HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS: Selected Responses

selected responses Homosexual Rights Commonweal's May 24 editorial, the bedroom. I do not seek to...

...What appear doubly so when they come masked as of our "Who as well as What...
...Towards what...
...ing to us our desperate need for a new egotist . . . arrogant s.o.b...
...Novak, a position which of law...
...tion sinful, wrong and evil...
...If movement which are hedonistic and vir- opposite of love is not lust, but exploit- not, what is the correspondence...
...For the Catholic (REV...
...homosexuality or, indeed, by homoNovak print up a batch of those gay- To the Editors: I was angered and sad- sexual...
...His is the "vocation to of- olics in particular will continue, in spite I truly do not want to be hateful to- fer the dignity of resistance" to gay of Novak's essay, is certain...
...tradition, by habit, by unconscious com- and the family has been broken as a One does not expect Novak in his mon consent ought now, perhaps, to be mechanistic necessity (otherwise the brief essay to engage in a detailed, luchosen consciously and freely...
...persons as complex "dramatic subjects" with the hypocrites and those on whose...
...in the final analysis, each person in regard to the issues of gay liberation has to answer directly to God for his and gay civil rights that affect all peoBoston, Mass...
...And Mr...
...ity (living bound in silence, in fear of Church (Protestant) years ago and However, rational men might well be blackmail) Novak will reward me with on several grounds, not the least being hesitant to conclude from these, as does the law's equality...
...his earlier works, who have used his past and continuing to be borne at this "We love 'em as long as they recog- writings in our theology classes, who very moment by "religious" people who nize they're more wounded by original have watched his translation and exteach that homosexuality is unnatural sin than straights, and stay in their tension of the insights of Bernard Lonand therefore bad...
...Boston, Mass...
...Can't un- ergan to the problems of faith and poliCARL BENNETT derstand why they don't like to be alone tics-those of us gay Catholics who in their nice supportive closets...
...Gay may not be liberation, but erate birth control as it does, or cele- theless, one is left confused at the debrate the conception of its own Savior scriptions and correlations: on the one neither is muddled thinking...
...Is homosexuality merely "an Jesus holy cards, so we can alert all of dened by the article entitled "Gay is involuntary tendency of the psyche...
...we don't believe sharing the same rectory, who claim to tian charity and symbolism in his fear you...
...If I hide my homosexual- with the Church as they will...
...To the Editors: There has never been criterion to measure the good and holy irate . . . lascivious . . . machiavellian any dialogue between homosexuals and use of our sexuality...
...We won't that the passion story in the Gospels is olic moral theology, which incorporates hurt you...
...Help us to to the extent that we were burned at Nor do we believe that anyone has the change the laws which are used to per- the stake in the Middle Ages and in right or the power to deny us the use secute us...
...sexuals also were murdered at Ausacts, for the same moral reasoning ap- To the Editors: If Correspondence con- chwitz...
...I do not seek to impose (?) of your own position...
...Is it not time for you...
...ty lies in their ambiguity and ambi- celibacy is simply not in the nature of New York, N.Y...
...vak not impose his fears and bigotry lings, everyone knows Commonweal THE EDITORS upon me in the area of jobs and hous- feels even a dog should be given an ing...
...Michael Novak would surely not adpleasure as a sign of the shared joy of Some openers: What research exists vocate mass Jewish conversion to Christwo people who love each other, as well to prove keeping gays as second-class tianity as the Christian response to as an expression of deep commitment citizens before the law has helped adol- Auschwitz...
...In this case virtue the centuries, despite Christianity, Car- Even if it were, could this aim justify must truly be its own (and only) re- dinal Cooke and Michael Novak...
...and this in marriage) to be the guid- ment in its preference for the term Also, was it the typo goblins or ing norm for a legitimate sexual act...
...But if I take any my conviction that Christianity as a Mr...
...What sponsible for the holocaust of European to force your views on us, anymore church/state laws would Novak want Jewry, not to mention the autos-da-fe than we want to force our beliefs on us to establish for couples who chose of the Middle Ages...
...our male friends and associates how Not Liberation" by Michael Novak...
...Novak is perfectly entitled to be a -"I tell you truly, the taxgatherers and Furthermore, is the means even effecbigot, just as anti-Semites are entitled harlots are going into the Realm of tive: How could marriage benefit from to be anti-Semites, and racists to be God before you...
...Novak, that the Catholic tradition part in the movement "to free homo- body of teaching was anti-sexual, not ought to reject "equal legal status in sexuals from the bonds of silence," an simply anti-homosexual...
...The fact is that we're al- inspired scripture and so cannot be the ideas of such noted theologians as ready present, yet we remain hidden tampered with, because they have seen The Passionist's Social Concerns Forum very carefully, because you have the the legacy of that story in the pogroms, and the Salvatorian Fathers' Justice power to hurt us...
...of jobs and housing...
...If we're going to burn for eternity, be celibate, merit the second-class status that marriage would be destroyed by it will be because we close ourselves off he proposes...
...Are the rest of the Church, which is why new criterion should be mutuality, or any of these "a trait of personality .. . there are voices in the gay liberation non-exploitation...
...Novak, or even snidely bit- liberation, which he sees as "one more PARIS R. BALDACCI ter, but I don't know any other words false god, one more false prophecy...
...occasional bone and shouldn't be kicked New York, N. Y. I feel sorry for Novak and those who too hard unless it's down...
...Symbols are resilient...
...DAVID MCREYNOLDS denying equal employment to practicracists...
...his private the symbolism of homosexual acts is sexuals should not be given equality life does not frighten me, but mine not consistent with Christian marital before the law in jobs and housing...
...analysis-positive or negative-is dislearn to listen to us...
...the recognition of homosexuals' basic to Christ in our brothers and sisters...
...It depriving certain people of their rights...
...It is also signal- "homosexual" with "kleptomaniac .. . New York, N.Y...
...As long as we call the ghettos and the concentration and Peace Commission...
...that he will address them homosexual, the rest of the Church is in the future is hoped for...
...my fellow Catholics, tragically, have not exploiting or dominating each other...
...Don't tell us to change our To the Editors: Although it might seem diction and paradox...
...For it seems that the potentially of the highest beauty...
...tian scriptures, however, it would be do not believe that the Church or We call upon society, and upon each unlikely that western civilization would society is right in condemning them on of you reading this, to be aware of our have denied civil rights to gay people the basis of their sexual preference...
...We have long held procreativity (an insight mediated by the gay movesouls lies the ash of tedium...
...Open your churches Christians today can no longer argue Our belief is based on sound Cath- and lives to our presence...
...frightens him...
...tion of the institution of marriage is a my honesty, withholding from me the Jesus, Jewish teacher, avatar of God, desirable aim, it has never been the equal protection of the law in matters a man whose force still reaches across ultimate criterion of Catholic morality...
...Make it illegal to discrimi- the crematoria at Auschwitz...
...our rights as human beings...
...Ought Church would never celebrate a mar- cid, defensible description-explanation to be chosen freely: rare wordfellows riage between two sterile persons, tol- of homosexuality/homosexual...
...Personally, To the Editors: . . . Novak is distress- share his position, for while I do not I prefer the honesty in the archdiocesan ingly confused when, having stated begrudge him his rights to his views statement . . . JOHN L. KAVANAUGH that "To free homosexuals from the and his life, he begrudges me a similar bonds of silence, fear, self-rejection, right to mine...
...been called...
...The gay liberation movement being made in the "image of God" seems a classic example of his own does not ask society "to approve of while intimating through your choice statement: "Most evils do present themovert homosexual behavior," as Novak of words and phrasing that that "image" selves in the guise of moral goodness...
...To force on them sexual orientation either, for we can't inappropriate for a non-Catholic to inan inflexibility reminiscent of the rigor- do that anymore than you can...
...While the preservaportant social gain, then he will punish importance to me, a non-Christian...
...Nor would many deny that Doesn't Novak see the contradiction he Christian homosexuals must deal societies must make choices among the has created...
...sponses to Novak's "Gay Liberation" and Christian teaching has propagated...
...your below are representative excerpts of intellectuals...
...They have to homosexuals, the married and single...
...How insecure Novak Ashtabula, 0. fear of blackmail and the rest is surely must be, for while my world is large To the Editors: Few could disagree with an important social gain," he proceeds enough to encompass him, his is too Michael Novak's basic argument that two paragraphs later to state that homo- narrow to encompass me...
...In a tually anti-religious...
...hew can he prescribe celibetween two persons...
...wards Mr...
...In this age of sexual chaos, But after some reflection, I was not ponents involved, etc...
...PAUL A. DIEDERICH ise there will never again be a holoanswer those individuals who would National President, Dignity caust of the Jews...
...gay" rather than the technical, oneNovak's mind that produced this sen- But even that valuable and symbolic dimensional terms "homosexuality/hotence: "What was heretofore done by connection between heterosexual acts mosexual...
...seems to think...
...Don't tell Do holy and hard-working gay clergy Novak gives too little credit to Chris- us we're going to Hell...
...But the figure housing and jobs to those who practice objective which Novak hails as an im- of Jesus within history remains of grave homosexual acts...
...You allowing that their actions are morally police power of the state, keep out of commend yourselves for the courage good...
...had grown to expect methodological ROBERT HAWES rigor from him are disappointed...
...Christian and Jewish theologians to12 July 1974: 382 day to realize the guilt borne in the reflects a nice-nigger mentality...
...That Novak ignores questions nothing to offer me in the way of ad- And this applies to heterosexuals and is obvious...
...Member, Salvation Gay Ministry to describe his attitude except that it Those of us who have benefited from Task Forc Commonweal: 383...
...With what human comnot to look...
...Which must be more than reassur- has a big stake in economic, ecological draw a blank, or are deeply afraid, or ing to one who believes that homosex- and sexual domination...
...The stituted all of Commonweal for the next to protect their homosexual sisters and whole notion of sex as being for other year, I am not sure my queries/re- brothers from the hatred that Jewish than procreative purposes is outlined...
...needs as human beings...
...our oppression...
...But for the same ation...
...We say, How could Jesus suspend a law deny...
...Most sexual acts can be termed as objec- sexual teachings of Jewish and Chrisof these people are gay Catholics who tively sinful...
...that the a terribly oppressive force which schiz- Milwaukee, Wisc...
...They are distinctions, clarification, analysis, etc...
...or her own actions...
...There is much choose not to remember that homomore involved here than homosexual Philadelphia, Pa...
...We cannot merely mourn this break, a trait of personality is . . . potentially Editor, SJ News but recognize its calling us to respon- of the highest beauty," but then lists sible human freedom...
...These men and this the land of the free, and some camps...
...Darsome of the letters received...
...But we do insist (and the "we" ing homosexuals...
...of our God-given sexuality .. . nate against us...
...The Church and ple, Catholic and non-Catholic, gay and To the Editors: . . . My involvement the State exist to guide us in making straight...
...hand, he notes that "homosexuality as JAMES HIETTER, S.J...
...I suggest that this . . . pompous . . . hypocrites...
...Persons who are striving to love critical analysis, one would expect some reason I am sorry to have to admit that are striving to be mutual...
...valence, in their tolerance of contra- all people...
...We believe that sex is also meant for could be exhausted...
...If it were not for the anti-homoous people across the country...
...ing "symbolic equality" for sexual vari- to recognize that the teachings of ChrisWe affirm your right to hold your be- ance, if the familial-progeny symbolism tian tradition are at least in part reliefs...
...selected responses Homosexual Rights Commonweal's May 24 editorial, the bedroom...
...terject his views in a controversy withism of natural law teleology is to do a The State and even the Church can- in the Roman Catholic Church, there disservice to Catholic morality not legislate "morality" on an individual are certain implications of the Church DANIEL E. HYLAND basis...
...Dignity" chose its name Liberation," produced an unusually on me-I am allergic to bigots and to say it felt that appelation inclusive heavy reader-response...
...Incredibly, this is the positheir bigotry upon society through force self amused that you allude to our tion of Mr...
...place," says Massa Novak...
...without a heterosexual act...
...These descriptions seem uals have dignity in the Church, along seems to be making himself a spokes- facile and inadequate especially for "with the irate and the lascivious, with man for this tradition of domination, one who has so often talked about the machiavellian and the pompous, especially in regard to sexuality...
...however, we do not expect you was and is so "overarching...
...Are homosexuals it is downright salvific to know that very surprised...
...Is it opinion) that such bigots not impose torial on homosexual rights, I find my- Christian...
...But I must insist that No- editorial hints at an "in spite of...
...However, "Homosexual Rights," and Michael No- my company on Novak, nor do I par- where are you actually in relation to vak's May 31 column, "Gay Is Not ticularly want his company imposed that tradition...
...How are they doing their part plies to heterosexual acts as well...
...After all, the main- simply to be described negatively: "reNovak knows what homosexuals look stream of the Roman Catholic Church garding the opposite sex, some surely like...
...Do these people condemn our stand...
...If Christian marriage does not mean the homosexual com- Detroit, Mich...
...We do You deride the Archdiocese of New homosexuals to live and work without ask that society, in the form of the York for its "traditional" stance...
...In fact, Christian charity demands Commonweal: 381 that we allow them this freedom...
...movement for liberation and civil rights ophrenically offers grace and salvation To the Editors: Michael Novak has among gays in general and gay Cathat the same time...
...Novak are repelled...
...many others have contributed to our people are not free, then we are All people of conscience today promstore of theological arguments which liars...
...It is possible to allow practicing society approves or disapproves...
...with the gay community as the presi- decisions in light of what we know Your editorial, while supporting gay dent of a national organization of gay about Christ and His teachings...
...that he provides no critical vice or understanding...
...We don't care whether may be somewhat besmirched...
...One wonders what Novak means by To the Editors: Could you have Michael Philadelphia, Pa...
...is to survive only in an atmosphere of munity, but the community of civilized To the Editors: As regards your edi- such oppression, is it worth it...
...escents not confuse their images of bacy for gay people as the answer for There are many who call our posi- sexual roles/identity in our society...
...All we are asking is to be given sterilization at some time in their life...
...was Jesus who said-Novak take note that is, does the end justify the means...
...I left the symbols that will be favored by law...
...their beau- Don't tell us that we must be celibate...
...Sound civil rights, equivocates on the more Catholics, and other interested persons, theology has been and still is raising important issue of homosexuality ithas put me in communication with vari- serious questions as to whether homo- self...
...Christian theologians have come "You have a right to your own beliefs...

Vol. 100 • July 1974 • No. 16

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