Carlan, Margaret M.
theless, with all this said, it is our conviction that Mr. cost him his political base. Unless the full story of Ford's action represents bad theology and even worse Watergate is made...
...In point of fact, the former President has his hasty action, but not enough to convince us that explicitly admitted nothing more than "mistakes" which justice has not been ill-served...
...Commonweal: 517...
...And perhaps they were...
...More than 600 nuns from Karl Marx as an alternative to capitalism, to join the around the country attended, enthusiastically partici- labor movement as still "the hardest fighter for justice" pating in the many workshops, committee meetings in industrial society, and to support the women's liband prayers...
...The nuns continually stressed the relation- eration movement in the context of a broader socialist ship between the gospel theme and justice thrust, and struggle...
...But despite much talk of tion channels for nuns...
...Behind the resolution, which the corporate causes of hunger, the nuns' symbolic was softened somewhat in floor discussion, was the gesture was not coupled with plans for corporate action...
...the members of the National Assembly of Women Re- The resolution was undoubtedly a polite acknowledgeligious determine to live more simply and to consume ment that the Roman Catholic Church is not yet ready less in order to witness corporately the gospel message to face the issue of women priests...
...they are-entitled to be acquired Presidential power, and this is a bad omen in sure that other and perhaps even more sinister revela- a country that has had its fill of such abuses...
...his fatal mis- political enemies...
...At erton, C.S.J., NAWR chairperson, report on the state the same time she reminded the nuns that to be Chris- of the organization, which was officially launched at a tian, such action must be based on prayer and con- national meeting in Cleveland in 1970, after a year's templation...
...cited the hazards of such image-making in opposing the The problem was most clearly seen in the relatively resolution, but it was passed without any real debate close vote by which the NAWR affirmed the organiza- and those who voted against it could be counted on tion's "identification with the movement for women's two hands...
...bly, Mr...
...But in its resolutions, the the world" and resolved "that during the coming year NAWR asked only the diaconate for Catholic women...
...In general, the resolutions-adopted with little de- Another instance of the identity problem could be bate by about 150 voting delegates-declared the seen in the NAWR's actions on women's position in the NAWR as opposed to hunger and unjust social struc- hierarchical structure of the church...
...The opposition was based on a now seem unsure of their self-image and out of touch fear that the public would construe support for the with a public already surfeited with images...
...Stressed by her and at other sessions throughout the -Joseph Holland, a staff associate of the Center for convention was the role of the NAWR in allowing Concern in Washington, angrily denounced the "idola- corporate action by nuns to change corporate injustices 27 September 1974: 516 in society...
...But obedient to superiors...
...Louis Rights Amendment and the Anti-Abortion Amendment Review, is on the editorial staff of the St...
...16th PresiNixon has made a tacit admission of guilt, but that is dential press conference remove some of the onus from not enough...
...The people are entitled as a basic back into the swamp of suspicion from which it seemed right, to know the full story of Watergate and of what we had escaped...
...to accept a new public image-every bit as stereotyped For after all the years of renewal and departures, --of the nun on the picket line...
...And the problem may because it is now outdated...
...On specifically church is- ing in Chicago, urging them "to affirm and recognize" sues the resolutions asked for a voice for nuns in the the ordinations of 11 women to the Episcopal priestnew Code of Canon Law and for the ordination of hood "as a sign of hope authenticating the ministry of women to the Catholic diaconate...
...they are...
...He also urged that the nuns be "both prophets cheered convention speakers for making that relation- and priests," spreading the "terrible truth of global ship clear and specific...
...liberation movement as support for abortion even though MARGARET M. CARLAN the NAWR is on record as supporting both the Equal (Margaret M. Carlan, formerly with the St...
...a voice for justice from a group supporting the breakThere was no word of affecting global capitalism or ing of church laws to obtain the priesthood for women even the wealthy religious corporations to which many in another denomination...
...But as a group, if not as individuals, they House of Delegates...
...A few nuns actions...
...It has been argued that by accepting a pardon Mr...
...Chavez cited growing "recognition of the NAWR as a voice thanked the nuns warmly for their support, stating that for religious" and listed some dozen meetings of other since the latest Farm Workers' strike began in April groups and coalitions at which the organization had of 1973 more nuns had been jailed on the picket lines been represented during the year...
...His subsequent explanations at the Sept...
...or, as one of its originators explained and the world...
...Unless the full story of Ford's action represents bad theology and even worse Watergate is made part of the public record, it could politics...
...nuns' dissatisfaction with their public image...
...Nixon a full pardon that the American people also deserve compassion, under these circumstances, Mr...
...The board's action was quickly The resolution on hunger declared the organization's upheld by a 271-to-13 written expression of support "intention to maintain solidarity with the hungry of from nuns at the convention...
...Nuns at Many of "the new nuns"-as represented by the the convention spent a lot of time rejecting the stereoNAWR-speak critically of "the old nuns" for feeding type of the past-the sister as meek teacher or nurse, the hungry and nursing the sick without working to out of touch with the real world and unquestioningly change structures that support hunger and sickness...
...other resolutions...
...The President's desire to heal national wounds he was wrongly hounded out of office by his liberal and show compassion is commendable...
...than labor leaders...
...At the outset of tures, and in favor of improved health care, amnesty the convention, the NAWR board telegrammed the for persons alienated from the church and civil society, bishops of the Episcopal Church, simultaneously meetand the liberation of women...
...The night before the Finally, the most telling instance of the continuing House of Delegates' meeting, the nuns at the conven- identity crisis faced by the NAWR's new nuns was in tion had given up their usual dinner in favor of bread the convention's adoption of a resolution to establish a and water with the savings to be sent to organizations task force on the need for more effective communicaserving the world's hungry...
...And perhaps met any serious floor opposition at the meeting of thr...
...As a retions are not being kept from them...
...it is political common sense...
...and author, cited specific biblical passages as directives The convention also heard Sister Catherine Pinkto twentieth-century Christians to take social action...
...The continuing identity problem, though in a workshop on image, selling sisters with the same never labeled as such, surfaced in several convention advertising techniques used to sell Coke...
...00000000000000 FIVE YEARS LATER THZ NSW NUNS "Probing the Gospel" was the theme and world justice trous" global capitalism that he said is threatening 500 the thrust of the fourth annual convention of the Na- million persons in underdeveloped countries with starvational Assembly of Women Religious (NAWR) held tion...
...the nuns still talk about the "hurt" experienced by re- Thus the convention resolution was aimed not so ligious in church renewal and still seem enamored with much at communicating but at projecting a new public endless meetings to discuss their place in the church image of nuns...
...take, however, was his abysmal failure to appreciate In precipitously granting Mr...
...Then and only sult, the new President's political honeymoon may well then does it make sense to talk of mercy and pardon...
...And many seemed willing still be one of finding themselves...
...By his action he has abused his newly went on in the White House...
...work by a task force established at a national meeting --Cesar Chavez pledged an unending struggle by his in Chicago in 1969...
...But it was hardly of love for poor and starving peoples...
...Sister Catherine the country's rich fruit and vegetable harvest...
...have been the shortest one on record, and for this he What is involved here is not a question of luxuriating has no one to thank but himself...
...Nixon's downfall...
...Holland urged the nuns to study the socialism of in St...
...Louis in mid-August...
...Ford has tarred himself with the Nixon brush...
...of the NAWR members belong...
...The nuns' identification with their lay sisters It seemed too bad...
...Sister Catherine noted that the United Farm Workers to overcome the opposition of NAWR now has 95 member councils (local associaboth farm owners and the powerful Teamsters Union tions of nuns with or without official diocesan status) to his union's efforts to organize the poor harvesters of and about 2,700 individual members...
...A few years ago the new nuns in the struggle for equality was constantly cited at the were thought by many to be the best hope for true convention, but the resolution was the only one that church renewal...
...Louis Postto the Constitution...
...In major convention addresses: holocaust" but assuring the people "that the new Exodus -Sister Kathryn Sullivan, R.S.C.J., scriptural scholar is possible...
...Ford has made a blunder that they have been abused and betrayed, and this by of tragic proportions, one which has once more divided the recipient of the nation's highest trust and by the little the nation and plunged all of us-including himselfclique around him...
...Ford and dividing the nation as Nixonite revisionists insist has done...
...Incredibly, inexplicain Mr...
...When it came time for convention action, nuns between church and secular society, and the vote however, NAWR offered only somewhat vague resolu- of 84 to 45 by which the resolution was passed stood tions and broad suggestions for programs on the local in contrast to the almost unanimous support given all level...
...The debate showed the pull on the Dispatch...
...But the nuns seemed to reject the new nuns seem to be having a problem in finding the stereotype not because it was inaccurate but rather ways to change those structures...
...To talk of mercy while ignoring justice is to well become an American Dreyfus case, embittering make a mockery of morality, and this is what Mr...
...women in the church...
Vol. 100 • September 1974 • No. 22