 Skelly the Sea Horse by Marilyn Brokamp Skelly is a combination of reading skills, science and art...
...Athens to the modern Hudson River, or nearly...
...Dayton Daily News Hardbound permaboard $2.95 The COMMU17 Celled Glirici A Theology for Artisans of a New Humanity by Juan Luis Segundo, S.J...
...but in the future, given both the magnitude of the problems that certainly will confront us and the speed with which they will evolve, it will be necessary to anticipate them, and, if we are to have any chance of survival, to have some preparedness for them when they arrive...
...Catholic Library World Hardbound $7.95 Paperback $4.95 Two Picture Books by Mary Phelan ABC of Celebration is about the simple, but profound, events of living and growing that children experience...
...if you pay with your order, we'll give you free the CICOP Conference 1973 papers, as published by IDOCNorth America...
...population explosion, imperialism...
...Please send me all eight CICOP volumes-plus the bonus 1973 CICOP Papers...
...As a distinguished historian of East Asia, and as a former American Ambassador to Japan, it is natural that Mr...
...The freedom of the Christian, imparted to all in baptism, should remove all man-made barriers between human beings...
...This is the best work in the fundamentals of Catholic belief and action in some time, certainly since Vatican HI...
...and the Third World...
...When this style of "theology" addresses itself to the vocation of women, it simply reads off the factual situation of women at the time Maryknoll Children's Missal "Intended for the new reader aged 5 - 7, the missal is illustrated with bright, colorful, unsentimental drawings and illuminated with comments which never insult the intelligence of a child or his parents...
...Reischauer, who claims no special prescience, should plead in behalf of the sort of education that will make for more effective and productive cooperation among nations, and particularly among the three points of what he calls the "great triangle of humanity"-roughly, the United States, Western Europe, and Japan...
Vol. 100 • April 1974 • No. 7