...Join the universal struggle better and more training for day care are political ploys, not moral imperafor human dignity-through education, skilled trades, agriculture, engineering, business, urban personnel, and more careful planning tives...
...up to twelve hours a day, starting as the additional service to the society per- We can demand proof that there is, early as six a.m...
...Why better in our professions, and better at Southwest, for example, which pre- not half-time jobs for both parents, in- articulating the new American dream dominantly cared for black children of stead of full-time day care...
...Steinfels in his column by the United States to evade or sub- vance and utility of just war and pacifist unfortunately adopts a stance of re- vert the machinery established by the categories, and not the reverse...
...beoause there are always people used...
...Expenses paid- all no accident we do not have them ciency is that, while undeniably of pragmedical, travel, vacation, living...
...the failure of the religious community 5ambagenau to demand that they do so, should *Open Court A LIBRARY PRESS BOOK stand out in bold relief in our retro- La Salle, Illinois 61301 32 pages of photographs...
...Worse, such patterns of social relationships...
...The conservative resists change partly because he tually unfashionable to acknowledge mistrusts a fallen human nature too susceptible to promises of a heaven on the existence of the Good One and the earth, and partly because he sees his conscience as guided by an unchanging powerful and mysterious ways He natural law...
...its tragedy recorded with dignity and fairness, its humor with justice...
...Modern by Commonweal Publishing Co., 232 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y...
...In other and I think that is a large part of the 3. The real problem for Christians is words, we have a good fighting shot problem...
...decisions made within that framework...
...Second, those who continue to wit and anecdote, and its (relatively) use the categories of just war are happy end with dramatic tension...
...Literature and the Arts...
...Let thing this reviewer did as an observer education...
...Similarly, systematic efforts determine our assessment of the releproportionality...
...his own devices, looks like a loser...
...Not that the theory is not a posed by the conflict between the perat a partial victory...
...aims attribute our inferiority to others To subscribe Those interested in "macro" planning and not to ourselves...
...inviolate employers' schedule...
...Not JAMES O'GARA: Editor JOHN DEEDY: Managing Editor RAYMOND A. SCHROTH: Associate Editor ANNE ROBERTSON: Editorial Assistan possessing the scholarly tools required COLIN L. WESTERBECK, JR.: Movies JOHN FANDEL: Poetry BRIAN WICKER: Great Britain ALAIN WOODROW: Paris for the task, I hereby offer to whoever HENRY TEN KORTENAAR: Rome JOHN COONEY: Dublin has them a possible fundamental motif...
...what is right for the individual and, in the long consciously believe in Him, even run, for society must be determined not by how the masses of the people through those who consciously deny feel but, as Senator Buckley says, by obedience to "the dictates of reason Him...
...But it seems Blacks, Latinos, and Indians, like reasonable to conclude, at least, that City, State, Zip 4-5-74 Slavic-Americans and Italian-Ameri- He was reassuring us that even though et...
...But take courage, Name "affirmative action" nor "quotas...
...and I have overcome the world...
...Having gone along with the people and the land and resources on tive evaluation of the Vietnam war drift of events, we are intimidated by which they depend...
...Valid question...
...In the world you alter it in its depths...
...It is easy to con- plus-one of the Senate-mostly conservatives-needed to block his convicclude that man, left to the Devil and tion if he is impeached by the House...
...think they can exorcise the Evil One Conservatism, in the best sense of the word, stands for the preservation by ignoring him...
...Some weapons of their very vivid, and dignifies terrible, tragic nature seem to eliminate the possibil- episodes with a cool, redeeming wit...
...109 Manchester, N.H...
...The sins of history, gests diversifying types of services to our own and others', cannot be rePEACE CORPS & VISTA NEED YOU...
...One or two years...
...except biweekly Christmas-New Year's and June to mid-September...
...Volunteer include family day care, coordinated pealed...
...Our response to it will ponents of the war on the principle of weapons...
...I personally believe that it sonalist ethic of non-violence and the of metabolism that tells me that's good retains real validity...
...those new generations alter the major sion of cultural inferiority...
...within just war categories that war LUIGI BARZINI: "Rich and wellcould no longer be an instrument of told...
...in a context of political irresponsibility, proper arena for that problematic is JOHN C. CORT where the man in the street and his not in the midst of war but in the moral advisers resolutely refuse to con- midst of politics, in that arena of conJust War Games sider seriously the overall framework flicting economic, social and military of policy determination and the specific objectives where the decisions that ulWorcester, Mass...
...tionality, like the other just war prin- at least to those who had successfully DAVID J. O'BRIEN ciples, is easier to apply in retrospect...
...timately determine war and peace are 7'o the Editors: Peter Steinfels' recent By the time the questions of ends and made...
...Recently, at a in a new culture requires time...
...Affirmative action" is denomic failure...
...In that arena the real issue is discussion of just war theory was a means get posed, it is already too late, the issue of power: the ability of some timely and appropriate response to for most real options have been elim- people to control and manipulate other Gordon Zahn's appeal for a retrospec- inated...
...going to master us either...
...who have a clear-cut idea of what the American spirit is supposed to be and Optimism and pessimism seem to be who like to look at the issues in sharp terms of right and wrong...
...want to hear that you can't hold eight institutional practices: more active reA quick look at the available child o'clock class because you have children cruiting, supportive help, and responcare services across this country (some- to get to school...
...Copyright Q 1974 Commonweal Publishing Co., Inc...
...Adam, who knew that God was watch- Second class postage paid at New York...
...Thus the conservative tends to suspect the popular will on works, even through those who do not political and moral issues...
...might well consider consulting their fusal to accept responsibility...
...Single copies 50c leaf and takes to the streets...
...10016 man, who thinks that God is not watch- MUrray Hill 3-2042...
...It is ques- litical potency...
...your skills & experience in developing nations exchanges among parents, as well as "Quotas" and "affirmative action" overseas and U.S...
...a fig leaf and took to the trees...
...EDWARD S. SKILLIN: Publisher JOHN BRUBAKER: Advertising Manager COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review of Public Affairs...
...avoided serious moral consideration of History Dept., Holy Cross College This is not only because effects are best measured after the event, but also because decisions regarding the means of war are made only after a long series 21 centuries of struggle against of policy decisions which inevitably religious persecution at the hands narrow the range of available options and bias the results of prospective anal- of Caesars, Popes, and Nazis...
...Against this background the Buckley manifesto could have been a turning I got the Bible out and combed it point in the relationship between conservatism and the President...
...9.95 spective assessment of Vietnam...
...I have the kind usable one...
...The gaining that fathers become involved as well...
...Their moral defidevelopment...
...set up for the convenience of those who ing caring about children a priority in Let us do it by being better at politics, use the mothers' labor...
...But his full statement some mindless pessimism.] Rationalists demands a close look...
...CORRESPONDNEWS & VIEWS: 98 CORRESPONDENCE: 99 EDITORIALS: 99 ENCE THE ARDEATINE MASSACRE: Henry ten Kortenaar 100 AGAINST 'AFFIRMATIVE ACTION': Michael Novak 102 THE EUROPEANIZATION OF AMERICAN POLITICS: Irving Louis Horowitz 103 Nude Interruptions WASHINGTON REPORT: Children of Cain?: Sisyphus 107 THE SCREEN: Colin L. Westerbeck, Jr...
...CORRESPONDENCE New York, N. Y. 10016 (Continued from page 99) F-1 One year, $14 For two generations, and sometimes even today, special obstacles have been lies...
...ing but wished that He were not, donned Printed in the USA and published weekly...
...not by asking for automothers in "service" work stayed open differential salaries which recognize matic places based upon our numbers...
...14 a year...
...Harvey Cox, Charles Davis, Tom Driver, take it from there...
...cans, have their own proper cultural we can never hope to "master events," 5 April 1974: 118 to use Novak's phrase, nevertheless we 2. Steinfels believes that the man in general and specific policies for over a need not fear that events are inevitably the street is a natural just war theorist decade...
...John Fandel 112 NUDE DESCENDING THE PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM: To the Editors: I am sure that many of Dennis O'Brien 110 your readers are waiting impatiently for De GAULLE IN INSTANT BIOGRAPHY: Quincy Howe 113 the appearance in these pages of a fully BOOKS: Sallie TeSelle, Kristine M. Rosenthal 114 developed theology of "streaking...
...SIMON WIESENTHAL: "A book foreseeable results of their actions and of historical importance which will moralists have the obligation to ask certainly cause great controversies these questions before the weapons are...
...ing but wishes that he were, doffs the US and Canada...
...They might even insist the childrens' benefit, more likely an meaning and contemptible...
...Cheer up, Mike...
...Nevertheless, two points at least LEO ROSTEN: "He maKes history are clear...
...those of us who are proportionately still for the Abt Associates Report on child The "problem" of day care, then is less "outside" the national culture fight for care cited in the book) will leave no one of setting up appropriate facilities, attention, representation, and the digdoubt that at present these facilities are difficult as that may be, rather than mak- nity of being taken for what we are...
...VERSE: Matt Field 106...
...They are a reto Commonweal...
...ity of proportionality...
...None requires patronizthe onus of low social status or eco- tionab!e whether such scheduling was to ing help...
...But it is also intellec- stability in the state...
...Rather it is a melange Commonweal: 99 to helplessness, will demand quality breakfast, and returned exhausted many resources, strengths, numbers, and pochild care, expect it, fight for it without hours later to pick them up...
...Such at- of full equality of intelligence and spirit Only then could day care become truly titudes cross class lines...
...Pentagon Papers to measure such ob- DANIEL SCHORR: "An impressive vious factors as civilian casualties and and fascinating piece of historical cultural and ecological destruction, and detective work...
...just complete this coupon and mail to 00000 0000 000 000 000 COMMONWEAL 232 Madison Ave., Michael Novak (Cont...
...And widely understood as welling up from his integrity...
...Thus, a matter of a man's genes and metab- while the true conservative arguments are potentially the strongest for olism...
...moments of modern American conservatism...
...Mothers rushed in formed by an employee who is also a indeed, today, "equality of opportutheir sleepy pre-schoolers, often without parent...
...Foreign $16...
...There is a lot of and his decision to suddenly oppose the President he had helped elect is mindless optimism going around...
...The failure of the strategists of the, who cannot stand the truth...
...Unlike signed bewilderment in the face of the Geneva accords allowed a plausible case Steinfels, I would recommend that none wrong paradox...
...All feasible, politically effective...
...Still, it is things I have spoken to you that in me up to us to crack this system, and to you may have peace...
...to be made in 1965 that escalation was of these matters should be left to an 1. Of course the principle of propor- the only available alternative-plausible international tribunal...
...This will remain the case until a matic value (particularly in dealing Bruce Mazzie, ACTION, OCP Box P-5, Washing- genuine concern for the welfare of with liberals), they constitute an admiston, D.C...
...Jimmy the Greek has never been impeachment or resignation, conservative political backing has been Nixon's able to give us odds on how the world last claim to respectability and he has set out to hold onto that one-thirdis going to come out...
...Couldn't find it, but no matter...
...It isn't in Scripture, but the wis- and conscience...
...THE BUCKLEY BRIEF FRANK REILLY New York Senator James L. Buckley's call for President Richard M. Going to the Devil Nixon's voluntary resignation may seem, at first glance, one of the finer Nahant, Mass...
...we did not start at the We still have John 16:33: "These fl Payment enclosed F-1 Bill me same starting line as others...
...The control and/ [Feb...
...Information: now...
...F1 Two years, $26 F-1 17 issues trial, $3 put in our way...
...In the short term, they may be planning, medicine & other fields of community and less insecure funding...
...The enough...
...family centered," supportive of par- job interview I was told by an academic Let us-yes-do away with inequalients' values and complementary to their dean: "If we offer you the job I don't ties of law, and let us alter prejudicial authority...
...On the basis of It is a pleasure to read such a fusion such an assessment of modern weapons of careful research with dry (and technology Pope John could conclude damning) detachment...
...We cannot in conscience demand Who's Minding the Children also sug- "equality of result...
...We do not need will have affliction...
...obliged to attempt to measure all the DR...
...Correctly focusing attention the "crackpot realists" who demand that or elimination of that power is the cenon the reliance of most Catholic op- we choose between napalm and atomic tral question...
...Buckley-best known for his To the Editors: Michael Novak makes sponsorship of the "Pro-Life" Amendment and for being the brother of some good points in his little essay on a columnist and TV personality-is often described as a "moral" politician, the Devil [Feb...
...Centers in the all other institutions in this society...
...Commonweal: 119...
...It is intellectually of those fundamental principles that form the basis of our democracy, and unfashionable to acknowledge his ex- adherence to the rights and procedures that guarantee both freedom and istence...
...The problem arises political ethic of responsibility...
...Why not than our rivals...
...And his field was siveness to new desires are needed...
...neither, we might say in their praise, In what sense has Christ overcome Address do Blacks, Latinos, or Indians...
...It failed particularly where it should have been strongest: in its this world "belongs to the Father of adherence to the American conservative tradition, in the logic of its argu(Continued on page 118) ment, and in its confrontation with the moral issues...
...local parent and child before rushing Those who speak as victims do not into bricks their latest schemes...
...the world...
...But it for Novak's quotation to the effect that flopped...
...dom of experience also tells us that President Nixon has correctly seen conservative support as his last con"God writes straight with crooked tact point with "legitimacy"-with a bloc of voters and political leaders lines...
...speak as equals...

Vol. 100 • April 1974 • No. 5

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