Nordin, Ronald
those, certainly, who will question the sincerity of the united left was able to lure nearly half of France's voters French Communist Party, recalling the history of Com- to its candidate, just...
...Nor did the Communists blush at to a trick paced bramble, employing all the capitalist methods of promotion: ad- silence gleams...
...The importance given to the book by the killed task completed Communists betrayed its purpose: to give the party a loved & lover softly moderate image in preparation for the Presidential elec- bend...
...We do know, however, that the which remains the largest and most disciplined political Communist Party disavowed the violence, and that its formation in France...
...eyed answers lull: Did it work...
...For for fifty out of fifty-three years, seems ready to make some long-time Communists, such as Andre Barjonet, those accommodations necessary for even a secondary this amounted to a betrayal of the ideals of Communism...
...It seems accurate to say that RONALD NORDIN the French Communist Party was so accustomed to operating within a legal framework that it was unable TRANQUILITY: FEBRUARY to cope with the dynamics of illegality...
...logged, day's haul cut, When the elections came two years earlier because heat built slaw but climbing, of President Pompidou's death, the Communists behaved nothing watches, as models of moderation... was published by a bourgeois publishing house Across these wintered hills, (Grasset) rather than the Communists' own publisher sparsewooded & crookbrushed (Editions sociales...
...Party protested the visit of Soviet Ambassador Chervonenko to Mitterrand's opponent, Valery Giscard late afternoons the hawk hangs d'Estaing, and began discovering affinities between it- in a pitch self and Gaullism in an attempt to attract the votes of of ending, evening - Gaullists disaffected after the defeat of Jacques Chaban- ward old lamp Delmas...
...The task of promoting the book was given to Guy Hermier, one of the Party's All time in whiteness moves bright young men who is expected to rise fast in the here...
...It was not unobserved that the Here is a quietness...
...those, certainly, who will question the sincerity of the united left was able to lure nearly half of France's voters French Communist Party, recalling the history of Com- to its candidate, just barely losing the Presidency...
...We shall never know with certainty best chance in that contest would lie in not changing whether or not there existed a revolutionary situation its strategy of cooperation with the Communist Party, in those crucial weeks...
...After the first round, the usually pro-Moscow & snarl...
...For its part, the French Commurefusal to support the revolt of students and workers nist Party, after having been left out of the government was a major factor in the defeat of the uprising...
...Yet it would seem that fore Pompidou's death, Mitterrand himself seemed to this Communist Party's respect for legality is genuine...
...Yet the gains of the left Here is a quietness, were impressive enough to justify the wisdom of the high warmth course chosen...
...23 August 1974: 430...
...for Wayne Erickson) Marchais and the Communists had great hopes for Le Defi democratique...
...They immediately called upon waits...
...Bemunism in Eastern Europe...
...Yet, on short notice, the no winter quarrel...
...think that the legislative elections of 1978 were more The proof of this would be its behavior during the promising for the left, and it would seem that the left's events of May 1968...
...Mitterand to become the common candidate of the left, canceled their May Day parade in order not to em- Off in the west barass their ally, declared that they did not expect any let spun tires whine of the important cabinet posts, and continued to articu- & to the north late their commitment to freedom and national inde- the bugged saw choke pendence...
...role in a leftist government...
...Charging that the French Communist Party had squelched the most genuine popular uprising since the Commune of 1871, Barjonet resigned from the Party to join a more radical group...
...Just last fall, political forecasters did not where peace saps slowly believe it likely that a Socialist could be elected Presi- with no summer's want, dent of France in 1976...
...Cause hierarchy...
...tions of 1976 in which the Communists expected to be the decisive factor in the victory of the Socialist, Fran- With rising, water cois Mitterrand...
...vertising, autograph parties, etc...
...One, would be tempted to answer negatively, since Mitterrand lost...
Vol. 100 • August 1974 • No. 19