Current Wisdom

Jackasses, Assorted

Current Wisdom A REVISIONIST GEOGRAPHY: William Kunstler, patriot, posits an exciting new conception of America the beautiful: We live in a sinkhole of a country. –Bloomington...

...A chip of paint the size of a thumbnail, eaten regularly by a child over a period of months, can and does cause such disasters, What most people may not have heard is that dirt and dust along heavily traveled city streets also pose a lead poisoning hazard...
...Then I had this blue period...
...reader spelunks into the depths of metaphysics: I have made a new friend this year, and we are both for equal rights for women, although if a guy opens the door for us, we would not make a big deal about it...
...New Republic June 15, 1974 THE NATURAL FOOD CRAZE: The incomparable PROGRESSIVE essays another of industry's conspiracies against humanity for its enlightened audience—an audience whose children apparently eat dirt, dust, and other unusual delicacies: Most environmentalists and many other citizens have heard about children either dying or becoming mentally retarded from lead poisoning after eating chips of lead-based paints...
...San Francisco Chronicle July 20, 1974 A CHILD'S LOVE: Another precocious Ms...
...September 1974 The Alternative: An American Spectator December 1974 29...
...Four thousand strong they came, carefully structured from the top down, plans well laid, committee jobs parceled out—a no-hitch convention, as it always is...
...As individual citizens we can guard what our children put into their mouths, use lead-free or low-lead gasoline, and urge government officials to eliminate the lead hazard in dirt and dust as soon as possible...
...Follow the step-by-step photos to complete eight separate rhythmic movements that leave you feeling relaxed and exhilarated—but never overstrained or exhausted...
...It's all explained in pictures, diagrams and text in the new PARADE book called The People's Republic of China 4-Minute Exercise Plan, offered to our readers for only $1...
...He thinks the Presidency would be a step down from being Hugh Hefner, but he would love to take on the job—if only so he could make this country a moral and wonderful place to live...
...Then I was going out with a psychiatrist...
...He thinks there are so many nasty shenanigans going on that we need a good man to go in and clean it up...
...For this they are called nature nuts, bird-watchers, deep breathers, wind-kissers, leaf-lovers, and bird-and-berry boys...
...Send them a message: "Get the Lead Out...
...Why can a guy show his Love and the girl can't—unless the guy shows it first...
...He was shocked and did not answer her...
...Then I fell in love with a clerk-typist...
...Psychology Today June 1974 HUMANITY UNBOUND: /n an intellectual corner of the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE the fabulous and complicated Mr...
...I think she was hurt, even though she did not show it much...
...There was something very special about the clerk-typist...
...The Progressive October 1974 POST-FREUDIAN MOONSHINE: The limits of psychotherapy as laid down in the shrink industry's POPULAR MECHANICS: Psychotherapy is an undefined technique applied to unspecified cases with unpredictable results...
...My earliest memories—almost my sole memories—are of unending combat, in which I was sometimes an appalled spectator, more often a hopeless negotiator in a war of no quarter, and most often a bystander accused of covert belligerency on behalf of one side or the other, and frequently of both...
...There was this dancer in North Beach...
...This handy paperback details just how the Chinese keep slim and healthy with a system of non-strenuous exercises that can be performed anywhere, without special equipment...
...So one day, after my friend had liked a boy for about a month, she decided to ask him to go with her...
...No, I've been in love with so many...
...It is true that some like to get away from it all occasionally and to hike and camp where there are fewer people...
...At last, the black male could be accepted as a fantasy figure by white moviegoers...
...New York Times October 6, 1974 TRUE CONFESSIONS: A fascinating glimpse into the incubative conditions of New Age Liberalism: I am the only child of two harsh and combative personalities who married, seemingly, in order to have a sparring partner always at hand...
...He'd be a good politician because he like to see everyone happy and he just can't stand the slums...
...My parents have had no other consistent or lasting aim in life but to win out over each other in a contest of wills...
...The Progressive August 1974 ETERNAL VIGILANCE, INC: The indomitable PROGRESSWE dares to speak out against yet another dangerously right-wing American institution: With its sights leveled squarely on carrying out the humanitarian battles against disaster, the American Red Cross held its annual convention in Minneapolis a few months ago...
...They still live, vigorous and angry septuagenarians, their ferocity little blunted by age or human respect...
...Bloomington Herald-Telephone October 15, 1974 AMERICAN POLITICAL TRADITION: During a recent descant on her boyfriend, Hugh Hefner, 44, Barbie Benton rephrases the political thought of the NEW YORK Ti Es' editorial page: Hef is highly intelligent and very political minded...
...Then she made a joke out of it...
...For this technique, rigorous training is required...
...In many discussions with our group, the subject of asking a boy to go with you came up...
...Family Weekly September 29, 1974 A PUBLIC SERVICE: The intellectual PROGRESSIVE posts an urgent notification just weeks before hunting season opens throughout this great liberal commonwealth: Conservationists are not anti-social...
...But the minute you even suggest turning it around the other way, all you hear are giggles and chortles...
...Farble Wagner, bookbender, answers the query "Do you always go for the same type...
...That's when I was going around with this sailor...
...If a guy likes a girl, nobody laughs at him when he asks her to go with him...
...Now there's a chance for every busy, harried American to get into shape by exercising only four minutes a day—the Chinese way...
...The Progressive October 1974 MESSAGE FROM MORONIA: How to surpass Charles Atlas and become a veritable Chou En-lai, the secret of the world's most enormous health spa, exotic Red China: Out of shape—but too busy to do anything about it...
...Most are at least as sociable as any other group, especially around a campfire...
...He loves to spend money and would like everyone to have some...
...I wish people would stop joking around...
...There was a teacher...
...She had a fabulous mother...
...I thought most people felt that at least Love should be equal...
...Of course, being in seventh grade, we each want a boyfriend...
...Parade Spring 1974 "Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad" — Euripides PROGRESS AND CULTURE: Some elegant evidence of racial progress in America, as etched on the refined pages of the Tams: When former football hero Jim Brown bared his torso on screen, there were no outraged letters from white women in middle America...

Vol. 8 • December 1974 • No. 3

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